121 Pieces of Bloons Lore

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here are 121 pieces of balloons lore gadgeteer geraldo's mechanical rabbits are named rivet chew crank and cogs rickle Pat the submarine and Buccaneer are all very excited for the my monkey to come to BTD 6 they can't wait to have more water friends as for Rosalia the upcoming jetpack hero etn Benjamin and the engineer can't wait for everyone to meet her and check out her new tech speaking of Benjamin he doesn't use a common operating system like Windows instead he built his own original one saying it's exactly what he wants without all the stuff he doesn't like Sai has cloudy glazed over eyes that make it seem like their vision is impaired but ninji assures us that this isn't the case at least to not any degree that their inner Vision doesn't more than make up for it spending that much time in meditation and learning to look inward may have caused physical changes to their Iris and puple we know that the monkeys are aware of us players but what about the balloons well if they are aware they don't seem to care they only want to get to the end of the track having met in the Naval Academy and spending a lot of time together the captains of the nautic Siege Corps and naick of the Seas consider each other great friends now that there's a second water Paragon a slight change has been made to the Navar of the Seas the Navar is the greatest thing that only floats on water while the nautic Siege Corp is the greatest thing that floats on and under the water Admiral Bickle has been on many ships but she finally decided on her awesome destroyer and named it the Bloon venge as for Commander Cassie from Bloon Adventure Time Ted she named her boat the SSO or SS o not sure or as I let's call it the SS ho wendin was very flattered from The Love Letter she received from her secret admirer they've had some private talks and their friendship hasn't changed the in Universe difference between cash and monkey money is that cash is used on a per match basis to help funding that particular fight monkey money is used as a part of the global monk economy to keep the world turning as s still a kid homework is very important to them it's a part of their Journey towards Enlightenment as homework helps expand their knowledge Pat fusty keeps getting elected for office but he always politely declines as he wants to make sure he's doing his part on the front line inside the underwater part of The natic Siege Corp is a highly Advanced command control room filled with many capable monkeys I wonder if that's where all the sacrificed monkeys go to if all the bosses fought each other it'd be a tossup for who would win but ninjak kiwi said they'd bet on dread blo I'd take glitch though when the confetti pop effects explode out of a camo balloon the monkeys that can't see camos just see a sudden burst of confetti out of nowhere Adora does not like cats she likes anything willing to make the ultimate sacrifice and they aren't up for that all of geraldo's store items are in his backpack so that begs the question what does his mule carry simple it carries him and all of his cosplay gear there are no other known threats in the monkey verse outside of the balloons at least none that the MIB is willing to share with us Ben and Jericho are great friends although they worked in different departments back in the day they would always grab lunch together when they were both in the office the reason we hear Heroes speak and not normal monkeys is because normal ones get a bit of stage fright when public speaking the reason the nautic Siege Corp doesn't tip over is because it has unparalleled stability in the water due to a series of con ected ballast tanks it needs these because it's so tall while it may not look like it the glass uncovered Garden is actually quite high so high that the mort monkey shells don't go above or through the glass seeing a paragon in public is about as common as seeing a celebrity when you're out and about the tallest tower in the monkey verse is said to be the Tower of Babble Bloon built to reach the sky so far it hasn't been discovered dread pirate Bickle came across this rumor on her hunt for the balloon Pieces Of Eight the monkeys have multiple teams for looking into Paragons for each Tower but once one team makes a breakthrough all other teams join in to help it get develop we would like to think that Benjamin is focused on the balloons when out on the field but a little bit of balloon sweeper never Hur anyone in between the rounds speaking of Ben even though he never does any damage to the balloons he's not a pacifist he just doesn't like getting physical instead he prefers to use his brains and skills to help in the best way he can besides phas nothing else has come through the chaos Rift yet the scientists are watching very carefully while analyzing all the strange readings no monkeys have tried to enter chaos riffs either all interactions are being being closely guarded as they're not ready to risk any monkeys at this stage the leading theory is that golden balloons are rubber to golded balloons that never got popped monkey teams are a way to improve int team coordination and cooperation but they do like to have a little fun with it the Beast handlers are able to use dinosaurs because they aren't extinct in the blue Universe like they are here the engineer had a short-lived ghost hunting show but they gave up after realizing how scary it was I vote that we get a Ghostbusters themed engineer skin in the future maybe for Halloween the heroes have such different tastes in music but but they all agree on one song being great for popping the balloon Menace Bohemian pop City the monkeys have yet to find a safe way to land on other planets but they are hard at work looking for a solution So currently they have their planet and the moon to work with the spellcasting monkeys compete for who is the greatest wizard this is televised on ESPN 8 the oo where they have a competition for everything in the monkey verse magic is so normal that it's just as much a part of life as bananas and dirt all monkeys love pizza and plenty of them enjoy pineapple as a topping some more exotic toppings though are fried banana peel Corn Flakes and edible glitter I wonder if their poop would Sparkle with edible glitter the MIB used to have plenty of classified documents but once the Apex plasma master was revealed to the monkey verse the MIB released all non-top secret information to the public only keeping the secrets to the fusion process hidden so the balloons don't find out if the balloons did find out it'd be called a bonon we're unsure what a balloon Paragon would look like but a pink camo Leed and Black Balloon Fusion would likely look like a DDT if you ask a glue Gunner too many questions about the top secret project adhesive they might stick you with some temporary glue giving them time to run away baby monkeys watch blooney Tunes every Saturday morning when asked what it's like using a wall of fire a wizard monkey responded with this image every monkey can contribute to making the cool descriptions for each Tower and their upgrades it's like a big potluck everyone brings a plate and sits around coming up with the best description a new update in btd6 feels like a scientific discovery to the monkeys once thoroughly tested new discoveries technology and Magics are given to the Frontline monkeys to Aid in their fight Pat doesn't mind that his pond is always a Battleground he can still relax when the balloons stop attacking and he likes being involved whenever there's action corvis doesn't like to talk about work in his free time he'd much rather have a snack or work on his Hobbies that's why most of the information we get on him are speculations from other monkeys speaking of carvis he has a terrifying nekron Army in Warhammer 40K reanimated Balloons By The Necromancer or Prince of Darkness don't feel anything so you don't have to worry about them being mad bad sad or in pain a small Dart monkey becomes a big Super Monkey when they put on the cape so when a Super Monkey removes their Cape it means they go back to their original shape and size it's not always small though there has been one banana flavored food that most monkeys agree wasn't a good idea and it was a banana flavored banana the test monkeys didn't like the vibe too much banana in one peel all monkeys have their likes and dislikes but since jaldo has been on the scene Pickles Have Become a favorite among most monkeys the balloons are always up to something but currently the m is not aware of anything bigger or batter than new boss balloons being cooked up have you ever wondered why super monkeys throw darts instead of boomerangs we could have saved like 35 Grand on a perach charge well super monkeys are always testing out new options but they're most comfortable with darts as they have excellent speed and precision with them Churchill loves going to cosplay conventions and showing off his Senai suit he's very crafty and enjoys taking photos with all the little monkeys Dragon Bloon Z is a classic after school show for the monkeys Heroes on the hunt for the Fable Dragon Bloons engineers all work to make the blue Universe a better place they don't like hoarding patents or hiding blueprints as it makes the fight harder the monkeys are aware of Ninja Kiwi when interviewed a monkey said there quote some weird Overworld beings quite friendly though they seem to want to help fight the balloons so we welcome them with open arms the vtsg was an accidental Discovery it just happened also some seem to be confused about the vtsg it's not evil just vengeful Ben has every game on Steam including BTD 6 in it he loves to build lots and lots of banks unlike monkeys the balloons don't get promoted to different levels at least not to our knowledge after pulling the heroes for which hero thinks they're much stronger than they actually are Quincy got 14 votes and Benjamin got one Adora is not a God she's just very devout in the sun God's ways and loves channeling that energy into the fight against the balloons there's been much discussion on why the balloons are so strict with their paths but no one is quite sure why they do it all the monkeys know is that it makes it much easier to set up their defenses when they know exactly where their enemy will be going biker bones Fury is unmatched outshining even the sun Gods an avatar of wrath's Rage we know that there's a sun god meaning it's very possible we'll discover a moon God someday the Beast Handler has many more trained animals than the three paths you see in battle heroes look up to people too Quincy loves Robin Hood Gwen looks up to Pyro from TF2 and Pat thinks everyone has something to admire Z has been teaching Ben how to get better at beat saer it's a part of his journey to get great at every game Archie doesn't help build infrastructure on harder Maps because his hands are full adding cool new features and props in the map editor Ben is always trying to get his hands on classified documents from the myip this isn't treason though it's just genuine curiosity specialized training is extremely timec consuming and the trainers at HQ boiled it down to the most helpful archetypes to win the war that's why the monkeys are limited to their three path these handers keep their creatures free range it's great for their health we're not really sure what happens to monkeys when they disappear to paragon's Temples or abilities translating Sacrifice from old Monkish might not be entirely accurate either we know there are parallel dimensions and universe hopping from Bloon Adventure Time TD so it could be that there is nothing to mourn just monkeys to miss until they come back for now though the monkeys celebrate in their honor when others get sacrificed it may seem weird that the number of Pops affects a paragon's power but it's the experience that the sacrificed monkeys have that makes this happen most Engineers went to MIT the monkey Institute of Technology it's a worldclass school and plenty of these monkeys go on to change theuniverse with their Innovation and drive Archie visits battlefields after the battle takes place he's more of a creative type than a fighter though he can certainly handle himself if the situation arises some mob glue monkeys keep on their suits even when they're not using their glue guns they're trying to make full cover suits the next hot fashion item Quincy started out as a dart monkey he just never missed so he got extra training and eventually became a hero do Bloons have hearts and can they feel love well we've all seen a RR red and you can't get much more heart than that but as for emotions the balloons tend to feel a bit deflated the skiers on Alpine run are skiing on the other side of the mountain they avoid this side as it's a combat zone we've never seen bons having pets but this could be because they travel so much when it comes to Minecraft Benjamin is an absolute whz At Redstone Adora can make stunning natural like terrain and Pat fusty is the leading PVP Minecrafter of the heroes Quincy loves picking up sweet treats so he can slip them to his secret crush there are heaps of weird food combinations that the monkeys have come up with banana blueberries milk chocolate white chocolate and custard is a favorite though the MIB has a working theory that the dark portal on midnight Mansion was caused by a portal System test being done by by the balloons we think the precursor of transforming tonic was discovered by an alchemist accidentally giving a monkey an unstable concoction potion instead of a Berserker Brew the MIB just ended the debate for which came first the egg was laid by a creature that was not a chicken banana Farms don't grow faster when placed by water because over hydrating can cause problems with crop yield ging Gunners experienced little to no recoil when firing their guns because Engineers included some Hightech inertia dampening that and they have really strong forearms the ballf Frog pet is a literal demon it's good to know that at least some demons are on the monkeyy side the prince of darkness' skull is probably a mask hopefully otherwise that's really scary loons don't send out bosses in regular games because they're kind of like generals bosses prefer not to join in random skirmishes but instead plan out larger attacks Bookworm etan's outfit is the coziest of all monkeys Pat has been itching to get his hands on a blanket like that the reason monkeys could shoot through buildings in BTD 5 and not six is because Archie revamped the building's codes and regulation the reaction to this by the monkeys was 50% a dang and 50% yay safer building Gwen has been known to undere exaggerate the size of certain fires that popped up out of nowhere a large bonfire would be called small by gwendolin lunarious slime won't be coming to his actual boss event because ninji feels like lunarious is a perfect introductory boss because he's so simple it doesn't mean they won't find more uses for it though if people are having fun with it when asked about being caught up in the action but not attacking the banana farmer said farming is the most healthful most useful and most noble employment of any monkey the in Universe explanation for when monkeyy upgrade is practice dedication and learning new talents and skills with new tools the most awkward moment Heroes ever have is when they get their chance on the field and don't pop any balloons nothing is worse than that all the ingredients in the glue Gunner's glue is sustainably farmed although tons of techken research went into finding the exact synthesization process to get it right the local milkshake bar is a favorite place for monkeys to decompress after battle there are so many flavors it's hard to not have a great time there you can even ask for the fussy special which we think is just all the flavored syrups mixed together in a big cup with no milk being the gamer that he is Ben asked The Alchemist to brew up a special energy drink concoction just for him quen tried this gamer fuel once she said she felt like energy drink hammy from Over the Hedge as far as we can tell Ceramics have a special coating that keeps them at a reasonable temperature this keeps them comfortable when they're under so many layers like when they're inside a bad Sushi is bickle's favorite Seafood unless you're on his good side the glue rat should scare you other than the balloon War the monkey Society has been thriving for Generations the reason behind the modifiers on Boss events are that bosses are trying new strategies to beat the balloons while monkeys are practicing limited supplies and options for those dire moments when it'll come in clutch arches tend to dip their toes in all schools of magic that's why they have dragon's breath and Shimmer there is a monkey Space Program the brave monrona Nauts of the monkey outer orbit navigation service are training and working hard to discover new planets and galaxies Pat always gives out hugs to those that want them and S always pestering him for more to the monkeys different targeting priorities feel like they're aiming at the best spot to assure Victory make sure you're on the right targeting priority otherwise they might get upset before the balloons the monkeys lived in a peaceful world with no battles though the monkeys quickly adapted and figured out how to thrive while also keeping the balloons at Bay eil has seen the inside of corvus's spell book he's happy to show off his incantations to a fellow practitioner as long as the book lets him monkeys love the different styles and strategies each hero brings to the table they keep it fresh while fighting the balloons is Pat's primary job he's also an expert turkey hand painter and loves to volunteer when he can the only time the monkeys get shooketh is when they see the legendary rro camo fortified red but that was 121 pieces of Bloon lore if you want to see way more click this video right here
Channel: Hbomb
Views: 95,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bloons, btd6, bloons td, bloons td 6, bloons tower defense 6, balloons, hbomb, walkthrough, tutorial, commentary, how to, guide, best guide, challenge, easy, best, bloons td6, bloons tower defense, tower, defense, tower defense, chimps, chimps easy, beat, chimps guide, strategy, new, map, hero, no rng, black border, btd6 best strategy, ninja kiwi, best strategy, build order, 23.0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 06 2024
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