7 Bad Morning Habits To Avoid

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so in this video we're going to look at seven bad morning habits that you should probably avoid now not only can some of these be bad for your productivity but also some of them can be negative towards your health and other factors that i think are going to be important to fully understand so let's just get started with this video let's start with one of the first habits that i think can really be unproductive or something that i think could not be the best option for us when we wake up in the morning because when we start our day this can be one of the most important things that's going to set track for the rest of the day looking at how our morning goes uh and so the first one here is planning your day you heard me right i said one of the worst habits you can do in the morning is planning your day now if you've been watching this channel for a while you'll know that i'm a big planner i like to plan my days i like to play my weeks my months and my years but if you are planning your day when you wake up in the morning you're already losing now the idea here is that you should really be doing this at least the night before because imagine you wake up in the morning and suddenly you realize that maybe you have too much stuff to do you have too many uh things or obligations for the day you have scheduling conflicts and you don't realize this until the morning that you wake up so then for maybe a couple of hours you're scrambling around trying to fix these these scheduling errors or these conflicts that you have so by creating the schedule the night before by planning your day the day before it's it's going to be putting you in such a better position this is a very simple thing that you can do i do this probably 15 minutes before i go to bed i just write down all the things that i need to do for the next day all the tasks and obligations that i might have so that i don't have to wake up and start scrambling around realizing that i should have woken up two hours earlier because i had a bigger project that day and so just doing that it's going to be so much better trust me start planning those days the night before rather than the morning of so number two is waking up at inconsistent times you know if you are waking up at various times throughout the week maybe on saturdays you're waking up at 11 a.m and then on mondays you're waking up at 5 a.m and then you're trying to flip your schedule around trust me this does not work very well the best strategy to take here something that i've adopted and you know i'm still not great at this sometimes i i do wake up a little bit later than what i might have intended to but creating some type of schedule so that you wake up at a consistent time every morning is going to have such an impact on your life you know it doesn't mean you have to wake up at 4 a.m every morning i'll be honest lately for most of the summer i've been waking up at around 7 00 a.m which you know it's not it's it's not particularly early a lot of people wake up at four or five or six in the morning uh for the summer i've been waking up at seven but i've been keeping it very consistent for the summer you know probably when we get into quarter four we get into the fall i'll be waking up probably closer to five but keeping that specific schedule so that you know even if maybe you're out late one night on a friday night you're still waking up at that consistent time because otherwise let's imagine you go out on a friday night you spend some time with your friends and you don't get back until one in the morning and then you that the next morning you end up waking up at 10 a.m well then that night because you woke up at 10 a.m you probably aren't gonna fall asleep until later and it throws you into this downward spiral especially this message is for people who maybe you're a student taking classes online and you don't have a strict schedule or maybe you make your own hours or you don't have any hours to work in the first place and so if you fall into that category still try to stick to that schedule if you have a nine to five you probably already wake up at specific times to begin with but keeping that in mind is definitely something that's going to be very important for the morning so another bad habit is not doing some type of exercise in the morning this doesn't mean you have to go out and run a marathon every morning when you wake up but doing something so that you're not going directly from your bed to your desk being that most people are working from home today especially this is what a lot of us are doing and this can have not only some bad negative health effects on us for sitting at our desk for nine hours consecutively right after we wake up but it has a lot of other bad effects as well so what i like to do is just something very simple you know this doesn't like i said doesn't mean you have to go out and do a full-blown workout as soon as you wake up but even something as simple as just going for a swim and going for a 20-minute walk somewhere just to get the blood flowing so that you feel a little bit more alert you feel a little bit more awake rather than just sort of slumped over in your chair crawling out of bed going into your chair and looking at your computer for nine hours straight it's not very healthy and i think a lot of us know that there's actually a couple studies uh that maybe i'll try to remember to link these below i'd sometimes forget to link them in the description uh but there's a few studies where they almost related sitting as to the new smoking and how bad it can really be of sitting all day and not exercising and and not getting very much activity going on uh with your body arguably one of the worst habits that i've seen so many of us have is that when we wake up we don't drink enough liquids in the morning you know see i'm actually not very different from from this plant right here you know we might look a little different we might not look the same but to be honest with you we actually have a lot of similarities and one of them being that we both need a lot of water and just as a plant needs water we need a ton of water as well i don't think i really have to tell you that but surprisingly we do have to bring this up because what i've noticed is that so many of my friends will wake up and they don't drink any water until two or three in the afternoon until dinner time they start to drink a glass of water look you need to hydrate yourself because your brain is running on water it needs liquids and i find that if i'm not drinking a lot of water throughout my day especially within the first five minutes of waking up i start to get headaches i'm not able to think clearly and so just drinking water like this is going to be very very useful in your life gotta love it it's pretty good water actually next one is hitting the snooze button now i think the majority of us do already know this yet we still set five or six alarms because we know that we're not going to wake up to the first three and the fourth one we're going to press snooze the fifth one we're going to press snooze and the sixth one well it's probably already too late and we probably already missed work or something else important so what i want you to do and this is just a strategy that i use that actually works really well is i just put my alarm which is actually just my phone usually on the other side of the room and so it forces me to get up i can't ignore it it's a really just annoying alarm so but yeah so just just don't use the snooze button i i disabled it from my phone because i know that if i have the snooze button i can back up with it i can use it as a last resort and i end up using it all the time i abuse the snooze buttons next tip don't spend time on social media when you wake up in the morning i don't check my phone for at least the first 30 minutes to an hour when i wake up now there are some times when i do need to check messages maybe i send something the night before and it's pretty important but for the most part i do not check my messages especially when i'm in my bed you know if i want to really check something in the morning i have to at least get out of my bed and get to my phone which is on the other side of the room because this is how i sleep as i explained earlier it's something that i would definitely suggest doing so that you're not laying in bed looking at your phone because you know how this works we wake up in the morning we check our messages then we start scrolling through instagram then we end up on the instagram explorer page then we end up on tick tock for five minutes which turns into an hour and next thing we know it's 9 30 in the morning and we're still laying in bed we've been laying in bed for two hours looking at our phone browsing and it wastes so much time so don't use your phone especially social media while you're laying in bed it's just such a time waster and it's not a good habit to start your day sort of reacting to everything instead of being proactive and working on the things that you need to do in the mornings especially and the last bad habit that i think does plague so many of us is sort of creating this busy work or these distractions from the goals that actually need to be done during the day this is something that most of us do subconsciously myself included i do this far too often and i've started to really catch myself from doing this quite recently a great example of this is we wake up in the morning we know that we have a certain amount of tasks for the day maybe we have work maybe we have some different projects that we're working on or we have to study for a big exam coming up or a project but what we decide to do instead very subconsciously we don't think about this we create these other distractions or these problems for example oh i have to take out the trash it's trash day today or i want to clean my room before i start working because i can't focus all of these little distractions these little busy work things that we do these 10 hour jobs that we do in our own home maybe this is oh you know i i need to go do some grocery shopping before i can get started with my work and we end up pushing off our work through the whole day we just push off our actual tasks for the day until the sun goes down we say you know i really didn't get anything done today and then you start to scratch your head and think about it and you haven't gotten anything done because we're creating these little distractions so schedule those those distractions for some time in your day but make sure in the morning especially for the first half of the day you're focusing on your tasks and then you can do those distractions and that busy work later in the day when you can find time for it but make sure that you set time aside for that so those are some of my best tips for you and some things that you want to avoid in the mornings when you wake up we have a lot of bad habits this isn't a prescription for everyone saying that you should be doing all of these or should not be doing all of these these are just some of my ideas and things that have helped me so if you want to see more videos like this make sure you hit the subscribe button and and i guess drop a like on the video as well and i'll save everybody in next week's video
Channel: Nate O'Brien
Views: 171,252
Rating: 4.9611907 out of 5
Keywords: morning habits, habits, bad habits, morning routine, stop doing this, things you should never do in the morning, healthy habits, healthy lifestyle, habits that are bad for you, bad habits morning routines
Id: Bqih_T_QtpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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