Building a MASTERPIECE For MY Wife

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[Music] so i've been planning on building my wife a new dining table for almost a year now i actually picked up these cottonwood slabs from my friends over at vintage reclaimed lumber in oklahoma city last october and they sat in my shop until january of this year speaking of my shop you're gonna see me building this table in three different shops over the course of eight months and to say that this has been a crazy year is an understatement since january i've started a new business had to move shops that business then fell apart and i had to move shops again and this is mostly why it took me eight months to finally complete this table i'm gonna tell you guys all about what happened some other time but now i want to show you how this glass river table came to be [Music] okay i'm having a real tough time figuring out what configuration i want to go with on these slabs so i think what i'm going to do is uh rip a couple two by fours and build a frame that's the same size as what the final dimension of the table is going to be then i can use that frame to kind of plan out exactly how i want this to look [Music] [Music] after spending an evening to think about it and to sleep on it this is what i've settled on for that final layout check it out so as you can see these slabs are from the same tree and the design i've settled on actually has them laying side by side in the same configuration you can see there's a chainsaw mark there and there's the other chainsaw mark and the next slab but i really think that river design looks super cool super unique and i like the idea of having the little leg kick out so i can have the glass wrap around this side i think that's going to look really cool probably do some bow ties down here on the end and that crack i want my table to finish at 42 inches wide and eight feet long so i get the most out of those long slabs and because i need a bigger table to fit into our formal dining room of our new house [Music] i'm using my track saw to cut off the ends but these slabs were almost three inches thick so i have to come back with a handsaw and finish those cuts [Music] so [Music] all right i just brought my uh slab up here to glazing concepts it's a glass place here in oklahoma city well they're going to take the table that i made make a template and then cut it on their water jet so we're actually going to be able to get some footage whenever they do that but right there glazing concepts oklahoma city and i'm super excited to see how it's going to turn out now on to building the table base and like i mentioned earlier this is shop number two of the three shops i worked in this year i wanted a steel table base for this glass river table but i also wanted something that was inspired a bit by nakashima's live edge table bases now this is definitely not a nakashima style table base i'm not saying that but i did borrow from some of that japanese woodworking style and some of that mid-century modern style of his work to come up with this tapered leg design and what looks to be a through tenon on the lower stretcher now i recently picked up this forney 220 multi-process welder that does mig it does tig and it does stick i'm going to be mig welding these bases and i love how easy it is to dial in those precise settings that i need for this 1 8 inch thick steel also welding with 220 volt power versus my old 110 machine is night and day different you just get better welds and better penetration with a 220 machine like this horny and i'll leave a link for the one that i'm using down below [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay i'm back at glazing concepts where they're going to cut that quarter inch blue tinted glass on this water jet machine now this is an absolutely fascinating process to witness i've actually never seen a water jet in action and a machine like this can cut through that glass and even thicker plates of steel and other materials again being only a quarter inch thick this glass has some flex to it so the guys have to be super careful getting it off the water jet now unfortunately this was the thickest blue glass i could get but it actually worked really well for my needs i did have these guys deliver the glass to my house directly so i didn't have to run the risk of transporting it in my truck breaking it myself and having to pay for another one and if you're wondering this glass costs just under five hundred dollars to have it cut and delivered okay fast forward to this august and i'm in my third and hopefully my final shop of the year and like i mentioned before i'm working with the home depot and i was partnered up with husky tools and one of my favorites is this adjustable height two drawer work table that i use as a material cart i use it as a workbench and it's my main outfeed table it's actually pretty inexpensive compared to other workbenches and i'll have links for all these husky products that are available at home depot down below i'm also going to fill some of the smaller cracks and knot holes with some total boat epoxy and past experience has taught me to seal the surface before pouring any epoxy to prevent staining and especially working with a light wood and black epoxy so i'm using this total boat gleam i made a little dam out of a piece of cardboard and then cover that up in tyvek tape and this is going to block off the end of this void [Music] i also added tyvek tape to the bottom where any epoxy might flow out of a crack or a knothole and i'm happy to report i actually had zero leaks on this pour and that's probably a first for me it's also super hot my shop so i've set up an epoxy pouring workstation in my air-conditioned climate-controlled office to do all of my pours here i'm using this total boat high performance 2 1 epoxy and mixing in a black dispersion pigment and then also some of this sapphire ghost blue which is going to give it a super subtle blue shimmer when you're looking at it and the light hits it just right this is one of those details that most people aren't going to notice but if you do notice it looks really really nice [Music] so [Music] all right it's time to address the large check and that chainsaw defect and i'm gonna do that by doing some bow tie inlays now i've never done bow tie inlays before but i do have a secret weapon i picked up this rockler bow tie inlay kit it's really awesome i did some testing off camera you've got the main template and then you've got a bunch of these different shapes and sizes that slot down into that main template i think i'm ready to go ahead and do it on the tabletop i'm a little bit nervous about it but let's go ahead and dive in [Music] [Music] i was also able to pick up some wood blanks from rockler so i could have some unique wood species to make the bow ties out of and there was a lot to choose from on the website they had purple heart and zebra wood and a bunch of others but i went with this wenge since i thought it had a really great contrast to the lightness of those cottonwood slabs now the process for routing the bow ties is very similar to creating the pockets only this time i remove that collar and then you have to be much more careful that the collar stays firmly up against the edge of the template while you cut that piece out [Music] so [Music] [Music] so when i got my glass cut over at glazing concepts they also created this masonite form that's an exact match to the glass and i decided to use this as my router template versus using the glass so i didn't run the risk of scratching the glass and having to get a new piece made again it's super expensive to do that now the downside to using the masonite it's only an eighth inch thick versus the quarter inch glass so there isn't much room for the template bit to reference on while you're cutting and here these videos are really sped up but i promise you i went super slow routing that first edge and it came out pretty good [Music] [Music] [Music] okay with the ledge for the glass all finished i could start sanding through the grit starting at 80 and working my way up through 220 grit now i like to use the pencil method where i draw lines on the table top and once i've sand completely through those pencil marks i know i can move on to the next grit and i did this with each successive new sandpaper grit i turned my attention back to the table base where i still need to fabricate those tabs that will allow me to attach the table top to the base again i'm using my forney 220 multi-process welder and fixturing the work piece so it stays nice and flat as i well [Music] i also picked up this little spray booth tint off amazon and after cleaning up the steel with some degreaser i sprayed on a white primer coat and then came back and added finish coats of a matte black now using the matte black ended up being kind of pointless because the matte clear that i used to cover up the matte black left it looking really chalky and i had to repaint and finish with a more high luster clear coat but either way it still looks really good in my opinion now because i don't want to transport the glass at all i had to pick up the slabs and bring them back to the house where katie helped me lay the glass in place i had removed those temporary battens that i was using to hold the two slabs in place and this allowed me to position the slabs in their final spot where the glass fits snugly between them and bring the whole thing back to the shop again i used my track saw to cut off that excess that was left when i cut the slabs down the first time and this brought the table to its final dimensions of 42 inches wide and eight feet long katie came out to the shop and helped me flip the slabs up onto the workbench and then place the table base so i could mark the locations where i needed to install threaded inserts [Music] [Music] i'm using a light to identify and then sand any scratches that i may have missed or any defects from moving these slabs back and forth so many times here i use my block plane to add a slight chamfer to the edges and then clean that up with my sander so i went back to my old favorite finish of odi's oil for the top which really brings out that figure and the chatoyance of these cottonwood slabs cottonwood is one of those underrated absolutely beautiful woods but it's not commonly used for tabletops it's actually a member of the poplar family and grows very rapidly meaning that the wood is softer than most other hardwoods now that said my friends over at vintage reclaimed lumber have used cottonwood for many table tops with really good success and because i'm using otis oil as a finish that means i can come back and easily sand and refinish the table if i ever need to [Music] i'm finally able to bring this table into our new house and assemble it in our dining room where it will live for years to come and be used for birthdays and holidays family gatherings and even more often for those normal nights where we just come together as a family and enjoy each other's company now i promised my wife this table a long time ago and now she gets to see it put together in our home for the very first [Music] keep time okay don't look yet don't look and open your eyes oh my gosh [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i want to say a big thanks to all of you for watching and supporting what i do through this tumultuous last year and beyond but knowing viewers like you are out there watching and building things and inspiring me it just kept me going so i just want to say thanks and if you're new to the channel and you like what you saw please get subscribed also drop a comment and let me know what you think about this table as well i want to give a special thanks to the home depot for supporting my channel the last few years i've been able to build out my absolute husky dream shop and i've got links for all those husky products that you saw in the video down below as always thanks for checking this one out and i'll see you back here next time [Music] you
Channel: Jonny Builds
Views: 1,809,070
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diy epoxy, diy epoxy table, diy projects, do it yourself, epoxy art, epoxy dining table, epoxy resin, epoxy river table, epoxy table, how to woodworking, liquid glass epoxy, live edge furniture, live edge table, resin table, resin table top, river table, slab table, super clear epoxy
Id: sMJNdAuVhcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 23sec (1163 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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