7 Knife Skills That Will Make You A Real Life Fruit Ninja! | Master Chef Tutorial Compilation
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Channel: Naturally Well
Views: 8,585,543
Rating: 4.7165523 out of 5
Keywords: tasty, knife skills, knife, how to cook, knives, buzzfeed tasty, cooking, cutting skills, knife skills compilation, basic knife skills, cutting, real life, knife skills gordon ramsay, knife skills tutorial, knife skills combat, knife skills documentary, knife skills japanese, knife skills chef, knife skills bon appetit, knife skills onion, naturally well
Id: FgCJGCpM_wg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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Thought you cut yourself at 0:09.
But the real question is though, how are guests about to eat these?
Like im pretty sure we're all homecooks in this sub and don't have a fancy restaurant lol
I kept reading that as "knife kills" and I have been so confused for far longer than I'd like to admit
This reminds me of Kyoko’s talent at the LME audition. (From Skip Beat)
Ah, yes. I too have the knife skills of a seasoned sushi chef. This will be incredibly easy.
The melon baller part is sooooo r/oddlysatisfying .
Meh, I guess I found most of these garnishes pretty tacky looking.
You're not supposed to put something on the plate unless it's meant to be eaten.
people do not upvote because you are impressed: This video does not help and therefore is not a hack at all, merely showing off