7 Cartridges Better Than 7 PRC

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what's up you guys today we have infiltrated the go hunt office they have some incredibly dedicated super experienced Shooters and Hunters that work here so we're going to go around and ask one question what is a cartridge that's better than the 7 PRC I really love 7 PRC I've recommended it talk about it a lot on the channel but it's not perfect for every situation and every Hunter and so we're going to talk find some people here who like other cartridges better for their general hunting and find out why look at that that's like that's how you get your credibility in your office you like walk past the moose and then you can talk to me that's why I need to finally get it set up so it sets a little bit of prence people come in like hey he's going to be serious in this meeting all right so did you shoot that moose with what 300 rum you use a 300 rum on everything everything I think the last two years I've killed close to 20 big game animals and every single one of them was a 300 R why 300 rum cuz it's a 30 cal It's the cartridge that every cartridge aspires to be okay so I mean you're I mean is it all about the frontal diameter is it just man thing bringing the most Hammer you got or what well growing up I was always my dad said that there's no replacement for displacement when it comes to cartridges but we shot white tails with 3 win mags so I just know everything that cartridge can do in all sorts of different situations so to me I might as well shoot one that can one cartridge that can rule them all in a sense so I I'm a big prent of shooting heavy VC High you know High weight for for caliber all the time and I exactly know what a 300 rum does yeah I could get by with something less for Sure Shot placement is everything all the time but hunting to me is not always perfect so so there's times when I need something that maybe I make a slightly bad shot I know it's going to impact it that an's not going to go over the ridge I'll be a to get a second shot on it before anal runs away and just I just love 30 Cals the argument that our listeners may have of a 300 R versus 7 PRC is is recoil right I mean you're getting about 12 foot- PBS more recoil energy on the same weight hunting rifle in a 300 rum compared to 7 PRC and 7 PRC is already it's up there for what most people can shoot well y so why go 12 foot PBS more I mean maybe it's fortunate that I'm a larger human as well sit behind it my gun does weigh 14 lb 6 o it's heavy 14 lb 14 lbs that's my that's my back country game that's that's still what I carry in the back country so I think it's just I just love old school things I know it's time it's a Time tested cartridge it works worked well you know a long time I before that I was using a 300 Win Mag and love the 300 Win Mag do you feel like you're ever in hunting scenarios that if you had shot it with a 7 PRC it wouldn't have died and a 300 drum the little extra I I think that all still get the job done at the end of the day they still will work but you can't kill anything more dead than just dead so it just works for me awesome so you're getting about 2 in more bullet drop at 500 yards so it's flying nearly as flat y um the 30 caliber bullets don't have quite the same VCS is a seven and so you might get a little bit more Wind Drift as well but we're talking about inches at 500 yards uh I mean that's a that's a that's it's not a laser beam it's like Thor's hammer flying at laser beam speeds yes at 300 R but you're also shooting a Brak yep shooting a big side port muzzle break you know 28 grain bullets right now I do have some 245s at home I'd love to try out separate here I'm trying to build two of them right now so yeah yeah so that's fascinating so look at the numbers here this is what our recoil would normally be on a 300 rum and a hunting weight rifle then you put it in a almost 15lb gun barely legal in some states like Idaho and then you add a muzzle break that'll take off about 45% of The Recoil and suddenly what you're left with is less recoil than what most 7 PRC Shooters are going to have it's it's really interesting interesting how you set up the rifle makes a big difference we're talking about cartridges better than 7 PRC but do you want to know what's better than getting your information stolen from the internet not getting your information stolen from the Internet it's a little un unsettling to think about who has access to our info and why and what they could do with it that's why I turned to today's video sponsor delete me that's more than just a service it's a shield against the invasive practices of data Brokers these companies buy and sell our personal info without our consent leaving us vulnerable with all sorts of risks of identity theft and online harassment I personally use delete me because I trust them to keep my personal info safe with just a few clicks delete me as privacy experts scour the web removing my data from hundreds of data Brokers it's not a one-time fix delete me 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still 2,000 foot pounds of energy out to 400 yards your bullet drop you're going to have 4 in more drop at 400 yards not much y but why take any I mean by the Numbers isn't that less of everything I think uh as a smaller figured fella like a little bit less recoil is a lot easier for me to control yeah so I think being able to spot my impacts is more valuably than 4 in of extra drop I think most people would have a very difficult time spotting impacts in the scope of a 7 PRC it's just rocking around too much unless you're shooting a 15b gun like Brady is it's going to be a little bit hard to spot the impact and the other thing is most people Flinch more when they have a bigger cartridge uh and so it kind of makes sense to go to just a little bit less all right our next victim what's a cartridge better than 7 PRC can it be done it can what's that 7 mm8 I love how everybody at this office just has cartridges randomly sitting at their desk like that's not planned they're just sitting here got to have your little pet favorite cartridge around say so why 7 mm08 you get the same high same BC of bullets yep um in general not maybe not quite as long but you're getting the higher bc7 mm bullets with less recoil is that what this is all about this recoil more uh economic cuz I'm only loading up that much powder versus a huge cartridge mhm um low kicks huge for youth Hunters my my boy wants to start shooting with it um and I can shoot it all day I'm not going to feel it have you shot elk with 7 mm08 yep shot two elk one deer one shot and the one that I really am happy with is this this bulll right there that one's a 7 mm08 that's a big old bull right there yeah we very nice man that's something to be proud of so it's a great cartridge for reasonable dist es not for the guy that wants to stretch it out crazy are you just not into that I'm not into that um I try to be 300 or less I'm an archery hun by trade so I'm naturally just trying to get in as close I killed that one at 104 the kaai shot was 45 yards and the other deer was like 240 wow Awesome everything as close as I can a very cool all right so everybody knows that you are kind of the archery guy around here that's it a lot more a lot more likely to pick a 30 caliber Arrow shaft than anything else but you were going on hunt a couple years ago you know you work here with all these people and I'm sure you heard a million voices when you're picking what what rifle to to choose and so what'd you end up with 28 Nosler 28 noler awesome that was the cats meow back when I got it yeah and so I asked you I said you said is it very popular anymore 28 nozer and I was like you know about five years ago ask what everybody wanted and you're like yeah that's when I bought it you know how I knew it was kind of falling off I could actually find ammunition at my local store and I was like something going on here right so 28 noler is a laser beam when you look at the numbers I mean even compared to you know a 7 PRC it's shooting you know 162 grain bullet at 3175 really really fast and so your 400 yard drop you're getting almost 3 in less drop than even a 7 PRC like you look at the numbers of a 28 nozzle and it just it looks like it has to be a misprint it's so flat um flat shooting and so I mean there's a lot to be said for that like you know if you're a a good like if you can shoot all right and not screw up the gun and you can pull a trigger okay your problem is probably going to be ballistics or wind right and so if you can get something that cuts your aor by that much it's a massive Advantage so it's probably a good gun for me I I I don't know about that but it really is an awesome I took it my first trip to Africa about 5 years ago I took a 28 noler it's fantastic the problem with 28 Nosler most people would say is two things one The Recoil is higher for sure I mean you're burning a lot of powder so you're going to have less Barrel life some people are getting Barrel life at like 600 shots your Barrel life is dead and I look at that I was like that's a small stack of ammo like that's yeah that I can do that in a week I'm I'm terrible at math and I could probably add that up huh boxes yeah I know and I felt like every time I was pulling the trigger I was like that just cost me $10 yeah yeah but the the cool thing about the 20 28 noler is you get man you get crazy numbers and so you're you're down on Barrel life and you're it's harder to shoot you know because of the higher recoil but man the numbers are Scott not to interrupt your important work for go hunt but we're doing a video seven cartridges better than seven PRC which you got uh I'd say 3 in Wind mag what do you feel like the advantages of a 300 wind mag over the new kit on the blog 7 PRC um I mean the first and foremost bigger bullet right biger front of diameter bigger hole um outside of that a lot of times cheaper ammo and more ammo availability a lot of different options out there you know those are pretty big advantages because especially when you look at the numbers between a 7 PRC and a seven or a 300 Win Mag you're not really given any thing up ballistically an inch here two there uh but you're accomplishing about the same things out to hunting distances but you know the frontal diameter like you talked about you're getting a bigger bullet it's a bigger hole you know and yeah they're all going to expand but it's going to expand more yeah you also get heavier bullets in there and cheaper is should matters to me I I don't have a trust fund uh that that's that's a huge one to have have cheaper ammo to shoot and that's another one you talked about is the ammo Avail availability so you're going to find 7 PRC everywhere but you're going to find like two loads and it's changing quickly but there aren't that many loads available and so if you have a gun that doesn't happen to like one of those loads what do you do you're kind of up a creek right got to start hand loading right if you if you pick a 300 wind mag rifle and it's not shooting well I mean there are how many 100 different loads from companies that you could try out it's pretty cool good recommendation I like it all right thanks cartridge better than than 7 PRC can it be done what do you think uh 100% I mean go bigger go home 300 PRC man everybody in this off is like some recoil 300 PRC is a heavy hitting cartridge you throw a suppressor on it unlike Brady and it it tames it I think so so why do you like it better what does it do better than a 7 PRC um I as much as I love seven millimet is what I started out with Brady's taught me there's no uh replacement for displacement shoots a bigger bullet uh more downrange impact uh energy uh it's just a great cartridge and I I shoot a 205 out of mine and it's just amazing so 7 PRC fan going to cite a couple things one you know we got recoil problems we aren't shooting as high of a of a BC of of bullet um but the biggest problem for the gun manufacturers here is it's a magnum length action and it's a little bit too long for a lot of existing gun actions and that's why you see a lot of the major gun manufacturers are adopting all the new cartridges except that one cuz they'd have to design a new action around it have you found a little bit of trouble finding 300 PRC rifles uh I haven't because I have one and it's that's all you need I only need one I have my Browning it's a uh McMillan long range suppressor ready has a 22-in barrel on it to run a gun workor six plus can on it and it's it's perfect I mean I've shot elk with it I shot azer with it at 648 yards last year um it's just an amazing rifle I'm taking it up to Alaska in May as a black bear rifle but also I think that's enough rifle to at least slow down a grizzly bear God forbid I need to do that um so I'm I'm very happy with it so far all right seven cartridges better than 7even PRC what's your entry here I got 65 PRC 65 PRC all right little bit not quite as fast yeah smaller bullet like the numbers are going to say that the 7 PRC is better so why I picked a 65 so the reason I picked it is I grew up shooting a 270 and I grew up shooting a 105 150 grain bullet grow grow up in Utah killing lots of spike Elk with it m and so I figured hey with this I can shoot 10 what is 156 grain Burger faster and I just had good luck with it so so do you so the you know grain weights are what they are it's a little bit less grain weight and a little bit smaller of C of caliber what do you think a lot of people say 65 PRC is marginal on Al do you do you agree I'll tell you what so I killed a bull this year at a little over or maybe right at 400 yards one shot done like didn't didn't move so um that was the first bull that I've killed with it and I mean it's kind of hard to to beat the results of that one so I've had good luck with Burger bullets so um so there you have it seven cartridges better than 7 PRC if I were to say for myself though what I would pick I think I'd go with the 280 AI improved um you know it's easy to find a better cartridge that just you know faster flatter whatever I mean you can stick more powder in anything but it feels like to me the the we're trying to find a balance in the per perfect cartridge right between the power The Recoil the bar the barrel life and everything and I really feel like 280 accl improved would be great for so many people that as much as I love the 7 PRC I do think it's a little bit more recoil than what a lot of people should probably be shooting well and in a lot of cheap guns a heavy recoiling rifle just won't be quite as accurate when you look at the numbers of a 280 AC improved if you drop down in Grain weight just slightly you can get the same velocities and out to reasonable hunting ranges you're going to be just fine you're still shooting a 7 mm bullet I think it could be pretty awesome well thanks everybody for joining us on this video check out go hunt I have an Insider membership been a me been a member for a long time uh check it out really cool website see you guys
Channel: Backfire
Views: 161,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Backfire, Hunting, Outdoors
Id: b8jJSvGZMnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 47sec (1007 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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