67 Minutes Of Social Media Content Strategy For SMBs | Inside 4Ds

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i'm completely convinced that the future of fundraising is going to come in nft forum not in indiegogo and gofundme because people have a double asset play there i actually think it's how every artist is going to do album releases in the future instead of going to a record label they're going gonna have the fans be a part of it so something to put on your radar this portion is like with me so i think this is when you need to get selfish like you need to ask your question [Music] hiring is guessing firing is knowing like you got to go fast that's how you get [ __ ] done that's how you figure stuff out this is the television and the television is the radio the 40s [ __ ] up and who all of you are starting this way sure uh keep it real short yeah keep it quick and we're gonna go back around yeah my name is ivan i am a dentist uh by training i do ed tech for dentists and we're actually moving to our medical to provide a medical device for them as well that's awesome central valley central valley very nice my name is david mohler i'm a serial entrepreneur current startup is uh device uh smart device company smart device company how long you've been doing it for three years nice and where are you based in atlanta georgia very nice how's it going good to see you donald wymack capital um mortgage broker with the b2b model in the bay area you met russell a few months back yes i remember virtually i remember good to see you again billy richardson um i'm in the restaurant business in las vegas very nice four little restaurants and throwing my brands up how long you been doing it uh uh uh 12 years good for you all in vegas the whole time vegas yeah of course tough yep pleasure thank you ian matthews uh from washington d.c and uh i'm here with david same company right now uh building on what he said uh smart devices were in the car security business so it's uh nice and connected understood real pleasure okay long time yes long time brother yeah so two in 2009 yeah really really good to see you yeah so three-time founder all the investment space and uh i'm gonna build something else there and then i have a bunch of urls that i've been acquiring that i want to talk to i love i love it monique brown i run an organization that teaches life skills i also work in film and television production a little real estate investment and brand development for my husband's uh legendary career and uh and uh and and film entertainment life it's awesome it's great to see you again great thank you great anybody else joe nope that's it good we got a nice small group and we can get we can go very deep today so let's take advantage of that so let's go back around and this is the time to get very selfish and be very direct with your question i'm sure some people pick up nuances on it okay you want to go first all right um i'll try to keep it try to keep it concise we'll have some time we've got three questions for you um just a little bit of backstory on myself i was very much like like you as a kid you know hustler immigrant parents kind of a hard uh struggle there i ended up going to dental school i got some really niche training in my field which was great but i graduated about 800 grand in student debt which is crazy but it's it's normal in that i know it is i was you know getting ready to come out and pay that debt and crush it my daughter was born with a life-threatening condition and so i couldn't really do that as a dentist so i found another way published a book sold thousands of copies and that turned into an online brand which is now like my edtech business which does better than i would have done if i would have done just regular clinical dentistry good for you so i built a team around it and now we're expanding to a private label medical device as well so i've got a little nice little business model um taking some big big steps in that so my first question is i'm basically the bottleneck in my content creation to create like the pillar hero content i got to be in there doing surgery or something and and teaching something around that content it's hard for me to constantly create that content as the business owner i'm trying to outsource that to to other collaborators but kind of having a hard time getting them to feed that funnel other collaborators as in other people executing the actual surgery yes getting other influencers or people doing surgery feeding me that content so we can just repurpose it as a team and turn that into 20 pieces of content having a hard time feeding that funnel why because these guys already make 500 000 a year they don't really need me paying them a thousand bucks for their content you know as charity basically so i want how do i get them to buy into that or how do i feed the content funnel um there's a lot of things there so the let's talk about the pillar content and the funnel is the model that you know obviously i'm very proud of really working for you like macro hero chop it down make it make that into content that's performing against the business kpi is that working it does well when i can feed it i can feed it myself how how many times are you refurbishing it adding new content no refurbishing the original content so yeah so the repurposing thing is a very important combo because as most of you probably know so much of my world from a brand building standpoint is predicated on that and so much of that is predicated on me being filmed doing stuff and that completely got eliminated 18 months ago i wasn't flying i wasn't doing this in person so what ended up happening is at first we did a lot of stuff through zoom and things of that nature but that obviously is a very one-dimensional visual creative there's only so many times you can see me with in a t-shirt that you know and the context matters in feed it matters so what ended up happening when i analyzed the last 18 months i was thinking about on the flight out here ironically because i saw a piece of content do extremely well from three years ago in the last 24 hours is wow if drock and i never film another thing i've put enough film on paper on wax on youtube that if i remix it uh in perpetuity i should be able to be effective with the evergreen content one of the things most content creators don't take advantage of enough of is the repurposing truly understanding what that means i'll give you an example i if you've got i assume i'm making some assumptions so keep me in line here if your content is you performing or when you're doing that are you also looking to camera and do and teaching and like going through it sometimes yes so i'm sure you probably have seen this the co one of things you can do immediately is how many of the how many would you say pillar pieces of content have you created a lot 200 great so right off the top there's probably an ungodly amount of content to be made where you're split screening like i do the original piece of content and now you're just social commentating contextually on top of it with other variables right so to me what what's really interesting about the way i think about content which i do think for every business here from vegas restaurants to yours to medical devices you know the whole world is predicated on in on communication and and does that create consideration to buy something what is interesting about how i look at what i do and what i see working is my content is pretty evergreen literally in my hotel before i came here right now i just produced a split screen from dailyvee episode 22 from march 16 2016 where the person's question was some how do you do what you do and the two answers were empathy and gratitude and here we are five years later and it's like everything that i continue to say and so i added a piece of content to it right now and i'm pretty damn sure that oh i'm sorry so here's this q a from dailyvee 2022 my split screen my additional context went a little bit into gratitude and this is all improv in my hotel room i took the cup of coffee got a little coffee left i'm like this is full i'm grateful for this what's in here because i have more than most and then when i sent it to the team actually this is why not to show you um so in the whatsapp thread where my team lives where this was the original piece of content they sent me because we're we're doing this we have the same problem you do right um okay so here's the question this will now be a visual split screen consumer i'm going you've march 16 2026 shit's consistent out here my friends if you deploy these mental mindsets and at the end of this and then and then what i sent to the team was i want the title to say you have more than most what's interesting about that what's interesting for everybody said so this would be titled you have more than most i just split screened a piece five years later i just realized i said 2026 so i'll have to make a joke of that in a post edit um this is a pretty substantially different piece of content that i'm gonna write copy to that's gonna really focus on the gratitude part of the split screen but it's i have to do this because i'm at the mercy of the pillar content production not being where it's at because we haven't started moving if you've done 200 pieces of original pillar content you probably have 4 000 pieces of micro content that can be brand or performance based as a funnel acquisition so i think that's what you have to think about i think the concept of of the other thing to think through is in a world of 500k 100 a thousand dollar framework that you created they make 500k a year they're doing this basically for charity if you look at james is pillar content as something that extracts 57 pieces have created for you because you create post-production from it it might put you in a position where you're willing to pay them 5 000 instead of 1 000. so i think i think the answer to the question is a much deeper thought of post-production which you don't even have to be the pillar the bottlenecked of i'm doing the split screens you probably should as well because it's it's much more impactful but don't underestimate hiring an animator or other people where the split screen or the post creative content could be post-produced in animation or post-producing video or or overlay wording so it's post-production so i realize i'm leaving a lot on the table by not repurposing that enough okay and what's fun is whatever i was going earlier i didn't finish the thought i'm glad i remembered is what i'm saying is evergreen that's how i got to that 2016 thing what i'm saying i'll never change to the day i die the slang term the nuance to something that just happened so i'm in the evergreen business and then daily you're using the context of your industry of the moment i mean tomorrow in you know in a week in the world series a player may take a ball to the mouth and lose all his teeth and that's a pop culture moment that might have you being able to over which will lead to so much more relevance right he may make a video of a dish in his of his one of his restaurants four years ago but something might happen in vegas tomorrow that if you post produce on top of it the way i'm talking about so it's really the remix it's the djing of the assets in perpetuity at scale contextual to the distribution so for example to continue to layer on this for everybody and i'm going deep on this because this is an answer for all of you um it's not only pop culture relevance like cody bellinger losing four teeth and maybe you can figure out what to do with that it's also distribution the way you would the way i would talk if i knew that i'm posting this on linkedin to get clients is gonna be different than the way i would talk if i'm gonna put on tick tock two platforms that even four years ago weren't even in play we first met it was just twitter and facebook that's it and so it's post-production not only for what's happening culturally or topical it's post-production for the distribution too those 200 pieces of content if they've mainly been posted inside of facebook and instagram have they been done for pre-roll youtube have we made them for tick-tock you may never need to do anything again you have enough work for the next five years in what we just talked about the last ten minutes right okay is it okay i have two more questions all right so this one's going a little it's a little different so the medical device space uh and dental implants they're all huge companies they're all really really big dogs we're the underdog uh i've had even ceo of one of one of them is tell me you know you better not enter the space you're just going to wipe the floor with you basically yeah that's usually the biggest reason i would enter a space so we're based we're entering in for christmas yes that's when we launch um and kind of do this david and goliath type of story okay right i don't know how much to sass the big dogs because really i don't want you know i don't have as much funding as they do how would you play that by fasting them as much as possible yeah because i'll tell you why i've always uh you know i've struggled with this because we have major clients at vayner who are the number two in categories and they're petrified and i'm like you don't understand you haven't sassed them or razzed them or poked them in three decades that's why you continue to be number the only way you know david beats goliath is by going at it what are they going to do like ultimately what's actually going to happen is you're not important enough for them to actually spend the money and reap and resources on it but you poking them will give you micro market share growth so just go go hard on it what are they going to do talk it through what are they going to do out market you the job are you anyway so the the person in particular who said he's going to crush us basically he's already started two implant companies sold the first 100 million until the second one 300 million said you know the next one we're going to price lower than you and i have the credibility you don't so you're basically the fact that he's even talking to you is already the most interesting thing to me like the fact that he even acknowledges you i don't even ign i would never spend a second on a company smaller than mine that that's the most interesting part of it all it speaks to in my opinion irrational competitiveness or slash emotion which could end up being the best thing for you if you're a thorn in that person's side he may end up referencing you more which is going to only help you i'm fascinated by that if somebody who's you haven't entered in at all yet and they've already had two exits of those sides and this is the third one price is only just one variable for example this is where this is where tick-tock really matters price is one thing relevance always beats price people pay more for things all the time if they think it's better or cooler or represents them more price doesn't scare me um what scares me is if david doesn't understand where the arbitrage is how much is the implant uh so they're going to price out 100 we're going to price we're thinking at 130. yeah i mean i would i would be very aggressive on tick-tock very okay yeah my last question for you gary uh just as a ceo um you gotta keep you know you gotta keep your uh pulse on a lot of [ __ ] yep if you have family personal family crisis is going on such as my my daughter's medical condition it's when the when the [ __ ] hits the fan basically you still got a business to run and bills to pay how do you think straight when you can't you don't you don't and i think the biggest thing i can tell you my friend is you know as somebody who has not had to live through a level of challenge of that level i feel incredibly inappropriate to speak to it first second of all what i've observed from others the only thing i could tell you that feels incredibly natural to me is my number one goal in life is not to live with regret i don't think there's a single person on earth who chose their business over their family that feels great about it when they get older i think every moment you spend on your family situation at the expense of your business is a good moment to be spent thank you you got it david yeah i'm gonna grab a prop please accelerate i like a good problem please it's a prototype so everyone be gentle yes um so my background i studied mechanical engineering at georgia tech and then started on the corporate path and quickly realized that wasn't the best fit ian was my manager 20 years ago ge i didn't fire him if that's with you he didn't probably should have um i uh yeah um well i interviewed with them they were one of my investment banking interviews uh a friend and i tried out for a reality tv show called american inventor in between my first and second year at business school i was at harvard and we actually made it so this is called american inventor is a precursor to shark tank and uh long story short we took this bicycle rack convention licensed it to whirlpool we had a single patent and they went and sold over a million units through distribution through low some people awesome um so i decided not to go into finance goldman made the right choice and not extending me an offer they detected that would have quit or been fired probably fired day one uh so then started a cloud a website backup company i had a website crash raised some money ian was an investor in that 10 years ago we grew it to about 500 000 customers a million websites backed up sold it for about 30 million i don't know three years ago around that time i've had my car broken into the third time wow so just moved to a different part of atlanta what i thought was a really nice neighborhood had been in two prior neighborhoods had my car broken into and a neighbor's car was stolen he left his key fob in the in the middle of his his car and so i just said i'm going to go on amazon and find like ring for my car i'm going to go find this thing buy it and call today so i searched all i could find were like the club old school car alarms and uh and like dash cams i forgot about the club but like legit yeah that's what was up yeah and then and then one of the top recommendations i believe it was baby cam so you take a baby cam because it's close enough to your house you can put it in the car and then see what's going on and so i had an original idea did a patentability search and um it came back free and clear so start working on the product while i was uh i mean that must be a holy grail scenario for someone with your kind of skill set right like the fact that like you're living like i think scratching your own itch is always the best start of a business when you have when you're lucky enough to be an engineer and you can actually make it you know for me scratch my own itch in this scenario stops somewhere which is i have no idea how to [ __ ] make the thing for you that i mean that must have been a really fun moment right other parts of it i know how like there's a microwave sensor inside of this thing and the hardware where there's a literally electrons bouncing around inside of this that allows you to detect someone outside of a car that is like way over my head so i've had to learn painfully after a software company how hard hardware is um parvo is describing with the web group code garbage partner with big hosting providers co-skater and bluehost they'd add us to the checkout list there's your website back yep with that's how you got your acquisition that's how we got it so we grew i got it the claw we sold through big box so now you know i'm sitting through these sessions and my mind is just blown because the d2c and having an individual conversation with a single customer is uh it just feels very very challenging yeah it's foreign to you you've been you've been in the b2b business very very foreign and so we've raised four million dollars today we've got 21 patents five of those issued we launched a techcrunch disrupt battlefield a month ago and right now we're growing our wait list and trying to potentially get some pre-orders and we're thinking indiegogo or kickstarter in the next month the next steps would be a very wild idea for you but keep going next what is the product oh so this is a uh it's hilarious so this is uh it goes in your cup holder that's what i thought and then you can still put a cup inside of it it will detect if there's any motion outside your car and it will flash an led ring and make a really loud chirping noise and we call that deterrent mode of course if they open the door these pir sensors will detect them no false positives it sounds 120 decibel blast which is really really really loud please in your car it's an ambulance in your car right so step one if it gets too too close it's going to show the person like you might want to pick the next car step two if the car is super fancy ten percent of time people face people breaking in so that that's big now dude most people just walk around pull up on door handles because people are leaving their car door unlocked or they've left their fob inside of it so they walk around they pull it in or actual theft you know taking off with your car so when we looked at this most devices got it so you're talking i'm sorry i apologize on the first scenario you're talking about people just taking [ __ ] not taking the car taking the laptop out of the bag you totally got it in the door a billion dollars where the things are taken from cars every year where the car isn't even being taken yeah and that's just being reported which is being reported and there's so much victim shaming of course because someone's car gets broken into and they're like did you did you leave it unlocked yeah just some people like honestly some people are in the place of like just realizing like i'm not going to waste the time and report this to police i'm going to go to best buy and buy whatever the [ __ ] token absolutely and if you report a police and they say oh you know they don't have anything they can recommend and so like my neighbor's car was stolen the police came around might have been rifled through i had left it unlocked because i really like her neighborhood i don't get home and get paranoid about how bad the neighborhood does get home and shoot hoops with some of the kids in the street so one of the things is it anchors you twist it'll anchor you install it yourself you connect it to power and then you have a fob or use your phone so it'll arm automatically and then it senses your new walk up and disarms automatically uh it'll record video if someone does enter the car transmits it to the cloud that's really cool uh you can get the you can have professional monitoring like simply safe they can view it on your bed how much is the club 50 bucks ladies it's like 60 bucks yeah 60. how much will this be you're not sure yet what do you think 50 bucks there are two there are two groups so we surveyed customers and there's customers who view like a 50 to 75 dollar price point and there's 200 plus because they view it as alarm system alarm system and then we have safety capabilities so we can i assume you get more excited when people say 200 [Laughter] is yeah i know when i bring out a prototype they're pros and cons and i'm not showing you the movie of course of course yeah to your point i can project no no that's exactly right by the way you're 100 right if you showed me first at a production line and you if you just do anything that applifies it in the white box and shows the app and the screen the justification of a dollar up 199 versus 60 goes through the roof and by the way even the fact that i'm sorry we were going to start at 299 that's understood i understand and then we want to have a lower end version down the road similar to nest model where you start the high-end tesla model start with a higher end there's you know what's so uniquely fascinating about this from a consumer lens and you'll probably want to spend a little time on this is where does it become price prohibitive also matches the higher propensity for theft and breakthrough so you're gonna have to find that mendoza line because the people that don't have price friction at 299 are also less targeted less feeling the pain and so finding that right area is going to be that's in your in this business hypothesis that's going to be really fascinating yeah yeah i think it's going to be really interesting my street i mean my my street in atlanta i think some neighborhoods are targeted more than others because on my street three range rovers have been stolen one guy was at the mall and so of course i mean every city and state in the country has though there's always towns that begin to have a different income level connected to the town that does i mean it's just the most cliche story of them all so we think that price i did a survey i ran google ads and found that they're i interviewed 130 people and displayed it was really interesting can i can i give you a much better way to do that yes because i love the way you just said that because it's very smart before you do indiegogo or the thing i'm about to throw at you i would actually run a website that looks like it's actually functional design the whole thing a b c d test the pricing yeah when they're done in the checkout have a video of youtube saying thank you for doing this this is actually pre-launch because we're trying to find the price yeah because you completed the whole order yeah you're gonna be one of our first 500 people that's gonna get a free one from us uh see you soon yeah okay because then you'll get real clean data and i actually do think specifically for this product given that it's hardware you got to produce it you got to put it right it's different than some of the stuff you've been involved in i think it's worth going through that process because then you'll flat out see this will be not a survey where humans subconsciously know that you're analyzing their data this will be i actually think i'm buying this i bought it for 149 i bought it for 299 i bought it for you'll get some very clean data something we're thinking about plus the marketing of like the authenticity like getting a video from you guys at the checkout part when it's done like thanks this is actually not ready yet this is not even the real name of the product yet this is not even the real price of the product yet you though are gonna get this because you just went all the way through and bought it so we're thankful you're the one of the first 500 people to ever do that in the world and if you do this now and in spring of 2022 we're gonna hand deliver you one to the address you put in here as a thank you for going all the way through there's a lot that can happen there yes you'll get the data you'll build a very small community of very loyal people that feel part of your community you might even get like some marketing and new coverage for your product because of how unique that idea is yeah where am i on timing okay so let me sneak one quick thing on you and then we'll get back to it if i can i think the new indiegogo and gofundme is nft projects i wonder if you can get together with a artist and produce a thousand tokens 5 000 tokens of really cool car art where people buy it and that gives them maybe even a piece of the business you got to look at the sec and like where all that is right now with the jobs act and all that but i'm completely convinced that the future of fundraising is going to come in nft form not in indiegogo and gofundme because people have a double asset play there i actually think it's how every artist is going to do album releases in the future instead of going to a record label they're going to have the fans be a part of it so something to put on your radar awesome yeah because if you get an artist people have the collectible and some sort of incentive and the nft represents getting one of those so you buy that you get that so you're you know now listen you're selling the nft for 700 bucks because it's a collectible and and it's a cool piece of art car you're getting the 300 item you're probably getting more money that way and and you can also then you also have them part of your ecosystem so we can explain that later i want to follow joe's lead love your shirt by the way thank you so we talked a few months ago yes about how to locate cpas and financial planners to work with me on my b2b mortgage yes and you talked about setting up facebook facebook groups sacramento business alliance not yep yeah and so i'm i'm still working on the logistics there i've been super busy on some other stuff no worries but please do that so like follow up with joe or whoever like it's i'm really passionate about it and at the time when we did that i that bit was hot on my mind and i'm starting to get the feedback loop from people that i set it to individually or i mentioned a couple times publicly and some podcasts it's really working for people cool and just to get catch everybody up the concept is if you're trying to do local business the facebook groups are doing so well especially in that 40 to 75 year old demo that if you create something a little more evergreen literally back to your like back to the prior one the atlanta small business facebook group it buckhead small business group or like you know like like like denver mom's club and if you're the host you're the host and if you can build up that group you can do localized marketing inside of it cool um i also want to start looking at ways to probably run some targeted ads on linkedin okay going after specific companies that are the right size for what i want yeah because what i really need is i need a practice where it's one guy in charge and he may have some junior partners or maybe at the most maybe three partners because when we get much bigger than that it's hard to get the buy-in from everybody makes a ton of sense based on what you're doing so for me to do that do i actually target the companies or do i go after just this size of institutions if it depends on what linkedin is gonna you know sometimes when it's too small the targeting capabilities are not there okay so you have to pay a little more for it to be a little more broad but still get what you're looking for okay do i run static ads or videos or both okay the you know the number one thing with social media ads that everybody misunderstands is it's the creative not the media okay so try everything because it's the only way you're gonna get your math right okay the amount of people that just decide that facebook ads don't work because they ran three ads it's even back to the way we started today it's like really squeezing the [ __ ] out of content i mean we're living it right now for wine techs quora is a thing that's really working us yeah i think i think all of you should look at cora too answering questions and running ads against the questions very effective quora does extremely well with google search it's not plain google search there's sometimes price arbitrage where a search term is like 19 bucks on google ads but core is the first organic answer and then you can buy the quora ad for four bucks so you see where i'm going with the arbs um core could be really really good for a lot of people here um but uh where was it going now i remember on the uh when i got off the plane today i was talking to john morgenstern who used to be ahead of all the vayner media's planning of like what's the right strategy i've now brought him in to just work with me directly my brand wine tax be friends mainly because i think he'll be even smarter working on this because the clients don't let us do the best stuff so he's almost working with me but it's going to make the org much smarter and it's already happened in a week because he's the best of all time and he's like me he loves to get his hands dirty so like doing it again is fun for him we're crushing cora but then there's fatigue like he hit me up right now and he was like i need more answers to different questions because these three ads that are working are fatigued so it's always going to be more content so in the linkedin example it's like even when something's working you got to do more and most people only run one or two or three different variations of creative and call it a day and decide if a platform works when you're supposed to do hundreds of variations which is why i want everybody to do for example i would love for you to start a show to answer questions for those brokers so that you can then chop up the show and run them as ads okay so like it's even another move above that which is like how are you gonna keep creating so much ads well what if you actually had a q a show which is really in essence answering that's the whole point of why q a works askgaryvee was so brilliant because it's no different than google ads google ads work because it's intent based marketing people are searching something they want to answer my q a show works because it's the temperament tea with garyvee it works because that's the current temperament of what people want to know one person usually represents 10 000 people's question that's a good point so what i'm thinking about that what i think i'm going to do then is go to the independent guys i'm already working with who are doing the best at it and interview them love that and then that's it that that's a very fun job that's a very good start but again if you start if you start again the sacramento you know real estate brokerage like very long tail fake groups you can extract new people sacramento small business alliance that goes very broad sacramento brokerage you know mortgage broker or real estate agents is more narrow but will be very specific you could oh by the way the world's about and not or you can start both those facebook groups cool cool appreciate it john morgenstern's pump let's get over here billy richardson um my family has been in las vegas since 1970 i love it so i love it my family my dad started out a small place grew it so i've always been the hospital it's always been a part of it i've always watched him and how he grew sure three blackjack tables to 12 slot machines to growing it to where it was so um so i got into the nightclub business early in vegas there was only three at the time and i was one of them mine 54 to rio and watched all that and got out of that one became big money and yeah of course of course so i got into the restaurant business in vegas my thing is i grew up in vegas i'm very local in vegas i believe in local businesses in vegas and so when i go and so i started with my first restaurant at red rock it was a local place i went in there i knew the guys and i just pretended i knew how to make hamburgers and do a hamburger restaurant and i did everything and hired guys and we didn't even have a restaurant we got our first one i'm in the recession head in vegas and so what year was that party what year uh two thousand uh so when i get eight nine i worked that win and left after that lunacy but i learned a lot 2008 nine yeah yeah i sat in the restaurant we were doing really well and watched the spread screen of the if they were gonna pass the one um build that give him our money and the stock market went through the roof and they said no i just said well lehman brothers business and i watched the whole casino empty out every day but i got through it and then we grew our business and we're a business the thing i find hardest is going and dealing with now with these guys are for their wall street guys and all they understand is guy fieri thomas keller shake shack and i'm uh and i believe in las vegas i love las vegas i grew up i have my kids in las vegas they're fourth generation third but no one but these buildings don't care about local guys anyway they don't want local guys in there they want guys that can pay big rent and stuff and and i know it's i know it's super well yeah i know it's super well and i sit there and i go you know what i know i'm the best in this business in vegas i know the market better than anyone i get out and i save but then i feel like well then i'm being cocky or i'm doing this and it's not that you're being cocky it just doesn't mean anything to the people that have the real estate locations that you're referring to right and nothing you say or do will change that right but that's not a bad thing no that's only a bad thing if that's the fixation of what needs to happen and i'm trying to learn about like social media and stuff like that i i i've hired pr firms i've done all that and you know they tell me how great it is you're not gonna have to do this and this and this and i have one kid that works for me and i've been doing this for i have if i have one hamburger pitcher i have nine million i've got one milkshake pitcher from every season halloween doesn't change christmas doesn't change but i being here you know i'm learning all this stuff now i have a good tool of how to use social media and i have two people that live in my house a 15 year old girl and a 10 year old girl and i bounce stuff off them all the time and i get this they're on their phones and i go what brands do you guys like i don't know dad do you like holsteins that's my camera yeah but shay check's better dad okay yeah listen i get i get it too i get it too what i try to learn is that someone taught me that if i have a 15 or 15 year olds now in five years or six years they're going to be 21 they're gonna be coming to vegas how do i get them to become my customer what what is your business so you have did you say you had four locations or locations so one one is um i do hamburgers and milkshakes primarily and then one is all pizzas and and then all hot dogs we do lobster rolls and hamburgers okay so i specialize in i see it yeah and where what uh where are you i'm in the resort world i'm in the lane so you're in the places oh yeah i'm in giant traffic areas like holsteins that's massive yes i'm trying to get locals to come down because vegas has done these guys have done a really good job saying we don't want locals to come down we're gonna charge parking paper parking yeah i mean as some you know i i have a real sense of this market i almost bought the uh minor league baseball team uh with tony shea who unfortunately passed i was very involved in downtown in the early days i was really friendly with tony at the time and spent a lot of time analyzing the market because i was going to bet the farm and buying a minor league baseball team um here are my here are my kind of couple concerns or thoughts one i hate friction uh like fighting reality is always a losing formula in business you know this way better than i do back to generation three i learned this after four months of very good homework getting locals to come to your place is not mathematically right for them the [ __ ] are they gonna do that for one strategy you could have is actually opening a fifth location in a local place building equity that way and then when they do happen to go to the places there's that residual brand affinity that is like a macro strategy to think about the other the other thing to think about is how do you create differentiation inside those places forget about the famous chefs and things of that nature the reality is is that very concise marketing within the feeds of social can always work no matter what the circumstances are so running very aggressive ads to the vegas you know area code over and over and over is going to have residual effects it's going to come down to the creative um but but i think let's break these down because i assume the four locations you have and i've got a sense of what you've got going on that game is very real estate driven like whatever location you have you have those patterns in those casinos are consistent and you've got a pretty good sense of what that is rightfully so as an entrepreneur you're like okay so this is what it is and my growth can come if i can get locals to come down or just more people are even just generating more in the united states and worldwide because of the people that are coming yeah but it's not going to work that way i don't think unless you do ridiculous [ __ ] right like the virality and consistency that you'll need for like me to see it on my tic toc and then remember in nine months like there's so much branding that has to go into that to me this starts so i would tell you what i would do i think that if i'm your partner i would say uh we need to start at the product level so let me give you an example something i've always loved about this kind of food i think you should create a 200 hot dog well i have i have a billionaire burger it's a billion dollars uh no okay what is it it's a hundred and i have other people and then they tell me well no one's going to do it and i i have thought of saying well this burger's a billion dollars and someone will buy it yeah i see like when the the million dollar i think what you need to do is create multiple food items per place that are so outlandish and are content driven so here's what you could here's what i would do i would create a 99 slice of pizza for the pizza place i would think about what the [ __ ] that means is that caviar is that some sort of like weird ostrich egg or am i pouring in am i cook am i pouring dom p over it after it comes out of the oven i don't know what it does but you have gotta it can't just be 99 bucks you actually kind of have to try to get it there that's number one number two i would have somebody full-time hired for your four locations in the in the main casinos that goes into tick-tock and instagram uses the hashtag las vegas search sorts it by recent sees who's just posted because it's proving that they're in vegas and dming them to come to the place to get a free piece of the outlandish product if you if you create the bait and then bring them in and you're giving me and if you hit up drock because he somehow has a lot of followers um and we're in vegas a lot for a speech and you dm him and say hey drock we love your work we'd love you to come in and get a free 100 slice of pizza there's two things that happen there one he'll probably do it because i know him two the hundred dollars will catch him off guard even if he wasn't gonna do it that might make him do it like you're like what is what is that even i do believe that would work i really do i think you you you know and i'm just i'm trying to let me break it down one more time because i really want to make sure you get it because i'm going to move on one to two ridiculous items you're already in aligned with me because you have 100 burger so you're already there one to two items that are really outlandish rethink them because the 100 burger potentially should be refurbished because you thought about it maybe with a different context point you need to make it so visually interesting that when the influencer comes for the free thing they're going to want to make you're not going to ask that the second you say drock comment if you post on your instagram we'll give you 100 burger you're already dead if you just say hey we see that you're here we love your stuff come in ask for carl the manager and we'll give you the 100 milkshake when that person gets 100 milkshake you know you you clearly want them to do the thing we want them to do you have to make it so visually ridiculous that they themselves want to do it because it's good content you need to hire a full-time person to constantly stay on tick-tock and instagram to see who's hashtagged vegas and dming them you need a full-time person right got it yes awesome thank you i appreciate it yeah thanks to monique oh that's interesting so one of my biggest uh challenges right now is we had a uh you know in the sports and athletic space where you have athletes who have gone to shows and they they travel and drink pandemic that was all shut down and they said you know we can really have our price point a lot higher for direct to consumer yeah but we're competing against the fanatics against yes we talked about that right so what what is your uh thought in terms of the feasibility of something like that uh for us to create our own like legend circle agency for direct-to-consumer merchandise for other for other people besides jim uh-huh i think it's real yeah you know i think there's a lot of fragmentation available in talent that's why you know that's why there's so many managers it's why there's so many agencies um i think the feasibility is very real i think the question you have to ask and we obviously have a little bit of a preview of this because you and i spoke recently about this it's going to come down to how good you are at it the problem with like you know do i think that jim and you and and somebody you hire or somebody on the team reaches out to 12 hall of famers and say are you really happy with the way you have it we're starting this thing would you come you know you know this better than i do i'm just around it a lot legends trust other legends more than they trust somebody else trying to get in their pocket so do i think you can get six people roger starbuck this or all cable of course i do i think you can the problem is that you also know this part a year later if they're selling less helmets with you even if they're you know if the money's not the same or better then they're gonna start saying wait maybe i should go back to upper deck maybe i should go to so i think the question there the feasibility is incredibly real very real and forever real the question is how much belief do you have that you can build the organization that can create that demand i'm not scared you know about you know as much as i love michael rubin fanatics and i do they're real homies do i think there's fragmentation of course i do because it's happening it's there's a lot of fragmentation i think the question becomes can you create the demand creation outside of you know john elway putting a link in his instagram saying this is where my memorabilia is you're gonna need you're gonna need more than that much more than that so are you an organization you become a retailer right how good of a retailer are you and that's right i think the ideology always gets people going right they're like yeah we're gonna get 50 of the action instead of 20 but 50 of 17 signed balls is a lot less money than 20 of 20 000 balls and i think i think that's the thing you're gonna have to figure out that's right and that's really where we are in terms of the feasibility of it i mean the other thing is look for you specifically your guys situation you're at such the tippy top of it that you could leave for a year and if you decided oops we need to go back every major player is going to be very thrilled to have that convo with you so you got to keep that in mind too yeah yeah we wouldn't do it ourselves yeah we definitely have a team we build the team around it to that that's the decision you're making do you believe that this team with better economics can close the gap on a team that's out there that's been doing it at the scale that whoever you're with i don't have that fully figured that's missing like what is it that they're not doing correct that's right and what can you add to it access virtual access content all that stuff but but let me say this when you because i've seen a lot don't get over romanced with the better percentages right a lot of people lose on that game because in your specific thing unlike other you know there's it's one thing when you're i'll tell you my story as a public speaker when i looked at the data after two years with caa yeah and at first it was great because i god rest his soul when tony shea would say no and i was at caa they'd be like how about this guy gary vaynerchuk he talks about similar stuff so that was great for me but as my brand got to a different place the last two years i was caa 85 of my speaking engagements came through my website then you're like well i'm creating the demand um so i think the demand creation is always going to have the leverage yeah that's right not how good is the deal that's right got it that's the key absolutely and it's hard to compete for traffic it's almost like we have to cross-promote amongst like the various projects that we have but the scale yeah but the scale in which and and what are we talking exclusive and then you think about friction for the consumer right you know like if i'm looking for you know i'm gonna go to google or i'm gonna go directly to fanatics maybe upper deck and type in his name ebay right that'd be the other place i'd go you got to think those things through yeah i definitely can begin to feel that obviously fanatics has a footprint that's way larger in this space but there's so many other areas that they're not as big in i agree you know certain types of apparel or even lacrosse as a growing sport so kind of and jim's i mean you know what i feel about his opportunity with lacrosse and telling that story yeah okay you might be able to carve some stuff out too exactly he's so like revered absolutely that i could see i think some i think some companies might even be willing to compromise and say if you said hey we want to do all our own lacrosse stuff can we have that exclusively i think you might find some yeses because they might think it's too small and they have too much respect for him and then you can test maybe you start there i mean he is the greatest lacrosse player of all time thank you awesome yeah gary yeah so i am working on my next startup and uh i am thinking about kind of how do i help the masses right i've always built niche sites and investing you know dividends mutual funds so just talking to my daughter one day she's 25 she's like hey you know that if it wasn't for you me and my friends would never invest like you know you keep me up to date and whatnot so i'm like wow that's like a big audience mid-20s not investing i mean i mean and now right the whole robin hood phenomenon i mean you have more 20 year olds it's now it's like cool culture to be a traitor yeah yeah and i think that's the thing you know everyone's into that but the problem then is people get intimidated right so like my daughters aren't thinking about like oh you don't want to trade crypto i'm going to trade this right so my thing is i came up with this idea the investing superstore so you think about a superstore you think about walmart target yeah everything superstore superstore sorry i heard superstars the investment's super slow keep going so the idea is to have any asset that you can buy in one location okay so partnering up with a different sort of platform so if you want to buy fractional shares of a rookie card you want to buy stocks you want to buy crypto whatever the asset is partner work with these companies and everything is done in one place so the idea is are you gonna do that are you gonna are you gonna do that through apis are you gonna be able to so be built like the amazon interesting you know so like a discovery engine so people that bought this asset also bought these assets yep so the idea is to build the anti robin hood right because rob manhattan is very gamified it's trading i want to build something that's more zen right i guess i've been in san diego five years yeah so i'm in this very like zen no noise i don't want any alerts from wall street no upgrades downgrades earnings reports i just want people to buy assets well won't that only work for people who are further along in their knowledge base if you're if you make a very zen place where i'm just transacting and nobody's bothering me i love that comma won't i have to be pretty damn knowing what the [ __ ] i want to buy when i go in there yeah well there'll be an education part right okay there's you know the education basics my hot take and we've got more to go through but my hot take is i've always historically struggled when somebody wants to be a consolidator of information coming from other sources because it's a dangerous business let me explain it's very hard to win that game because once first of all it's hard to get people to come to a new place and that takes a lot of money it's a theme two if you're even able to succeed in that which is a monumental win when you're relying on apis or other data sets if you become too big they shut it off right because they don't want you they don't want to pay you the vig so so that's one thing to think through yeah well like this you know the way i thought about it was like lead generation right so we're selling them and i have a good enough sense of like how you came up so it makes sense to me so it's you know so it's lead generation the flip side you know the other aspect that we thought originally was this chrome extension metamask yeah or even like you know join honey yep so even to create something where we can see what's in your car and say hey there's five of the 12 things are investable i think the question becomes the following so the hypothesis of everybody being an investor in their 20s is very real that let's start there the macro hypothesis that is super real the amount of content on tick tock right now like of like actual investing advice that 16 and 17 year olds are taking very seriously between sneakers and sports cards and definitely nfts and crypto and stock and robin hood life and the whole gamestop stuff it is enough has happened that i would bet the farm on what's going to happen with 20 year old behavior on investing so that's great the the thing that you're thinking about my first reaction on the next part is you're taking a very web 1.0 approach to it consolidation fragmentation arbitrage i do like the extension a little bit more i i think i think all of them are going to do it coinbase robin hood and these these platforms have tens of millions if not hundreds of millions of users already and they're going to continue to verticalize and horizontalize offerings so the superstore thing doesn't fire me up because i think that's the road map of all the people you're competing with that have 100 million user head start and billions in fundraising head start so that's one thing to just be open-eyed to yeah yeah i don't think that's enough of a moat yeah well the most part that i was going to add in was the community part right so that now that we by the way always yeah so like we don't like the same asset if we can create the communities but that's a chicken and egg thing right like what size of scale does a community need to be to be a it needs to be pretty large and like how do you get them there and why it's why i'm so in love with content i always think the content at the end of the day always is the lowest friction point to creating community um yeah i mean i think the superstore thing is concerning just because i have a good enough read on what robin hood and coinbase and others even the like everyone's battling for the same thing now right the macro superstore thing scares me the super macro hypothesis i'm in love with like the whole like that the way this started like hey dad me and my friends are being like that's huge because it's real yeah i just wonder where you should put that energy yeah yeah the investor rest was like the brand that we had for the chrome extension idea right which is like now you're in your car it's like hey look do do i think that that can work as a chrome extension i really do yeah is that the best is that the best use of a four year period to like build that up and the amount of dollars to like customer acquire is what i'm really thinking through because i love that you're on the macro macro and sometimes i've done this a lot i've been so right about the macro macro but where i put my energy was getting nickels instead of dollars against a very proper macro macro hypothesis yeah like if i was smart enough that would be the word i would use to realize what i was doing in 1996 with open cart optimization because i knew i had a website and i knew that people were stuck and didn't check out mainly because i used to be petrified of the tech because i just always thought our site didn't work because it was so early and it was [ __ ] very hard and i wasn't an engineer and even though i hired and like it was just like an everyday thing for me is our site broken like what's like it was just so that's why web 3 comes so natural to me everyone's all scared about nfts i'm like this is 1996. like nobody knows what the [ __ ] in a you know a custodial wallet is of course people are getting like it's it's a different shift um i if i instead of thinking about selling pinot noir for my dad commercialized and productized open card optimization i'd have i would have owned the jets in 2002. that's kind of like a sense i'm getting here which is like i'm not scared of anything you said i just love your macro macro thesis so much that i want to make sure you pressure test yourself on where you're going to deploy your attack on it yeah you see where i'm going yeah i think that's kind of where i'm at i i get that i respect that i can tell you one thing and this is for all of you content while you're debating is a good idea yeah you starting a tick tock and being aggressive about it on investing 101 advice from your perspective is a really good idea yeah yeah it's funny i like the part you said about sassing right because like i'm sort of like i'm not a big fan of uh the things that happened like you know on cnbc you know and i don't know if you know do you have tick-tock i don't i don't good let me tell you a theme in tik-tok a thing that's done in tic-tac-toe crush for you you can green screen it's a very common meme in tick tock where something's playing in the background and you're social commentating your ability to like if you're not pumped with cnbc film stuff then talk over it while it's playing will work real well with the kids because cnbc is their dad's channel right so you'll win them over real fast with that that's interesting yeah because i'm thinking about sort of the content and by the way social commentating on top of a piece of content is the easiest way to create content it's your hot take on what you say yes sir one last question yes of course yeah i know he's good like that so you uh you get the device yes it's gonna be ready may june of next year uh we we have raised funds we have money to spend on marketing yes if you're in our position where you've got a prototype device that's what we have we don't have we don't have a bunch of production devices to ship to influencers yes when will you um could could be in the next three months maybe within the next three months so yeah our challenge right now is if we can launch in there if you were fewer us and we're launching in may how would you drum up as much attention as you could now with you know we do have a considerable marketing budget let me i'll give you a bunch of things i think i got a lot for you so one i think you should really debate doing an nft project i really do i think you should find an artist in atlanta maybe two there's tons of good artists out there that's not the issue and literally design an nft project and everybody who buys an mt gets the piece when it comes out you're gonna have to decide what the price is so you can communicate so that's over here that's one thing really to be i know that's very progressive and early and i could kill that because it's so new number two speaking to nfts i i don't know if you know what discord is but discord and facebook groups i think a facebook group around literally the group's called tired of getting your car [ __ ] with group you know it's funny there's one in kansas city it's like 300 000 members in it it's just real i love that i think you should own the party instead of watching the party so i think you should start your own facebook groups because that's gonna be your customers eventually that's another thing i think that you should make an animation kind of uh cartoon or stick figure i think you should try to get the lowest cost three videos of re-enacting how the product works for content now right so think about how fun you can make some of that if it's cartoon if it's a pretty cool cartoon explainer video right now that's actually good send that over to me on email it's gary vaynermedia i want to see it i want you to make it not for the website to explain i want you to make it for social media content demand creation and i'm sure you can tell how that would be different one yours is probably very literal i want these to be a little more fun and just like cause virality um i would hire i would definitely when we get closer um do some hardcore influencer tiktok work the skits on tick tock with your product that can go crazy viral is pretty extreme i mean it's just made for comedy and made for tick tock and i think you're one three thousand dollar influencer campaign away from having outrageous levels of awareness would you start with a hundred small influencers would you go after two or three big ones i mean the answer is both can work i think what i'd probably do right away is make sure both of you actually get serious about downloading tick tock and just like spending 15 minutes a day like using it so that you are a better judge and jury of who you do something with the biggest issue for everybody yeah how would i best do research so yeah you'll love this not your category i just want you to have the the tone and temperament of tick tock there's probably not a whole lot of carl alarm car stealing content what i want you to do back to where your your partner in crime here he referenced basketball and has a basketball shirt on good let him [ __ ] like have his stream filled with that basketball content i just want both of you to have a taste of the temperament you're not gonna find content around you what you're gonna find probably along the way it what i hope my my dream is on march 9th you're just doing you're staying the course 10 minutes a day you're just going through and you're like enjoying it as a human you find something that really makes you laugh you click on the person they've got 87 000 followers you look at their other six videos you're like this person's [ __ ] good this is me dreaming oh [ __ ] this person lives in you know in alabama not too too far you message the person go i love your stuff would you consider doing something for a brand you see where i'm going that's like my dream state it doesn't have to be that lucky it could be it's something else but be at some point in based on your timing in april or may i'm gonna want you to spend ten thousand bucks on two or three or four or five influencer campaigns and i want you to be dramatically back to pr back to lovely gentlemen to the left people waste money when they don't know how to judge it the amount of people that have wasted a fortune on almost everybody who tells me that social media doesn't work i already know exactly what happened they they wanted to try it out because they were scared to waste money they went with someone that's [ __ ] either completely full of [ __ ] or just is [ __ ] and they don't even realize it because it's small they do their thing it doesn't work and they decide after three months of [ __ ] putting two thousand bucks a month into some horse [ __ ] that that doesn't work that's like me going outside right now and dribbling a basketball not being good at it and saying that basketball isn't a viable option you have to be good at it yeah so you need to know you understand why i brought up tick tock so much from 2011 to 2013 if you were the best in the world at running facebook ads you built a huge company in 2015 to 2017 if you were the best at the world being an influencer on instagram you really built something big we are in it right now and we've probably got another 12 to 24 months where you're just getting better deals from tick tock than tick tock is getting from you and then they tip right now everyone on instagram that's one dimensional instagram's crying their organic reaches down it's harder they're not growing as fast they're not making as much money well you know they love they're mad at the algorithm [ __ ] instagram meanwhile they don't instagram doesn't charge you anything and you built your whole career on it you just had good timing and you got it when it was good tick tock's got that right now and i just need everybody to go hard at it because it will go away just like instagram went away just like twitter went away just like facebook went away it's the same game every time it's the real estate version of attention you either buy beachfront property first or you don't and it gets progressively worse deal tick-tock is where all the cranes is that's what you're saying that's exactly right it's just where the attention is and it's not 15 year olds anymore it's 30 40. like it's it's this is a rodeo i've seen before you know so i think i think and i what i love about your product for tick tock unlike instagram perfect marketing four years ago where it was just a nice image of your product with a little click here and you go to your website and you convert and you cookie them and you retarget them now with ios 14 update you can't retarget the same way but on tick tock for your product one aspiring comedian does the right hilarious video of somebody's scared [ __ ] list of trying to steal the car and it gets 14 million organic views you're off to the races that's all we got for you man thank you so much such a pleasure good to see you again thanks for being here yeah it really is good to be back in person like really good the zoom version of this is just not as fun i love it it's efficient awesome thank you thanks gang continued success yeah youtube watcher what's up it's garyvee first of all thank you so much i hope you're doing super well during these times i also want to ask you please subscribe because my commitment and exploration of youtube is about to explode stories polls more content more engagement more surprise and delight this is the time to subscribe i hope you consider it and i hope i see you soon you
Channel: GaryVee
Views: 181,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gary Vaynerchuk, Garyvee business, gary vee, gary vaynerchuck, garyvee, business, success, entrepreneurship, entrepreneur
Id: f4TIv7Yt-Ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 17sec (4037 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 20 2021
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