6 VIDEO EDITING TOOLS You Should Know By Heart! ❤

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if you're willing to practice with these tools you'll easily half the time it takes you to edit your videos slice slip slide ripple roll and stretch stay tuned [Music] i was watching some video editors the other day and realized they waste a ton of time but not knowing their basics the editing tools they cut the front cut the back move the footage to fill the gap cut to the next run back and move the footage again when they want to tweak between the two they drag one end drag the other end drag the clip to fill the clap and so on like typing or using control c or control v for copy and paste once you've practiced them enough by using them you don't have to think about it here's a quick example i have this text document and i want to copy and paste the words copy and paste to the end of the document i select the text with the mouse find the edit menu choose copy pull down the edit menu and choose paste since i know how to select text know the commands and know the keyboard shortcuts i can double click and drag press ctrl c for copy and ctrl v for paste like video editing the time savings of four seconds doesn't seem like a lot but when you are editing scripts emails documents and so on this adds up the same goes for these time saving tools found in almost every editor like final cut premiere pro davinci resolve hit film and any other good video editor they're there for a reason let's run through these okay we're going to take a look at this again i'm not going to go through everything in here i just want to show you these various tools that are available in each editor i happen to be using premiere pro it doesn't matter what editor you're using you'll be able to find these tools and they all work the same i have three pieces of footage here let's take a look at this it's uh where i'm setting up a shot to do some sort of uh smooth for on my phone where i go i track i go under the footage uh this one getting all set up i got this guy eating an ice cream cone it's in slow motion this guy's awesome he like is so into this ice cream cone he was so enjoying himself i just had to shoot him and then lastly we just have me setting some stuff up going along and here's a walking shot a down low of some people i i'm testing to see how this thing handles me walking hard on a really crappy boom pole and it actually did pretty well given the circumstances anyway let's take a look at this obviously the first co tool that we can go over is a razor tool sometimes called the slicer um you basically rough edit you say i want to start right about there you chop that i want to end right about there yep you chop that we go through we get rid of that piece we get rid of that piece by the way you may have this you may not there's a thing called ripple delete it slides them over to fill up the space uh in premiere pro i don't know what your editor does you can also press shift delete it does the same thing anyway we're gonna go grab this guy or the ice cream cone right all right about there let's say cool let's get rid of that front footage come over right about there probably won't be that long we're going to go to c for our razor tool slice that remove the extraneous footage and over here maybe we'll have these guys start here razor tool delete that and maybe to where they go around the corner right there c delete that okay so we got our footage basically rough cut like this let's look our edits goes up then it comes to this guy okay cool now the um thing i want to take a look at here is these various tools let's take a look at this ripple edit tool now we're in a ripple edit so when we if i come over here and i go you know what i want to have cut this guy right there where he's putting that ice cream cone in his mouth what i want to do is i want to remove this end but i want to take out what i'm removing in other words if i cut here and then i deleted and moved everything down up to here that's what this ripple edit tool does i just drag it to where i want it voila the footage is now cut right to where i want it i can do the same thing over here i just want this guy to come in over here i just want to show him demolishing this cone ripple let it down to there now the guy cuts to here let me rip a letter to here close up that space cool and then i'll just chop that end off right there so we got this coming up here going to the sign slo-mo guy then we can flip to that okay that is what a ripple edit does let's look at a rolling edit that's n on the keyboard for me a rolling edit says i'm going to there's a clip here and there's a clip here what i want to do is i want to roll the clips you'll notice on the left what i'm doing is i'm moving back to where the cut is and on the right the other guy so let's see what we got so i rolled at it i'd moved it from where it was over here and clear it cleared it up so now we end up chopping there and going there let's see that again over here we're going to roll at it move more over down here like that now we got the guy doing the ice cream and we immediately cut let's undo that that is a rolling edit the next thing is a rate stretch tool let's take a look at that rate stretch is simply retiming you probably have this and you can go in here and pick some sort of options that you have for instance if i in in premiere pro i can set the speed of duration and i can set this to 200 or 50 or scrub along here and do all sorts of things on that that's really a pain the rate stretch tool for me it's r it looks like that it basically says i want to take the length of this and i want to make it faster or slower so let's speed this whole thing up here we're going to rate stretch that sucker and see what we got that's faster let's really go crazy that's a lot faster let's undo that over here we have these people walking from here to here using the rate stretch tool to make it longer not a good idea like that what's happening is now i have slow motion now you'll notice because this was shot at 30 frames a second that it's jerky next frame next frame next frame next frame next frame what's happening is there are other tools to do things with this but right now it's just basically saying i don't know what to do with the internal frames in between because your rate stretched the heck out of me you could probably push this a little bit maybe like that get some sort of slow-mo before it goes if you shoot at say 60 frames a second and then you rate stretch the thing um hey it works out a lot better let me see what i got here so what i got here this is actually at 60 frames a second so let's take a look at this so if i'm sitting here and i'm right stretching this yeah it just can't handle that let's undo that i could probably get about double out of this thing because it was shot at 60 frames you shot it at 120 or whatever you could stretch it that's the raid stretch tool and that covers the ripple edit the rolling edit and the rate stretch the cut tool you already saw it's also known as a slice tool or a razor tool you just turn on this tool and you just start clicking and chopping and chop chop chop chop away let's undo that next we have these tools one's called the slip tool one's called the slide tool let's take a look at the slip tool it's y if we go into our footage here let's go in on this one and let's slip this back some and what happened was it slipped it from there starting there to starting there that's all you're doing is you're basically slipping the end or the the other side so let's let's let's slip this again let's go the other way so we're slipping around the corner to where i pull up the thing now let's see what happens now we're starting here and then i pull up that's the slip tool next tool let's look at the slide tool this works on two different clips uh let's do it this way let's put our ice cream cone guy down there and use these tool so i'm going to here and i'm going to this walking thing i have currently have the let's go to the slide tool now watch what happens now on the left i'm basically sliding you can see that i'm sliding things around through the timeline so i come up that's a cut i can also click on this clip and instead of there we go let's slide this around this one can be a tough one to get used to let's undo all that let's slide on this guy so so see what's happening is it's showing me my beginning and my end at the top with the two little thumbnails and then it's showing me where i'm sliding to let's say i want to slide to right because remember there's more footage sitting here so i can do this edit where i slide right there and now i got a perfect cut right there boom that is the slip and slide tool these basically are pretty simple tools the thing you need to do is just look at them they sit in different places depending on your editor there's a slip tool on the slide tool there's the ripple edit the rolling edit and the right stretch tool and those are basically the tools well of course the slicer or cut tool those are basically the tools they have all sorts of keyboard commands there's other ways you can do that i just wanted to make sure you were aware of these tools that they work how to use them it takes practice to get used to it you need to be able to sit there and pick these and then eventually get the keyboard commands if i'm going to cut and rate stretch c cut rate stretch r c cut v is my selection tool move it over you get used to doing that and you will half or quarter the amount of time it takes for you to edit as i said like copy and paste it's continually drilling the use of these tools until they become second nature and you don't have to think about it i've included some links below to various editing programs if you're interested and if you haven't entered the 300 worth of amazon gift cards giveaway i don't know maybe you don't like free money that ends june 15th and you've got until then to get in as many entries as you can i hope that helps thanks for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] hello oh hi sweetie no i'm not filming new boyfriend really what's he look like is he a stud is he rich what does he think about giving money to mothers and fathers of daughters yeah you busted me i'm i'm filming and this is going into an outtake sorry baby
Channel: Kevin - Basic Filmmaker
Views: 140,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: filmmaking, basic, tips, tutorials, reviews, videos, 6 editing, video, editing, tools, know, by, heart, SLICE, SLIP, SLIDE, RIPPLE, ROLL, STRETCH, rate stretch, Final Cut Pro, Premiere Pro, Davinci Resolve, Hit Film, Avid, Sony Vegas, cutting, film, chops, practice, how to edit, video editing, basic filmmaker, basics of lighting, basic filmmaker university, basics of sound, basics of microphones, 5d mark iii video settings, editing tips, filmmaking 101, filmmaking basics
Id: madqcMVhvrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 03 2018
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