666: What Does It REALLY Mean?
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Channel: ReligionForBreakfast
Views: 201,896
Rating: 4.8372993 out of 5
Keywords: 666, Mark of the Beast, RFID Chip Implant, What does 666 mean?, Book of Revelation, Apocalypse of John, Revelations, 666 explained, what is 666, 666 meaning, antichrist, revelation, John, satan, devil, Nero, Caesar
Id: 7-PqevqQEQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 9sec (369 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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I am a regular subscriber to Religion for Breakfast, I even use it in my High School Sunday School Classes. This particular video is great because it reminds us the books of the Bible were written for an audience and a purpose that is not Western Contemporary.
A few addenda:
The gematric equation between Nero's name and the number should probably be supplemented with an additional equation with the word 'beast', making it a case of isopsephy and not only gematria:
Νέρων Καῖσαρ / נרונ קסר (Nrwn Qsr) = 666 = θήριον ('beast') / תריון
Nero Caesar / נרו קסר (Nrw Qsr) = 616 = θηρίου ('of the beast') / תריו
Transliterating Greek words to Hebrew script for the calculation isn't a stretch: there are parallels. in 3 Baruch chapter 4, we find numbers used which draw on the equations
'dragon' δράκων > דרקון drqwn = 360
'deluge' κατακλυσμός > קטקליסמס qtqlsms = 409
(I'd also like to hope there are other examples that I haven't turned up.)
The alternate reading 616 is famously attested in P115 (P. Oxy. 4499), and was known to Irenaeus. P115 doesn't demonstrate the precedence of 616, though. The number is preceded by a gap in the papyrus, then the word 'or', then the number 616. Pretty much the only sensible conclusion is that it originally read 'its number is 666 or 616', i.e. it quoted both variants (and that's how the original editor of P115 supplemented the text). And Irenaeus and P47 -- both earlier than P115 -- opt for the 666 reading, though Irenaeus doesn't know a good reason to do so: presumably it's simply the reading he had encountered most often. He and Victorinus of Pettau did pick up on the fact that the number was tied up with gematria, though.
I wrote a blog post on this a year ago, which may be interesting for some -- but I don't imagine it'll have any news for the experts here: I don't want to try to teach anyone's grandmother to suck eggs.
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