7 Animals That Can Kill a Lion Easily

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they say only a line can kill a lion but mighty and strong as they are even these wild cats sometimes become the victims of their intended prey there are in fact a handful of animals who are big brave and strong enough to put up a fight that can end very badly for the lion are you ready to meet the king of the jungles most fearsome opponents hello there and welcome to another episode of forever green today we're counting down the few animals that can actually kill a lion and if you're wondering whether a tiger would win a showdown against the line you'll definitely want to stick around for number one because the jungle may well have a new king all right let's get started number seven giraffe get a giraffe seriously kill a lion you bet again thanks to their towering legs and long necks giraffes are the world's tallest mammals the giraffes legs alone are taller than many humans and allowing them to reach speeds of up to 35 miles per hour in the horns on a giraffe's head or just for show they could use those things by literally swinging their heads at their enemies like a golf club causing enough force to easily shatter an adult Lions bones besides that a male giraffe can weigh up to 1,800 pounds which is about four times the weight of a male lion and although they're not as agile as lions if they manage to land a kick with one of their powerful legs in just the right place it may well be over for the lion don't believe us check out this clip of a mother giraffe who killed one of the lionesses who attacked her baby by stopping it to death and if you think this showdown ends badly for the line wait until you see it face off with a tiger at number one pop quiz have you put these four in a cage who would come out alive go ahead leave us your answer in the comments below we'll wait [Music] number six buffalo lions are notorious buffalo hunters but a single lion killing an adult buffalo is unheard o believe it or not Buffalo are actually considered far more dangerous than lions and even entire lion prides have been known to attack a single adult buffalo and still fail to kill it and since Buffalo traveling herds that are far more numerous than lion prides a single line will almost never attack a single Buffalo unless it's a young calf even if they do put together a coordinated attack Lions must be very wary as Buffalo are known to get very aggressive when provoked and will do anything to protect their own Buffalo are just way too powerful it can easily afflict a wound that would [ __ ] or even kill a lion they're so tough they've been known to ruthlessly chase down and kill human hunters now if a half-ton Buffalo can kill a human with a gun just imagine what it could do to a lion and if you don't think they could put up a fight just look at this clip of a buffalo flinging a lion over its shoulder and into the air like it's nothing number five hyenas it's not exactly common but a hyena could kill a lion but how if they had him by the balls no this is no joke wood hyenas lacking teeth and strength compared to the lion they make up for with smarts especially the skilled hyena who bites a buffalo right in his privates and starts eating him alive keep in mind even Lions often don't come out alive after a confrontation with a buffalo now a single hyena would probably never be able to take on a fearsome lion but it's incredible when a pack of hungry hyenas will brave for food check out this lion who almost regretted his decision to do a bit of exploring in the wet savanna when he was attacked by an enormous pack of starving hyenas outnumber 20 to 1 the line began questioning his rank in the food chain as the hane is laughed and crackled while trying to smartly avoid the mighty wild cats jaws and bite pieces out of his behind the lion was beginning to question whether he'd make it out alive but thankfully another friend with a mane showed up just in time causing the hyenas to scatter it's true then that even for 20 hyenas a pair of male lions is too much to take on but it's likely the line would have met the same fate as the Buffalo had he had not been so lucky before we move on to our next fearsome lion killer we have a quick challenge that will just take 5 seconds to complete so here's the deal leave us a like smash that subscribe button and turn on notifications and you'll win 10 years of incredible luck try it it actually works number 4 rhino rhinoceroses are lions natural prey but even lions rarely attack adults some weak injured and old Rhino adults have reportedly been killed by lions a rhino calves are usually the Wildcats main targets and it's obvious why a white rhino could weigh up to 5,000 pounds which is easily ten times the weight of an adult lion rhinos are also thick-skinned and their large horns of scraped bodies on cars like us nothing if they can do that to metal well the Lions don't want to find out what it will do to flesh and bone even an elephant is wary of that horn although rhinos mostly lose territorial disputes with elephants there have been cases where herds of rhinos even chased off an elephant rhinos aren't just protective of themselves they're protective of each other as well so if a predator approaches a herd of dangerous rhinos it can't frighten them into running to isolate a member and pick them off then they will usually just give up because they know very well that a single blog from a rhino's horn can mean the end of their lives number three hippopotamus round and tumbly as they may appear hippos are often cited as the most dangerous land mammal in Africa killing an estimated 500 people a year now they won't go out of their way to attack a lion but hippos are highly territorial and won't shy away from a fight against anyone not even a lion a single-line knows all too well it can't take on a hippo hippo size each other up by opening their mouths up to 150 degrees wide stretching it up to 5 feet length meanwhile aligns jaws are hinged so can only open its mouth 11 inches even if a lion could open its mouth wide enough the hippos height is still way too tough and thick for a line to do any real amount of damage however the opposite is true with a hippo where to bite a lion at 650 psi the Lions bite is peanuts compared to hippos with their incredibly strong 1825 psi bite hippo only needs to land a single bite and it's over for the mighty Wildcat and if you thought speed would be an issue well hippos can actually run up to 30 miles per hour who knew case in point hunting a hippo may be the last thing a lion does number 2 elephant when Lions hunt elephants they usually target youngsters or females and they almost always attack from behind care to guess why just take a look at the shocking but incredible video of an angry elephant ramming and killing a buffalo with its horns that's right if you thought the earlier video of a buffalo throwing a line over its shoulder looked effortless well just imagine what an elephant can do in brute strength elephants are the strongest mammals and the strongest land animals in the world African elephants can weigh up to 14,000 pounds and are so strong they can carry almost twice their body weight and although most elephants can't run faster than 15 miles per hour a few African elephants have surprisingly reached top speeds of up to 25 miles per hour the line may be a lot faster but one of them attacking an elephant is about as effective as trying to cut down a tree it will waste its energy and eventually the elephant will crush it or break it in half sure there have been a few famous cases of lions killing elephants but only when there was a huge pride of around 30 of them smaller lion prides wouldn't dare attack them and a single line will just make the elephant mad which is why most of the time when they see an elephant they keep their distance or run number one tiger when a tiger fights it fights to kill being a little more social lines try to win without having to fight if they can resort to intimidation wrestling and rolling first they do not get serious from the beginning but its high Gerda's not win by intimidation it's social challenge it goes into a fight all or nothing so how would the two match up in a standoff well tigers are known to weigh up to 800 pounds while large African lions weigh up to 550 pounds while that's hundreds of pounds more it's important to note that the tiger is not a lot bigger than a lion this indicates the tiger has far greater muscle density and therefore a lot more strength some even say a tiger is easily ten times stronger than a lion unlike lions hunt in prides for more efficiency Tiger single-handedly hunt and kill large adult buffalos weighing up to a ton all on their own in historical accounts where lions and tigers have fought in captivity the tiger often came out the victor the most recent account happened in 2011 when a tiger at the ankara zoo attacked a line after finding a gap in the fence separating their cages officials said the tiger severed the lines jugular vein in a single stroke with its paw leaving the animal dying a pool of blood in 1857 a tiger at the Bromwich zoo broke into a lion's cage and succeeded in ripping up its stomach killing the line within just a few minutes bottom line the jungle has a new king and that's it for today's video which other animals do you think can potentially kill a lion let us know in the comments below and if you liked this video you're definitely going to want to check out our playlist on wild animals attacks [Music] [Music]
Channel: 4 Ever Green
Views: 6,032,452
Rating: 4.7416749 out of 5
Keywords: 4 ever green, top 10, animals that can defeat a lion, animals that can kill a lion, wild animals, animal attack, what animal can kill a lion?, animal attacks, wild animal attacks, what animals are lions afraid of?, buffalo kills lion, wild animals attack, wild animals fight, Giraffe vs lion, lion vs tiger, lions vs hippo, rhino, Hyenas and lions, Buffalo vs lion, Hippopotamus, giraffe attack, aggressive animals, fearless animals, messing with wrong opponent
Id: aIPu1xGNbhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 09 2020
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