12 True Elevator Stories From Reddit

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I finished one of my uni classes pretty late and I was walking home to my apartment around 9:00 p.m. once I arrived in the lobby I noticed a man following me from behind I thought nothing of it I pressed the elevator button and suddenly he turned the mean said dude do you know Lily this man looked like he was in his late 30s or early 40s with a scraggly beard and tattered clothes he looked arranged his eyes were blank and he spoke with a stutter I don't know Lily I replied it was just us in the lobby I'm meeting Lily she lives here what what what floor does she live on I tried to be polite sorry I don't know a Lily who lives here the elevator opened and both of us went in I press my floor level but he just stood there what floor are you going to I asked ah I want to see Lily uh you need to pick a floor I told him sternly the elevator door opened and I said a nice goodbye to him but he followed me on into my floor level what are you doing he looked confused I just want your number if I ran into my apartment he would know which unit I lived in if I screamed I would risk him trying to physically quiet me I waited no more than 110 pounds he was not only taller but look much stronger than me I pressed the elevator down button and waited for the next one to come take him down my name is Maurice my name is Maurice my name is Maurice Maurice he said it gives me shivers just thinking about the way he spoke how old are you I asked him still trying to be kind so he wouldn't harm me he looked insane he had a twitch and his unruly hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in months I'm in my mid-30s well I'm 19 so that's okay at least you're above 18 he grinned I have a boyfriend which I actually did at the time I'll give you my number so you can keep it in your diary during a rainy day when you have fights with him that's not a good idea I never slept my patience was wearing thin the elevator door opened and I told him to get in I don't know how to go down he said he didn't even move press the L button I said you need a car to go to the lobby no you don't but the elevator door had already closed we were both in the exact same position as when we started I was sweating bullets I had to be nice and was weak tired and possibly endanger my apartment floor didn't have a lot of people so it was eerily quiet I pressed the elevator down button again you need to leave I told him trying to sound Stern but kind he started talking to himself and looked like he was about to explode I stepped back the emergency staircase was around the corner but if I Ram down there he might chase me and I'd be stuck in the staircase they continued talking to himself and I repeatedly pressed the button down finally the elevator door opened and there was a group of people inside the elevator waiting for someone to get in go down now I said right now you can't stay here he hesitated I wanted to push him inside but all I did was point to the open elevator you need a card to go to no you don't I had it with this guy he apologized and slowly went inside the elevator I ran back to my room my heart beating too fast I had to catch my breath it was my last encounter with the sky and thankfully I never saw him around my apartment again I was about 13 years old when this incident occurred so it was eight years ago I think in my family on vacation in Orlando and we were staying at the Nickelodeon hotel very cool place nice water parks and nice rooms I was with my family my mom dad brother two sisters and myself I'm the oldest we were at Universal Studios for the day and got back rather late on the way to a room my parents were carrying all the merchandise we bought this was a lot because they had four kids so they kind of fell behind me and my two sisters around the ages of eight and six all got ahead of them together my parents and brother about age 10 were behind us the elevator it was just around the corner me and my sisters got to it first the elevator opened just as we were walking around the corner as we were walking around the corner a man stepped off the elevator I barely got a look at him because as soon as he saw me and my sisters immediately got back on without missing a beat I should have known that that was a bad sign but unfortunately I was a little slow back then so it never occurred to me that this guy was trouble plus my parents were not there to see the man so they never stopped us from getting on to the elevator my sisters were rushing to get on the elevator because they were at the I want to press that button age we all get on to see the man standing with his head facing the ground and both hands behind his back in the back of the elevator he was very creepy looking he had brown hair that reached the middle of his neck and looked like he hadn't showered in weeks he looked like he was in his late 40s or early 50s because he had many wrinkles on his face and a creepy grin he was wearing black jeans a red black and white flannel and a black turtleneck underneath keep in mind we are in Florida and this was a hot night so it was weird to see that he was wearing all these layers man this sister goes to press the fourth floor button but all the buttons were lit up already I wish I could say that that was what made me realize we were in trouble but it didn't click just yet but this guy pressed all of the buttons I held the door open for my parents and brother and my mom looked at the guy and we'll never forget the face she made she had a huge smile on her face looking at my brother and she looked at that man and that smile instantly dropped I saw the look of terror in my mom's face my dad even gave a strange look at the guy like he knew to watch out for him that was the moment when I realized that this man was up to no good the elevator doors closed my parents stood on each side of the man eats were staring at him just waiting to jump into action in case he made a move my brother asked out loud why did you guys press all the buttons and the older one of my two sisters still completely oblivious to what was happening blurted out that guy did and pointed right at the man my mom let out a nervous giggle the elevator was slow but finally got to the second floor the man quickly got out of the elevator and went down the hallway as soon as he left my mom quickly closed the doors and they continued up we stopped at the third floor closed the doors then got to our floor in the fourth floor my parents made sure we stayed with them this time we got to her room and this is when my parents started to freak out my dad called the front desk and warned them about what had happened so they could check it out that was the last we ever solved that man we don't know if the people at the hotel found him but all I can say is I'm glad that my parents recognized the danger god only knows what he had planned to do to one or all of us my parents weren't there when I was 16 years old it was a very low point in my life and I ended up getting hospitalized for four months over the summer the doctors were afraid that my heart would give out if I even did so much as walk so if I wanted to go anywhere I had to call a nurse to take me in a wheelchair my mom and dad visited me every day and always together whenever my mom came alone she would take me out in a wheelchair to the beach access behind the hospital so I could get some fresh air and look at the lake one day my mom had come by to visit and she took me out to the beach as usual we were waiting for the elevator down from the ward and a man stopped my mom and me your daughter has such beautiful black hair the way he said it gave me the willies kind of in a buffalo bill asked I want to wear it way my mom thanked him and chatted a bit but I just looked the other way and ignored him I could feel his eyes on me though we all pile into the elevator and as soon as the doors closed I feel something tugging at my hair I glanced over and realized that the guy is playing with my hair now I'm pretty creeped out here but I don't want to cause a scene just in case he has a mental disorder and can't help himself so I just leaned over as far as I could in the wheelchair so that he couldn't reach me without alerting my mom anyway we reached the bottom get off and my mom and I start wheeling over to the beach while the guy just stands by the elevator and watches us go I told my mom what he did and she said she'd make sure to do something if we ever saw him again after that we kept seeing him always by the elevator he'd make a comment about how beautiful my hair is my mom would nod politely we'd go in the elevator and he'd try to play with my hair but my mom would move in the way would get off and he'd watch us roll out creepy but we decided he was harmless until about a month later we went down to the beach as usual and this time we didn't see him at the elevator but we didn't think much of it at some point my mom had to use the restroom and it was mutually decided I was old enough to take care of myself for three minutes I was sitting in the wheelchair looking at the lake and enjoying the Sun and I started getting pushed thinking was from my mom I turned around to ask for five more minutes nope not my mom nope it's the guy he's pushing me towards the bushes and the look on his face is predatory I screamed but the only other people out there are in a canoe out the water so I make a decision I decide if I'm going to die I'd rather it be heart failure than this dude so I get up out of the wheelchair and start legging it towards the restrooms I look behind me the see if he's following and fortunately he's not he's just standing by the wheelchair looking shocked I guess he thought I was paralyzed I make it back to my mother who'd run out of the toilet upon hearing me screaming we both looked back and the guy is running away like he's got a rocket coming out of his butt my mom carried me on her back to the wheelchair then he rushed to them form the hospital staff they put a watch out and for the next month there's security hanging around the elevator on my floor but thankfully it never came back [Music] my first year of college was a real challenge for me I'm extremely introverted then while I do have friends I'd spend time with I don't make friends very easily I'm simply too shy to approach others and I'm no good at connecting with strangers it's just who I am and I'm okay with that when I started classes that fall I was the Invisible Girl never called attention to myself if I could help it you know the type of mnsure there are a lot of people who specialize in invisibility so I didn't have a lot of friends that semester just people I would call acquaintances we got along fine but couldn't really be called friends now this time I was battling my own demons to when I was 16 I was brutally abused and by no means was I over it it was a major factor in my life I went to therapy regularly and was treated for major depression extremely anxiety disorder and PTSD I was walking a thin line trying to pull myself together and get on with life all at the same time feeling very isolated and therefore vulnerable around others I avoided men whenever I could simply because I wasn't ready to let my guard down and it was exhausting being on constant high alert and was also rather paranoid it's impossible to avoid potentially dangerous to my paranoid mind situations when living on campus and being the loner that I was there were times when I simply had to walk back down to my dorm in the dark or participate in a group project with men etc I worked hard on my self-confidence and while I eventually overcame my fears at that time I was always on edge I'm sure you can understand one day I went to class in the humanities building not a big deal but the classroom was on the top floor of a tall building and I usually rode the elevator that elevator was slow but still better than walking up 12 flights of stairs I get to the building called the elevator and wait to my surprise when the doors open that was the only one who got in this was a relief because of my paranoia then it happened the doors were closing when someone stuck a hand in the middle and four guys got in this wasn't good my anxiety hit the roof and I backed myself into a corner so I felt somewhat safer I kept telling myself I was perfectly safe but these men weren't going to hurt me and I should relax then none of them turn to me grin maliciously and said hey there's only one girl in here let's gather then all chaos broke loose in my mind I'm sure now it was a joke I'll bite a very disgusting one but at the time I didn't take it that way at all and he made that comment I panicked I had my bookbag bursting with heavy books on the ground in front of me and my terror I picked it up and started swinging when the doors finally opened there were four very surprised men either on the ground or huddling away from me while I stood in the middle hyperventilating and still swinging I've never seen anyone exit an elevator that fast I'm not talking about me those guys actually stumbled over each other trying to get away from me it took me a long time to calm down but in the end it was a huge step in rebuilding my confidence I've been in a potentially dangerous position with four men and I defended myself quite effectively that was the beginning of reclaiming myself [Music] so basically my entire family was throwing a reunion / New Year's Eve party at this huge hotel and all the adults decided to go down to the bar to drink thinking all of his kids were asleep obviously we weren't there was enough candy and soda there to keep us up for 72 hours and we decided to go run out in the hallway to play a game of hide and seek yeah little smart idea anyway there were six children and we split into two groups of three each group hiding together so no one would wander off and get us all in trouble when it was my group's turn to hide we somehow all manage to get lost at different corners of the hotel and being the child that I was the thought of being lost was already frightening enough to me after circling the floor of our room about five times I decided it would be the logical thing to just go down to the bar where my parents were big mistake I walked to the elevator and when the doors open there was already a man in there I didn't think much of it as this was a big hotel it's no surprise that someone else has to take the elevator to the main floor as well he asked if I needed to go down to the first floor too and I said yes the man was very tall and wreaked of beer and he had on a dirty trench coat and sunglasses I tried to maintain his little eye contact with him as possible until he asked me a rather odd question he asked you're looking for your friends right I stood speechless wondering how he knew what I was doing before he stated it you're the one who was playing hide-and-seek on to you I mumbled as scared uhm yeah finding it weird that he seemed to have been watching us play this game the whole time we both remain quiet until the doors had opened to the third floor not the main one I just left a man hit the wrong button or something so I reached to hit the first button and he reached for my arm and tried to drag me out of the elevator I froze up as he said come on I know where your friends are gesturing to the dead end of the hallway where all the vending machines were he walked closer to me grabbing my arm and again attempting to dragged me to the isolated section of the hall I managed to twist away and bolted to the stairs tactically screeching the whole time and managed to reach the main floor only to run into my entire family including the relatives I was playing hide-and-seek with when we're looking for me the whole time I was with this man needless to say I still get a little weary when I'm alone with a stranger in an elevator this takes place a few years back when I was in university so basically young and dumb there was a class gathering at a restaurant for a small Christmas party and my friend Karen I decided meet up beforehand we agreed to take the train and meet at a certain stop instead of driving to save us the hassle I stepped into a nearly empty train cart and sat down immediately pulling out my ipod and turned up the music it was cold and early in the afternoon so the only people on there excluding myself was an elderly couple and a bundled up man sitting across from me I dismissed him and turned to my music until I felt an uneasy feeling I looked up and saw him smiling a friendly smile I nodded at him but ignored him I held my purse tighter and slowly started to put away my iPod so I could make a break for it when I stopped came as soon as the train stopped I stepped off and I started the speed walk towards the elevator to go above ground in hindsight I should have took the stairs but in my haste to go I took the elevator as I feared the guy slipped in and he was a big man that looked even bigger whenever he wasn't all bundled up and there was a young petite girl so I was even more terrified he smiled down at me and said you have the most beautiful shoes ever I was so shocked I couldn't do anything but stare down and notice I was wearing my favorite black stiletto heels at this point I had forgotten I was even wearing heels I'm under - quiet thank you and inched away from him in the confined space he sighed and said oh we must have beautiful feet do anything to have them I was freaking out on the inside and I press myself up against the wall the best I could he continued do you want to come to my place I'm sure I have more beautiful shoes for your beautiful feet I promise I'll do anything for you at this point that was so scared I didn't know what to do except stick my hand in my bag and grope around for the mace my boyfriend bought me hoping I wouldn't have to use it the man began to smile and then said I'm sure I have a pair of red heels that will make your black hair stand out even more and muttered a no thank you and was relieved from the elevator door opened but in order to get past the door I had to squeeze past the man who was positioned half in front of the door he grinned and leaned in for a hug which I quickly dodged fearing for my life I'll never forget his angry chilling eyes when I turned back to see if he was following he remained by the elevator smiling sinisterly and waving and muttering more to himself about beautiful red shoes thankfully for me my friend Karen showed up and at the sight of her he fled down a flight of stairs I was and still am terrified of getting in an elevator after that experience [Music] my girlfriend I decided to make a Walmart run she was having terrible cramps and demanded that I take her to get some ibuprofen he never say no to a woman that has on a period it was already late and we got back at around 2:00 a.m. left at 1:00 a.m. we live on campus says we're both College sophomores I was parking in a parking garage about a five minute walk away from our dorm not very far at all apart from the third floor but the exit was on the sixth floor so we decided to take the elevator it was a Thursday morning so everyone was in bed around drinking Thirsty Thursday so the campus was unusually silent as the elevator doors opened there was a man standing there I was taken aback because he was hulking about 6 foot 5 280 pounds muscular and had that stereotypical look of I'm going to murder you I didn't move but again my girlfriend could have taken down an entire army of Nazi troops with the way she was feeling she got on right beside him and I followed we rode up to the 6th floor and the guy began to make small talk he asked about our majors where we lived how he liked school he was pretty decent all the while I forgot to press the button of where we were supposed to get off so instead we just rode the elevator up to the ninth floor which was in the parking garage office sector there were nothing but offices up there my girlfriend and I awkwardly laughed about it when we got to the ninth floor we expected the man to leave but he just stood there waited for the doors to close and said he'd follow us down and make sure we got out okay I suddenly got creeped out and I could tell my girlfriend was too because she tucked herself behind me I'm only six foot 170 H pounds with arm strength of Spongebob Squarepants but instead of hanging the six button here and Lee hits the three and my state of shock I just blankly stare at him my girlfriend realized what he did and immediately tried to hit the six we had already passed the floor so she reached out again but the man grabbed her hand this face had suddenly changed he no longer smiled pleasantly or grinned courteously the look of malice on his face will until this day haunt me I intervened and pulled my girlfriend back the elevator arrived on floor three and we both girlfriend and I bolted out of there luckily we were on the same floor as my car the man from the elevator gave chase for a few feet but once we were in my car he went off around a corner we drove to the campus security station which was about a minute drive from the garage and told him about what had happened it wasn't an hour later that they had caught the guy and arrested him he was out on probation but also had drugs in his system and was pretty messed up in general I grew up in an apartment complex with about 20 buildings each around 25 floors high each floor had four apartments which made about 2,000 apartments in all each building had a car park underneath it was an elevator and a flight of stairs that went from the car park to the roof my apartment was on the fifth floor of an apartment building and right in the middle of the complex ice take the bus home from school and it would drop me off at the corner across from the complex I crossed the road and walk home one day I had gotten off the bus and crossed the road when I saw it some neighborhood kids drawn a hopscotch on the footpath outside the complex I loved hopscotch so I dropped my bag and started playing on my second go a lady she looked like she was in her mid-20s came over and asked if she could play that was a naturally shy little girl but I was also very polite especially two adult I gave her my stone and let her have a go once she had a go she asked if her friends could play three guys over mid to late-20s came over and this freaked me out as I said I was very shy especially of males I was aware that I was alone with them felt very uncomfortable I told the lady that they could play but I had to go home she gave me a sad look and said that she hoped that we could be good friends anyone hurt her feelings but I was pretty scared so I lied and told her I would take my schoolbag home and come right back I picked up my bag and hightailed it out of there I got home and thought that would be the end of it I was scared of getting in trouble for my parents for talking to strangers so I didn't tell them the next day the lady was waiting for me at the gates to the complex she said that she was very sad that I hadn't come back and then hurt her feelings I said it was sorry but that my mom had made me do my homework she asked if we could play now I looked around and saw her friends waiting by a van she said that they wanted to take me to have ice cream at Kiki's Kiki's was a new ice cream place that had just opened each ice cream came with the toy though my friends at school had at least two toys each we couldn't afford to go there so I'd always felt left out now this lady was offering to take me and I was excited I knew I shouldn't go there so I said thank you but I couldn't play today she got really angry and said that I had to go with her being a timid kid I hated being yelled at so this freaks me right out and I started to cry the lady immediately said she was sorry and gave me a hug and she tried to leave me to the van saying an ice cream would make it all better I pulled away and started to run home this time they followed me I could hear them running after me and I knew that they were faster than me so I figured I'd hide from them I flew into the underground carpark of the building closest to the gate and hid between two cars I heard them run down the ramp and stopped and I heard the lady call out to me do you like hide-and-seek let's play ready we're coming to get you I was shivering violently and knew that they'd find me here I decided I'd go to the elevator shaft take the elevator to the top then run down the stairs a few floors and take it back down thinking that they'd see the elevator stop on the top floor and assume I was hiding there so they'd search there while I got away the elevator was on the other side of the carpark I had to go around two corners to get there I crept along the wall staying as low as I could until I was around the corner then I'm bolted for the elevator the elevator was in a small room that had a huge door I got inside but didn't closed the door all the way I press the UP button and watched as the elevator slowly descended stopping in nearly every floor I crept over to the door and peeped out through the crack to see where they were I spotted them just as I heard the elevator banging from behind me without thinking I closed the door now as I said before the door was huge so it made a huge noise as it closed and even as I ran into the elevator I knew they'd know where I was the elevator was full of people when I squeezed right to the back hiding between two boys and a girl who I'd seen around before the girl living in my building but on a different floor I watched the elevator doors closing praying that they would hurry up just before they closed a hand shot between them and they opened again woman was there looking furious get out here she yelled an elderly woman asked what the matter was and the woman said I was her daughter and I'd run away I was too scared to speak as the woman grabbed my arm and tried to drag me out one of the boys sent something was wrong and stopped her he asked if I knew her and I shook my head and started to cry the girl from my building picked me up while the boy told the woman to leave me alone since the elevator was full of people who now realized what was happening the woman the guys disappeared the girl from my building and the two guys walked me home and told my parents what had happened the police were called in after some investigating I wasn't told this until years later found that the woman and the man were child traffickers I'm so grateful the boy realized something was off and stepped in who knows where I'd be if he hadn't when I was about 16 I went on a trip to Cabo San Lucas with my family and my best friend my friend and I had a hotel room to ourselves so the trip something I was naturally excited about well afternoon I was getting on the elevator and a security guard got on with me as the elevator rose he looked at me and said excuse me were you wearing a green skirt on the beach the other day um yes why I replied I was already reflexively creeped out at the mention of a miniskirt I had worn a few days prior oh nothing I really liked it a lot when I got into the elevator he got off on the same floor and was walking past as I took out my key card to unlock the door to my room at 4:00 a.m. that morning I woke up with a startle only to register that there was a man standing silently at the foot of my bed a man in the security guard uniform the one from the elevator as he saw me wake up he standards something about my door not being locked properly and ran out of the room I was still groggy with sleep and didn't fully register what had just happened a moment after he ran out I became aware that I was lying on my back with the covers around my ankles I sleep nude but never kick my covers off in my sleep as I'm always cold and the AC was on full blast as well I'm also a very deep sleeper so someone standing in my bed alone would never stir me I'm pretty sure him pulling the covers back causing me to get cold is what woke me I'm scared to think what would have happened had my friend not been fast asleep next to me in the next bed unfortunately as I was creeped out in the elevator and had avoided making eye contact or looking at his face and as it was so dark I couldn't have identified him in the room I never bothered to report it to the hotel I still regret that years later I never liked going alone on elevators ever since I was a child that make me anxious I live on an eighth floor so most of the time I have to take it through the elevator doors while there's still daylight you can see the floors you are passing so during the day I at least can see where I'm at that makes me feel a little less overwhelmed at night and rather take the stairs it was really late when I got home maybe it around 2:00 a.m. so I began going up the stairs everything was running smoothly up until the fourth floor I heard someone moaning in a faint slow and creepy voice I freaked out and started climbing the stairs as fast as I could I couldn't really tell where the morning's were coming from but whoever did it increase the volume of those terrifying knowns as I came closer to my floor when I was finally there the moans abruptly stopped just you know the elevator is facing the entrance of the stairs where I was at and I knew it was there because I could see the light coming from the gap between the stores and here's what to this day still scares me to the bone the light from the elevator started to flicker and not because they were damaged Oh No there was someone pacing from one side to another inside the elevator I ran as fast as I could up to my apartment and I was finally inside terrified I heard the elevator door open and froze I heard him or her moan again and then cackle loudly as if he or she was mocking me shortly after I also heard steps as if the person was walking down the stairs I think my unreasonable fear towards elevators might have saved me from who knows what yesterday and now I still won't be taking the elevator at night [Music] it was very stormy I was on my way to a convention in Chicago with two of my good friends what every year in this was the fourth time The Weather Channel called for severe weather but we refused to miss our annual overnight trip we all piled in my car for a six-hour drive the first few hours was fine just raining and humid then the typical Midwest severe thunderstorm started the kind where you just looked down at the lines on the roads so you don't end up in the ditch since you can't see anything else once when the lightning flashed my friend Chris or he saw a tornado in the cornfield in the distance we finally gave up and pulled under a bridge until the rain let up enough for us to see we waited a good 45 minutes more running hours late from driving so slow through the storm the rest of the trip was drizzle and that post thunderstorm fog that always felt creepy to me there were hardly any other cars on the interstate since most people were too smart to be out driving was just added to the creepy feeling we didn't get to our motel until about 2:00 a.m. since we were poor college kids we never stayed at the convention hotel luckily we had found a little motel about a 20-minute drive away that was dirt cheap we stated this motel every time we came to the convention it was three stories tall and with no interior hallways all the rooms were accessed from outside unfortunately the cheapest rooms were in the third floor and the elevator had not worked any of the times we visited checking into the motel in the middle of the night was interesting it was still foggy and drizzling out but almost humid and hot there were only two or three other cars in the dark parking lot and the only lights were from the lobby and the streetlights we walked inside and no one was at the desk after ringing the bell for about 15 minutes with no response we actually called the hotel from my friend's cell phone an older man answered and soon came out to the desk from the back room which had to negotiate a first-floor room since obviously they were not busy it was a jerk though and kept saying they're booked there were two to three other cars there certainly some room on the first floor had to be available being exhausted we took our third floor room and prepared ourselves to drag our suitcases three flights of outside stairs in the drizzle and heat as we left the lobby the old man called out to us you kids lock your door and don't answer it after dark he went back into the back room and slammed the door god that creep me out we unloaded the car in the foggy dark parking lot and dragged her luggage to the stairs as we came around the back of the building we all saw the elevator the out of order sign was gone and the doors were open the light in the elevator was the only light source on the entire back of the building it seemed like something good finally happened to us on the trip the elevator was working and we didn't have to lug all of our things up those slippery stairs I remember thinking it was weird that the doors were open then the elevator doors usually stay closed until he pushed the button but whatever it was better than stairs we loaded in our luggage and got in I pushed the button for the third floor and the door started to close the doors were standard elevator doors and right before they closed all the way words appeared written red paint or marker on the far side of the elevator door so it was only visible when the door closed it said well you screwed up now sorry the elevator started moving we all stared at the door my friend Chris from behind said the obvious thing we were all thinking guys I think we're screwed it took that elevator forever to get to the third floor with the ding the door slowly opened none of us moved I think we were all waiting for something to come out of the fog or one of those sirens from Silent Hill to start nothing happened the door started to close and my friend Amy quickly shoved her suitcase in the way of the door we all scrambled out the elevator door closed and we heard it go down to the ground level again abandoning us to our fate slowly we all three came around to the side of the building nothing was there but a long walkway open to the elements with doors along the left side completely terrified now we crept towards our room which was halfway down the walkway we were almost there when we heard it loud and clear in the night ding it was that elevator returning to the third floor we sprinted to the room Chris had the key and frantically tried to get our door open as the other two of us stared towards the back of the building to see who would come around the corner click the door was open and we bolted into the room who locked every lock on the door and braced our suitcases up against it for good measure we stood inside listening for anything else we heard nothing being the only guy in the group Chris looked outside after a few minutes we couldn't see anything I don't think any of us slept well that night and we never stayed in that motel ever again I [Music] was 23 at the time of the story sometimes when I go a long time without talking to anyone my voice comes out quite weird when I finally do talk most of the time I remember to clear my throat or something but sometimes I'll just start talking and it'll sound weird so one such occasion I was riding the Metro home to College Park Maryland I worked in DC at the time and my ride home was usually around an hour on the train there was a cute girl I try not to constantly look her girls in the train because I don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable it seemed though like every time I did glance at this girl she looked right back at me immediately afterward I was hoping that she kept looking at me because she thought I was cute or something too but was worried that due to coincidence that every time she checked to see if I was looking at her I was and that it seemed like I was just constantly staring at her I finally got to my stop around 11 p.m. that was the only person that got off the train at the stop except for the cute girl at the College Park metro station there is a large parking garage where I'd parked my car I had gone to work late in that day so my car was parked on the 4th floor I got on to the elevator notice the cute girl was already in it with me she pressed the number 2 I thought to myself that she must be extremely lazy or tired to take the elevator one floor as if she read my mind she answered saying I'm not that lazy it's just that the stairs can be pretty scary at night this is where my inactive throat thing comes in and trust me when I say I've absolutely no idea why I said this I turned to her and said in a very gargouille low voice the elevator can be pretty scary placed too sometimes and then kind of got a tickle in my throat and started clearing it but it could have sounded like grunting at that moment the elevator got to her floor and she just booked it so cute girl if you're out there I'm sorry hey guys let's read here if you're a fan of the page and wish to support it further consider heading over to patreon where for only $1 a month you'll have early access to all audio released on the channel a day early new Tears have been added as well such as social media follows and personal communication there I'll create a personal voicemail greeting just for you a custom short story of your choice narrated and specifically sent directly to you or work hand in hand with me as a member of the team as we collaborate on a future video of your choice also stay tuned for live streams more frequently in the future or I chat with you guys and narrate stories live it's going to be a lot of fun thanks for listening and I'll see you again soon
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Views: 238,386
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Keywords: True Reddit Stories, Lets Read, letsread, lets read stories, reddit stories, true stories, true story, true reddit, True Elevator Stories From Reddit, Elevator Stories, True Elevator Stories, Hotel Stories, True Hotel Stories
Id: vQzMRVRp49M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 43sec (2443 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2017
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