66 C10 Roof Swap Video

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[Music] other folks my name is Eric Joss and we're gonna be doing some videos here like someday you and I are doing up restore on a 1966 Chevy c10 actually was a 3/4 ton that we're not converting we're not professionals and I noticed on YouTube when I was searching for some information on how to do some of this stuff a lot of the videos were not family-friendly no offense to those guys but a lot of them there are a lot of language that bother someone and watch a video it probably wasn't okay to do so basically what we're gonna do is show you some of what we're doing it may not be the right way it may not be the best way but let's face it we're making it up as we go along here so we've never done this before basically we started off with a very rusty 1966 shelf truck here's what we have for afraid we've had sandblasted and then Palmer quoted we've chopped it down to a short bed from a long bed truck we've replaced the crossmember replaced that to the new style suspension we've added new braking system disc brakes so we're happy with that we're excited we're a little better stopping power but it said never done this before so just bear with us okay this is our original campus and the underside of this camp is pretty much shot he's going to show you a little bit of the damage you can see the floor a lot of places on this cab and basically we've decided that so we are gonna take the roof off this cab which is what we're doing today this cab has a good roof this Texas cast has a good bottom obviously they don't have the salt there but up around the roof there was lights up here and basically they leaked and allowed all of this up in here to be rotted so basically what we're going to do is we're gonna take our make our original cab the donor and then we're gonna chop it basically right here and then bow it in here and you'll see he's gonna come around to the back you'll see that we marked it down here and then we are drilling out all the spot welds through this area back up around through and then the same on the post here now the reason that we're doing it that way and again this may not be the right way to do it but it's the best way we could think of is down here everything's a single layer plus and what you're really only going to see of the truck is this much right here if we went higher up in here we get into the headliner of the cab so we have two layers of metal that we'd have to fix plus it's right where it's going to be seen when you've come around the back it's behind the seats and the box of the truck so really the bodywork doesn't have to be that great on what we're gonna do so that's why I've been show us there again then we're gonna find out okay now one of the things obviously if you're gonna cut your camera part is keeping your door the same way that it was the opening me being a carpenter I understand when a door doesn't fit right with wood it's no problem I just shaved some often problem but with metal obviously there's a little bit more problem so we want to keep the integrity of the door opening the same so basically what we did is we made a template now there's one for the driver's door DD one for the passenger's door basically what we did is took a piece of quarter-inch space tonight and we made the curve on these back pieces because the side of the truck is not straight it's got a little bit of an arch to it you got one of these you already know that so we made that arch and then cut off we basically put it on the inside and cut off to the inside of this flange where the seal goes the door seal once we had that that D was the city of this whole piece of plywood then we attach these little blocks that overhang to meet basically against you want to zoom in a little bit right here it meets up into the doorway here and so that basically fits in you'll see it here I'm going to set this into the doorway [Music] and there you have it now you can see these hangover and I can actually screw this to the flange and that will hold it in place you can see we've got a nice tight fit what that is and that's a template then once we cut this off this rough off this whole assembly off and we put it on the other truck we have a template that will fit we can actually use this to set the roof down on top of okay now when I was measuring this out and where I was going to cut you can see here's my line I'm gonna cut and I'm also gonna make pay attention when I cut the donor cab I'm going to be cutting on this side of the line because that way my wheel is going to be lower on the other cab on the good cab I'm going to be cutting here that'll make up the difference of the cuts and I'll have more camp to work with when I go over on the other on the good cab but you can see this pencil mark here this is how I determined the height I used this template also to know how high up the door I was going to go so basically when I marked out both camps this template was how I marked where I was gonna start my cut here and come around and then also up here the same thing on the post you can see the mark so I basically just picked the spot on this template and then marked out on the cam from there because now when I take this template over to the other door you've got the same line and so now I should be identical in the same spot on the pulse because I'm hitting up here so this distance can't change and when there's no camp up here none of the camp are rough up here I'll be able to set the new roof right on top of this to set it to where I need a well lit that's the fluid will let you know how it turns off okay now when you're gonna cut this cab apart what's going to happen is you're gonna lose all the integrity of the structure to this thing if we just cut the roof off because this camp is in such bad shape up in the front it could just literally fall apart so basically if he comes in here with the camera you'll be able to see that we put some bracing now we don't care about this cab basically once we get the roof off from it we may save some of the - and some of the things in there maybe make something for the wall you know out of that old - but you know we just basically want it to stay together until we can get it apart so we just put a couple of braces here angle braces to keep the front end from tipping over if you come over to the you can see that we get a little bit more bracing we've got it a little better braced some X bracing and we don't want this thing to get all out of shape so we may not have our bracing complete in here we're not sure yet we're gonna kind of play it by ear when we cut apart the old cab that one's in terrible shape we're going to see how that one wraps it's going to the other thing that you need to know is that because we're cutting it where we are you'll see there's a whole bunch of holes here that have been drilled out this was done with a spot weld removal tool I got one on Eastwood from Eastwood company they're very good drill bit works great basically it separates the two pieces my son Daniel drilled out all those it didn't take very long at all then on the inside of the cab you got to do some more you'll see the old gas tank bracket there was several years he had drill out all these to separate the back from this bracket now for the most part we're not going to need that we've really located the gas tank to the back of the truck and so we'll be cutting off some of this stuff to get it out of the way of a new seats we're gonna put at seats in it so we hopefully have everything ready we're going to cut the top off we'll let you know how it turns out [Music] [Music] okay here we are starting to cut the roof off the cab and we've ran into some issues right off the bat as we started to cut obviously you can see we've already cut through right here on our rear post and basically what happened was this metal started to shift so basically what we did to correct this is we put our panels in like I showed you earlier and just screw them right into the channel where the weatherstrip goes so now basically the integrity should stay there Plus as you can see now the roof is sitting on this piece of wood so when we do finally get it all cut off it'll sit down on to those panels okay this is the last cut this a post you're gonna notice sawzall is going to come out below the line I really don't care I want to be able to grind that up to the line I wanted me to leave myself plenty of material so here we go [Music] now you can see we've got all the cuts made this camp is basically just sitting here we've any kind of a funny thing we tried to pick up the top and then we realized because we screwed it here here here here the two halves are still mated because of our family so we got to take our panel home so it's just one of those bloopers so well we're gonna undo those screws and then lift the roof off okay [Music] [Music] [Music] this was left [Music] well today's the big day we're gonna take the top off from our good cab with the bad top we're going to take this top off and then we're just going to basically throw it away as you can see we've got our marks here that we've set up from to match the other cab and we're going to be cutting it we'll get to see some video of that we've tried a couple different tools we've tried an air tool and then we tried that cheap like a jigsaw type ear tool it didn't work very well and then we got a nicer snap on one and that one just blasts right through it so you'll get to see that as we're cutting it what we're doing though is we're leaving a little extra on our tape line here because we're going to try and fit this together we want a little extra metal that so that when we put our top from the other truck on here we can mark it and have a nice tight joint when we do weld it because obviously big gaps are not a good thing so we're looking forward to getting this thing chopped over I'm a little bit excited and so we'll keep you posted we're gonna be drilling out some of the spot welds and I've got this spot weld removal tool and basically what it is it's kind of like a milling machine cutter it's got a spring-loaded Center tip and basically that's spring-loaded so as you start to drill it will you'll push and it'll actually retract inside the bit and that keeps you centered and then the teeth will cut it and then when you get right to the end of the bit of the hole through the first layer of metal here that spring-loaded Center punch is going to push and you'll actually see the metal pop here's a couple that are already done here you can see and basically the metal just kind of moves out with the drill bit and so we'll drill one here and hopefully it'll give you a good view so we'll see what happens we've already Center punched the center of the spot weld and I'll just drill it [Music] basically what's gonna happen separate you can see it basically now we have a the paint right here just kind of separated right out and that's basically all there is to it well we've got everything cut you think we're all settling so we're just gonna basically lift this off here and lay it on its back we don't care about this part so it's just basically just getting it off of here [Music] okay we got the top cut off obviously and now we're dealing with this a post and as you can see the post is how old but there's a piece of metal on the inside here and the problem that you're going to have is how do you weld that you know when you're looking at the outside you can't see it when you just set the other piece on top so what we're gonna do is we're gonna cut the inside down here a little bit lower giving us access and we want to make a patch panel out of the existing top that we're gonna throw away so if you look over here what we're doing is basically cutting this little chunk out but obviously it's all spot welded in so we're just grinding off the welds and then we're going to use this piece to make our patch panels so that we can weld that inside so now we have this ball pretty much drill out I'm just gonna pop it out and there you see we'll have a piece that we can then drop right in here and use it to cover once we have this cut off to be able to weld that flat spot we've got this pulse that we are making preparations on to get it ready to welcome to and as you can see we've notched it so that we can get in here - well become our own this way you can see that now we also removed you'll see over on the other side and the rain gutter here we took that right off because that exposed all of this crud and corrosion underneath there you can see this is just nasty with rust so if you're going through all this work you might as well remove those rain gutters because it's just gonna rust all right along here you'll get it all painted up and then the rust is just gonna creep back so make sure those rain gutters it's pretty easy pieces you can maybe buy them or have them made up you can bend them up so it's definitely worth removing them being prepped readiness but the old clean this bad job and Primus then we did the same thing from anything retaining the camp back walls I'm never going to be able to get at it again so it's never came from the factory so that's life is rustic we're also preparing a king race that we can weld and grind it off all team [Music] their first test fit [Music] [Music] okay okay we set the cab on we're both the makers first spot baldies we got a nice tight gap here where our little employers are our pry bar here to hold it and our we've got a nice tight gap here we're gonna weld just to tack it in place and then bring all four corners in this shows how we made access to weld that inner piece of metal that brace you see we got the metal prepped we rub out ready to weld it up we finished the a post then come around to the back you see we've got that all welded in and around in it's just a lot of tedious work you'll see on the back here we're priming it once we get it where we want it so just some things don't rust this camp is going to be going in and being sandblasted actually it'll be be blasted we're going to happen use be blasting rather than sand and hopefully not warp it but you can see got all our spot and welds put back together here's the site where we're in the process of and we're not professionals like I said so some of you body professionals are probably laughing at what you see here our welds aren't the best but we're getting there done [Music] and basically ground out to smooth and everything as smooth as we're gonna get it for now until after it's sandblasted that turned out really nice that our seniors made it well and we have our patch for the old gas tank there does the filler cap that gas tank was behind the seat was the gas tank so we had to get rid of that because we're reload relocating the tank to the rear end of the truck and we have our seam right here came out really nice you can hardly even see it obviously the primer covers up a little bit but it turned out really nice we had a little bit of working going on we were welding on the scene here but we took spot lobes taken care of down here on this edge really nicely they're here smooth and our scene came off really nicely everything is fixed together really well I just like to take a minute to share something with you that I found really helpful in my life you know the solo cab has a lot of rust corrosion and corruption in it and we're gonna find out just how much there is and we Sam lasted but just like this cab we have corruption in our lives you see there's a God in heaven who created us and because we're sinners every time we sin we pick up some more rust and corrosion and dents wear and tear and because we had that in our lives we can't be with God in heaven when we die but you know he knew that we had problems he knew that we were gonna have wear and tear he knew that we were gonna mess up and so he made a way for us to be right with him and that's her Jesus Christ he sent his son His only Son to here be here on earth live on earth as God on earth and live a perfect life and then he died on a cross and shed his blood because God said without the shedding of blood there is no remission now why he said that I don't know I'm not God but what I do know is that he loved you and I enough to send His only Son to die on a cross for us in all the asks is that you accept him accept Christ as your personal Savior now it's not fancy words it's not religion it's not going to church it's simply coming to the fact that you have corruption in your life and then it's just as simple as saying Lord I'm a sinner whether you save me just ask him for whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved that's what it says in the Bible you see doesn't matter what I say it doesn't matter what the preacher says it matters what God says and if you'll do that today you can know that when you die you'll spend an eternity with him [Music]
Channel: Rusty Revivals
Views: 12,504
Rating: 4.7962961 out of 5
Keywords: My Movie
Id: QRKkm96MVPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 18 2018
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