7 GOOD Reasons WHY We Moved to GREECE

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so here are our top seven reasons for choosing Greece the lack of sun hit us hard at one point I even struggled with depression this was a crucial factor in choosing Greece as our new home hello there today we're going to walk you through our main reasons why we decided to move to Greece even though it might be pretty obvious why as you may know by now we originally from Romania but we moved here from UK where we lived for the last 5 years when we made this decision we thought about a lot of things we were ready for a new lifestyle and the challenges that might come with it including living the UK we're going to talk about that in another video we love simple things like the sun the sea the good food and since we didn't have many responsibilities we were able to make this move so here are our top seven reasons for choosing gree one of the big reasons was the weather like many things in life you often don't realize their value until they're gone after spending a few years with the British weather we truly realized how much weather affects us the lack of sun hit us hard living mainly under gray skies is just not for us it affects are mov so much our energy levels our productivity everything I just want you to stay in bed for as long as possible I didn't have any motivation I didn't have any energy to do anything at one point I even struggled with depression but whenever the sun came out we were completely different people we were full of energy much more productive at work excited to start the day and happier overall it became clear to us that living this way it was just holding us back from reaching our full potential I don't think in everyday situation you realize how much the sun affects you for the lack of it because we didn't in Romania we didn't until we reach UK and then for the first year or two it wasn't a big deal but after that came something quite important yeah I think we didn't realize and we didn't actually notice a big difference between the lack of sun or having the sun all day because in Romania we used to having the Four Seasons and now in UK was just mainly one season yeah it was the same weather all the time it was just gray sky most gray sky it's not raining all day as you might think but it's mostly gray skies and it's not the rain that affects you it's the gray skies the lack of sun another important reason is the language of course learning Greek isn't the easiest task however since Greece is the top tourist destination locals often speak English since many tourists come from different countries and don't speak Greek locals have adapted during our holidays here we've noticed that everywhere we went there was at least one person speaking English now that we live here we're very pleased to find that language has never been an issue we can easily go know about our everyday lives and handle everything in English this was a crucial factor in choosing Greece as our new home the people here are incredibly welcoming even if you know a few basic phrases locals will appreciate the effort this allows us to gradually learn Greek without having to struggle to communicate learning Greek turns out to be a bit more difficult that we expected but we glad that we still managed to do our daily basis things in English I was really shocked to find that the council that people were speaking English and it was something so normal for them so it's just it amazed me are in a foreign country and you can just speak English everywhere literally everywhere everywhere you need it this was never a problem and I don't think it will another really important reason is the food food is a really important factor in our lives I really love cooking and eating good food the Mediterranean diet is super healthy living here gives us access to Fresh tasty and healthy produce fruits and veggies taste so much difference here there's so much flavor grease is a Food Lover's Dream with a ton of traditional dishes that you will absolutely adore and the best part eating out won't cost you a lot restaurants give you big portions at fair prices so you can enjoy without feeling bad living in Greece means loving the food is one of the best things here another reason is the lifestyle after going through some tough times we've learned some important lessons life is precious and tomorrow is not guaranteed for any of us that's why we've decided to change some things up and focus more on enjoying life doing things that brings us joy the Greek lifestyle is all about slowing down and enjoying the good stuff we prioritize our health paying close attention to what we eat and taking care of our mind and body we aim to live as stressfree as possible stress has affected Us in the past so this is a big part of our positive changes that we want to make in our lives another reason is accessibility we're pretty lucky to have European passports it means we can live and work anywhere in Europe without any hustle moving here was a breeze for us no visas or extra documents needed it's a bit different if you're from the states or from the UK though we also had a chance to move here by car which saved us some cash cars are way cheaper in Romania than they are here so we packed up everything we needed in the UK sent it to Romania bought a car and hit the road to Greece another reason is the beach who wouldn't love to be able to go to the beach on a daily basis we didn't want to have that just twice a year being able to go to the beach every day it's something that really value and it's something that brings us lots of Joy this place is perfect for that we're surrounded by the most stunning beaches in the world we don't want to spend our entire life is waiting for holidays or for retirement we want to enjoy life while we are still young after all what's the point of living if you're not happy and enjoying life another reason is affordability now I know what you might be thinking isn't Greece expensive not really compared to some other places Greece can actually be pretty affordable we looked into a few other countries like Spain or Italy that offer similar lifestyle and weather but Greece came out on top the cost of living here seems to be a little bit lower at least for what we need here you've got plenty of choices for every budget you don't have to spend a ton to live well living in the UK especially in the big cities can be super expensive between rent and a mortgage groceries and getting around it can feel like you're always tightening your belt here in Greece we found a much more relaxed way of life when it comes to money housing costs are way lower we were able to find a beautiful apartment in a great location for much less than we were paying when we were back in the UK even in popular areas prices are more manageable and it's not just housing everyday stuff like groceries and eating out seems to be a bit cheaper plus things like utilities and getting around seems to be a bit cheaper too we hope this video finds you well and it inspires you to follow your dream whether that means moving to another country or whatever you want to do you can make it happen
Channel: SUNPIRE
Views: 20,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reasons for moving to greece, uk to greece, live in greece, vlog greece, why we moved to greece, moving to greece, move to greece, greece life, expats greece, digital nomads greece, traveling to greece, road to greece
Id: 8zLIbjnlJqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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