6 True Scary Deep Woods / Camping Horror Stories (Vol. 1)

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I've been a forest ranger for going on five years now I don't feel it's necessary to disclose my location so please don't ask me where these take place with that out of the way I also want to say that I'm no professional when it comes to the paranormal or creatures I don't have an explanation for most of the things I went through and experienced maybe you all can help me with that with that said I'll start with the first encounter I had while patrolling the forest where I work we had gotten a call about a possible wonderer a wanderer is someone who walks off the path and is either lost or up to no good I can't tell you how many teens thinks it's cool to go smoke in the woods out here anyway I took the call and started taking the Ranger trails so I could find whoever it was the description they've given me was tall and slender not much to go off of but I figured it was better than nothing I was nearing the end of a specific trail when I heard something off to the east of me I'd look over in that direction and saw a quick flash of color and ducked behind a tree I call out hey you can't be out here it's for the forest personnel only and they didn't respond and then come out so I started walking over I was left speechless when I came up beside the tree I'd seen this figure go behind and there was nothing there when you're in the woods it's not really easy to make it out without being heard I looked all around but there wasn't a sign of anyone I walk eat my superior and let him know he said to do one more run-through of the area and if I don't find anything to report back to him after my second Patrol I still found nothing so I did what he asked and reported to him after he asked what color I saw duck behind the tree and I explained that it looked like someone with the red flannel shirt with blue jeans he just laughed and said that was probably Sebastian I was lost what do you mean is he just void of punishment kind of hard to punish a ghost I shot him a skeptical look Sebastian was a young kid who was attacked by a bear out here nearly 15 years ago when I first started he's never really left from that day forward I saw Sebastian a handful of times I've also seen a few apparitions here and there the most notable being I was giving a tour of the campgrounds we have out here there was a small group of people with me when a woman raised her hand and asked are we allowed over by the river she then pointed over to the bank where I saw a woman in a white nightgown yes however we require that everyone who can't swim or is not an illegal adult to wear a life jacket you can't swim in it either as the current is very strong however the lifejackets are a safety precaution I called out to the woman near the bank ma'am do you mind joining my group up here you really shouldn't be down there her head turned to face me slowly and when it did I felt all the color drained from my face she didn't have any eyes they were just black pits a few of the people in the crowd gasp and a few kids hugged their parents and fear I look back at the group and they looked at me for an answer but I didn't have one when I look back the woman was gone we just continued on with the tour after that with a palpable awkwardness and uneasiness when people find out I work where I do I'm often asked if I believe in Bigfoot the short answer is no I don't my longer answer would be that there are much more things out there things that are scarier than Bigfoot here's my story of one of them this will also be my last story as it may give an idea to the location in my work place and I don't want people visiting just because of these stories that's not a good reason to come out here the real reason would be to enjoy nature and all has to offer and with that said I'll stop beating around the bush I was doing another patrol when I saw something run out in front of the patrol vehicle it's really a golf cart thinking I had hit a fawn or something similar I hopped out radio in the lead Ranger when he asked for a description I didn't really know what to say this thing was about the size of a full-sized German Shepherd but was all black and had a shiny coat the body type was also similar but there were no ears and no sign of there even being any there also wasn't a snout I don't mean that it was squashed in like an English Bulldog but there wasn't one the face was flat and pointed with two small slits the front the lead rangers showed up soon after we spoke over the walkies he was just as confused as I was the wildlife preserve was called and they took it with them to get a better idea of what it could be while they were transporting it however some campers got a few pictures of it these were turned in to local news stations and they ran a piece on it in the newspaper and never made it to television thankfully the last I heard there have been no new updates about what it could be I hope you all get a little bit of enjoyment out of my stories and maybe even feel like you can share some of your own depends on the response to this I may share a few more but as of now I think I'll keep it under wraps [Music] when I was eight my parents put me in the Boy Scouts now despite what you're about to listen to I still believe it was one of the greatest things I'd ever did I loved hanging out in the woods learning about survival all that good stuff being that a large part of the courses we took were in the woods and dealt with wildlife he'd expect me to have at least one spooky story well I can assure you that any Boy Scout has at least one and this is mine I've been in the Boy Scouts for about a year at this point we were covering something to do with leaves in the woods I'm not sure what it was that's besides the point though once the lesson was over we were paired up and told to go out and find the biggest leaf that we could it sounds silly but it was a ton of fun we were instructed not to go out of eyesight of the Scout leader but the kid I was with didn't listen he kept looking back at the Scout leader to see if they were looking away and as soon as they looked away he booked it into the forest no we were taught that if you were ever separated from your partner to blow the whistle that given us that wasn't really going through my head though I stupidly gave chase calling out we're not allowed to go out there he just kept running through eventually he stopped and turned to look at me he had been a few years older than me maybe ten so when I saw that he had a cigarette in his mouth I wasn't surprised my parents did at the time too so I figured it was something adults and older kids do we need to go back I said I can't see the Scout leader he just laughed and took a drag from the cigarette fine I said I'll just get their attention I reached for my whistle but when I pulled it out he knocked it out of my hand you better not get me in trouble or I'll beat you up I took this seriously I wasn't the biggest kid and being that he was older than me I assumed he was stronger he was laughing for a little before he looked behind me and that's when his face went white I figured the Scout leader had found us but it was so much worse he dropped the cigarette butt and booked it back towards the Scout leaders I ran over and stomped it out when I turned around to leave though I saw what it was that scared him so badly for lack of a better word it was Bigfoot it was tall hairy and smelled like absolute death the fur on its face and around its hands were matted with what I assumed was animal blood I legitimately peed myself then and there it wasn't moving so I tried to fight all my logical thinking and ran over to the whistle that was on the ground I made it to it and blew in it as hard as I could I'm lucky this thing was slow because it could have taken my head off the whistle sounded in the creature cried out before running off into the woods soon after I was scooped up by a scout leader and we were all back at the Boy Scout camp the leaders gave us a long and stern talking-to about forest safety one thing and remember vividly is when he said there are some things out there that will hurt you it seemed like such a terrible thing to say to a child but I knew he was right we still went out to those woods after that but I never saw anything like it again [Music] I've been staying in Japan for about ten years when this took place my reason for staying there in the first place was studying abroad once my studies were over however I ended up going back I loved the culture and enjoyed just being there I've met someone now and we're getting married in the fall wife had seemed pretty figured out just the last week though something happened that caused a lot of turmoil and strain on my relationship it started when a buddy of mine hit me up on skype he liked me was American but had come to build a new life in Japan being five years older than I was he had been just about to every notable site in Japan and had two kids we were shooting the breeze for a little while while kind of out of nowhere he brought up Akita Hara no I'm fairly certain that most everyone knows what that is if you don't then look it up real quick because I'm not gonna explain basically he told me that he would pay me five hundred bucks if I would go camp out there alone for two nights my wife who is native to Japan could not protest enough she told me all the horror stories of people going in and never coming out people being followed home by spirits all kinds of crazy stuff I told her I wasn't scared of some silly forest and agreed to the bet the day I had left she begged me not to go but I did anyways I wanted to prove to her that there was nothing to be worried about oh that and I really wanted the 500 bucks and maybe a little adventure I kissed her goodbye and headed out walking up to the forest is something sinister while it is beautiful it's also extremely foreboding the density of the trees is beyond reason I've never seen anything like it as soon as I stepped in I was taken aback by it all it was like another planet I heard all the wildlife whether it be bugs or animals I heard a handful of other people walking around as well the temperature had dropped significantly I wouldn't admit to anyone who but I was scared I told myself it was nothing more than a forest and continued on my trek through the various trails did eventually lead me to a spot flat enough and secluded enough to camp it was around 7:00 p.m. at this point night 1 was a go sleep came but only after a long fight everything I heard around me made me jump I didn't know what kind of animals lived out here and also given the reputation this forest had I was beginning to get a little worried about those who were in here with me I woke up on that morning feeling groggy I didn't want to leave my tent honestly I wanted to leave the forest and decided that I would hike down to the base of Mount Fuji in give that a look all through the forest I was taking photos I needed something to prove to my friend I'd actually done it I got some great photos of wildlife some trees all that good stuff halfway through my hike however I decided on putting my camera away for the rest of the trip I heard a woman weeping off to the east of me I decided to walk over and see if I could help her at all when she was finally in sight I saw that she was a young woman maybe in her 20s there was another woman much older possibly her mother who was holding her to her chest they were both kneeled on the ground in front of a body it was absolutely heartbreaking to see the older woman made eye contact with me and we shared a small moment I could tell she was holding back the tears I nodded to her as a way to say I understand he'll be ok and I went about my way I'm assuming the body they were kneeling in front of was a relative possibly brother or maybe father I didn't get a good look and had no plan to I continued walking trying to get that out of my head it was so hard to shake that image though I took a rest at the base of a tree and just thought about everything myself my fiancee my friend and mostly this stupid challenge I left the forest and went home after 20 minutes of deliberation let me explain my decision when I went there I knew what I was doing I was going to visit a place people regarded as spooky or scary and while it was both of those things I feel like I lost light of what else it was it's a place where those who have lost all hope all will to move forward go to end the most precious gift given to us life I wasn't looking at it through the eyes of someone like the woman who'd found someone they loved I was looking at it as some sort of attraction you'd visit for Halloween it was disrespectful I felt over the course of the next few months I fell into some pretty serious depression seeing how quickly life can be taken away from you voluntarily or not is a sobering thing it put me in a state of mind where I believed nothing really mattered no matter what we do in this life have kids get married whatever it didn't matter because we lose all of it in the end this is where the strain of my relationship came from I wasn't as lovey-dovey as I had once been my fiancee and I were fighting all the time we weren't making love we even got into a small physical altercation at one point causing me to storm out of the house guess where I went that forest and went to all the way there and just stared into it thinking about all I'd seen and all that had been going on I contemplated going inside but I knew that if I did I wouldn't come out the thoughts I were having weren't good once they came and went in waves as I was standing there but then one specific thought entered my mind the thought of that woman I'd made eye contact with I remember that while she struggled to do so she wasn't crying she held it in she was strong that's when I needed to be and made it back home to my fiance and broke down telling her everything I was eventually put on antidepressants and luckily for me they worked wonders it's been nearly a year on them and I'm thinking of trying to lower the dosage I've not had an episode of depression in quite a while so I think I'll be alright so yes I went back but before you bother asking no I didn't see any ghosts or he or any phantom voices maybe it's because it wasn't looking for them maybe it's because they weren't there I don't really know or care the point I want to get across here is that if you're going to visit this forest please know the real reason you're doing it if you want to get a cheap thrill it's better to just stay home calling it one of the scariest places to visit is like advertising a graveyard as a ride at a State Fair I apologize if this post doesn't fit the horror schtick that is usually on here but I really just wanted to share this what I did see in there was something much scarier than ghosts or spirits it was morality I saw what people have to deal with when a loved one dies something I haven't had to deal with much in my life feel free to grill me on the comments for not posting something scary but I really just had to get this out be aware and honest with your reasons for visiting a kikah Hara and reevaluate your decision [Music] so I'm not really sure how to start this I suppose I just say it I saw something in the woods it wasn't a bear or Bigfoot everyone knows that's nonsense on top of that there will be things I mentioned later that will disprove that theory so people listen on the way through Iowa's backpacking through an old hiking trail here in town when I came across an abandoned campsites off one of the trails now normally I would leave that kind of thing alone and let those who clean up the trail deal with it I don't want to be accused of meddling with someone else's things this was different however it wasn't just abandoned it was trashed it didn't look like someone simply left it there it was like someone was attacked the tent had been pulled off from the ground and flipped completely over the food was strewn about and there were embers of the fire all around the site still burning that's what caused me to walk over there I didn't want one of them to catch a strong wind and send the whole forest into flames I made my way over and took my time to stomp out all of the embers I then checked the vicinity around the campsite to see if there was anyone near who may have been staying out here I went off into the woods calling out for anyone that was my mistake I was maybe 20 feet in when I heard it it was a low guttural kind of growl coming from deep within the woods it was like something I never heard it wasn't like a large dog but at the same time it wasn't like a bears roar I wasn't sure what I was getting into I thought about heading back but at the same time I wanted to find out if there was someone out there who had to go through that I would have tried to help them out as I kept walking the ground began to grow closer I kept an eye and an ear out for it but it was nearly impossible to pinpoint eventually I decided that the person must have left their things there and something came by and tried to snatch it all up and search for food that didn't answer all of my questions though most all wild animals were afraid of fire how then was it scattered about like someone had kicked it I decided this was getting a little too spooky for me so I started back to the campsite I didn't pick up on it at the time but when I was heading back the growling had subsided it wasn't until I made it back that I heard it again and what was causing it I stayed at the tree line hoping this thing wouldn't see me it was massive imagine a bear standing on its hind legs only totally hairless this is why I couldn't have been a bear I'm fairly certain that they don't shed all their fur also this thing was walking albeit awkwardly it lumbered around the campsite for a while searching for more food I suppose when it didn't find anything it lumbered slowly back into the forest I left and went back home soon after that I did some research and I can't seem to find anything that matched this thing's description I'm not sure if anyone knows what it was I try to give a more detailed description but pulling from memory here it was definitely the size of a bear also it had to be an animal and in no way was it human it wasn't clothed then I didn't see any human genitalia or any at all for that matter and there were small round ears fixed atop its head and a large long snout on its face if anyone can help me identify this thing I'd greatly appreciate it it's been stuck in my mind for a while and I've just never looked for answers this way through fear of ridicule please guys what was that thing when it was a kid I spent a lot of time over at my grandparents house both my parents were forced to travel often for their job so I was dropped off at the grandparents house pretty often it wasn't as bad as some kids would expect these were the days of dial-up internet so being upset about not having Wi-Fi was non-existent kids like myself played outside during those times shocking I know this particular story takes place when I was about nine years old it was right around Christmas time and they hadn't allowed me to open one present early without my parents knowing of course I remember what it was and how I felt as well it was a brand new pair of binoculars I was a big fan of bird-watching as a kid and still in today but of course I had more time back then my granddad looked at me and said I'm gonna let you go out into the woods to look for all the critters but be sure not to go past the creek being nine and this kind of went in one ear and out the other I agreed and headed out the force behind my granddad's house was massive and he owned it all I think my dad told me at one point that it was nine or so acres I as a kid told myself that I had explored it all funny how your imagination can run wild like that well this day in particular my mind wasn't running rampant what I saw was real and I knew it judging by my grandparents reaction I've been in the forest for a good 10 minutes at this point just walking as straight as I could looking for any of the critters that ran around out there I saw a handful of Cardinals and chickadees but nothing super spectacular then I ran across the creek it was completely frozen over of course but my mind still wandered about trying to think of what could be on the other side why wasn't I allowed over there of course it was for safety reasons once you're past the creek a little ways the house is no longer within seeing a shouting distance in my mind however it was the only place I'd see what I wanted to I wanted to see a bird I hadn't seen the less common once I look back at the house a few times contemplating my decision and had decided not to go over the threshold and disobey my granddad but then I heard something on the other side it was a man's voice it wasn't scary I remember it was warm and inviting kind of like a good audio book I grabbed my attention and before I knew it jump the creek and headed deeper into the woods I didn't hear that voice again for quite some time and I wasn't seeing any new birds so I was beginning to think this was a waste of time I decided to take one more look into the binoculars and do a quick 360 and then head back the Sun was starting to go down and I knew if I was out here much longer I'd get into trouble I pulled the binoculars to my eyes and took one last look and I saw it it wasn't what I was looking for it was a man he was tall and wore a fine black suit even had a briefcase with him judging by how strong the binoculars were he could have been a little less than half a mile away he wasn't doing anything he was just standing there the longer I looked the more apparent of how wrong this was came over me why would someone in a suit carrying a briefcase be hanging out in the woods in the middle of December I was so focused I didn't hear my granddad approaching soon he snatched me up and carried me all the way back to his house is scolding me the entire way back home i sat on the couch and he'd questioned about what I could have seen that made me disobey him through my sniffling and I rubbing I could only say I heard a man out there his demeanor changed completely and I remember hearing my grandpa gasp a little bit he crouched down beside me and said what did he say he just said hey and then he was gone I didn't see him until I crossed the creek nearly whispering he responded what did he look like he had a suit in a briefcase I couldn't tell my mom he looked up at my grandmother and then back at me no no we're not kiddo don't worry we're not mad we were just worried about you it wasn't until I was much older that I figured out what I saw in those woods that was 18 and my grandad was in bad health he wasn't at the past anytime soon mind you but he was just very sick we were visiting in the hospital and when my parents left to get some food he told me all about what that man was apparently there used to be a cemetery on that land before it became overgrown with trees and vines that man was a spirit everyone referred to was the Undertaker according to my granddad he was a business man hence the briefcase but suffered a heart attack during his wife's funeral nowadays he roams the woods looking for the grave of this wife it was a heartbreaking tale the reason he was so worried about me at the time is because it said but fear caught by the Undertaker Oh curse you you'll fall gravely ill and eventually pass away from cardiac arrest like him I'm not sure how much I believe that story but I will say that I'm glad he never looked at me his back was facing me the entire time my grandma did eventually pass away not cardiac arrest if you're curious but I've kept the legend strong I tell everyone I know about it and if I ever run across kids in that area while visiting the old house and make sure to tell them never go past the creek every town has its urban legends and mine was no exception ours was about the child snatcher it's not totally original I know but what are you gonna do nearly everything is a remix at this point anyway the cool thing about this legend is that there was a location behind it as well the story goes like this there was a man who lived in my town in the 20s he was found guilty of six counts of child abduction child endangerment and worse before he was hung he swore that he would always be here stocking the woods for any children that straight out of the boundaries their parents set no parents tell their little boys and girls not to play in the woods because the child snatcher will get them I believed that when I was a kid a lot of us did however as I grew older I knew it was total hoopla there was no way someone from the 20s was hanging out in the woods the legend lived on though one of the kids in our town went missing a few years back he still not been found however his shoe was found in an abandoned sewer tunnel in the woods that sewer tunnel was only about a mile from my house I had ventured out there multiple times using it as a checkpoint in a meeting place with my friends we talked about venturing down there multiple times but never did we'd open it up get one good look from the top and close it back up a few weeks back I decided to quit beating around the bush and just go down there obviously no one was living down there would be nearly impossible all my friends were busy doing something much more important so I set on this quest alone it was maybe 6:00 p.m. when I arrived at the sewer tunnel a little elbow grease and the cover was off I slowly made my way down the ladder and was soon in the tunnel it didn't smell as bad as I remembered but it was spooky I turned on my flashlight and headed down looking for any sign that someone was living down there I've been walking for about 10 minutes sin had only seen a few rats nothing paranormal or monstrous I was ready to turn back and go home when I heard it it was definitely something else in there with me I could hear someone walking around and even saw another light source approaching from the opposite of the tunnel I shine my light down there calling out hey there is anyone there at first I didn't see anything the flashlight I had wasn't the most powerful the footsteps got closer and the light grew brighter I called it again hey who's there the footsteps stopped I shine my light toward them finally I was able to make it out there was a man standing in the tunnel with a broken neck the light he had was that of an old lantern I nearly fell down trying to get added there and made it to the ladder and climbed up quickly putting the manhole over as fast as I could I fell over backwards and just look at the entrance for a while I ran through every scenario in the head maybe someone was just playing a prank my friends knew I was gonna be down there but how long would they have stayed down there that could have taken a ton of time to plan as well it was also the thought that it could have just been a ghost I didn't want to believe it but it all added up and the broken neck the location the lamp it all made sense like I said at the beginning every town has an urban legend I just didn't expect to find out mine was real hey friends thanks for listening be sure to subscribe and click that notification about to be alerted of all future narrations if you got a story be sure to submit them to my subreddit our let's read official and give and receive feedback from the community and maybe even hear it featured here on the channel and grab early access to all future narrations for just $1 a month on patreon and maybe even pick up some let's read merch on Spreadshirt comm links in the bio thanks so much friends and I'll see you again soon
Channel: Lets Read!
Views: 154,086
Rating: 4.8760281 out of 5
Keywords: scary camping stories, true camping stories, deep woods stories, scary woods stories, true scary stories, scary true stories, true scary stories from reddit, reddit scary true stories, true horror stories, true horror stories from reddit, true scary stories reddit lets not meet, scary stories, horror stories, true stories, scary horror stories, stories from reddit, lets not meet, reddit, lets read, user submissions, asmr reading, asmr sleep, scary asmr, ASMR
Id: -m1zAM7I3zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 7sec (1867 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 04 2018
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