6 Strange & Unusual Radio Transmissions!

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hi guys welcome back to the channel and the forth compilation of strange and unusual radio transmissions now I've done a few of these videos in the past and it seems we've gone down quite well so I thought I would do another one and in this installment I've got six clips for you from over the last few decades and there's a bit of a mixture of material in here but if you'd like to hear more of a certain type of clip then just let me know also if you want to send me any of your recordings that you'd like featured in future episodes then you can send them to Ringway manchester at mail com so this first recording comes from around the 1980s and the source of the transmission is WWV a shortwave station based in Fort Collins Colorado in the USA it's best known for its continuous time signal which started in 1945 and the station still continues to broadcast to this day all well according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology funding for the station may not be variable for much longer all the time all the time same time same station every time WWE one two three four every second counts at WWV for a good time call 5i5 for WWV WWV for the time of your life will be back by the time on WWV in just a minute but first here's another minute the second clip originates from around 1992 and is of a station impersonating g1 m TT the chap who was fined nine and a half thousand pounds for in quotes talking in a silly voice many people took it upon themselves back around this time to impersonate the Dame Edna style voice on the radio and here is one of these instances [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this third clip is a recording from an analog commercial repeater set up by the British Red Cross in Manchester for the 2016 Creamfields event one of the handsets was either lost or stolen and some festival goers took it upon themselves have a bit of fun with it [Music] I'm not quite sure if you're aware of this or not they don't appear on our end the radio isn't stolen and unconfident listening to you I remember the public yeah we're well aware of it so thank you [Music] this fourth clip is from a West Midlands amateur radio repeater back in the early 1990s and features a threat of death to an unknown recipient back then things like this would take a much more seriously and had the perpetrators who have been caught you could have expected to be in some serious trouble however it is unknown who actually was this fifth clip is a couple of French free Banda's on 85 metres around 3 4 6 0 kilohertz chatting away when a third party starts to broadcast a ghoulish high-pitched screaming noise over them this could have either been an attempt to move the free bounders off the frequency or just somebody messing about but either way it does sound quite weird cynical commute should be a first approximation Mirabal utopia Isabel are you comin [Music] it is perfect but we'll hear about nautical tangling the orders and this final clip is of the Manchester and ale shopping center radio system from October 2015 when somebody programmed the analog frequency into a radio and tried to disrupt the system commercial radio systems are sometimes recorded and is always somebody out there who knows how to Direction find so activity like this he's never a good idea it's also worth noting that Ofcom will take serious action against people who Jam or interfere with radio systems of paying customers [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] so that is six strange and unusual radio transmissions for you if you'd like to submit a clip to be featured in a future episode then please feel free to send them to Ringway Manchester male comm I hope you enjoyed this video if you did give it a thumbs up if you have any comments suggestions or questions drop them in the box below and I'll get back to you and also have to say it 7-3 thanks very much for watching and we'll catch you in the next one Cheers you
Channel: Ringway Manchester
Views: 41,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary radio transmissions, radio transmission, strange radio transmissions, weird radio transmissions, creepy radio transmissions, strange and unusual radio transmissions, broadcast radio, pirate radio, spy station, number station, number stations, ham radio, amateur radio, radio receiver, police radio, scary radio broadcasts, strange sounds, two way radio, shortwave radio, ringwaymanchester, ringway manchester
Id: ltqEK6OIke0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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