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goodbye and welcome everybody to penguin you ready to play with some balls okay right we're in uh so we're starting out with the old amble dexterous uh which uh one of just one of my favorite favorite uh where we go so we just instantly just go for a dag orb I guess we should be trying to get as many bombs as possible oh ammo take that and yeah bomb time excellent foreign to bomb it up nice another bomb and one last one for the win uh we are come on oh we did it what a pro just what a what an all-time good boy uh what do you want shock or absorber the sphere pierces one enemy I haven't taken it before uh uh where are we even going today there's a good little path there okay I'm saying vaguely right uh uh let's avoid too many Shenanigans oh I need to just be using the old uh this boy excellent hey damage to two different foes um I just I don't want to really activate all the bombs yet but this doesn't hurt too bad and kachow we got all excellent uh it's Bulldog uh my good friend uh just always an ally it's just a big Stone but I just feel empathy towards it um I don't know if I want Fireballs I guess we could have just gone for the biggest ball ball collection in the world I wanted to add like a dice uh wow this is a Wild One um okay just give me all the bombs um I guess [Music] uh okay we got some of the bombs that wasn't all of the bombs nice the um the sphere is Bulldog gonna make it through the whole excellent job okay right bottle's not even gonna get to fire but you know having it just having a great time wow we'll hit everything oh man just such a good big ball or store orb I've never taken it we're just gonna try and take take new stuff okay well Baldor ain't super helpful right now uh but not terrible I don't really want to hit refresh I guess hey bombs doesn't hurt blammo the sphere I don't know if it's the best one uh wow double bomb is good though flammo and just one one friend uh we may as well use the old rest orb as we need some heals can we just hit that bomb twice not on that shot but there we go we got him blammo I've grown all what do you do heal six not terrible kisses two enemies my perhaps baldor's better the sphere is just bad boldov I guess it you know isn't a big a big fella like old bulldovers yeah we'll give them a go though 40 can I get in there and get that crit the answer is not today but and like it's just like firing a it's like getting a free bomb like I should probably try and get in the mid let's get a daggle okay daggle not the best but we're okay and [Music] blamer uh we're gonna take some damage here we're definitely gonna take some damage here uh she's probably trying to get a refresh but maybe just getting some bombs in oh we got both uh I am here for that okay I can do double discards which is actually pretty sweet [Music] great shot and sphere yeah it doesn't hurt well it doesn't hurt me it hurts the Slime he doesn't like being stabbed with a sphere yeah just keep going maybe it is worth just getting the free heal out of this oh we got the bomb Oh that was a perfect throw excellent job upgrade it's bottle crits refresh the board bounces contribute towards damage still refresh uh which way do you want to be left or right I'm gonna go left because then if I mess it up uh I'll definitely end up somewhere somewhere useful overwhelmer oh my God just the best just the best boy okay I don't want all the slimes again okay we'll have all the slimes again thank you an excellent opening volley I am here for that dagorb I used to be able to actually skip through to get the um my boy but I'll take the bombs big Spear and just keep the damage rolling um just as much as you can nice 40 I'll take it it's like 10 of his life uh give them the old helos this bottle is probably the best the best out here let's try and go down there if you hit the crit would love it don't worry about it no two damage absolutely fine we're going to take some hits not too many but definitely some oh give me a good crit excellent stuff uh all up nothing it's kind of fun I think we're gonna take a heal oh fleece okay more crit more good or do you want to go upgrades yeah I'll go this way because then I definitely have to fight a boss really help us I feel like the answer is kind of uh it's not the most useful but ow I'm just gonna go on that Hill because then it also gets rid of the heels I don't have to skip past it as much and then bold or can come to save the day I probably should have tried to get a good refresh in here but still doing all right oh we've got the overwhelmer so actually um dag orb super strong and that big crit oh my god well okay without all or nothing would have been very strong dagorb yeah Big Boss um oh no don't hit all the bombs I thought a lot of these slimes today and I do not need that many slimes in my life okay A little Crypt oh we're never gonna get a good Krill out of this oh no but the crit's refresh oh actually Chris good and so I'll just do a heal do a refresh and hope for the best go straight in on all Boulder friend uh 120. I'll take it these are a world where we get both of those crits oh probably not probably not not that way bombs and crits okay sadly we're gonna take some hits but I think we can live with that excellent stuff oh the ball yeah that's what I want more crits on the board yeah we're going for it all crit all the time I just need to kind of like thin out my deck let me get rid of that that sphere oh he's going all awkward random random though yes wow we got a first home sure generally I feel like this this chip is not the the dream world but I'll take a thing wow actually they're probably a pretty good spot to come good here I'm never gonna get a crit though but yeah like 100 damage I'll take it uh sadly the jellies don't actually count as anything uh-oh okay we're actually in trouble here because some of our stuff does zero damage two times zero is still zero baby um even I can do that uh do that maths oh okay wow this has actually come very good for us so far this is actually a great level for it uh right let's watch the heel uh let's just instantly try and get a and a bomb how we've hit we have multiple almost every single time we're in orb yeah give me those good crits all orbs get plus zero plus four oh I think we just go for it this is this is a real All or Nothing play right now okay this sounds perverse like there's because there's like you know add more crits to the board which is good but I want to get rid of my stones so I kind of think I want to take that left route but you know it might might not be the right idea uh but I don't know wow even with the half damage uh that still did fantastically okay more correct yeah I think I want to give the left because I'm more likely to get rid of get rid of stones from my deck which is kind of the thing I'm most hopeful uh you are probably not gonna come good well two times two times zero great sphere okay well we usually start with a crit which is nice how does that work oh oh it goes through the Shield wow are we gonna we're just gonna take a load of damage here Crips oh I think I need to just try and get a bold orb in my life oh we're good I think Baldor has saved the day with two times damage you're a hero uh upgrade yeah daggle why not do you love those crits and I love you dagor normally actually I feel like dagov's kind of like just tagging along uh off some Stones that's exactly what I was after uh farewell friend now I kind of don't really care where I go I guess more question mark actually the left-handed route is probably better but will we okay well uh it could have gone any direction of that stage like we could upgrade something else another Relic uh the contributor's damage actually pretty good okay I might need to slow this because I want a print thank you uh if you get the times two damage would be lovely but even then I don't know how necessary it is because I think you're just gonna kill everyone even with the half damage [Music] blammo and get bold Alt oh we have less refreshes but crits are refreshing is this does this guy activate his own crit [Music] does oh no terribly timed okay well we're taking a bit of a bit of extra damage here and there nice [Music] because rather we don't get the half damage but still a kill I'm gonna take the hill why not there's none of the orbs that I'm super hot to upgrade I don't want your Stones so I will fight you just give me a good ball door oh actually this boy is not terrible to begin with just as many crits as possible foreign because I want to hit as many of those crits as physically possible uh if you get one of those times too we are pretty good because I guess the overwhelmer oh the overwhelmer doesn't work with a sphere terrible okay we've got to get rid of that that guy that guy's nonsense uh just not just not a good not a good orb there we go that's what I'm talking about I guess we can make it Pierce more but like let's upgrade this because I feel like the rest all deserves to stick around so the moment I can get rid of that sphere it's out of here it's a bit of random or if you do my sphere I'm gonna be so mad [Music] Bulldog welcome welcome to the party okay I'd like to stay on this side because on the Mouse um double bold orb why not they're not crits which I was kind of hoping to be a bit more Crypt focused uh but it's still still okay still fairly solid damage oh geez there's none of those crits are that easy to get hold of oh we got Dopey Farm damage it still killed everyone okay I'm gonna try and get some extra crits I guess like the sphere it's like be like 13 13 damage per Peg still pretty good oh did you actually kill someone the sphere came good as long as you don't somehow end up over here which could happen [Music] we're okay we've got some good we've got some good numbers coming out uh let's take a heal yeah shoot scales uh deal full damage to enemies with resistance just in time so glad we picked that up now uh there could be Shield guys here there's not is there a world where I actually get a crypt I don't think there is okay well it's a bit of damage to everyone not the most oh [Music] not bad stuff oh times two wow God's coming good for us today sir yeah wait what boss was it because I didn't even pay attention I was the blister into the passageway for random navigation does that take me over there oh or does it if we just had a different route amazing wow we are really getting stuff just for our crits today okay Mega ballista I think we just oh man it always ends up in that corner oh this is the bad the bad one now do we just try and stack the deck with as many crits as physically possible you're only doing like a thousand damage but we're okay please hit Chris uh oh but half damage is it safer to go that way or do we just want a guaranteed oh let's take the guaranteed um because I was thinking like oh because I want to get the refresh but the the crits are refreshing give me that times two half is not not the dream just Stone oh no oof okay well uh luckily Baldor oh no he's baldorf here to save the day hold up hit that crit bold off no [Music] oh uh if we go in the fire do we die oh my God oh my God that was so close you're on for life um I was don't lie a little bit stressed there um multiples that means you're gonna hit more crits I don't want that I don't want that yeah we're gonna multi-ball it more things hit it means more crits which means we're gonna get more damage real nice poor Dorp do no damage without crits because I actually still need to really thin the deck out right now oh but it means that we're more likely to get a 0.5 and I'm pretty sure the 0.5 overalls uh your other boy uh let's just go and then just try and get some more crits on the board uh not bad is that a Kill excellent uh I don't really want any of you so let's get out of here right I do need to get the crit early the ball uh to find the waterfall always oh Echo chamber nice left is good [Music] oh we're good special Relic oh it can be good with the uh multi balls but I feel like we're goofing around a bit too much I think we're gonna we're gonna skip that we took the the peg oh geez what is this okay we can still get to Victory excellent okay that big mirror uh I just need to and we should be good two doubles wow uh yeah upgrade cripples yes uh what do you have for me today I hope a delicious treat oh a tax game plus one oh actually wait it doesn't superb Betsy hedge I guess it isn't isn't terrible I guess it makes our build safer wow we've got some good we've got some good crits going on as soon as you find a way to get rid of some of my balls good amount of Fairly Central crits bad speed tray wow 5 000 damage tonight if old Sphero here yeah he doesn't really do a lot um okay right we just need dag orbit we got it oh God don't take double damage and a little heal oh that's no Chris for two doubles oh uh I don't think I need any of you we could do all the multi balls in the world why not to be the last since we have the multi ball in our life uh nighttime love it now I can handle at night time just give me all the crits and then I'm pretty sure bold orb just handles my business oh my god did that thing just kill everyone um there's 26 damage we're gonna get a lot of multiple like multipliers and if we get some of those times twos it's ten thousand damages 14 000 damage it's 25 000 damage it's 67 000 damage uh oh I got halved I don't think we need another I think we're okay we'll always have Assist one could be good but it could be bad but as enemies defeated refresh it's like we'll take the reef for us why not uh wall bounces country towards them it's great um I guess there's a bonus of Relic that way but I'd like a few more Mysteries look at the Relic now because I'm hoping to meet a haglin and so I can remove something from the thing oh fight the boss okay yeah you messed with us last time now I probably should have started with my well 300 damage from not even a particularly strong shot there uh I'm gonna just go into bald orb and hope for the best excellent okay oh give me those good multiballs for bomb damage I never lose life reduced by one sure uh because I'm actually just taking a lot of damage from being bad at aiming is there a world where where we get a crit yes give me some of those good times twos as well baby [Music] very good I was still here [Music] uh but I'm pretty sure it's gonna be okay um okay don't hit all the bombs I already gonna have to Club our way through this sir but that's fine and let's go for a heal do I see heal twice because we fired two of those balls [Music] did I read that right [Music] uh I'm gonna take the heal and a relic uh all attacks get plus one plus zero but I guess we could just start with multi balls uh I don't know what happens to the score here it doesn't matter it was amazing we're the best at games uh give me that good daggle up in the fire love it love it when it goes straight into the fire we have all of the crits of the world and then okay we're on 91. we're stepping up to full oh we don't said I was hoping that we were getting because we're firing two balls we'd get double the heels uh more multiple randomly remove half my orbs oh I can't risk it just grab the nearest orb uh sword the mirror the mural can come good I guess we've got some orbs that we do do like a lot okay it's the mouse uh excellent oh it did turn into a level three cool boy I guess we're gonna aim down and we're just trying to get as many crits on the board as physically possible okay not a terrible Style and a 2 000 damage [Applause] holy moly uh right I think just try and get a dagorb into here uh five thousand six thousand eleven thousand twelve thousand damage is not terrible twenty two thousand uh 2.5 balls [Music] uh we still got some kills all right do you want more crits let's get some more crits uh we'll set it up for Baldor to save the day okay it's already doing a thousand damage holy moly uh uh I I don't want to say too many crits on the board that's a lot of crits [Music] foreign doing now it's uh it's got 61 damage that's uh wow wow uh how much damage are we doing that's the cool 250 000. 300 000 damage 500 000. oh I feel like we might be busted there but uh 600 70 000 damage it was not just 67 000. I think it's just 67 000. [Music] was it oh God that was a lot those are big numbers peglin everybody uh man if you wanted to try and get a build going for a while and that worked extremely well what a time uh peglin what a game I hope you guys enjoyed this uh until next time everybody see you
Channel: Angory Tom
Views: 60,121
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Angory, Tom, angor, yogscast, walkthrough, playthrough, funny
Id: 0RzvzKy_FWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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