60 Minutes of Lola's BEST Adventures with Blue & Josh! | Blue's Clues & You!

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hey it's me Josh and so blue what do you want to do with our friends today that's a great idea let's do it oh oh who Could That Be Lola my Lola do you really think so let's see [Music] it's her it's my [Music] Lola and hello my little blue and who's this oh that's our friend hello to you too blue and I got so much great mail this week and we wanted to share with [Music] yeah what she said here's the mail it never fails and makes me to [Music] wag oh no sorry I uh don't usually sound like that are you I'm Coro and I have something that might help aul [Music] you just got a you just got a you just got a I wonder who it's from that was great Sal you're welcome bye wow Lola sent us aula all the way from her living room back home K Joshi your cousins told me you lost your lucky seashell I know not having it might make you feel nervous to sing in the big parade but I wanted to tell you I'm rooting for you uple good luck a thanks Lola Josh and blue here and we're so excited to share some of our favorite music with you ready [Music] hooray karaoke it's my very favorite thing to do yes sing along with us I'm philippo cuz I'm from the Philippines oh yes I'm Filipino let us tell you what that means when my lovely spending time with me being Filipino means I'm with my family and when I'm playing music and my friends can't sing along celebrating all together joining in a song with the sun on the horizon and the blue sky up above when I see the fil of my heart is full of love woppin thank you uple I love singing with you more than anything oh I love singing with you too Lola and we got so much great mail this week we wanted to share some of it with you what you say Mail Time Mail Time Mail Time Ma the MA's here at night so we better be quiet so we don't wake upside table drawer come on here's the mail it never fails it makes me want to wag my tail when it comes I want a whale hi Josh you're my last Mail Time before my bedtime you got an [Music] email thanks mailbox you're welcome good night mabx good night good night bye we just got an email we just got an email we just got an email we just got an email I wonder who it's from it's an email from my Lola oh hi Joshy hi blue I'm getting ready for bed and that means I'm wearing my bunny [Music] slippers good night Josh and blue M Mahal I love you Mahal now let's check this out oh what's wrong Lola can I play as a superhero what makes you think you can't because of the way I look my friends say all superheroes look white like them well that's not okay okay that your friend said Superheroes can't look like you they may think that because they've only seen white superheroes but it's not true but I've never seen any superheroes who are Filipino well I have in fact I think I see one right now me absolutely you are brave and strong just like a superhero I am just because you don't see any Filipino super Heroes it doesn't mean you can't be one so if you don't see it be it and that was the moment I knew I wouldn't just be Josh anymore I would also be songman Filipino superhero with a superpower of song song man wo I have to see what happened next [Music] there he is Josh we're really sorry we hurt your feelings yesterday can we talk about it okay we shouldn't have said you can't play a superhero because of your skin color yeah we thought about it and we realized it's not true I know because I am brave I am strong and I am strongman why to be play part of my super group yeah yeah we are heroes we are strong We are brave we belong saving the world together w y it's recording it's recording it's recording by hey everybody it's Josh and blue and we are so excited to share some of our favorite music with you ready blue we're ready wow they're all so beautiful red orange yellow and green blue indigo violet and everything in between you are beautiful you light up this whole world you are beautiful every feeling every word sing it out now loud and proud now and show us just how beautiful beautiful you are beautiful beautiful you are you are beautiful aome do you want to play a game with us you do great are you ready to play Blue Awesome orange kitten with yellow sunglasses hey look orange kittens wait which orange kitten are we looking for that one the one with yellow sunglasses oh yeah that one she has yellow sunglasses let's go [Music] investigate excuse me are you an orange kitten in yellow sunglasses sure am friend have you seen a paw print it's blue four toes have you seen anything like that nope but I know someone who has you got to find a purple kangaroo and a red hat and blue sunglasses he knows where the paw print is good luck friend thank you [Music] by purple kangaroo Red Hat blue sunglass purple kangaroo Red Hat blue sunlasses [Music] look purple kangaroos which kangaroo is the one we need to talk to the one with the red hat and blue sunglasses that one today we're going to make something really great together let's draw ooh uh let's use this purple chalk to draw um how about uh who uh yeah Birds right Birds who oh uh okay um let's use this blue chalk to draw water it's a river right a river oh oh oh ooh maybe we could draw something to take us down the river huh what could we draw oh a boat ooh a boat yes a boat will take us down the river okay um o uh okay so a boat kind of looks like this uh down here up and H A Boat who W oh there you are blue well we're off to tell our message to slippery's friend let's go today we're going to make something really great together I can't [Music] wait wow that's an amazing painting of side table blue BL Pur Josh can we add shovel to the portrait of Pals a thanks sister all right okay not a problem um which color is shovel yellow yellow right I knew that okay shovel is the color yellow okay shovel here's your top and your handle there yeah it's me nice work pale now let's check this out H is violet a reddish orange color uh purpley blue color or a bluish green color oh H which two colors mix together to make violet purple blue purple and blue make violet I'm a purpley blue color thanks for helping me oh bye Violet mm we make Vermilion Vermilion sure Vermilion is a reddish orange color and we make aquamarine aquamarine aquamarine is a bluish green color like the [Applause] ocean don't forget about me I'm chartreuse chartreuse oh are you looking for your friend too yeah follow [Music] me my friends are the two colors that mix together to make me oh well chartreuse I think we can help H oh is chartreuse uh yellowy green color a yellowy orange color or a red ish purple color purple what two colors mix together to make chartreuse huh yellow green yellow and green make chartreuse yeah they do bye we make marold marold gold is yellowish orange and we make magenta magenta magenta is reddish purple wow there are so many great colors hi everybody it's Josh and do you want to play a game with us we do great are you ready to play Blue Awesome a and she got the sneezes how come cuz I didn't have my raincoat on or my hat or my boots you got to have your rain gear let's see what happens next turn the page I love that part oh so Jill went to bed and uh what does she do she [Music] slept right she slept Turn the Page M yummy fruit and vegetable juice at soon she was feeling much better much better we're so excited to share some some of our favorite music with you [Music] ready out of B withing in my step take a [Music] breath better greting the day with some extra oh I'll just wear a hat looking good everybody has bad days now and then remember there are ways to turn it around again we can okay count to five 1 2 3 four five [Music] better it can be a great day even if a couple things get in the way it can be a great day you can start over and try a new way just keep struming and huming your favorite song it can be a great day even if a couple things get in the way it can be a great day y do you want to play a game with us you do great are you ready to play [Music] Blue we've got to cheer real loud for magenta to help her feel ready to play come on let's go magenta let's go let's go magenta let's go [Music] now entering the field magenta let's go magenta let's go our cheering is helping her let the game begin orange kitten has the ball she dribbles left and tries passing to purple kangaroo and wow blue gets the ball instead blue looks for magenta and makes a pass magenta's got the ball magenta's got the ball she's got it come on let's go magenta let's go let's go magenta let's go all right you did it the magenta today we're going to make something really great together healthy snacks healthy snacks we love to eat healthy snacks uhoh oh man something is is is different from the others yes we need your help okay let's see those healthy snacks well an orange a pear celery and a watermelon well um the orange pear and watermelon are fruit fruits fruits and celery is a vegetable vegetable right so the celery is different is different the celery is the only vegetable healthy snacks healthy snacks we love to eat young healthy snacks carrots bananas and CER we love to Eataly don't you now let's check this [Music] out first I need to put away all these carrots but I'm just not sure where they belong ah I see what shelf do the carrots go on the top shelf the middle shelf or the the bottom shelf the bottom shelf with the vegetables right the bottom shelf has broccoli potatoes and that's kale those are all vegetables just like the carrots right the carrots belong on the bottom shelf thank you blue Knight and thank you n who so often helps and that one [Music] oh I did it I did it oh hey it's me Josh and so blue what do you want to do with our friends today that's a great idea let's do [Applause] it we got you now villain ice how did you find me this is my secret layer well this ought to chill you out release the snowballs time out oh quick what superpower could protect us from the Snowballs bubble Shield right super soap's bubble Shield the power of the bubble Shield it worked we got so much great mail this week we wanted to share some of it with you Mail Time Mail Time Mail Time Mail Time mail the mail's here here's the ma it fails it makes me to wag my tail when it [Music] I oh what's that we don't know but we on a mission to figure out what's making that strange sound oh good well here's your letter oh thanks mailbox you're welcome we just got a letter we just got a letter we just got a letter I wonder who it's from oh it's a letter from our friend hi song man hi super blue I'm the super dooder I can do the really fast watch there it's blue bye Josh Bye Blue bye bye now let's check this out all right rainbow puppy which Super Wonder team hero do you want to be I want to be the one who is super fast which hero do you think is super fast Dr Dynamo iron hamster or speed Hound speed Hound yeah speed Hound because I've always wanted to run super fast to save the [Music] day a choice okay rainbow puppy will be speed Hound in our movie oh how about you blue which one do you want to be oo a superhero who swims okay so which hero do you think is a super swimmer Aqua poodle Dr Dynamo or MEAP [Music] ped Aqua [Music] poodle you'll make a great Aqua poodle in our movie Blue she's going to need your swimming goggles Josh oh right be right back okay perrywinkle your turn which superhero do you want to be ooh I want to be the one who can fly H which hero do you think can fly rocket blast iron hamster or invisib [Music] Bulldog rocket blast rocket blast my favorite character ever and today we're going to make something really great together I can't wait [Music] wait I'm making juice PPS in the freezer voila and they will be ready at 2:00 but I don't know if it's 2:00 yet well don't worry Mr salt the thinking Squad will help figure this out okay we need to figure out if it's 2:00 yet what do we need a clock a clock amazing thinking if we look at a clock we'll be able to tell the time who do we know has the power of telling time tick talk that's right Ticky oh I mean clock [Music] girl clock girl here what's the alarm clock girl Mr salt needs to know if it's 2:00 oh okay let me think well my big hands on the 12 and my little hands on the two so that means it's 2:00 thank you so much it's time to take out the juice pts good work clock girl another job well done by the thinking Squad what do you want to do with our friends today that's a great idea idea let's do [Applause] it oh look another stuff he needs our help oh but it's so dark in that tunnel what could we use to rescue this Stuffy the flashlight right a flashlight helps us see things in the dark the teddy bear there it is blue save that stey we did it another stuffy saved but we're not done yet come [Music] on whoa had emergency that koala's trapped in the fire we've got to put that fire out what could we use to rescue this stuffy a hose a hose right cuz a hose spews water and water puts out fires all right blue let's extinguish this [Music] fire all right stuffy Rescue Mission a success congratulations firefighter helpers your training is complete here's a badge for you for you and one for you you're officially ready to help wow thank you fire chief hi everyone it's Josh and so blue what do you want to do with our friends today that's a great idea let's do it uh-oh uh can't move oh no we need wheels so our fir TR can move on it firefighter pale to the [Music] rescue there okay so uh what could we use that will look like Wheels egg cartons plates or Hearts the [Music] plates yeah the plates are shaped like circles and look like Wheels all right looks good super helpers you've done it again this fire truck is awesome thanks firefighter shovel one pale off to the rescue [Music] you now let's check this out ah nothing like jumping over some rope all right here we hey you see that banana peel Josh is heading right towards it what's going to happen he's going to slip on it he's going to fall down yeah no no time to waste ready 1 2 3 Josh what now watch out for that banana peel oh wow thank you so much for looking up for me today we're going to make something really great together spice family I came as fast as I could oh oh a flower in the snow suspiciously silly oh and this one was made with two shapes interesting H which two friends are shaped like this and [Music] this shovel and pale yeah I made the stem and I made the petals I knew it well you knew it excellent work oh hello blue wants to read a story for you today she picked it out all by herself right blue there was a brother penguin and a sister penguin oh and they loved playing together and sliding around on the ice but then one day brother penguin was playing on an iceberg and it floated [Music] away sister penguin looked everywhere but couldn't find him how will they find each other who knows what happens next well I'm not sure the story still needs a happy ending oh I'm sorry shovel I thought that you didn't like my ending with Dinosaurs I'm sorry too I felt frustrated when you didn't want to end the story with aliens like I wanted I did really like making that story with you do you think maybe we can come up with an ending we both like yeah we could try Josh we'd like to ride our ending could we have our book please oh here you go ooh yes okay we got it all done ah thank you sister penguin couldn't find brother penguin anywhere but then a big dinosaur alien zoomed up on her spaceship and gave brother penguin a ride back home sister penguin was so happy to see him they just needed a little help to find each other again and they lived happily ever after the end that was an amazing story what a great end do you want to play a game with us you do great are you ready to play blue awesome I think I'm going to need your night eyes do you see what animal is making that sound owl oh the the owl is making that H hooting [Music] sound why are you awake I sleep during the day oh wow so you're asleep when we're awake and you're awake when you sleep very different schedules listen I hear another animal sound oh have a good night ow it's been a real ho hoot do you see what animal is making that sound the bat right there is that a bat you're right about that well fancy that why are you hanging upside down maybe it's sleeping no just resting I don't sleep until later thanks for your help we've got to get ready for bed oh right huh see you later bat it was nice hanging with you hey it's me Josh and so blue what do you want to do with our friends today that's a great idea let's do it dear shovel I love it when we Splash and splish you swim through the water just like a fish so which sticker would shovel the super swimmer love the ocean [Music] oh yeah the ocean shovel is going to love this sticker all right sweet my love Day cards are done thanks for your help help you're very welcome Josh and blue here and we're so excited to share some of our favorite music with you ready blue [Music] oh oh hey magenta okay it is picture time oh uh hey can you help me take this picture great thanks uh okay if you could just hold on to this phone perfect okay you two uh Stand Together hi hello hello it's shovel and pale and Mr salt and Mrs pepper all right um everyone uh yep a little this way okay now we are totally ready for this picture everyone smile all right you ready take the picture all right thank you okayy thanks check this out now let's check this out thank you for coming I am so thankful you're here want to know why I'm so thankful [Music] today yeah yes because today is thank you day the day we celebrate everything we're thankful for we pick one thing and draw a picture of it for everyone to see check this out on thank you day we say thank you this thank you day I'm thankful for blue it's thank you day and so we say thank you thank you thank you come on everyone's out back [Applause] [Music] everyone looking great everyone there you are blue what are you thankful for a blue is thankful for singing songs with me hey look that's what I'm thankful for blue do you want to play a game with us you do great are you ready to play Blue oh no wo it looks like another heart needs our help let's go the wind blew all my picnic stuff all over the place it's a giant [Music] mess what can we do to make this heart [Music] Happy help him help clean up oh yeah help clean up don't worry we can help here you go I'll get this [Music] side got it here you go thanks for helping got it oh thanks for helping you're welcome so are all the hearts happy now yes a helping is just the best oh we're live we're live hey everyone it's Josh and and we got so much great mail this week we wanted to share some of it with you yeah what you say Mail Time Mail Time Mail Time mail the mail's here a snowy day thinking chair now that is cool and cold here's the mail it never fails it makes me want to wag my tail when it comes I want to will hi Josh hi blue hey mailbox isn't the snow great the only thing better is a snowy day letter here you go thanks mailbox bye-bye we just got a letter we just got a letter we just got a letter we just got a letter I wonder who it's from oh it's a letter from our friend hi Jos and blue it doesn't snow where I live so I'm having a pretend snow [Music] day bye Josh and blue byebye bye a pretend snow day that is snow exciting I mean so exciting so blue what do you want to do with our friend today that's a great idea let's do it yeah do we [Music] TOA I think this is I I think this is this this this this is s's Workshop that mean w oh Hey Joe J blue got him hi you Merry Christmas Hey Joe we need to get those presents ready fast that's my friend Blitzen she's kind of in charge around here every year I help load Santa SLE it's my favorite holiday tradition cool o we got to get these presents ready fast oh yeah it is the Night Before Christmas yeah will you help us [Music] it would be an honor will you help too great okay come on come on all right so our friend Bailey is getting a teddy bear for Christmas and we need to wrap it up now Bailey likes sparkl things oh so which wrapping paper do you think Bailey would like [Music] best the sparkly paper yes the sparkly paper is perfect wrap it up [Music] oh that is one sparkly present do you want to play a game with us you do great are you ready to play Blue Awesome you will play with us right amazing come stay with us when I play jle we all start with the same amount of chocolate candies called gout one 2 3 spin me spin me Spin Me Oh J J we made it out of Cl and when it's ready we will play Shin I got the Hebrew letter Shin Shin means put one gout in okay so how much G is in the middle now four yeah there's four because there were three plus the one Periwinkle added equals four your turn blue and we all got to sing ready [Music] hey it landed on hey you get to take half the pile [Music] blue so if blue gets to take half the pile and there are four in the pile how many does she get to take two yeah two because half of four is one two [Music] it's your turn now spin me spin me Spin Me Oh j j j we made it out of and when it's ready we will PR it's gimmel giml gim you get to take all the G all the G all right so H how much gelt do we have now all together five 1 2 3 4 5 yes wow that many wo way to go you're a tral expert thanks for spinning so blue what do you want to do with our friends today that's a great idea let's do it yeah a cute well magenta really likes farm animals H which of these would live on a farm the cow oh yeah cows live on farms magenta will love it and she really loves playing dressing up with their stuffies oh uh well we've got stuffy outfits right this way [Music] cool H menta likes dancing she sure does so which outfit would be best for dancing H the tutu the ballerina outfit yes this dancing ballerina C is the perfect present for [Music] magenta found a gift and snap snaap snapped it up next I'll pay at the register and then we'll wrap wrap wrap it up w w w it up menta is going to be so happy thank you you're very welcome bye byee what a great present today we're going to make something really great together I can't [Music] wait ooh it sure does smell good over here Mercy we are cooking for a big thankful dinner today we need a little bit of everything at our Feast we need something sweet salty and even something think sour but um we can't figure out which is which will you help us let's do it nice y thanks which food is salty H salty oh well we have pretzels cherries and bread huh which of these Foods is salty the pretzels pretzels are salty like me huh okay salty pretzels for our Feast right well nice which of these Foods is sour H well uh we have applesauce cranberry sauce and butter huh which of these Foods is sour the cranberry sauce the cranberry sauce really huh I don't know I always thought that cranberries weren't sour definitely pretty sour yeah now we need something sweet something sweet got it okay we have orange potatoes white potatoes and purple potatoes which of these foods are sweet the orange potatoes the orange potatoes oh okay let's see M so sweet we definitely need those sweet potatoes for our Feast wow you are really smart yum sweet potatoes are my favorite voila salty sour and sweet we are all set thank you oh no thank you oh oh here it is the the other one oh oh and red light means go green light oh it's go it's go let's go hey everyone Josh and blue here and we're so excited to share some of our favorite music with you ready blue and one 2 3 hit it there's nothing better than when we're together cuz together we rock and roll we play We Sing We dancece cuz rocking in our soul oh rocking in our soul oh here we go let's go rocking with my friends all together playing in a rocking band rocking with my friends here comes one now let's give her a hands take it away blue wooo jsh get on up here with that guitar me oh I'm coming I'm [Applause] [Music] coming yeah let's [Music] rock rocking with my friends all together playing in a rocket band rocking with my friends rocking with my can't wait to Rock It Again woohoo today we're going to make something really great together oh what's going on shovel you mean designer shovel I'm helping rainbow puppy style her new concert jacket to wear on stage by oh yeah and it has to look glamtastic in the spotlight will you help us oh ooh will you help design rainbow puppy concert jacket amazing let's design away shovel spectacular rfic okay Design Squad first we need to choose a jacket and I love clothes that are shiny on stage shiny yes of course so which jacket would rainbow puppy like that's shiny the denim jacket the sequin jacket or the puffer jacket the sequin jacket totally the sequin jacket is so [Music] shiny and so rock and roll have a look at this WOW amazing I think my jacket needs even more Sparkle Sparkle yes very stylish okay hm well which of these things will make rainbow puppy's jacket Sparkle pom poms pip cleaners or gems gems gems right wow this jacket will totally Sparkle in the stage lights love love love now that's sparkly awesome job Design Squad look at Fab now it just needs more bright colors mhm bright colors are so in right now ah okay well which of these patches has lots of bright colors the rainbow swirl patch the heart patch or the mustache patch the rainbow swirl patch the rainbow squirrel patch right on H nice Roy G Biv it's amazing thank you Design Squad do you want to play a g with this you do great are you ready to play Blue Awesome okay pup Stars I need you to sing a high pitch pitch a pitch is how hi or how low you sing okay listen to this my turn oh so which chick is singing a high pitch LA or fa fa la yeah la is singing a high pitch oh super rfic high pitch law now so I need you to sing the same pitch as me ready oh H is so singing the same pitch as rainbow puppy no no that's right they're singing different pitches H let's take it again try to sing the same pitches me ready so oh what do you think now is so singing the same pitch as rainbow puppy yes oh yeah they're both singing the same low pitch nice work so let's hold our pitches all together pup Stars ready and spectacular riic Harmony vocals check BL and I got so much great mail this week and we wanted to share it with you yeah what she said here's theils makes me to wag my tail when it comes I [Applause] a hi Josh and blue I've got fan mail for the star of the show rainbow puppy that's me enjoy break a leg oh that means good luck thanks hi mailbox rainbow puppy just got fan mail rainbow puppy got fan ma rainbow puppy got fan ma rainbow puppy got fan Ma I wonder who it's from [Music] it's from my fans my little rainbows hi rainbow puppy it's my first concert I'm so excited to see you perform break a leg hi rainbow puppy I'm your number one little Rainbow I'm so excited to hear your new song bye bye-bye byebye oh I did it I did hi everyone Josh and FL i c so much great mail this week and we wanted to share it with you yeah what she said Mail Time Mail Time ma Mail Time ma the mail's here here's the mail it never fails it makes me want to wag my tail when it comes I want [Music] hi Josh and blue great costume mailbox I mean snail boox thanks you're welcome we just got a letter we just got a letter we just got a letter we just got a I wonder who from oh it's a letter from our friend hi Josh and blue me and my dad CED a pumpkin to look just like my favorite puppy can you guess who happy [Music] Halloween a that pumpkin look just like you blue we're so excited to share some of our favorite music with you you ready blue we're ready you've got an email and it's from villain ice villain [Music] ice yo thinking Squad I got some words for you song man clock girl Super Soap and blue you think you're hot at my heels but I won't sit still my advice to you just chill my pho is cold like an Arctic Breeze think you can stop me hot police look at me he's sitting pretty hidden deep in super City I told you not once not twice but Thrice who's the coldest of the cold is villain ice that's a great idea let's do it here's the mail it never fails and makes me want to wag my tail when it comes I want a will [Music] hi Josh I've got a letter for you oh thank you mailbox but wait are you sure that's all you have impossible no it's not impossible It's Magic very impressive thanks mailbox you're welcome wait just got a letter we just got a letter we just got a letter we just got a letter I wonder who it's from oh it's a letter from our friend hi Josh and blue this is how to make a tooth Pig disappear first I tape it to my Thum then and I do this and I say the magic to pick disappear magic bye Josh and blue now let's check this out hey mailbox hi what's your favorite color my favorite color is purple like purple grapes and oh yeah like me mailbox and the color of this letter thanks mailbox you're welcome bye we just got a purple letter we got a purple letter we got a purple letter we got a purple letter I wonder who it's from oh it's a letter from our friend hi Josh I made a picture of myself I have brown hair blue eyes and a red mouse bye Josh bye bye wow he used so many great colors we got so much great mail this week we wanted to share some of it with you what she said Mail Time Mail Time Mail Time Mail Time the mail's here mail time on your birthday here's the mail it never fails it makes me want to wag my tail when it comes I want to will hia Josh hia Blue Ma's here and I've got a birthday card for youo wa thanks mailbox you're welcome you just got a birthday card you just got a birthday card you just got a birthday card you just got a birthday card I wonder who it's from oh it's a birthday card from our friends hi we're going to make some noise for your [Music] birthday happy birthday to you bye bye [Music] bye you can ask your parents to subscribe to Nick Jr's Blues Clues and you YouTube channel for new videos every week
Channel: Blue's Clues & You!
Views: 102,316
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blues clues, blues clues and you, nick jr, nick jr blues clues, preschool, kindergarten, nursery rhymes, nursery songs, children songs, baby song, kids song, kids education, kids entertainment, animation, fun, kids, entertainment, cartoons for kids, hour long songs, full episode, for toddlers, preschool learning, kids play, for baby, videos for kids, #youtubekids, #kidstv, #routine, blue’s clues and you nursery rhymes, lola, josh, blue, blues clues mail song, blues clues full episodes
Id: wMZPnpG6CR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 43sec (3943 seconds)
Published: Sun May 05 2024
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