7 Cubase Power Tips in 7 Minutes | Stuart Stuart on Music Production

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In the next seven minutes I'm going to show you seven of my favorite Cubase power tips. Let's start with the info line I've always resisted using the info line like partly because I didn't understand what it did But mainly because I figured it took up too much Valuable screen real estate and I'm a bit fanatical about that like I want to see as much of my project window as possible and It was only really with Cubase 10 that I started to investigate it properly. So Here's a few cool things that you can do with it firstly you can pitch shift parts for example kicks and snares in real time and that's feature that I've always envied in other da WS but I've never been able to find that in Cubase and That's where it is. It's in the info line It's also great for naming parts or typing in precise values and that's really good for Orem automation Like if you select a point on the curve, you can type in an exact value You can also change key globally for the whole project or you can transpose all of your cord track We just one click in Cubase. You can customize which tracks are shown in the mixer It's easy to hide the tracks. You don't want to see the truth is plenty of parts in any given project I work on a basically set and forget like the EQ the level The plugins they never change from the start of the process until I'm actually bouncing out the final mix And I probably won't have any call to return to those settings so it makes total sense to just hide those channels in the mixer and focus on what I'm still actually playing with It means even in a project where I've got like 200 tracks I might only be looking at 10 or 15 channels in the mixer So if I do want to see those hidden channels, it's simple to reveal them But you know, the other thing that's cool is it's completely independent of your project windows So it gives me two customized views to look at My third tip really follows on from the second Did you know that you can set left and right zones in the mixer window? You can pin certain tracks to the left and certain tracks to the right side So regardless of where you scroll in the mixer, you'll always see the most important channels Personally, I like to see my master bus on the left and my output buses on the right but you might just you might like to see your input buses on the left and Keep the tracks that you I don't know heavily automate on the right side I think it's really about gradually Working out what you tend to do in the mixer window and what you tend to do in the project window Then setting up your views to suit your workflow. I Definitely recommend setting up a template So these kind of things are handled Automatically at the start of every session if you often mix for other people as I do or if you're regularly trading files between Cubase and other producers You'll notice that certain da. W's seem to want to split everything into left and right channels it's always been really painful for me to say import a synth part, which is really just one stereo file as separate left and right stems My standard process has been to import the two mono tracks pan them hard left and right and then send them to a group channel So I can finally treat them as one element like it's really annoying and it's a major workflow killer So I'm glad there's now a feature in Cubase that allows you to combine two mono tracks Into one stereo track, you can also do the opposite you can split a stereo track into left and right components which I occasionally do say if A mono track like a dry lead vocal has been exported as a stereo file So lately, I've been leaning on the range tool a whole lot more and it's been something of a revelation for my workflow Because I do so much automation on group channels I used to hate it when artists would request edits of the arrangement like if they wanted to have the bridge I have to cut those bars out and then ensure all of my automation and tempo track information Was also moved to the right spot Now this took quite a bit of surgery and I would constantly forget to cut and paste Various automate and events and that would create all kinds of weirdness down the road Shamefully, it's taken me this long to figure out that the range tool allows you to move events globally so you can easily delete Bars, or create a space in the middle of the song without affecting the placement of the events relative to each other Now this isn't a new feature, but I think it's something that's not super obvious if you're new to Cubase You might not know that it's really easy to move plugins around for example It's really simple to reorder your plugins This is something I regularly have to do when I realize I need an EQ before a compressor but my compressor is already in slot 1 The order of your plugins can have a huge influence on the net result For example, if a piano has tons of low end a compressor is going to react to that bass information So you'll likely want to eat you first all like try switching around the order of a delay and a compressor and you'll hear a much more dramatic example of how this works a couple of other points you can also copy a plug-in with all of its settings to another channel and Only recently I realized you can just drag the plug-in right out of the mixer and remove it Of course you can copy the entire chain of plugins from one channel to another or You can quickly clear all inserts using the menu so quite often I'll duplicate an instrument or audio track and use an altered version of it in a different part of the song like for example I might want to use the chorus sent in the verse and I might want to filter it out a little bit more play different voicings add some delay now you can do all that with automation and I often do but I Find if a part is meant to sit in what at one particular level in a verse and one particular level in a course Then it's better to just have two tracks up until recently I would normally duplicate the track then delete the MIDI or audio events but this would often lead to mistakes where I'd forget to delete something meaning a part would be doubled somewhere in the song and twice as loud as it should be a Handy feature is the macro called duplicate track with dadah It creates a new track with all of the same settings as the original but none of the events You
Channel: Cubase
Views: 30,225
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Music producer, recording software, music recording studio, music production software, music software recording, recording engineer, music production tips for beginner, music production tips and tricks, music production tips and techniques, music production workflow tips, Home recording studio, music software, music mixing software, audio production, mastering music, how to mix music, how to produce, how to produce music, music production tips in Cubase
Id: ebHwDiWZxCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2019
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