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Hello everyone! This is Takahiro from Aroman ch! Last time we replaced the column and extended the floor. We would like to continue to build up the room, but first we will build up the floor of the hallway. We'll clean up first. Move lumber to another location. I always put off cleaning up so I can't start working on it right away... I need to get out of this bad habit. Currently this hallway floor is not level. So now we are going to strip all the floorboards and rebuild the level floor. Dismantle the floorboards. Floorboards have termite damage. Very thick floorboards, but we can't leave them as they are. The floorboards are held together with very long nails, making dismantling difficult. The atrium was born. troubled face. We will continue to dismantle the floor. My knee hurts... A viewer sent me a kneepad. Thanks to all of you who always support me! No knee pain! I have defended my knees, I have nothing more to fear. Demolition continues. Remove lighting. Not many houses these days have this kind of lighting. You forgot to wear knee pads! This is the bath, revealed by turning up the floor. We need to clean this place up. This is the only place left. Finish dismantling. I lived in this car with my cats for a year and three months before my bedroom was completed. It's a beautiful day, so we are relaxing in the car for the first time in a while. They seem to enjoy the nostalgic interior of the car. They used to sit here in the sun a lot. Now that the floor is demolished, we will build the floor. Can work from the ground floor on a stepladder. Nails stuck in the beams will be removed. Pulling out a rusty nail is not easy. Then clean the beams. Too hot... Summer has just begun and it's still too hot... Checking the level of the beam with a laser leveler. The beams here are the highest, so we'll use this as our benchmark. This time, horizontal joist supports are attached to the sides of the beams to level the floor. It's hard to explain so just watch. ink a horizontal line. Cut lumber into suitable lengths. Fasten the lumber to the beam according to the horizontal line. Screws are 100 mm in length. It should now be level. Check the level. Check the level. Check the level. Check the level. That's all for today. We will continue tomorrow. Next day. This is the last. Finished. total exhaustion... All beams now have joist supports. The joist support is installed horizontally so that the joists will be level when placed on top of it. The installation of the joist supports was the most important part of the flooring work in this hallway. Subsequent work is not difficult. But the heat was still too much for me. The work was not that difficult, but the heat drained my energy. Even though it's only June... I worry about the future. I would like to finish the renovation of the second floor as soon as possible, but I will work at my own pace and take it slowly. That's all for today's video! Thank you for watching!
Channel: アロマンch
Views: 47,802
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ルームツアー, diy, 古民家, 古民家再生, リノベーション, セルフリノベーション, diy projects, diy activities, diy ideas, リフォーム, Japanese house, Japan, リフォームdiy, 木工, 床工事, 合板, 畑, 猫, 田舎暮らし
Id: OWHAA-bsYjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 11sec (1871 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 16 2024
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