69 Bloons Lore Facts!

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qf69 Blues little facts the ultra Juggernaut balls are made out of ceramic as the monkeys have a lot of ceramic because they pop so many ceramic balloons and had no use for it and they decided to make it out of that the plaza monkey fan club uses potions from The Alchemist to transform darts into super monkeys but the potions aren't the most refined yet so they only transform for only 20 seconds the crossbow Master God told how to use the crossbow by Quincy and now he has surpassed his master as he does more damage than Quincy man the glaivelord collaborated with the monkey wizard to make a magic Glades that can spin around him and do massive damage and also with the bomb shooter to make the Glades have 1 000 pairs bomber charge is only an ability because his bionic arm actually has a battery and the battery at the end of the ability goes to one percent and he has to recharge it using the engineer's invisible charger the mobile Dimension is actually not Australian he just mimics the Australian accent so well that no one knows and stole the boomerang from were made using the biggest ones boom formula but they accidentally spilled blood into it because they had the balloons blood for a little bit though and that's why the bomb stones are red the mob Eliminator is sponsored by Target as you can see from the target icon on his missile and he gets mad Bang from them though it's green for some reason the bomb Blitz doesn't have eyes so he detects when the balloons go through using vibrations on the ground I'll tell him if anything is moving I'll deal with the truck the following is actually controlled by a monkey on the inside and it has 57 air conditioners to cool him down but it's still 35 degrees Celsius in there now imagine without the air conditioners the super Maelstrom secretly put a little bit of fire onto his Blaze but only enough to be able to Pop lead balloons and not too much so it's still invisible on the blades the taxinal has a deal with the Grim Reaper where the Grim Reaper delivers him talks and also has his logo on the top of the dark Zone and the tiger don't delivers a bananas per week to the Grim Reaper's house the super breather looks so angry because Gwendolyn Alexander heated up his booms once he got so mad that he entered his villain Arc and now is able to decamer blooms the absolute Duo enjoyed hiking as you can see in his tier 4 of the snowstorm but then he got stuck in an avalanche and now he is the code he lives in the Avalanche the iska wimble got his cool Eyes gun from Striker Jones who just gave the ice a normal gun but the ice knew what to do and went to the Super Battle to modify a little bit of ice to have Frozen to have absolutely everything the Blue Soul found the secret balloon killing formula by combining his corrosive glue with some of his boogers and to his surprise some chemistry happened and now he is overpowered the clear storm is actually a huge businessman he saw that there was a gap of a lot of glue and only strong glue was on the market and so he took a lot of weed glue and made his glue tongue ducking Stone from the sky the super glue got his super formula by accidentally making it in his lab and sticking himself to the ground for 36 hours until Quincy finally hurts his cries and came to save him the mob used to just be a normal Hunter until a friend of his introduced him into Balloon hunting which is where his real fun began he started developing all models of rifles he could think of until he finally found the Moab crippler the least sniper found his supply Crate calling ability but once playing fortnite and seeing a supply drop and thinking Hmm I could do that too did he defend her such a hardcore sniper because his family relies on them their Awards after the exit the monkeys have locked them up there to use the mass motivation for the sniper to continue to shoot forever the Energizer got his radioactivity after listening to the radio and being so active that he turned the radioactive I know it's a bad pun just shut up the preemptive strike orders First Strike abilities from the engineer monkey and the engineer outsources the making to the Philippines because he can give them one dollar per hour and it wouldn't count as slavery this up command the Buffs up other submarines by putting their favorite music on and cheering them up or sometimes giving them illegal substances depends on how he feels the carrier Flagship has to turn offers too much noise danger mode every evening because there's a party on him at night and he wouldn't like to shoot other party as with miniguns on accident pirate lord is coming from a family of dish cleaners Yes you heard that right he heard the story of Tom Sawyer when he was younger and decided to try it for himself and it worked out mate trade Empire is the most illegal business that works as it brings in stocks from China for illegally low prices and sells them for 20 times the price and he doesn't even pay the merchantment skyshadow has a machine that can convert air into darts for him to shoot out it was made by the engineer monkey and the water monkey working together with a little bit of help by The Alchemist the tar bomber has made the perfect bomb that cannot kill monkeys but can absolutely obliterate balloon though to make you have to lower in one monkey and murder it to know what kills a monkey what Flying Fortress is legit ice up he's inside making videos whilst he has a pilot flying the plane for him so he does literally nothing about game inside of it the Apache Prime stole his helicopter from the U.S Navy by telling them that it was going to try it out before joining the Army and then flying off without anybody even noticing the special populations little guy actually loves being there he's not a trained U.S Navy SEAL as he looks he's just told to look like that he's Patrick the Star from SpongeBob who wanted to try to be a military guy and he's also in a costume to look like a monkey Comanche Commander has a certain don't touch substance on him that makes his little planes literally unable to crash into him thankfully the biggest one looks like the blue and silver because he tried his boogers and loved them so much that he combined illegal new Curry from Russia and added the boogers for absolute Annihilation pop it on never got support from his parents to become a military nuke guy until he finally succeeded and started making more than both of his parents combined and now the parents absolutely love his job business Innovation is able to put mobs on fire because he took a hairstyle from Gwendolyn without her knowing and put it in his nukes just to get a bunch of fire that is overpowered I guess yeah the way of deems stole his weapons from the famous villain Dr Heinz Doofenshmirtz and never returned it which is why Heinz is still trying to find him till this day and until everything can't even eat his pancakes in peace the mod got so angry because some Indians come and call them and try to scam him out of a thousand bucks for the new windows 12 whilst the mod was trying to brush his teeth which is why he's mad now the blue exclusion Zone hasn't learned how to pop a lead balloons because he's an old school guy they didn't have lead balloon popping training back then in the military the archmage how to ask both Gandalf and the tier 3 wizards on if he could use their designs and Gandalf said no but he still went ahead and did it wizard Lord Phoenix absolutely adore all the birds as a young child and once he found a bird that was on fire which he saved and eventually he made it a part of himself Prince Darkness got his own dead in his tier 4 upgrade from Minecraft zombie that bit him and then in his tier 5 he tried to attack a mutant zombie which didn't go in his favor The Tempest no this is not the right game The Chosen God ended up becoming what he is today with just a one dollar investment into Bitcoin in 2004 which he then got 4 million dollars from that he could use to turn himself into a God the anti-blue got made into a robot from the engineering monkey on demand because quote my poor and fragile limps couldn't hold me anymore I needed more power and I still do legendary doesn't actually have any special superpowers he just lost his parents and that anger added up to wanting to do something special which is when he picked up the suit The Grandmaster ninja trained is the worst dojo in Japan and he was almost the worst student but because of his astonishing skills he still became the best Grandmaster the world are saying the grand tabatia entered College in a very new place balloon studies and this was extremely hyped up for him so he learned everything about it he got a pluses in his classes and then he designed a new balloon Health lowering system that he still uses an azus for 20 years the master won't be used with The Apprentice bomba until his dad showed him how to throw the bomb with one percent better which made him the best bomb thrower ever Berman blue discovered using drinking substances for power by accidentally drinking too much one night and then having so much power that he ripped around 98 by himself the next day the total Transformations transformation could actually be seen in his upgrade when you move the mask and starts inhaling all the stuff that's when the crazy transformation starts the balloon Master Alchemist found how to shrink blooms by finding out that balloons are just a rubber and if he made the bigger rubber more dense it would scale down to the appropriate red boom side eyes the super storm is a sneaky boy and was watching all the Wizards move from bt3 up until bt5 whereas it wizard went to the toilet once and left his stuff unwatched and when he came back the Droid has stolen them and has already went to Mexico the spirit of the forest accidentally got stuck in a tree branch as a kid and he couldn't go down as it was too high up and he had to stay up there until he eventually became one with the tree the Avatar of Ross is yet another angry Tower and this time it's because his one minute rice cooked for 61 seconds instead of 60. essential is made by best jesos who found a hole in the banana market and capitalized on that quite heavily and is making bang monkey dogs made an actual bank and made the stupid lame way to make money by Investments boo who wants Investments nobody the monkey washing began is a humble Marketplace for bananas to upscale into a Central Market up until it became the biggest banana selling place in the whole state the Supermans were made using Burger King foot letters as the foot in the letters was so good that the Mind started to explode out of disgust Capital spikes is able to shoot out spikes in the entire map because it has eyes everywhere on the shot and unfortunately it has to poke them with its spikes because that's how life is the famous bike made almost permanent spikes but looking at 60 seconds wise recipes and dealing with everything the other way around as far as putting hamsters in what primary expertise is actually a time traveler from the medieval times and he cannot speak so he can't tell us about all the stuff that happened in those times he can only attack for our size Pokemon Defense is a spy on the balloons as it looks at their tactics and uses the holes in them to be able to make the balloons easier to pop the monkey hopeless is basically an agency as it gets part of the income the Farms get another file and you get another big chunky part of it too the century Champion actually isn't salty about losing its name anymore because the engineer Paragon though not named Century Paragon made up for its loss the ultra boost is so expensive because each one of its boosts cost five thousand dollars the Outsource and that's with the cheap Philippines costs xxxl shop can hold so much because he hacked FaZe black hole and now can use it for his own benefit but he has not yet fully figured it out so it's not infinite even though the Megalodon looks angry and sad he's actually the happiest fish that's ever been on Earth because he loves his job of munching on blooms all day long
Channel: Mr. Ender
Views: 72,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mr ender, btd6, bloons td 6, btd 6, bloons, bloons tower defense 6, paragon, mr ender btd6, bloons mr ender, bloons td 6 mods, modded btd6, modded bloons td 6, btd6 mods, btd6 B.A.D, btd6 bad, btd6 strategy, btd6 round 100, 50 bads, 100 bads
Id: ABwOmCreUdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 35sec (695 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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