6 True Skinwalker Encounter Stories From Reddit

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I'm not being followed by anything other than my memories of that moment that moment that felt like an eternity to me was certainly only few seconds but they were the most haunting seconds of my life for a bit of context I'm a Canadian University student currently living in central Quebec not like Montreal or anything but in a very small town bordering a very small city in the middle of nowhere the landscapes are sort of emerald dream with Titanic Mountains jutting out aggressively on which are blanketed and dense for us I love my hometown everything's within walking distance friends the bar the lake it's all great nearby so we often hit the town together no need to drive anywhere or anything last night we decided to have a little bonfire on this little Ridge off of the side of the lake which really doesn't provide too much surface area for a bonfire for this reason the ten of us were huddled around a dimly lit campfire instead guitars being played fine alcohol is being drank and good times are being had by all as the night draws on I've charged myself with keeping the bulk of the fire going nobody else is really too apt at any sort of camping or otherwise outdoorsy activities in my group up until this point all was very normal other than my close friend acting little off after her first few he had run out and left by himself to get more the ridge was out of sight of the road due to the dense forest paths we'd used to get to and from it so he goes and cuts through it alone and he gets back he's acting like he's had a hundred beers looks like he wasn't used to his legs strangely enough he had a full case of beer with him so I assumed he hadn't drank anymore he also wasn't gone for very long at all Asli we drink together often in him I know what he's like drunken this was particularly unusual so he's trying to talk to people but he just can't say real words It was as if he was trying to perform all of the accidents of normal English speech but didn't really actually understand and they were or syntax kind of like those videos that are meant to elucidate on when English might sound like the non-english speakers as I mentioned before the fire wasn't providing much in terms of light so when we'd head off to grab some firewood and usually jerry-rigged my cellphone flashlight into my belt to keep the area in front of me well lit has to not fall for fear of losing teeth we do this a few times and some of the others begin to lose a little motivation to collect wood so I take matters into my own hands for the last run of the evening this brush was completely uncultivated super thick very dark the only discernible paths were about shoulder-width and obstructed by the old fallen tree here and there so making at trees trying to feel for anything dry even my phone light was falling behind waist level foliage I really didn't have too much lighting since I got a handful or so I figured it'd be good enough for a last burn so I get the idea to head back but just as I get this thought my phone falls straight to the ground so of course it had to land face down blocking the flash preventing me from finding it right away regardless I didn't look for it immediately for some reason I decided to let the darkness sink in never had I been in such a dark environment that I was unable to see my hand right in front of my face even the brightest moonbeams couldn't breach the canopy above however as I focused on my surroundings I quickly realized I was referencing my frame using a subtle glow it was yellowish but twisted into a green color the more I concentrated I was immediately very startled by its lack of movement yet duly curious I hesitantly paced inward carelessly leaving my phone on the ground as I approached the glow split distinctly into two yellow-green bulbs that were locked to each other their eyes my vision is really bad especially with lighting so from a distance my eyes will merge sources of light together for instance I can't see stars this caused my curiosity to go nuts what kind of fat raccoon is trying to stalk me through the bushes something was hitting me though I was terrified I bore fear so intense that my stomach began churn my curiosity has always outweighed my fears and this situation was no different it watched me as I watched it and began to know what it was it began to know me it was a very strange bond in that moment that children to the core I felt a connection to this living thing but its eyes were pumping fear into my body the worst mistake could ever make is to follow nervously I yell loud enough to attempt to startle whatever it may have been engaged in this chilling stare down against me at only about a seven or eight foot distance it's absolutely motionless reaction to my Yelp began to chip away at my sanity was I staring at too elaborately placed lights in the middle of the woods no it couldn't be they had to be eyes and this battle cry didn't even make the thing flinch because of that part of me rationalized that it could not possibly be any animal it's probably some kind of prank or marker for some kind of ecology job so I pressed towards it again walking as if I knew for sure that this could all be logically explained as I closed the gap my vision began to hone in on these lights plain to find ovals resplendent with the brightest darkness I've ever felt and they were legitimately just out of my range of clear vision the lights which were waist level before rose up my roses eyes would on a bear standing on a time legs instantly reducing me to a quivering mass odd thing is bears don't have antlers I have never heard of a moose with piercing eyes that can stand on the time legs either as soon as it began to straighten up I was already getting out of there I just ran luckily I managed to kick my phone and of the dirt and hurriedly picked it up the flashlight was still going making it really eases a spot once I perturbed it rolling through the woods illuminating foam now in hand I made it back to my campfire completely out of breath now normally I'd spray this story all over my friends but I knew they just think I went freaking nuts or hit my head collecting wood also considering I didn't have a bundle of sticks anymore my shortness of breath was probably a little unjustified I sat down and noticed that my friend from before was still being very strange but it seemed like with every passing minute he was adapting more to the conversation and was steadily attempting to contribute more and more we're all good friends which is why I find this unusual considering the fact that he legitimately could not speak English one minute then within 15 he's practically back to normal still something was off he was the last to leave the campfire even after the other guys had petered out he just stayed and stared at the ashes after most of us had gotten home he calls me an entire minute of silence the whole time I'm shouting at him to tell me where he is and that if he's too drunk to get home I'll go and find him disturbingly he just hangs up after a cigarette and another half of beer he calls me back again this time he's trying to talk but like before he can't pronounce any words again he never did touch that case of beer he brought by the way just sat next to it during the whole fire so I tell him to stop being an idiot and to tell me where he is hangs up again leaving me the figure he's just drunk emotional and then I was maybe a bit too harsh on him honestly though I was just so shaken up I needed to confide in somebody about what I had just seen but he was incapacitated and it frustrated me after that I went to bed because I figured he was just strangely drunk it was insanely weird to me but I had a few drinks too so I wasn't really having any of this crap and figured I'd try to get some sleep you know wicked this morning I have a text from his roommate asking why he saw him crawl out from underneath this car and drive away this morning we haven't seen him since and his roommate said he thought he never made it home because he didn't come in so what is wrong with my friend from Obon comes back because if he doesn't I believe that my buddy had just got his skin and car hijacked by a skinwalker or something for a little background of my story I live in a small town outside Kansas City Kansas technically a part of it because of the unified government but the area I live in has a lot of history around it there was a lot of Native American activity in the area my house has a long driveway and is in the middle of the stand of woods the woods have been there as long as there have been records of the area when we first moved in your home everything soon pretty normal but after living there for about a month that's when abnormal stuff started happening pounding on the roof animal scratches on our vehicles and we started finding a lot of dead animals on the property we even contacted Kansas State game wardens but couldn't find any evidence of poaching or poisoning or even the animals getting hit by cars so after about two years of this my brother moves back in and brings his dog with him one night at about 11 p.m. the dog starts whining to be let out so I put him on the leash and walk him around the yard suddenly starts trying to yank me back towards the house then this uneasy feeling washes over me and I noticed something that smells like rotting catfish guts mixed with doe estrus I feel like someone was watching me so I turned around and down Baraga Raj just inside the light I see this figure it was about five feet tall hunched over it was very pale and was translucent and had small deep-set beady eyes and a deer like face a sense of pure terror washed over me I've never been more scared of anything in my life into this day I've never felt that level of fear I ran back into the house and wake up my dad and brother they grabbed some shotguns and went outside to check it out all they find there's some very deep scratch marks on the garage we contacted game wardens the next day I described what I saw and smelled and they said it was probably a very sick deer that has contracted mange or something of the sort weird stuff kept happening for another two or three years then we had that really bad drought and the stuff stopped occurring so I have no idea what it was that I saw that night I was wondering if anyone else has seen or smelt anything similar to that I need help I live in a rural area of Georgia I don't know my religion has anything to do with this but I'm a pagan these past two years have been a nightmare there have been a few incidents and I don't know what to do the first thing that happened was about a year and eight months ago I was walking in this patch of woods about 20 to 25 acres listening to music at some point I dropped my phone and knocked the earbuds out after a dent down I said crap in a few seconds later I heard the word repeated back to me in mislike forst tone it seemed to be coming from all sides of me the snow hit me like sulphur and smoke it was also strange but I guess I just kind of brushed it off and went home the second was a few months ago I mean this girl had just started talking and I invited her over and we wanted to go on a walk I'd say it was 10:00 when we went out there's this neighborhood being built that no one lived in at the time we're going to break into a house that was never done being built you know this was a bad idea but I wanted to impress her I tried to kick the door in but seconds later I heard two thuds and the doorknob shook we just kind of looked at each other with this mutual let's get out of here look after that we decided to go into another one a few blocks away another bad idea we got there and looked in one of the windows in the sense of overwhelming dread hit me in her it was like the most horrifying thing I've ever felt we didn't see it but it was there I have no doubt in my mind it was when we began to walk home she said she saw something getting closer but said not to turn around I mean what she saw maybe she was just freaked out we did get home safe though the next time I was with a close friend I was in the car on the way to the gas station we saw this white deer in a ditch at first I thought it was fake like some sort of decoy but it was watching the car intently like moving its head so after we got what we needed and started heading home we saw the deer twice more in different locations doing the same head twisting thing a FaceTime her later to find out she saw it again on the way home around this time my neighbor's cat was killed she was found with her throat ripped out the most recent thing I had this roommate he's a really sweet guy he had gone out one night and my parents are never home anyway so I was alone I went to do a perimeter check with the house and I just felt that dread again I got through most of the house locking windows and doors and such when I got to his room it was at the window and a transgender male I know if the hormones or a cisgender man would cry in a situation but I just burst into tears luckily his window was already locked I just shut the door and walked out what do I do I like walking at night but I've been scared too lately this is completely true I wish I had proof but I don't has anyone had anything like this happen I've been reading into all of this I don't want to say the name but I think this is what I saw please help I think I just saw skinwalker one to go a live in southeastern Pennsylvania and I know some of seen skinwalkers and in western parts of PA but I was in the car riding on my way to work this morning and I always look out the window I wasn't driving there's a lot of deer in my area and I see them frequently busines riah that has houses but there are a lot of wooded section surrounding the houses while looking out the window I see in the woods what looks like a deer only looks like it's crouching down like a person does when it sneeze the face also looked distorted like it was deformed its horns weren't even right so that makes sense it was just staring not moving which obscene deer do before but its eyes weren't on the side of its face like they were supposed to be they were in front and I think that's what made this sighting so unsettling [Music] my family has strong native-american Sioux roots this happened in rural Minnesota June 2009 and I was pretty young at the time my dad and I were riding our horses down the trail behind his house heading to the gate that separated his land from the State Forest as we neared the gate the horses heads lifted in their ears perked with alarm we followed their line of sight noticing animal movements around a clump of trees it appeared to be a dog coyote sniffing around so my dad pointed it out Hey look at that a coyote we didn't think a lot of it while coyotes are a neat sight it's not really anything special for the area it is a standard behavior for coyotes to be fearful of humans so we expected it to be on its merry way wildlife forgotten my dad dismounted his horse moved toward the gate to unlatch it so we could continue our ride but as he was doing so the animal headed in our direction only until it was only a few feet away behind the fence it stopped and we was stunned and not only by its audacity but by the size of it it was absolutely huge and definitely not a coyote but a unique attribute was the purple collar it sported still we didn't see it as anything more than a weird occurrence and wrote it off as someone's large and friendly wolfish husky that had gotten loose and when dad got back on his horse so we could go and my dad got off the ground again listening started to move and gosh was it intelligent it easily glided under the fence and went straight to me smaller person on a smaller horse with its eyes or my dad obviously trying to calculate what he was going to do it circled my horse and began attempting to separate her from the other one which was when we both realized something was wrong with the situation it did not look crazed there was no foaming-at-the-mouth or unnatural movements that's what was unnerving the wolf was collected and precise and everything it did my dad being excellent in high-pressure situations call me dismounted once more and looked the wolf's square in the eyes and yelled at it to go away as he menacingly lunged at it I can assure you his voice is more than intimidating especially when raised yet the wolf didn't even flinch next he instructed me to steer my horse being more aggressive equine of the two so the wolf was between her rear end and the fence post I do his asked and his plan works almost she kicked the wolf hard as we could hear its skull collide with her hoof in the fence post this didn't faze it it got back up without any visible signs of pain or injury at this point my dad explained that we were going to turn around and try to go to the bond figuring it wouldn't follow us to the front yard who began walking back and leading the horses and me riding mine but the wolf's interest was trained on me that didn't give up on circling my horse about halfway to the bond my dad saw the wolf wasn't going to flee and called 9-1-1 to get help the emergency responder was very dismissive and my dad was fighting with her to send officers the wolf picked up on his distraction and took this opportunity to attack my horse snapping at her legs I panicked screeching to my dad she was being attacked and he requested for help the last time before tellings responded that he had to go we reached the front yard without any major issues but progress was slow going because my dad had to watch the wolf the horses and me meanwhile it remained solely intrigued immune kept circling unfortunately the plan to use the bond fell through after remembering we closed the garage like door and the only way to open it was manually from inside the barn not wanting to leave us alone with the wolf my dad rerouted us to the dog kennel which was surrounded by a decently sized fence the wolf didn't follow me near the horses and my dad closed us in while he went to the house to retrieve his rifle the wolf notes around the yard casually until my dad returned and after seeing his gun the wolf brand my dad fired but didn't manage to hit it despite being an excellent shot immediately he tried to find paw prints to determine where the wolf had disappeared to but didn't find anything and this is when two police officers showed up the officers looked downright terrified once informed of what was going on my dad expressed interest in looking for the wolf to which they hesitantly agreed they searched the property for an hour so but didn't find anything they left my dad and I got the horses calmed and we examined them for injuries mine had a deep gash on the back of her fore leg the next day I was walking on the same trail with my dad who was carrying his rifle we peered into one of the horse pastures and there it is again staring back at us blankly and unmoving it didn't seem afraid in the least and did nothing but keep his eyes on us I was young and stupid and scared so I shouted there it is or something similar which spooked it after the events of previous day we were both surprised I managed to frighten it enough to take off but perhaps it had actually been afraid of the rifle this is the only other time we have seen it in the aftermath my dad asked around his community to see if anyone had a pet that matched the description and checked bulletin boards assuming that someone would be searching for it considering the collar no luck the horse was treated and no infection of rabies which we found quite shocking since we figured the wolf had to have been sick to go after us despite the inconsistencies my dad and I decided to settle on the wolf being extremely hungry little it wasn't then or just plain crazy even if it didn't look or act the part needless to say subsequent trail rides were always accompanied by my dad's pistol if it makes anyone feel better the emergency responder got into hot water over their conduct it took forever to send someone because my dad sounded too calm on the phone and they needed officers present for a festival in the town at the time my dad had a chat with the police chief leading to the call being reviewed turns out the look could be heard attacking my horse in the background so what was this is this a skinwalker the skinwalkers attack I'm not easily a believer in supernatural or paranormal and I think of this as a freak incident but just figured I'd write it here in case anybody else has other ideas additionally if there are any wolf experts is this behavior common I've never heard of healthy lone wolves approaching with malicious intent especially when the target is accompanied by a full-grown adult and two horses and I've never seen a wolf or a coyote of this size I'm not sure what to think of what happened I mean just be overthinking things or my sister may have just been joking with me I figured I would share the small story here in case anyone has any insight as to what happened however I don't think I quite believe anything as monstrous as I suspect the at-fault I probably just misheard for perspective I will tell you that I live out in the southern part of British Columbia Canada I love a good half hour away from the nearest town by car my home is completely surrounded by forests with a few distant neighbors is not uncommon for us to see and hear coyotes wolves bears and cougars so we have a large dog for protection however the latest dog just passed on so a new protector is just a puppy and she's not very brave just yet and I don't think she could have helped the situation if she had wanted to it happened the summer after my graduation I got a call from one of my neighbors asking if I could tend to her garden while her and her husband went on a fishing trip I took the walk down the hill with my dog to the brush so that she could lay out the details the specific care her plants would need my family have known this woman since we moved into our home 20 years ago and his children we would all go down to visit her bake her cards and chat and she would allow us to play in her swimming pool in the summer I trust her completely and have how sad for her before so it was no odd request for my sister nine to go out and help the garden was new and absolutely beautiful I've a garden my own but it was nothing compared to hers which was gated in and was in pristine condition the mosquitoes were horrid so she made her instructions shorts and I retreated back up the hell down for my little sister of our assignment the first day was terribly hot my sister and I attempted to get up early to evade the heat in blood suckers but in the end they were all sitting in the shade waiting for us to arrive I took a full hour and a half to completely soak the entire garden and by then we were sweating bloody itchy and irritable from all our newfound bite marks we were supposed to water the garden every morning so that the Sun wouldn't drop the water throughout the day so I got up early to wake my sister who after yesterday's entertainment refused to go down with me protesting that she wanted to sleep in and to leave her alone nothing to be held responsible for the demise of my neighbor's veggies I reluctantly trotted down the path to my neighbour's building our dogs were off on some squirrel infested adventures so the trek was made alone only a few birds that morning until I made it down farther and the closer I got the quieter it became my attention however was on the Sun and I wanted to finish my task ASAP when I was almost done I took a stretch and went to turn off the hose wetting the sweat from my forehead across the field from the garden I thought I heard a person which would have been very odd so I stood still the listen what I heard was my sister calling my name in a shrill voice my sister and I would often call each other in a strange exaggerated screeches and voices in just that particular way I knew for a fact my sister is far too lazy to hike all the way down and sneak through the bush across a field just to yell my name I listened again when I heard nothing finishing up I assumed I had just misheard believing it to have been a bird or something though the odd happening stuck in my mind later on I referred the account to my sister who laughed and joked with me and it must have been this creature her friend told her about the creature she was referring to was called a Wendigo or skinwalker I honestly don't know the difference between the two or if they are the same thing I don't know what these creatures are or if they actually exist but if they were - they are supposed to live in this kind of area I put it out of my mind anyway not believing in such things the next day I was with my sister 10:00 in the garden my dog came down the seus I was shocked to see her paw was all bloody thinking she had cut herself on a piece of sheet metal I ran with her back up to the house to see if I could clean and fix it my sister didn't want to come up with me so she stayed in the garden to finish up watering her part it turned out the blood on my dog's paw was not her own and she had simply caught an unfortunate pack rat hmm she had delightedly torn to pieces when I came back down my sister wasn't in the garden confused I began to walk to my neighbor's house when she came outside to meet me she told me she had heard her name being called from across the field in my voice in the same way I had heard mine she was visibly spooked and insisted we go back up to her house and leave the garden for tomorrow I refused and told her she could go up without me if she wanted but I had to finish the garden I suspected she was only kidding with me and I was waiting for her to give up her refusal right away like she normally would instead she stayed with me holding her arms and refusing to walk up alone once we finished we both came back together for the next three mornings to water the garden and no other occurrences happened to this day my sister claimed she wasn't lying I'm not sure if these creatures are supposed to be smart enough or talented enough to pull off stunts so specific we had lived in the same house in the middle of the woods for our whole lives and we can be loud and silly without fear of annoying anyone but if someone or something had been close enough to listen they definitely had plenty of time to do so also how these occurrences only happen we were alone gives me goosebumps if you have any answers for me I would appreciate any info you have hey guys I'm gonna personally thank you for the past three years on YouTube it's been a wild ride and I never could have gotten to where I am without the love sharing and support this amazing community also much of the footage used in today's videos from an Arg created to promote the monster project out on iTunes and video demand today aspiring filmmakers find three cast members who claim to be real monsters filming in an abandoned mansion the production soon becomes a nightmare as they reveal their true forms a demon of vampire and our friend the skinwalker check out the trailer in the description and comments and go watch the movie today thanks again guys and I'll see you again soon
Channel: Lets Read!
Views: 232,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: True Reddit Stories, Lets Read, letsread, lets read stories, reddit stories, true stories, true story, true reddit, True Skinwalker Encounter Stories From Reddit, Skinwalker Encounter, Skin walker, Skinwalker Stories, True Skinwalker Stories, True Skinwalker, Wendigo, Wendigo Stories, the monster project, the monster project movie, the monster project movie trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 31sec (1771 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2017
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