$699 Mac mini vs $1,000 PC: Which Is Faster?

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apple's new m1 computers have been praised to the moon and back by well pretty much everyone and look i don't want to diminish what everyone said they really are great but are they are they that great this little pc is just a little bit bigger than an m1 mac mini but it's fully upgradable and packs a major punch with an amd renoir apu apu what's that well that's what amd calls their cpus with integrated graphics for laptops the 4750g is a laptop chip but housed inside a more traditional cpu package and it's no slouch it's an eight core 3.6 gigahertz ryzen 4000 chip with an eight core vega gpu on board and that's not the only trick that this little black box packs take a look at its left side and you'll see a fairly sizable heatsink what yeah you guessed right this computer is cooled passively in its entirety without a fan in sight not even the m1 mac mini can claim that and now it's time to put both through their paces and see if apple silicon is really all it's cracked up to be speaking of crack i couldn't afford it without today's sponsor ralph power that's a joke kids i don't do drugs and neither should you sobriety is sexy where was i um oh sexy just like our sponsor ravpower and their new magsafe iphone charger it's cheap it comes with a power supply and it's black get yours today with the link below in your typical pc versus mac comparison video the ones you'd find on youtube of which there are many benchmarks are usually reserved for later in the video but i'm actually going to be mentioning them first because frankly it's a bloodbath cinebench surprisingly gives us the closest results with the m1 barely edging out the pc and single core performance and getting well manhandled in multi-core performance and the story continues throughout wait a minute no that can't be right now these notes they don't make any sense that story doesn't add up but wait it does and yeah it is the m1 gives the pc a down in almost every other synthetic benchmark like geekbench and novabench and in the real world things don't look any better for our poor pc in the blender bmw test the m1 actually scores disappointingly close to the ryzen apu until you realize wait a minute the m1 isn't even running this natively it is translating the x86 intel binary to arm and in a real world premiere pro 4k video export the victory laps do not stop the ryzen chips opengl support is just no match for the m1 equipped with the metal graphics api one of the pitches for the ryzen 4000 apus was that their internal graphics performance would match or exceed intel's igpus in similar skus and they largely do but apple has just really done an excellent job with the m1s graphics processor taking much of what they learned from the ipad and in unigine heaven the graphics benchmark the m1 scores more than double that of the ryzen 4750g now i'm no dummy i've been around the block and i know that there are some of you furiously typing on your keyboards one of several responses and hold on i'll address them because you're right about being wrong many of you may be quick to point out that hold up this isn't fair the mac mini has active cooling and that poor rison chip well it does not surely if there was a bigger case with proper fans that chip would perform better okay fine you you got me this recom db1 pc case is awesome with superb build quality easy installation and completely silent operation i should disclose that streetcom did send it over for this video but i'm not sponsored by them and i'm sending it back i just genuinely think it's just about the perfect case for a low tdp rising chip like this the ultimate ht-pc built but i can't lie i did the 4750g a little bit you see it's a 65 watt tdp chip and the db1 case well it has a maximum thermal design power rating of 45 watts remember tdp is not a measure of power consumption but the amount of heat produced we're over budget this chip is too hot and so i had to go into the bios on a motherboard and select a low power profile because without it the machine was hitting its t-junction temperature and crashing for the pedantic few of you rushing to hit the thumbs down button on this video wait i would like to placate you because i did put it in a bigger case with a massive cpu cooler and the chip did improve by a margin of about 5 to 15 but it's still lost to the m1 by a lot and that's not the point anyways the mac mini is frankly much bigger than it needs to be and i'm assuming that apple retain the same form factor because the mac mini doesn't sell in huge volumes and those that do buy it are organizations like schools and companies like max stadium that have racks built out for that now 10 year old form factor check that video out by the way if you haven't seen it but that makes the chassis inside largely empty and only a small cooling assembly fits atop the m1 chip itself that fan and heatsink the same one found on the previous 2018 intel mac mini is capable of cooling a 65 watt tdp chip the m1 is estimated to have a near 18 watt tdp which means that the fan almost never spins and when it does it's just at a few hundred rpm and thus completely inaudible even under load in a quiet room by volume the power supply is by far the largest and heaviest component in the mac mini it's the same 150 watt power supply that apple was using in the previous mac mini and it is needlessly overpowered to the point of hilarity and i presume that apple is only using it due to economies of scale it's cheaper to keep making the same one even if it's a little more expensive than it would be to redesign and handle logistics and inventory for a new part sku on a computer that really doesn't sell that well and so this is where the already impressive m1 gets mind-blowing and where people just don't get it the pc which is using a repackaged laptop chip in essence just like the m1 is by every measure in the x86 world an outstandingly efficient chip in our test it pulls just over 80 watts from the wall under load when running a prime 95 stress test the performance per watt is near class leading it is really impressive well at least until you look at the m1 the mac mini pulls just 30 watts from the wall under maximum load it isn't just achieving double the performance of its closest x86 competitor but it's doing so with 60 less power draw that is absolutely incredible crazier yet these macs are actually and i can't believe i'm saying this because we're talking about apple products here they're actually a rather excellent deal to build this pc as close to spec as you can you need to get within a lunch or two of the mac minis price they're almost the same and that's assuming that you can get the ryzen 4750g cpu for its trade price which you can't because it's not available to consumers and so you're not buying in bulk you're not hp you have to go to ebay and they cost more there so practically building this system today really costs you just shy of a thousand dollars now keyboard warriors i know where you're going with this you can build a better pc than that with a thousand dollars yes you can that's true but not in the same footprint and not with the same power envelope you cannot compare a toyota tundra and a toyota camry even though they're both toyotas they have massively different use cases and strengths in the laptop market apple is going to appear untouchable for a while now the performance they're getting out of the m1 isn't the best of any laptop available but it's not as far off as you'd think and its total power draw is even less than some of the weakest low power chips out there to put things into perspective the beefiest laptop chip on the market at the moment right now is the new ryzen 5900 hx with a massive tdp of 45 to 60 watts adjustable if we take the fanless macbook air the ultrabook with its slightly thermally limited 10 watt tdp cpu and run the same 10-minute cinebench r23 benchmark the m1 gets crushed with just over half the multi-core score however the 5900x according to a notebook check article draws up to 128 watts of power under load the m1 macbook air 22 no not 122 22. in terms of performance per watt the macbook air is 328 more efficient than the 5900x but wait that that's the most powerful laptop chip on the market so of course it's going to be less efficient we should really compare it to again our 4750g and if we do the m1 is still 60 percent more efficient while achieving nearly double the performance numbers in multiple real world scenarios this is impressive sure but some people they don't want a camry they want a ferrari performance above all else because apple's m1 is so efficient they can theoretically scale up the size of the die the literal size of the chip and thus the performance relatively easily in theory a report from bloomberg late last year tackled a leak about the next big apple silicon pro chip that's basically was just a juiced up m1 with 16 large cpu cores and 32 integrated gpu cores increasing the physical size of the chip the size of the die by 400 percent at a 5 nanometer density this new chip as compared to the m1 would be insanely huge but compared to other dies on the market it's really not nvidia is pushing beyond 600 millimeters squared in their desktop gpus and even on their mobile 2080 chip they're at 500 millimeters squared apple's proposed next-gen chip if this is real would be half that at around 300 millimeters squared so a big chip yeah a hot chip likely too hot for a fanless laptop absolutely but probably not for a performance focused laptop and certainly not for a desktop and a chip like that well it could take the performance we have in the m1 and multiply it by a factor of two and a half to three times which would put it in the performance of amd's best thread ripper chips while still consuming less energy than an average performance consumer desktop chip of course none of that has happened yet and this is all pure conjecture but this much is true the m1 it's not overrated now it might not be the chip for you it might not be the truck you need but i'd argue that it's the chip for many maybe even most even for me and it along with its yet announced successors will continue to demonstrate that the efficiency of building something in-house with the instruction mix buses cash locations and quantities co-processors and additional additives allow for optimization and vertical integration that a one-size-all chip it just can't accomplish and now to my supple sponsor voice ravpower is not new around here but they make crazy great stuff all the time so i've never had to repeat an ad their latest is this awesome mac save charger for iphone it's just like apple's magsafe except way less money especially with my discount code and it comes with the necessary 20 watt charger that's absolutely tiny much smaller than apples and included not 20 extra so yeah less than half of what apple charges and you get the same thing it's great and you should check it out the link and coupon code is below apple is not going to look back the question is whether or not slowpokes like intel are quick enough to move forward before other companies like microsoft begin to follow in apple's footsteps one thing is certain though the next several years are going to be very exciting let me know what you think about this video by giving it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and if you hated it send it to your friend they're gonna despise it wouldn't that be hilarious thank you so much for watching comment down below have you had experience with an m1 mac what are your thoughts what do you envision the future of the computing world to be and who are going to be the major players thank you so much for watching and as always [Music] you
Channel: Snazzy Labs
Views: 697,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snazzy labs, quinn nelson, snazzyq, mac mini, macbook air, macbook pro, m1, 5900hx, ryzen 5, ryzen 4, ryzen 9, ryzen 4000, 4750g, intel i9, intel i7, laptop, m1x, m2, m1z, wwdc, m1 vs pc, apple silicon, apple gpu, macbook chip, fastest laptop, best laptop, laptop review, desktop review, workstation pc, gaming pc, pc, pc vs mac, mac vs pc 2021, apple vs windows
Id: r5bAMoQt7EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 24 2021
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