7 Google Drive Tips & Tricks You're Probably Not Using

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hi there I'm Jamie Keaton welcome to teachers Tech where I explore technology weekly and this week I'm exploring Google Drive I want to give you seven tips to help you get more out of your Google Drive experience and remember if you like what you see please subscribe to my channel and hit that like button if you think this has been helpful so let's get started on these seven tips today tip number one use the OCR so what is OCR optical character recognition how do you use it well I have four different files here and I have a PDF and a couple of images and I'm just gonna go ahead and open them and it's gonna convert them to text with the images I can edit them but I'm going to show you how it grabs the information just inside Google Drive so let's start with the PDF here you can see it's a dot PDF PDF format if I just simply right click on it and go open with Google Docs what it's gonna do is it's gonna open in Google Docs but now what it's going to be something I can edit so all of this information I can go ahead and change it so if someone gave you a PDF and you think well I want to take the information without retyping everything just go open with Google Docs and it will give you the information and save you some time next I let's say I went to the photocopier and I had a test I wanted to coffee so here's a math test I'll just open real quick this is PDF through here I can't edit it but to save some time what I can do is right-click on it and I can go open with Google Docs again and it's gonna pull out pull out the words to the best of its ability and I will admit it doesn't come out perfect but it can save you time still because as long as you get a good scan of it it can pull out many of the words images and formulas it not so much but again you can put that again back in but so you can see how it did pull out the different words of it so you'll have less to type and you can go through and do some edit the last one I want to show you is just an image here so with the image I just took this picture on my phone and I'll just open it up so this is just an image right here and I'm gonna do the exact same thing so I'm going to right click on it right click on it and I'm gonna go to opening Google Docs and it's going to go through and it can take out the characters and put it into Google Docs where I can edit again depending on how good the picture it is will change the how well it does change it into its format so this you can see as it opens up it will put the picture rate up here you can kind of compare the differences to how well so if you do take a picture of something using your Google Drive use the OCR and quickly pull that information and then do some edit to make it look better after the next thing I want to show you working inside of this is the search capabilities so if we go to search for something and I'm going to use this excuse me use this picture here as an example you can see let's take out a phrase glue the pictures so I'm just going to go over here and type glue the pictures so if you're looking for something you took a picture of I put glue in pictures it's found it in this one so it can search through an image and find in find the word so it can find it of course in a document like this where it's in the image and inside the text here too but it can go through and search the images so if you quickly need to find something that you took a picture of and it can it can read the text the other thing it can do is also it can recognize the images so if I for example and looking for maybe the Eiffel Tower and I know that's in here you can see I have the Eiffel Tower that comes up it's labeled as picture it's not labeled as Eiffel I felt our but it recognized that it recognizes it as the Eiffel Tower I could do the same thing I know I have picture of pictures of mountains in here if I search it's going to get me documents with mountains but it's also gonna get me the images so this one actually has the word in it as mountains but you can see these ones over here that it's trying to find which ones would be could be mountains doesn't have that in the tags of it so I hope you like those first two tips let's move on to how to use your mobile phone for taking some scanning some PDFs do you want to do a quick scan of something and put it into your Google Drive as a PDF just use the Google app for app on your phone you're really easy to do so I'm already have this open here on my phone I'm just gonna go ahead and hit the plus and I'm gonna hit scan now and I just have a book open here then I'm gonna scan and if you take better time and have a better light it can come out better but I'm just gonna scan this for now and it probably won't come out to perfect and again I could play with this but I'm gonna hit the checkmark if I wanted to redo another one I could just hit the middle button but I'm gonna hit the checkmark and it gets saved to my Google Drive so now I'm just gonna switch back to my Google Drive on my computer and show you it as a PDF so I'm back up my Google Drive here and you can see down below here I'm just gonna double click and open on this and you can see I didn't take the best picture but this is a scant as a PDF and then the same thing I can search through this and if you did want to open it using OCR just do what I do shows you before with the open width so need to take a quick scan just use the Google Drive app on your mobile device and it works very simple sometimes people like to deal with PDF files so if you're sending out rather than sending out a Google Docs or Google sheets directly you can send them a PDF file which makes it easy to print and open in different programs so let's say I have this Google Docs file right here and I want to share this with somebody and I want it automatically to be a PDF when they get the link so all I have to do is I'm gonna right click on this and first of all you would have to share this with people that you won't have access with it so make sure you do sure with the appropriate people here but after you do that just go ahead and copy the link and I'm just going to put it into my URL up here I'm gonna paste it up up top here and after that so you can see I have to make a slight change to the very end and I'm gonna put this into my description down below so you can copy paste it too but you just need to change the end right here and I'm gonna go back over here and I'm just gonna change the very end and I'm gonna paste it like so now I could email I could take this whole thing and copy paste it and send it to somebody and it give some advantage to do this so if the rather large PDF you don't have to send it through there you don't have to send it through their email the nice thing is any change you make in your original Google Doc well automatically when they click on the link it will always redownload the newest one so I'm just going to go ahead and hit return here and it's going to download down down below as a pieps as a PDF here as I open it up I have a PDF document here and like I said with that link change it's always going to download the most recent so any changes you make to your document it's going to when they go back to it it's gonna be there so they're just a little tip if you want to work with PDFs and if people like to kind of pass that information like I said some people like it with their printing or just opening up in different applications so now I want to show you how to create a whole new instance of a file or a folder in a quick shortcut just by hitting shift and Zed together so let's say if I was working with a file so just this image file right here now I could copy it I could right click and just make a copy and I'm gonna have to of something but this is a little different you're not creating a copy so when I hold down shift when I click on the file I hold down shift and Zed it asked me where I would like to move it so I'm just gonna go ahead go ahead and move it I'm gonna move it to 2017-18 so I'm just maybe I have something from a year and I want to move it forward and now if you notice it didn't take it away from here but if I go to here it's inside so it created and it didn't really copy it because I'm gonna show you how it's connected if I delete this one now so if I go remove and I go back to my drive notice there's only one and I had two of them from the coffee before so they're connected and what I like you can do this to an entire folder so let's say for an example I have the whole year well that should be 2016-17 but let's say I want this 2016 18 inside my 17 18 folder so what I can do is create a sorry I'm just going to hold down shift and then Zed and I'm gonna move it or add sorry because I'm not actually moving and I'm just creating another instance of it so I'm gonna go to my other year here and add and it's still here but inside here everything is also here so all the files and everything got moved over from inside there so if you have let's say all your previous lessons and lesson plans and you just want to make it put it in a new updated folder that's a quick way to move everything but remember it's connected so if you delete something from one it's going to delete it from the other one so maybe you have some sensitive files inside your Google Drive you maybe want to share them but you want to restrict what the access to them or you don't want people to print them or to be able to share them with those other people so you can restrict or your files or folders so real simply if I go through and I'm gonna right-click and just go to share again when you click on a file like I have now just make sure you click on advanced here and you can see at the very bottom here prevent editors from change from changing access and adding new people and disabled option to download print and copy for commenters and and viewers so you can just simply click those right here and you need to hit save and then that will really limit to what people can do with the files that you've shared the other thing is if you had a file or folder that you wanted to add this to just again go to share go to advanced and you can see prevent editors from changing access and adding new people here so if you have some sensitive information you don't want it to get out everywhere use this as an option to secure it more so I like being able to set different files and folders to expiration dates and it's really easy to do so maybe you have a folder for a semester that you're sharing with students and then at the end you just want to be remember that Able's disappear and they won't have access or maybe a certain file too so if I go to a file and I put on a Senate set an expiration date on it I can just simply go to my share options again and I can add a person on this so remember you can do groups to the same thing so I'm just going to add one of my email so I just went out of there so I'm gonna go back into share and I want to go to advanced and you can see this other email mine is on there if I hover it over there I get the little clock this is where I set the expiration so I can click on it you can see I have 7 days or 30 days but I can also set a custom date I could click on a date it will whatever I need to set it as I can also cancer it cancel the expiration of this too I can do the exact same thing on a folder so if I go to a folder and I go to share and I go to advanced and I can add I'll just add myself again and once I add myself and I hover over it you can see I get the clock so maybe there's a bunch of files in a folder for a semester you want different people to have access to and at the end you just have it expired so you don't have to forget about it so a handy little tip that I like to use in class so I hope you like these tips today these seven tips if you had please hit that like button or share with a few other people and remember I do these weekly tech tips and if you like what you see please subscribe to my channel if you have any other ideas for any other tips please write them down below so I can look at maybe creating another video on them thanks for watching tonight and I'll see you next time
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 565,551
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Keywords: google drive, google drive tips and tricks, tips and trick in google drive, google drive tips and trick you're probably not using, google docs tips and tricks, google drive tricks, teachers tech, google drive tips, google drives advanced tips and tricks, 7 google drive tips and tricks, google drive tips and tricks 2017, tricks of google drive, google docs, how to livestream on youtube, google, google calendar, google forms, onedrive, how to use google drive, teacher tech
Id: 1TAOo3in5x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 20sec (740 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 28 2017
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