6 Marketing Trends You Can't Ignore In 2021

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hello everyone thank you so much for joining us on our brand new webinar here this morning we have some great topics to talk about with you guys today and today's title for our webinar is six marketing trends that you simply cannot ignore as we head into 2021 my name is lindsay howe i'm a social media coordinator here at follow the eyes and we have a wonderful guest here with us a beautiful guest her name is haley zimmerman she is our industry expert on the matter and so as we dive in haley's going to give us all of her tips and tricks and kind of explain these six trends that we're going to be speaking about today so haley thank you so much for joining us we love having you on happy to be here you guys awesome and it's cool because this is actually not hayley's first webinar with us she's actually been on with us before but we had to do it over zoom and so it's actually our first in-person webinar and we can actually get to see her face-to-face and hear her in front of camera actually yes it's so nice to not see virtual people so far so perfect so like i said today's topic is six marketing trends that you cannot ignore in 2021 and haley here she is very well versed on the subject she's been with fte i'm actually going to let her get into that for how long she's been here with us but she is our chief strategy strategy officer and so let's have her dive in kind of tell us how you found fce how long you've been with us and your position a little bit yeah so i came out of fte right out of college i've been here for nearly four years i started in the digital department as a digital strategy coordinator and we would you know traffic ads and the digital ads and do pre-roll ads and all the strategy that gets involved and baked into those and since then i've just kind of evolved a little bit more into that world into the ad tech world programmatic world which is now in the most recent years included ctv as well so um anything digital ad wise ctv wise semys that's me and my wonderful team yeah awesome we love having her here she does a lot for us she's very humble about it but she does a lot for us so like i said we're going to be talking about the six marketing trends that you just cannot ignore as we head into 2021 and kind of i was even reviewing our notes this morning you know it's not even so much that you know what trends that you want to do it's trends that you need to do because 2020 has just been so crazy so many businesses and every industry have to adapt and you know succeed at a whole new level and so these trends are so important to every business of every industry would you agree with that 100 um flexibility and just embracing change is the name of the game anymore and um especially in the digital realm i mean people of all age groups are adopting technology just rapidly and i mean we've gotten now into the gen z generations who that's all they've grown up with and um you know we like to think that the gen z generation are you know little kids still but they're really not i mean the top of gen z is um about to graduate college if not already graduated college so i mean they're entering the workforce they're getting you know more corporate salaries and things like that entering to influence buying habits and so i have millennials so um i think one thing a lot of people still think is millennials are 25 years old and some of them are me but i am the last year for that so i mean millennial generations are 40 to 25 years old so i mean they are huge drivers of technology adoption and if you're not as a business if you're not adopting technology and embracing digital whether it's you know some of the things we're going to mention social search engines connected tv if you're not embracing those platforms where people are they're going to miss you yes exactly so kind of just a quick overview of some things that we're going to be talking about today obviously the pandemic's impact on consumer behavior we could talk about that for months and months that's one of the things we're going to be covering another thing the digital digital and virtual shift that has been expedited kind of like haley just mentioned it has happened so rapidly it's been expedited we knew it was coming but with everything that's happened it's here now and we have to be ready for that and just marketing plans and strategies that you need to adapt i mean obviously with the name of the webinar we're going to be hitting that all day today and so once we dive right into it excuse me i don't want to forget to mention that just because you guys are tuning in with us today you guys will be will be receiving a free copy of our 2021 marketing blueprint and basically what this is is our teams here at fte we've put all of our best minds together we've created this blueprint and we want to share it with you guys you can't find it anywhere else and just because you guys are tuning in with us today we want to send that to you for free so stay tuned to the end of this webinar and we'll give you the details on how to receive that download that and get that already practiced and worked in with your own businesses so why not wait let's get started with trend number one which is local search and so haley's going to kind of dive into this but just a quick overview is how are you how is your business showing up in google when someone is looking for your product or services and that can be with anyone so go ahead and tell us a little bit about that here yep so google is obviously very important and not to undermine some of the other search engines um but i mean google is where everyone is more than one billion people use google every month so i mean that's huge um so some of the things you want to look at in google itself um are google maps so when you search you know ice cream places near me you're going to get a few hits at the top um but then within this that first kind of page of google you're going to see that big map and it's going to put in a bunch of dots for you and then it's going to have the little listings right underneath that and i'm sure we've all seen that and that's really important because if someone's going to make a snap decision you know hey i want ice cream where should i go or hey i'm looking for car dealers near me maybe i just moved to the area maybe i wasn't happy with my old one so i'm gonna look for new ones um you know you want to be on that map in a local setting because people are gonna try to look for their neighborhood places first um you know not a lot of people wanna be like i'm gonna drive an hour for ice cream likely not um so you definitely want to be there to just influence decisions um second one is the google my business so having updated information on google is imperative um it directly influences your business's credibility if you have an outdated google my business listing where google has your business address your telephone number your website your hours of operation which is super important for covid uh times that we're dealing with this year um if you have reduced hours or um you're not open on certain days like you need to update your google my business page so people can find you um if they find that it's misinformation they likely won't trust your online persona if you will or it'll hurt that hurt you as they kind of go down the funnel so you know why even give them the chance like let's just get it i mean it's not very hard it's um it's a free service on google that you just sign up for and um you know you just make sure that you update your information so all of that is really really important as well as um those google my business pages will also include some of your your business ratings so um customers are increasingly looking at ratings for everything i mean between hvac companies to auto dealers to um you know independent retailers to you know you name it so um just keeping an eye on your reviews um and don't worry if you don't have you know five stars and ten thousand five star reviews that's okay like you don't need that um you know you can have a few really good reviews and um anything like four four and a half stars like that's fine like everyone knows that to some extent people's personal opinions of certain things are gonna influence that review so um it's okay that if you know you have one or two in there honestly i think in um previous data and previous clients we've seen is that if you have a few kind of so-so it gives authenticity so like you don't have to hide every single one i mean some of the ones maybe you don't totally want to see go ahead and hide those but um if it's just if it looks fake like i have ten thousand five star reviews and you're like doesn't seem very believable so yeah you i mean just keep an eye on those those reviews they are important for customer um decision making but don't worry if you're not you know like i said ten thousand and above five star reviews it's okay exactly yeah and i even think you know so we're based here in ohio and i think when marcus my husband and i went to columbus to celebrate our year anniversary um you know we're looking for things to do we're looking for restaurants we're looking for places to shop and if i have a question and i go to press going back to your point about having updated information if i have a question or if i need to reach out to that business and if i press that that call button and that number is disconnected i'm not searching for another number because there's so many options i'm like okay well on to the next one you know that business could very well still be up and running and it very well could be open but if you don't have that correct information your listing is essentially useless because i'll just a consumer will just move right on to the next person and so that is such a vital vital vital thing like you said especially for these times with everything that we're going through hours phone number all of that needs to be updated because you have people who will drive near you or people who live locally those are all questions that you'll have to be asked so great absolutely so let's take that right into our trend number two that you just can't ignore which is prioritizing mobile now i feel like we've talked about mobile on almost all of our webinars and there's a reason for that it's because it is so so important and you know there's so many stats that haley can dive into about how many people when they see your business how many times you're being seen on a mobile device the numbers are just skyrocketing especially now and so prioritizing mobile hit that up for us yep all right so we know that everyone has the little computer that we call a smartphone in your pocket at all times so just i think it's it's stated a lot but i'm going to say it again is that the connectivity that we have you know in the modern era is unprecedented and it's you know just connected to everything and everyone so um 63 of all web traffic is mobile so more than half the time people are searching for you on mobile people are looking at social media on mobile they're um you know watching videos on mobile it's it's not so much like oh i only have to you know i want big screens to watch something anymore it's totally people are okay with watching on their smartphone um so just those behaviors we're seeing just shift because people want it quickly they want um exactly what they're searching for they want it to look good on their mobile phone um and they want it to be user friendly so i want buttons to make sense when i tap them with my finger on my mobile phone so that directly influences your web development so you know in the beginning of the internet you know we kind of have if you're our age or a little bit older you've all kind of seen the progression of the internet from the early 2000s kind of web page and what was considered good there and mobile wasn't even considered at that point so and then that evolved to okay well we need a mobile but really everyone's going to look at our website so we should spend the most time there well now another shift is coming is that yes your pc desktop look is very important still but it's just as important if not more important to have a mobile friendly website absolutely and to for it to render well the sizing renders well the buttons like i said make sense and are easy to use in fact so google in their algorithms we all hear about the algorithms and how mysterious they are is shifting their seo into a new testing mode right now so they're testing this kind of beta that will change their algorithm to higher index websites that have better mobile friendly views and so that right there the fact one that as giant as google is they're seeing and they're optimizing toward this trend is an indication of itself but two that also means that if if you lag behind in your mobile development then you will likely miss out or be left behind by consumers because you're not meeting them where they're at and i think that's the kind of just the name of the game is meeting people where they want you to meet them exactly and that is resoundingly on mobile yeah um so additionally about 51 of us um people's time is spent on their mobile phones which we know we're tied to them apple even put in like a little time log and you can time cap things like we realize that we spend a lot of our time on mobile so just um you know being cognizant of that getting ahead of that um knowing that you need to optimize toward those those mobile friendly looks you don't necessarily need an app either so i think a lot of people are like oh well i need an app not necessarily i mean if an app makes sense for you great but just rendering your website on a mobile phone correctly is enough and having you know some things we're gonna talk about later like an up-to-date facebook page or an up-to-date instagram page or you know all of those other things but um not necessarily need this expensive high-tech app if it doesn't make sense for you yeah exactly i think kind of like you said meeting people where they're at and giving them what they need a frustrated user a frustrated consumer they don't return because that's all that they remember especially if it's their first time visiting your website or your app or your facebook if it is frustrating to them and that is going to be what sticks with them and that's going to be what they remember when they see your business on a commercial when they see your business as they're driving down the street that frustration is something that we all remember all of us here can think of a time when we were frustrated with a company or a person and those stick with us almost more than the good times i think those good experiences are great and those good reviews but those frustrating ones we can all pull those from anywhere that's a great point is that people like consumers now they expect ease of use so like you said we're not going to remember if it's easy to use we just expect it but we'll remember if it's not exactly exactly yeah and so that's why you know it's such a huge trend and this is something that we can you know work on and even implement now and we don't have to wait for the future because you don't want to oh well you know we'll get to this eventually because there are users that are going to be using websites and apps and your mobile sites and your mobile socials all of that's going to be happening today now and so that's why it's such a huge priority to make sure that those things are in line i love that that's perfect and that kind of you know like i said writing leading right into our next trend you know this one is the virtual shift and i think that this entire webinar has already spoken about this but it's so important and it's kind of so robust but we want it to be its own point in itself because it is something that we do need to talk about and it's something that you just cannot ignore and so you know it says like it or not 2020 has taught businesses how to adapt to a virtual world and that is just plain and simple and i think that like you've said before we were heading there either way but 2020 was just you're heading there now yes yes and we're i mean it it's it's now or it's even you know past and we're in the process of it as we speak is that that adoption of technology just from you know businesses shifting how they work how you know okay so we're all at home what does that look like and now we've kind of figured out what that looks like and people are getting more comfortable with the technology that maybe in march and april they weren't so comfortable with um we have seen just in the ctv realm that subscription services this year alone is just skyrocketing you know people are adopting all of those technologies rapidly um so i mean we've seen that in a convenience sort of aspect too is that you know certain technologies and trends are just more convenient if i am at home so you know i can't go to the store so maybe one of my big things is i love the grocery store pickup that's like game changer like i just i love it like why didn't we do that sooner i love it it's great why didn't it go until 2022 this right exactly so i mean we're the innovation time that we're seeing right now is just going to get more robust you know people are going to find ways to adopt technology to their needs and another big area we're seeing that is e-commerce you know if uh staff safety if brick and mortar like just hours of operation if government restrictions alone are are affecting brick and mortar stores then maybe next year is a time for us to you know us your business whoever to consider e-commerce sources and um i think that's just a huge shift and it's a trend just being there so people can get it shipped to their house so they they feel safer they don't have to bring their kids out into stores let's say or you know if you're elderly you don't have to go to the store to do it so i think people are looking for convenience for adoptability of technology for just user-friendly avenues and platforms for people to see your message to ingest your message because um i think contrary to popular belief people still want to go either do things or buy things or experience new things but it's just the way that you're doing that has changed so looking for ways to connect to people in that realm and what they're looking for is going to be the name of the game next year absolutely absolutely all great stuff i love that like you said people i think especially since we've all been cooped up or if some people are still working from home we want to get out but if you're not able to it's about making that relationship strong now and having those good memories with your consumers and your customers now that those good interactions that way when they can go out hey i had a great experience with them when i was quarantined right let's go visit them now in person absolutely and i mean in that vein it's not even tarp on that brick-and-mortar stores or brick and mortar businesses are going to totally go away because they're not right so but you can't go totally dark and silent you still need to meet people where they are so whether that's a robust social page just telling them like hey we're cleaning everything for your safety or we we just we really are happy to connect with you guys again we really want to see you um you know just all of those those messages that meet people where they are which is on their digital devices um you know whether that's connected tv or digital ads or social ads or sem when they're ready to make a purchase um are ready to go to a brick and mortar store just meeting people where they at to tell them your message is super important exactly all great stuff and i think our trend number four being in the social team here at fte follow the eyes this trend is something that we talk with our clients with all the time it is something that we you know we try to implement with just about every business just about every industry it's something that it is king in everything that we do and it is king it doesn't matter what you're doing with your business it doesn't matter where you're at what state you're at what industry this is king and that is video marketing guys and so video marketing like i said it is king and it is something that 2020 has just kind of put a spotlight on and if you were able to do this in your business when people were at home in quarantine you did well and so haley's going to dive into that and give us some stats on that yeah so more videos are showing up in search engine marketing algorithms as well so i'm not just mobile friendly but video so google is indexing websites with video higher on their search results than ones with no video so that's just something to keep in mind that will help your organic results not so much your sem because scm is kind of a different world if you will because you're kind of you're paying to be at the top but um that doesn't mean that your organic you know efforts are totally nil so um incorporating video on your website's huge um 72 sorry 72 percent of people actually prefer to learn about products or businesses or new offers via video they find you know the combination of audio and visual representation is so much one quicker because people don't want to read stuff anymore like if you write a paragraph about your great new service or product that's great and you can be the best product in the world but if no one reads it if no one takes the time to read it it's going to fall on deaf ears so maybe instead of a paragraph you do have 10 to 15 second video be like hey here's our new product here's our new service here's our beautiful 2021 cars or here's our um you know here's our new special for our restaurant and it's just super quick it's it's friendly it gives faces it gives human interaction gives eye contact um that people want to see and i think something that we see a lot is people get nervous about the quality of video and i think that's a big thing is that like well we don't have a big video production department or we don't have all of this fancy equipment and you don't need to spend you know 25 000 on all this camera coming your iphones and your androids have good enough cameras nowadays that you can do this kind of man on the street video that people really like and do facebook lives do instagram reels do um you know just these quick little things that post it on youtube put it on your embed it on your website to get that better search ranking um just quick little things that you can go in and out that anyone in your marketing department your sales department could kind of feed you to get to people yeah exactly and i even think of you know like the iphone shots or those types of videos there's even a space for that that speaks to a consumer in a totally different way than a high production video would because if let's say you're at your store and you want to do a quick facebook live of new inventory that you just got you don't need to break out this huge camera you can pull out your iphone and it shows people hey this is us right now real time this is what we have and it's definitely something that people almost some types of people in in certain areas speak better too because it is real it shows hey they're just like you and me hey they are just another business or a small business owner or even on some of our you know larger clients just doing little employee testimonials or customer testimonials that you can just grab like haley said a quick 10 to 15 second video i promise you consumers are going to click on a video of a person with a face talking about their experience then reading this long page customer review with all of these details it's harder to follow but when they can listen when they can see when they see the face and the facial expressions that is much more easier to not only understand but then retain and remember than a paragraph is and so that it's just king and everything that we do yeah and every other video is just you cannot ignore it that's going to be a marketing trend that we can talk about for the next year it will never go away it will never go away and so kind of just continuing right on into trend number five the continued rise of streaming video so once again there you see it again like video it's a little bit different than what we just talked about but video is here and it's here to stay so kind of talk to us about yeah so um you know streaming video or connected tv sometimes people call it over-the-top tv you know you might have heard either of these buzzwords you know in your own market um but that's pretty much just saying you know we all probably subscribed to one or several streaming services so i know i alone do hulu netflix and amazon prime so that's three streaming services that are over the top of cable and it's things that people are watching content people are consuming and um that's not even to say some of the free channels that come on all of our smart tvs by default now like if you just go buy a new tv and it's a smart tv it's just gonna come pre-packaged on there or if you buy a roku gonna come pre-packaged on there it's so accessible and integrated into our technology now that people don't need really fancy equipment or people don't need you know this kind of trend setting technology it's already there um in fact the connected tv has penetrated 80 of us households so whether they have um cable boxes and it's on top of the cable they already paid for that's called cord stackers it's it's in their household it's cord cutters who hey i had cable i don't want to have cable anymore i'm going to switch to streaming services or it's cord never so me i'm a cord never my parents had cable i kind of grew up and i got my own house and i'm like i don't want cable and i just got streaming services um and that's a trend that we're seeing in the younger generation so mostly kind of gen z and younger millennials but all three of those chord stackers chord cutters and chord numbers are through all the generations so i mean you're going to find these people in all of these demographics so it's going to be in your target audience for sure um so connected tv it looks and it feels just like a tv commercial i mean we've probably all seen um a commercial on whether it's hulu or maybe like fubo tv or um i mean anything like that that you guys have probably already seen is it looks and feels just like well just like a tv commercial that's 15 seconds it's 30 seconds um so you know contrasted to what we just talked about in trend number four this is obviously more polished video it's going to require video production it's going to require really good bit rates it's going to require good audio feedback you know all those sorts of things but i mean it's replacing a television commercial so what you would do for a television commercial you're going to do for connected tv and what we're seeing though is you know when people were forced into their homes in you know march and april that stream hours spent watching streaming services went from about 25 billion hours in the us to 35 billion hours so that was the contrast between march of 2020 and may of 2020 and just the fact that 10 an increase of 10 billion streaming hours and that hasn't plateaued really at all so you know if we see a spike like that normally you know when people can either go out or you know resume a little bit normal life that would go down but it hasn't um so this is here to stay it's not super trendy it's it's here to stay and it's how people want to consume television content and just like we stated with the earlier trends it's meeting people where they say they are so go find your target audience where they're hanging out and that's connected tv something that's also really awesome about connected tv advertising in our agency is we can retarget off of watching connected tv ads so the fact that i can say all right you watched my connected tv spot it was 30 seconds or whatever um i can then go back and pull those people into an audience and i can retarget them with display ads so that's just the increase of touch points and the unified campaigns that we can do anymore is just really really fascinating because you're gonna hit people and pull them down your sales funnel in different mediums so maybe it's i watched a connected tv ad that was really cool but then three days later i get a display ad so i go to their website that was really neat and then i go find them on facebook on a paid ad and you're like okay great i've seen this person maybe at that point five times and you're you're building that brand recognition you're building uh consumer education so just that unified front and the peace that connected tv plays in that is huge yeah it's kind of the first step for some people and the first time that your eyes and or the consumer's eyes are being seen by you and you know kind of even just going back to a few points that you said one you know how there's gender people of generations in all of the chord cutters the chord nevers the chord stackers like me and my husband we still have cable you and i are the exact same age but we still have cable but we also still have amazon prime and hulu and netflix he would probably be really happy if i cancelled one of those because i'm probably not going right especially amazon prime um but that that's in all of these ages all of these age groups it's everywhere and you know even reverting to your point of like we don't see those numbers dropping for the people of the the streaming and the subscribers and you know there's people that businesses have had to adapt and hey we can run with more people working from home we're able to and sometimes even better and so let's just keep people there or let's look at a hybrid schedule so that could be another reason why things aren't plateauing because people are still at home and probably going to stay there either with the hybrid schedule or now 100 on their own volition so oh super great stuff haley super relevant and it kind of leads us right into our next point this is something i live in every single day here at follow the eyes we can talk about it all day long i'm sure you guys have heard of it but paid social this is facebook instagram linkedin anything paid social this is something that 2021 we're going to see it but we're seeing it now even in 2020 so oh yes so social media i mean we probably all have several of these as well um that a new stat just came out that 68 of adults in the us used facebook so i mean we're still seeing mass amounts of people being on facebook despite any headlines of you know certain things we might have seen in the past people are still on facebook um just for for content but also um in the google my business kind of uh line we said earlier but for information too is that you know if your facebook page index is high on a search result and they click on it you want to make sure that information is up to date and accurate as well people are going to look to that for who you are you know your personality your business info all that good stuff now that's kind of more on the organic side but in the paid social side what we're seeing with the adoption of one technology screen time increases that we've seen this year is that more people are flocking to these platforms and creating for lack of a better term clutter so um you know people have limited time spans and the time span for people is getting shorter and shorter and shorter and shorter um so you're getting short attention spans and you're getting more content and they're converging um so what you need is you know targeted ads for one so paid ads and boosted posts and all of those um you know facebook ads manager tools uh just to give one example instagram has their own paid manager you know linkedin has their own so i mean for whatever platform that you use there is an applicable tool but let's just use facebook so you need those tools to help boost you for your target audience but the target audience too is key is that you know say we're in you know northwest ohio you know we don't want to do uh you know all of ohio like if that's not your target audience you want to be targeted by geography you want to be targeted by behaviors you want to make it as strategic as possible and go after who you know is adopted to your brand and who's the best fit for you and then that helps you know cut through the clutter so whether it's a paid you know carousel ads like facebook has some really awesome awesome things that you can do nowadays um whether it's attributing you know e-commerce sales or catalog you know ads for those sales carousel ads to get more product images in your ad i mean there are so many capabilities for any type of brand on paid social to you know get eyes on your brand and to cut through that clutter because as people are just endlessly scrolling um i forget exactly how many miles but i i read a stat that's an average person will scroll like two miles on their phones like think like think about that like your thumb is going that much so like that's crazy and just that amount of content that would fill all of that space so you know you need to make sure that your content calendars are are you know pristine that is you know uh targeted to your audience what they want to read what they want to see um incorporate video that we talked about earlier do the lives do uh video posts um and then you know boost those posts put in paid ads um all of those things to cut through the clutter um you know instagram stories as well is huge so every like platform has some sort of a video platform to use that is available to you um you know as we saw you know a lot of people like okay well what about budget and depending on you know some of those targeting parameters i mentioned earlier whether that's behavior or geography um you know you can find a budget that'll slot in for you so you know whether you have a huge marketing budget or smaller marketing budget um you know putting targeted ads out there will you know work for you wherever you're at it can meet you where you're at exactly i think we have clients of all shapes and sizes here at follow the eyes and really on any platform especially facebook we look at budgets where hey let's boost this post for 25 you do not have to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on social to get measurable results that make an impact for your base and you know a small boost of 25 here you'll see those reach thousands of people obviously it's all always been pay to play with facebook and instagram and you know even linkedin like it's always been pay to play but even just a little bit can go a long way and you know here at fte what we do at the end of each year is we sit here and we look at each one of our clients and we strategize hey what did we do well in 2020 what can we get better on and how can we take that into 2021 and just explode that and just give our clients exactly what they need to start the new year off strong and i mean we talk about every one of these trends but i think about how much time we talk about paid social and paid sem and all and all of that type of stuff that we are you know let's strategize with this because it is so important you don't want your dollars to be wasted no you want them to go to the right spots and just kind of even wrapping up with 2021 and marketing you want a team behind you that is going to put your dollars in the right spots and that knows what they're doing and that has done it for years and that is so vital and so important especially going into a year like 2021 where so much is unknown and you want to have a team who is adaptable and and flexible and ready to move at the drop of a hat and you know not to toot our own horn but here at fce you know we do that and we've been doing that all 2020 you know and and these trends are something that we've studied but we've already been enacting here in our personal internally for follow the eyes itself but then for all of our clients as well and so kind of just you know we just dove into six incredible things and like haley and i could go on about this all day we can talk about this we could nerd out about it yeah we could we really could there's so much depth to this but we just wanted to give you guys a quick overview of hey this is what we've found and this is what we're going to be doing into 2021 and you know kind of how we've even said let's let's put this together in a cute little blueprint and we're going to give that to you guys absolutely for free because we want you guys to be able to utilize that and already start bringing it internally within your own business and so we're going to give that to you it's a downloadable link we'll be in touch with you and even take it one step further we have an entire to business development team who is ready to assist you your business and your colleagues whenever you need us exactly we have all of our content contact information we're gonna get that out to you guys just for tuning in today we are on your side and we are on your team so haley i wanted to thank you so much for joining us happy to be here yeah she obviously knows her stuff like i said she's very humble about it she she knows her stuff she gave me some even some new tips and tricks that i'm gonna go and act for my clients today so thank you hope it's helpful to all of you watching and um you know that's just what we're seeing for next year so you know like lindsay said you know we want all of the people that we helped to be successful and you know this is what it takes to get there so measurable success that's what we live by so thank you so much for joining us on this webinar we're going to keep you guys updated on our very next one so stay tuned keep your eyes peeled and we'll see you guys soon thanks guys
Channel: Follow The Eyes
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Id: mfQx1-a4CyA
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Length: 39min 42sec (2382 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.