7 fixes for the CR-10S Pro - Unlock the potential!

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the see our tennis pro has some problems well here are seven fixes to maximize its potential when I reviewed the see our tennis pro from Cree ality I detailed several problems and you might think it's a lost cause but instead I've put another two to three hundred hours on this printer why because the print quality is so outstanding a lot of my printing has been testing solutions for this video but it's also become a go-to printer because it prints so damn well in my opinion this is a printer worth fighting for so here's a rundown of seven fixes that can maximize the potential of this printer most of them are free and or printable and links to everything you need are in the description the firmware has no thermal runaway so we're gonna fix that we're gonna fix a melted fan duct a jammed filament run-out sensor poor film and path leading to fill a matte dust inconsistent a B or probing which leads to first layer woes hard to remove prints as well as attempt to fix the noisy fans let's start by addressing the firmware if you weren't aware thermal runaway protection is something that picks up if the thermistor or hot end heater gets separated skyrocketing the temperature and having a good chance of something catching on fire it's an essential safety feature that's been around for ages however many manufacturers still don't include it in their printers therefore at the time of recording I recommend the tiny machines version of Marlin which definitely has this enabled as I've personally verified it this printer comes with a bootloader so the only complication is also having to flush the firmware for the LCD I've recently made a complete guide for this check out the link in the description I'll click the card appearing in the top corner of the screen one down six To Go partway through my review period the ducts for the part cooling fan soften and separated and is now in two pieces fortunately this is an easy fix the first time I printed with ABS I noticed the print had failed and on closer inspection the part cooling fan duct was hanging off in fact it was actually snapped I hit the Thingiverse and I found this duct first but I found that it's at and also that the air was pointing up instead of down below the nozzle I then found this one which I would highly recommend it's been working great for me for a month or so now one of its key advantages is that it slots over the top of the entire fan and then has three bolts instead of a single bolt that hold it down in place even if it were to distort it it shouldn't have any chance of falling off and ruining the print the cherry on top is that it doesn't seem to diminish the cooling performance at all I printed my replacement in ABS but I also think ptg would be fine if you're stuck with only PLA filament maybe print a couple of spares in case one gets too soft and distorts the next fix that we're going to look at is the filament run-out sensor which for me became jammed what's wrong with this picture is that the light for the filament detection is on despite there being no filament as I've disassembled it I saw that the lever wasn't activating the switch properly the light remains on no matter what here's how I fixed it I took out the actual electronic part with the two bolts and then I got a set of needle nose pliers and I gave it to Sir tiniest bend down in the middle as I put it back together I verified that everything was working properly it should only light up when the filament is actually going through if you're having trouble pushing the filament through rotate it towards unita degrees and everything should align nicely hopefully you don't come across that problem but in case you do that's how you can fix it next we're going to turn our attention to the sub-optimal filament path which comes down from the top on a very steep angle on my first long print I notice excessive filament dust buildup from this very problem luke Hatfield who gives so much of the community has this great design on Thingiverse which I highly recommend it uses a 608 zedzee bearing which you can find it in a fidget spinner or a skateboard I tried to emulate Iver Miranda in the way that I inserted the bearing into the printed part but I guess I just didn't have the skill instead I turned to a little vice and I use it to press it in which was very effective and getting it in and getting it aligned part of the reason I like this design is that it requires no other hardware it's got a nice press fit pin that clicks nicely into place to hold the whole thing together and then when you mount it to the printer there's a little to help you line it up with the metal part Myton went on with a satisfying click and it didn't make loading filament any harder than before I put this little bit of black permanent marker on it so you can see it working perfectly and fixing this problem now for a big one and that's first layer consistency if you read the community groups for this printer it's something a lot of people have struggled with and there's no physical end stop for the z-axis it relies instead on this contactless probe in making this video I've had many many prints with the perfect first layer so here's what I did a quick recap when I reviewed the printer half of my prints were too far from the bed and didn't stick while others were far too close and left a permanent imprint in the bed linked in the description is a page from tiny machines with an excellent and thorough guide on calibrating this probe in that video they recommend using the plastic spacer that comes with the printer but I also tried doing it with a credit card which I found was a little bit too low in the end I got my best results by having the shim underneath the nozzle and one of the little spanners from the tool set underneath the probe when you complete your next print you will of course have to hit the adjust button and move the nozzle down to set the Z offset for me once I got that dialed in the printer remained entirely consistent from that point onwards now I can't promise that it's gonna work the same for you but hopefully it's gonna help a number of people next problem for me is the print bed and the problem for me is that it sticks too well any time you have to hack it it that hard with a scraper it becomes inherently dangerous now I should acknowledge some comments in my previous videos that said if you heat up the heated bed after the print is finished it does soften it and it comes a little bit easier to come off and I tried that and it was definitely easier but for me this printer is so nice that it deserved a better solution enter the wham-bam flexible build system i've covered this before on the end of three so I'll keep this brief you're firstly gonna slide out the clips on the front and then slide the aluminium plate with the fake buildtak towards the front all four clips have a little nut underneath and then a hex key can remove them you can put them into storage as you won't be needing them for this system use some IPA and a paper towel to remove any fingerprints because next we're going to put on the base magnetic layer that has adhesive on the bottom we then take the spring steel sheet and put it into place and then we get some IPA and remove any fingerprints from that as well now we're going to apply the PX sheet once again working from the back to the front to avoid any air bubbles peel off the protective safety sheet the final step is to get some more IPA and some steel wool clean it down and scuff it at the same time before your first print bring the bed and the nozzle up to temp and recalibrate your probe you also might need to adjust your Z offset on your first print after I had this set up the good news is it stayed consistent the entire time when the print is finished just a little flecks and the parts popped straight off the PE x surface also gives them a nice shiny finish underneath here's a more difficult print as you can see it's stuck on really well after everything is cooled down but I flex it to so tiniest bit and it pops straight off this was a tricky print as evidenced by this result on the glass bed of another printer for me this upgrade has transformed the printer it's just so much easier to use now and everything sticks reliably as a bonus it's almost 100 grams lighter than the factory aluminium bed which means it heats up even faster now that does cost money and therefore it's not for everyone you could use glass instead and remember the best solution is the one that works for you personally I'm really happy with the system and I fitted it to several of my 3d printers lastly and the one that I've had the least amount of success with is replacing this for one of these to try and reduce the printers noise the stepper motor drivers might be quiet on this printer but when it's sitting idle it's very loud thanks to the fans [Music] Thingiverse to the rescue once again with this mount for a cheap 50 by 10 computer fan the main offender is this blower fan that goes over the main board it's an unusual choice for this type of application you're going to start by unplugging it and then removing the two screws that hold it onto the bottom of the frame it's the same as a pipe cooling fan so now you have a spare the new fan needs to be mounted with its sticker facing the main board you will need additional hardware in the form of some m4 screws that cut a thread as they're inserted into the printed part you'll also need to drill at the mounting holes with a 5.5 millimeter drill bit otherwise it won't push down far enough to sit flush and have the bottom cover of the printer fit back on plug in the new fan and have a look from the side it should just clear the bottom of the printer according to my trusty meter we have 1/8 disabil duction at idle it's an improvement but it's hardly what you'd call quiet that's because there's also a cooling fan at the bottom of the case and the fan integrated into the meanwhile power supply is very loud when it comes on it is quieter so I'm only just giving this one a tick that thing has two versions if you want to try a smaller fan so check it out in the description below also linked in the description is a more comprehensive video that goes through how to change all of the fans if you actually want this thing to be significantly more quiet that's going to wrap this one up thank you so much for watching if you have any thoughts or suggestions please leave them in the comments below and until next time happy 3d printing g'day it's Michael again if you liked the video then please click like if you want to see more content like this in future click Subscribe and make sure you click on the bell to receive every notification if you really want to support the channel and see exclusive content become a patron visit my patreon page see you next time
Channel: Teaching Tech
Views: 183,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d printing, 3d printer, 3d print, 3d printed, creality, cr-10, cr10, cr-10s, cr10s, pro, cr-10s pro, cr10s pro, problems, fixes, issues, abl, probe, first layer, noisy, fans, wham bam, flexplate, spring steel, prints stuck, filament runout jam, filament path, filament dust, won't stick, fan, quiet fan
Id: iw5HfHxlnwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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