7 Items To Stockpile Now

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seven things to stockpile today on every day ready number one medical supplies in an end of the world scenario medical facilities will likely be closed down and will have been looted and cleaned out long ago you'll want to have a good amount of first aid for yourself and your family when solid medical care isn't available a simple cut can become infected and potentially life-threatening also make it a priority to get first aid training so you know what to do with all that medical gear number two batteries during a grid down situation having a stockpile of these may come in handy assuming electronics like radios still work you'll want to have enough batteries to power these kinds of things for as long as you think you will be without power batteries also make great items to barter with assuming others have electronics they're trying to power as well number three ammunition guns are excellent tools for self-defense and hunting for food but you may as well just carry a hammer if you don't have ammunition to feed those guns currently ammunition is in short supply so i suggest buying it as often and in as large a quantities as you can afford if you have the supplies and components to reload your own ammunition you're going to be a step ahead of everyone else ammunition is another item that will become extremely valuable as a barter item it could be the best thing during the end of the world scenario number four medicine think about your diabetic mother insulin will be hard to find and must also be kept refrigerated simple over-the-counter meds like allergy pills and tylenol will be seriously valuable they would make great bartering items but if i were you i'd collect and keep those kinds of meds in large supply all to myself and my family and close friends number five alcohol whiskey is mainly what i'm talking about here not only can you drink it for whatever ails you but you can use it to disinfect things clean wounds and cook with i went out and bought some very large bottles of the cheapest whiskey i could find and then i went on amazon and bought some tiny plastic bottles with lids like you find in a mini bar in your hotel room my thought is that i could fill the tiny bottles and use them for bartering items it's just a good idea to have some of this on hand number six food start a garden and learn canning these will be valuable skills in the worst case scenario if the grid goes down grocery stores won't be able to keep meat and produce from spoiling not to mention that people will likely loot and clean out food stores relatively early on plan to take care of yourself and have a way to supply your own food you can hunt of course but don't just assume that animals will be in abundance stock up on vegetable seeds and know how to tend a garden consider fishing for protein in addition or instead of hunting animals number seven water literally the stuff of life make sure you have a clean water source or a way to make your source of water clean maybe that's a filter or maybe it's fire and boiling but you need to have a plan to make that happen perhaps find a way to trap and contain rain water in barrels the human body can really only live without water for three to five days it's vitally important and finally a bonus tip toilet paper if the coveted plandemic taught us anything it's that people will stockpile the most random but seemingly necessary items with complete disregard for the items that actually matter most my advice take a minute and think about all the items that would be considered creature comforts these items are not necessary but sure make life a little easier sometimes the simplest things become the most important and that's part of being everyday ready for the adventures you choose and the emergencies you don't
Channel: Everyday Ready
Views: 120,966
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Keywords: Items to stockpile, items to stockpile now, items to stockpile for economic collapse, items to stockpile for tbc, non food items to stockpile, 100 items to stockpile, best items to stockpile, prepper gear, items to barter, EOTW event, apocolypse, gear you need, bartering for survival, starting a garden, canning, water filtration, Fire starting
Id: hD2KKUUS_hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 57sec (237 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 03 2021
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