6 Powerful Evidences for the Biblical Flood

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buried in the flood not evolution over millions of years we've all been confronted with this diagram it's found in textbooks and museums and it purports to show the millions of years of geological evolution with all the different fossils that lived and died over those millions of years so the question today is what do we do with that diagram what does it mean what does it tell us how can we understand it is it real is the fossil sequence real we have the fossil record now is that real or is it simply contrived to support evolution and millions of years does it show an evolutionary development of life in the geologic column the so-called geologic column and does it date rocks as millions of years old according to the geological time scale that goes with those fossils and rock layers we also see diagrams like these in museums and textbooks purporting to show how life developed from the primordial ooze or slime and over millions of years branched into different body forms to eventually ape-like people ape-like creatures turned into people and of course we see diagrams like this the so-called geological time scale with all the different names of the time periods and eras and eons that are assigned to the rock layers that we find all around the globe so these are very important questions for us to answer and get some clarity so that we can understand the rock and fossil records the first thing we want to emphasize is that the rock lies are real if you don't believe me you can go and hit your fists on the rock layers they're there they're real they're undeniable furthermore the local rock sequences generally follow the order depicted in the so-called geologic column so for example here in the cincinnati area you can trace these rock layers around the area and you can see that they're always stacked up in the same sequence of layers and furthermore we can go beyond the cincinnati area to south towards lexington and north up towards columbus and we'll find that the local rock sequences in all these different places can be connected together across these regions and in fact we can go further right across continents as we'll see and we find the layers in those sequences are in much the same order as the geologic the so-called geologic column which of course is a diagram depicting all these local sequences connected together and furthermore because the rock layers are real and the fossils contained in those rock layers are real then we find that the rock the fossils in the rock layers generally follow the order of the fossil record but of course there are exceptions the rocks in fact contain many more fossils than the depicted one ones and we'll see more about that in a moment but let's go to a place where we can see how these matters are real and the statements i've made are accurate let's go to the grand canyon area of northern arizona and we can walk not only down into the grand canyon and up again to the north we actually climb as we go up into southern utah a series of steps like a staircase they're cliffs of higher and higher layers in the sequence that's why the area is called the grand staircase it includes zion national park and bryce canyon and so we can depict this with photographs of the real rock layer sequences in the western grand canyon as you can see in this photograph we can go from the pre-cambrian crystalline basement rocks that probably rate relate to the creation week as described in the book of genesis chapter 1 and then we move up into overlying sedimentary layers that have no fossils that are probably pre-flood layers that were deposited after the creation week but prior to the flood and then we have the erosion surface that marks the beginning of the flood and we see in this photograph the horizontal layer stacked like a paint a series of pancakes making up the walls of the grand canyon that contain fossils that were deposited during the flood well we can furthermore go to the other end of the grand canyon to where uh the the the edge of the grand canyon the beginning of the grand canyon up up here by uh lee's ferry and uh here we can see that at the river level over there on the left uh on the photograph in the screen you can see the layer which is the topmost layer of the grand canyon sequence that you stand on at the south and north rims of the canyon and above that you can see to the right some of these cliffs that i was referring to that like steps in a giant staircase the grand staircase there's the chocolate stiff cliffs the vermilion cliffs and as we go further north we go to the white cliffs that are exposed in zion national park 2000 foot cliffs of navajo sandstone and we can go even further north climbing further up the sequence till we get to the pink cliffs exposed at bryce canyon and those rocks relate to the end of the flood and into the post flood period so we have this real sequence of rock layers that we can walk up we can hike up and step up from the bottom of the grand canyon from the creation week all the way up through the flood sequence and what do we find in these layers we find fossils we go to the pre-flood sedimentary layers and we only find microscopic and trace fossils the sort of things that would get buried in the calm conditions in the pre-flood world but then as soon as we start the flood at the great unconformity there we have the to peak sandstone we start to get immediately multi-cellular arthropods animals without backbones and very soon as we mor as we walk up this sequence of layers we find almost exclusively marine fossils and we'll come back to that later it's an important observation but throughout those layers in the grant walls of the grand canyon we have marine fossils only apart from some vertebrate trackways and tracks footprints left behind fossilized we don't find their bodies of these creatures we only find their track ways and then as we go north climbing the grand staircase we find increasingly land fossils are preserved in the rock layers as you can see emphasized in this uh diagram and we see mixtures of both fresh water and marine creatures also buried here and then of course we get to the top of the sequence at the end of the flood there at bryce canyon and again we've we've mainly got then terrestrial and freshwater water creatures signifying the flood waters have retreated and we're moving into the post flood period so there is a definite order in the fossils that actually matches the order we see in this diagram of the fossil record but as i said before you will see in this diagram that in the central portion of the diagram they've emphasized the creatures that they've chosen to exemplify the claimed evolutionary history of life going from marine creatures to land creatures and eventually to people on the right hand side of the screen you can actually see that there are marine fossils all the way through the sequence that's right you find marine fossils even buried with dinosaur fossils that's what they don't tell you they leave that out and don't explain that to you but these fossils are real they're there and therefore we need to understand what the liars and the fossils are telling us so how should we respond first of all god does not lie he's a god of truth and so if the rock sequences and the fossil record they contain are real how can we explain them well of course we go to our authority god's word god has told us what happened in the earth's history and so god's word is our authority for understanding the world that god created and its history and so as we explore this this topic we need to remind ourselves of what god's word tells us about the history of the earth and the creatures and plants that god created as i like to emphasize the bible is the history book of the universe it's god's eyewitness account of earth history and because god doesn't lie because he was there he saw what happened he's communicated to us what happened and therefore we should use it as our authority to understand the world around us including the rock layers and the fossils that are in them well let's start with what we use here in the creation museum to outline the earth's history from a biblical perspective we call it the seven seas of history many of you will be familiar with this we start with the first c creation then we have corruption the fall then we have the catastrophe the flood then we have the confusion of languages at the tower of babel and then we move on to christ cross and consummation many of you will be familiar with the seven seas of history let's dig deeper into these details so that we're prepared to answer the questions regarding the fossils and the rock record first of all the creation in genesis chapter one it's very clearly explained that god created everything in six days and so on day one we have the earth space time and light in the beginning there was a beginning god created the heavens and the earth so there was the earth and there was a space in which the earth was and god said let there be light and on day two we read that the waters that were covering the earth on day one so the earth wasn't a hot molten blob that came out of the sun it was covered in water right from the very beginning god separated those waters and placed some of those waters above the expanse and he put the in there and expands between those waters uh that would have included the atmosphere god was preparing the earth to populate it it was not yet it wasn't yet fully formed and it was still unfilled and so what did he do on day three we read that he made dry land appear and once the dry land was there he put plants on the dry land that of course means that he created a soil and he put the plants in and the the trees were already bearing fruit they didn't adam and eve didn't have to wait for thousands for days and years for for trees to grow and so they have food to eat and then on day four god started to put things into the expanse the sun moon and stars notice the sun came after the earth which is the opposite of the evolutionary time sequence of things so we know the scientists are wrong because god tells us he made the earth first and the sun later not the other way around you can't put the two accounts of the earth's history align them together and reconcile them and then on day five god put the birds in the atmosphere and the sea creatures in the oceans he was filling what he had already formed and then on day six we read that god made the land animals and man and god said it was very good and he also reminds us of exodus 20 chapter 11 if there's any doubt about what the length of these days were god says in foot for in six days the lord made the heavens and the earth the sea and all that in them is and rested the seventh day therefore the lord blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it notice that god said in six days he made the heavens the sea the earth the sea and everything in them in six days and what's more the context is the fourth commandment you will work for six days and rest for one god says because i worked for six days and rested for one now if those days in genesis were millions of years long we'd have to work for millions of years before we got a day off that just doesn't make any sense does it it only makes sense when we realized that god was setting the timetable for our work week by his example for working for six days and resting for one so we can take those days as literal days just as we can take the years of the lives of those patriarchs patriarchs as literal years and so we can work out a chronology for earth history based on the details given to us there in genesis chapter 5 and genesis chapter 11. we're told how long adam lived we're told how old he was when he had his son seth and so on he died and we know when he had his son etc and so we can add up these genealogies father-son relationships and we can arrive at a calculation for the age of the earth and we don't have time to go into all the details today that's reserved for other other presentations that we we give here this is just a summary so the age of the earth can be calculated as approximately two thousand years from adam to abraham approximately two thousand years from abraham to christ and of course two thousand years approximately since christ to the present so you add up those numbers and you arrive at an age for the earth of approximately six thousand years and yet jesus the creator himself reminds us that these details are accurate because he spoke in mark 13 19 of the creation which god created jesus was a creationist and he was a young earth creationist because he said in mark 10 6 and matthew 19 4 from the beginning of the creation god made the mylon female notice that from the beginning of the creation not after billions of years of cosmic geologic and biological evil evolution then god made man no no no it was back from the beginning of the creation remember jesus was there in the beginning was the word and the word was with god and the word was god by jesus all things were made reminded in colossians chapter 1 the apostle paul hebrews chapter 1 as well and so we can see this contrast stark contrast between the secular evolutionary timeline of history which says that was a big bang 13.7 billion years ago the earth only formed four and a half billion years ago out of the sun as a hot molten blob and man was an afterthought that came along in the last less than million years he's just a speck on the tail end of time but no jesus the creator who was there tells us that the earth was created on day one man was created on day six so looking back from today six thousand years to that creation week man was made at the beginning when god did everything in creating everything and we read of course that in genesis chapter 1 verse 31 then god saw everything that he'd made and indeed it was very good now if god declares something very good what does that mean jesus told us what the standard of goodness is he said there's none good but god alone so god measures goodness according to his perfect holy character so that when god saw everything that he'd made sun moon stars earth planets life animals people he said everything everything was good it was perfect he was totally satisfied there was nothing wrong with it in any way shape or form well that's our first c creation quick summary just to remind you of the details what came comes next the second c corruption a very tragic time in the earth's history from which we are still suffering today corruption you all know what we read in genesis chapter 3. adam and eve chose to eat of the fruit that god told them they shouldn't eat of in the garden and what was the consequence dying you will die god had warned as a consequence of adam and eve's sin god cursed the ground for man's sake notice that for man's sake god cursed the ground otherwise we would have had to live with sin and the curse a sin and death forever no no sin and sickness god made sure that we had to die so that our lives were limited otherwise living with with sin and and sickness and pain it for forever on this earth would be like hell on earth no but we know for the we for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now romans 8 22 the whole of the creation was subject to the curse as a consequence in the fossil record what do we see we see a record of death you know the evolutionists look at the fossil record and call it a record of life no the fossil record is dead things it's a record of death death death animals died we read in genesis 5 adam died seth died yes it's a record of death it's also a record of carnivory animals eating one another like this fish didn't get time to finish his breakfast before the two of them were buried and fossilized we see missing teeth in in dinosaurs in their jaws we see broken teeth we see bones that have been broken and healed there's evidence of violence we even see evidence of cancer in the fossil record that's right there's a a a a fertile study today called paleo pathology looking at diseases preserved in the fossils and then of course we also have fossilized thorns in the in the fossil record by the way these are said to be about 400 million years old but when does the bible say thorns and thistles came into existence at the curse read genesis 3 again so if there were no fossil thorns there were no thorns before the curse these fossilized thorns had to come after the curse not before so they couldn't be 400 million years before man was was put on the earth they have to come after man was put on the earth after the curse see how we have to be very careful with the details starting with genesis with god's word as our authority we realize that the scientists are wrong in calling these fossilized thorns 400 million years old before man came into existence because you see the evolutionary idea model or theory is that death through suffering disease and bloodshed man came into existence but the bible is diametrically opposed to that view of the history of life god began with a perfect world man rebelled and the co the consequence was the curse and so sin came into this world which brought death and the very gospel message is based on these details that we read here in genesis chapter 3. a very tragic time in history as i said before we're still suffering from the curse and the effect in its effects even today well we've seen the creation the corruption and now the next c the catastrophe we all know what that stands for it's the catastrophe of the global flood in the days of noah and what do we read in genesis chapter 6 verse 5 the lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually my oh my it must have been a very terrible time to live you think things are bad today but every intent of the thoughts of man's heart in noah's day was only evil continually no wonder god repented that he'd made man and he determined to destroy man and the earth that's what it says destroy man and the earth and so he instructed righteous noah to build an ark and of course we've built a life-size replica of this hack and our ark encounter so that people can experience the scale of this enormous vessel of rescue for noah his family and the animals that god sent to go on board that ark in genesis chapter 7 verses 19 and 20 reading about the flood we read and the waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth and all the high hills that were under the whole heaven were covered the water prevailed 15 cubits this length here upward and the mountains were covered notice that all the high hills under the whole of the heaven the mountains were covered i mean water finds its level under gravity so if the mountains were covered in one area the mountains would have to be covered everywhere wouldn't they do local floods ever cover all the mountains no genesis is very careful the holy spirit is made very carefully recorded for us the details there so that we can be in no no doubt that this was a global catastrophic flood now if that's true that event really had occurred what would we expect to find today we'd expect to find billions of dead things buried in rock lies laid down by water all over the earth and isn't that what we find billions of dead things called fossils buried in sedimentary rock layers mud and sand and silt that was laid down by water all over the all over the earth that's right the evidence is there for those who have eyes to see using the scriptures the bible as their authority well when it comes to the fossils that leads to the question how does a fish get fossilized good question because it's a key to understanding the fossils well this fish here this big fish here is eyeing off this little guy hmm i'm feeling hungry so what does he do he goes to eat him but unbeknownst to him look at all this mud that's about to fall on top of him before he's known he knows that he's entombed in mud and he's fossilized and that's why we see fossils like this one we have examples like this here in the creation museum should come and see them it's exciting to see this evidence that the fossils had to form rapidly as large creatures were buried under tons of sediments i mean this fish didn't get time to to finish swallowing before he was buried and fossilized or what about this marine reptile and ichthyosaur she's six feet long and she's fossilized giving birth to her baby i mean if it was a long time period wouldn't mother and baby have time to swim away no one minute she was giving birth to her baby a split second later both of them were entombed in tons of of mud what about this fossil here that's a jellyfish fossil everyone knows that jellyfish are soft bodied in washed up on the beach in the sun they melt or the waves crashing on the beach will destroy them to preserve jellyfish fossils like this with such detail requires instant catastrophic burial rapid burial or sealies look at the state of preservation of the heads these are creatures not plants by the way even though they're called lilies they're actually a little creature lives inside that stem and so these sealers we have relatives of them alive today the state of preservation indicates they had to be buried and preserved rapidly or this wasp look at the state of preservation of its wings or this flower these flowers how can you fossilize flowers slowly no it has to be rapid so what do the fossils show well we've already seen that they show evidence of death to see disease and destruction remember earlier i showed you about missing teeth and carnivory and uh to mention about cancers well now we've also seen that the fossils show evidence of rapid burial in a catastrophe fish eating fish fish excess sauce giving birth to babies well what else do we find what else do the fossils show evidence of sudden appearance in the fossil record fully formed and complex without any ancestors in the layers beneath let me let me unpack this first of all even a so-called simple cell is complex you know a microscopic shell a cell you know our bodies are made up of millions and millions of them when you zoom in with a microscope and look at the details you're blown away with the complexity the cell has a nucleus it's the control center inside a membrane it has factories it has transport systems in fact one uh biological scientist has described the cell as a miniaturized city like the city of london or new york in complexity a miniaturized city with a with a nerve center factories transport systems etc back in darwin's day it was just like a blob of jelly but we know now it's far more complex so complex that how can we explain all the information that's packed in to that complexity to make it operate and it's multiplied by millions in our body with all those cells well what are the earliest fossils we find in the fossil record these wrigley lines called stromatolites actually they're the remains of mats of blue-green algae slime that coated the surface of the sediment layers and tides brought in more sediments and buried them and they kept on growing and preserving these layers and we can zero in very closely and zero in even more and what do we find we find evidence of the first cells and of course they were complex right from the beginning even in these stromatolites this so-called simple life we find cells that are very complex how did life as complex as these cells arrive from non-life the scientists still are still baffled but of course we know how god created instantly bringing all this complexity into being and then as we go up in the in the in the rock layers we cross from these microscopic complex organisms like stromatolites up to creatures like flatworms and and trilobites that are fully formed and functioning they appear suddenly in the fossil record we don't find any ancestors to the trilobites in the layers below where the trilobites are found and the trilobites are exceedingly complex the name is trilobite it's got three lobes and you can see down the left-hand end of this photograph the head of the trilobite and on the head are two knobs those are the fossilized eyes of the trilobite and in fact we even find the lens systems fossilized within those eyes that's right we find that the trilobite eye was made up of multiple lenses now the lenses in our eyes are made of organic material the lenses in the trilobite eye were made up of lime and so they've been preserved for us and there were multiple lenses thousands of them in every eye that means the trilobite could focus in all different directions underwater where he lived i mean where did such eyes evolve from they appear suddenly in the fossil record this creature is complex so complex with that we with all our ingenuity have only been able to develop similar lens systems in the last 50 or 60 years no this complex that he had to arrive arise as a result of an intelligent creator instantly creating this complexity with all the information so that we would expect to find in the fossil record that life would appear suddenly fully formed and fully complex from the creator's hand and that's exactly what we find after all did millions of years of wind and water carve out those shapes on mount rushmore absolutely not we all can see the evidence of intelligence when we look at that well even more so when we look at the creatures that are preserved in the fossil record they are appear fully formed fully functioning without any hint of any ancestors they came from the hand of god instantly just as genesis says god said commanded let the water swarm with fish with sea creatures and we read and it was so everything obeyed god's command and instantly with all that complexity came into existence immediately well what do the fossils show we've learned already evidence of death disease and destruction evidence of rapid barrel in a catastrophe evidence of sudden appearance we've also just pointed out evidence of design by an intelligent creator that's right the trilobites eyes were designed for a purpose for that creature to live underwater on the on the ocean floor and god being the the creator was in highly intelligent to give that information pack it all into that creature well we also find evidence of no evolutionary transitions after all once these creatures appear as we go up the fossil record through the different layers do we find evidence of one creature turning into another for example here's a hypothetical missing link by the way where did the term missing link come from if the links were there these evolutionary transitions why would we call them missing they have to be missing because they haven't been found so here we see a hypothetical missing link between reptiles and birds hmm that's very topical because they're now talking about dinos dinosaurs transitioning into birds but what's the evidence here we see a hypothetical missing link feathers wing but but a bird is more than just feathers fully formed feathers and wings it has a different breathing system a different lung system a different heart system you've got to change all that all at once to turn a dinosaur into a bird what evidence is often pointed to i was only reading an article the other day that still uses archaeopteryx as a link in the evolutionary chain of development of life but everybody knows the archaeopteryx was a true bird with true feathers we've found something like 14 different specimens and they're all fully complex fully formed with the ability to fly a true bird and by the way these are in layers in which dinosaurs are already buried as well so how can a true bird be around to evolve have evolved from dinosaurs if it lived at the same time as dinosaurs which is of course what we'd expect from the scriptures because god made the flying creatures on day five and he made the land creatures on day six so they dinosaurs land creatures live with archaeopteryx birds from day five so that's not a very good example what about a missing link between amphibians and fish you'd have to have evidence of fins changing into legs which of course is even though there's similarities in the design because they come from the hand of an intelligent creator who use similar designs for the same function what do we see you'd have to see half a wing sorry half a fin half a leg what's good that to the creature when it's half a fin it can't swim very well when it's half a leg it can't walk very well it's like the bird when it's half legs half wings how can it walk and how can it fly natural selection will eliminate it survival of the fittest it wouldn't be so so happily able to survive so what's the evidence of the missing link between fish and amphibians this this uh this fossil here titillac notice what's missing well the transition should form should show legs fins changing in the legs what's missing from the fossil the very evidence that they need you know when we find full skeletons of of reptiles and amphibians we find fully formed feet when we find fossils of fish we find fully formed fins we've never found a creature that's got half fins half legs now charles darwin admitted in 1859 why then is not every geological formation every stratum full of such intermediate links geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain and this perhaps is the most obvious and serious objection which can be urged against the theory the explanation lies as i believe in the extreme in protection imperfection of the fossil record so darwin couldn't point to any of these missing links he just they said well the fossil record is incomplete we'll eventually find them well we're well and truly uh more than 100 years 150 years after charles darwin in fact and stephen j gould said in 1977 all paleontologists know that the fossil record contains precious little in the way of intermediate forms transitions between major groups are characteristically abrupt indeed stephen j gill also said in 1980 the absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages between major transitions in organic design indeed our inability even in our imagination to construct functional intermediates in many cases has been a persistent and nagging problem for gradualistic accounts of evolution notice that not only don't we find these missing links we can't even imagine what they look like that's not a very good start to finding so-called missing links and david ralph at the field museum of natural history in chicago arguably the greatest paleontologist of the 20th century said this in 1979 well we are now about 120 years after darwin and the knowledge of the fossil record has greatly expanded the record of evolution is still surprisingly jerky and ironically we have even fewer examples of evolutionary transition than we had in darwin's time how many did darwin have none today we've got even fewer than that some of the classic cases of darwinian change in the fossil record have had to be discarded or modified as a result of more detailed information and colin patterson at the british museum of natural history made this comment in a letter i fully agree with your comments on the lack of direct illustration of evolutionary transitions in my book if i knew of any fossil law living i would certainly have included them yet good in the american museum people are hard to contradict when they say there are no transitional fossils i will lay it on the line there is not one such fossil for which one can make a watertight argument wow wow he's an expert at the british museum of natural history and he said there are none of these missing links these evolutionary transitions well so what david ralph said paleontologists disagree about the speed and pattern of evil evolution but they do not doubt that evolution is a fact ah the evidence for evolution simply does not depend on the fossil record in any case no real evolutionists whether gradualist or punctualist uses the fossil record as even evidence of favor in the theory of evolution as opposed to special creation wait a minute don't all the museums and textbooks have fossils of susposed evidence for evolution the experts say this is the trade secret of paleontology that the fossils don't show evolution oh by the way you'll notice that many of these quotes come from the 1970s and 1980s why don't i have more recent quotes because the creationists like me have been using these quotes and so the evolutionists have claimed up because they don't want to continue admitting that this is the actual truth about the fossils in the in the rock record so what do the fossils show evidence of sudden appearance we saw that a few moments ago fully formed fully complex without any ancestors in the layers beneath evidence of intelligent design evidence of no evolutionary transitions and evidence of many varieties of basic kinds reproducing after their kind that's right if the evolutionists are true a evolutionary idea is true then we see their their theory of the tree of life everything came from the first living cell but no the bible said god the bible says god created everything after their kind to reproduce after its kind so the bible is describing for us an orchard of many separate trees each of the creatures and their different body plans were created separately distinct from one another with different complexity different programming in their dna and once those basic creatures kinds were created they reproduce within their kinds lots of varieties in fact we see that today look around at all the variety amongst people aren't you so glad we're all different from one another it'd be a boring world if we all look the same and all those dogs from great danes to chihuahuas horses different roses we see many varieties with each basic created kind god loves variety because he created life to develop variety and so we see in the fossil record that trilobites are always trilobites they might have slightly different augmentation they might be different sizes they might be slightly different shapes but everyone identifies them as trilobites trilobites reproduce trilobites they don't reproduce something else and brachiopods or or lamb shells are always brachiopods see those ribs on the shells they're different sizes the shells are slightly different in shape but everyone recognizes them as brachiopods because they always have the same distinct features they always remain the same brachiopods are always brachiopods trilobites are always trilobites people are always people horses are always horses dogs are always dogs cats are always cats so what do the fossils show we've just seen many varieties of basic kinds reproducing after their kinds and then once the creature appears fully formed and fully functioning with no ancestors in the lives below we find evidence that the basic kinds stay the same they don't change stephen j gill called it stasis a creature appears in the fossil record and it stays the same well isn't that what you'd expect from the bible god commanded them to reproduce after their own kind not after some other kind and so we find the earliest fossils are these stromatolite fossils these wavy lines in the rocks built by mats of of blue-green algae at different levels in the rock record we see the same thing here's another example these mushroom-shaped uh mushroom-shaped stromatolite fossils found deep in the grand canyon you know what in western australia we find living stromadelites that are virtually identical to these fossil ones you just saw a moment ago those in the grand canyon is supposed to be over a billion a billion years old they haven't changed they're still the same blue-green algae mats building the same stromatolites and this is on the shores of western australia today or what about this creature here this is a brachiopod lingula that photograph is on the shores of moreton bay in brisbane australia this same brachiopod can be found deep in the fossil record one of the earliest brachiopods fossils found in the fossil record and guess what it's the same as the living one the fossil and the living are identical they haven't changed they've stayed the same just as god commanded they were to reproduce after their kind everyone can identify the fossil nautilus because it's the same as the living paper nautilus and the coelacanth fossils these fish were thought to have gone extinct 66 million years ago but guess what less less than a century ago we found living coelacanths back in 1938 off the coast of madagascar and south africa living coelocants and they were identical to the fossil ones that supposedly died out 66 million years ago how did they survive for 66 million years without even leaving a trace of their existence no that's because the 66 million years never happened the flood was only thousands of years ago so that's how the living ones could survive through the flood and still be around today ginkgos the fossil and living are the same or what about this fossil on the left you can see the fossil wallamire the walamai pine and there you can see the living in 1994 in the mountains behind sydney a park ranger found these strange looking pine trees and they'll call wallow my pines and guess what less than 60 miles away you can see the fossilized ones that are supposed to be more than 160 million years old what were they doing for 160 million years leaving no trace to be found alive again today fossil crabs the same as living crabs fossil crayfish are the same as living crayfish fossil beetles are the same as living beetles insects in amber can be identified as to what they are simply because they're identical to the living counterparts today they've stayed the same just as genesis tells us god commanded the creatures so we see evidence of death disease and destruction in the fossils we've seen evidence of a rapid barrel in catastrophe we see evidence of death and distinction we see evidence of rapid mass destruction and burial on a global scale in a catastrophe the flood so when we find the fossil trilobites we don't often find them just on their own we find them buried on mass suddenly over large areas these creatures were buried here beneath the creation museum in the cincinnati area the limestones are jam-packed full of corals clams brachiopods crinoids it's a mass graveyard fought we call it a fossil graveyard where millions and billions of marine creatures have all buried being buried on mass and they're in layers that come that extend for mile after mile after mile of these millions of marine creatures we can see the details of the remains of the lace corals and the brachiopods in these layers and clams we can see the broken crinoid shells here in the in the the redwall limestone of the grand canyon all broken apart we can see mishmash of corals in this uh photograph here of the red wall limestone in the grand canyon and here again corals clams crinies all buried together that's not the way they lived that's the way they've been buried in the fossil record in mass graveyards or have a look at this example so you can see the scale look at the boy up there in the top right hand corner what are all these indentations in this cliff this wall this is in southern israel in the negev looking in close we can actually see that these are many many fossilized and ammonites coiled marine shells you can see the lens cap of the cap from the camera there for scale these are very large or large creatures all buried on mass in this one layer in this one place or look at the chalk beds of the english channel coast when we zero in with a microscope we can see that the chalk is made up of trillions of microscopic shells and yet these chalk beds can be traced from the english channel coast all the way across europe to the valley of elah in israel and these same chalk beds are found in the midwest united states it's called the the nibra chalk there and they're even found in southwestern australia that's a a layer of chalk chalk beds which you can trace all around the globe and it's made up of these trillions of microscopic shells that's a a fossil graveyard of a global scale and what else do we find in the chalk beds the nibra chalk in kansas you can see these fossils in museums in kansas we can find crinoids beautifully preserved had to have been catastrophically buried fish with an undigested fish in its stomach we're talking about a fish there that's 12 feet long it didn't get time to digest its meal now it can't have been lime grained by lime grain over thousands of years to bury this fish to fossilize it no it had to be catastrophically buried in this chalk layer that's ex it's got remnants extending all around the world and in the same chalk beds we find playa saw and turtle fossils up to 16 feet long we find also dinosaur fossils and bird fossils how would you get land dwelling creatures dinosaurs with air creatures birds buried with fish and plier saws that are huge in this chalk bed unless this mixture was buried catastrophically all at once on a grand scale the extent of these layers is mind-blowing the evidence of catastrophic rapid burial in these fossil graveyards is there for those who have eyes to see and even even mount moriah in jerusalem is made up of limestone beds the temple mount limestone beds that contain fossils it's a fossil graveyard we can go to the dinosaur national monument in utah and we find the dinosaur bones there and by the way the most common fossil that's found in in the dinosaur national monument is not the dinosaur bones it's actually a clam that's buried with these dinosaur bones but they don't usually make a big deal about that or look at all this jumble of fossil mammals in the agate fossil beds in nebraska so we see everywhere evidence of rapid mass destruction and burial on a global scale that's the sort of evidence we'd expect to find after reading the scriptures well what else do the fossils show and we're we're getting to the end the fossil sequence order is therefore it has to be the burial order of the flood the order of burial during the flood so we go to the bottom of the grand canyon we find these stromatolite fossils we saw those a moment ago in fact they're actually lined up in a light in a in the one layer side by side giving evidence that they live possibly as a reef and this would have been a pre-flood living community that got buried on mass and there's lots of evidence in the fossil record that we find different biological communities that were buried as the flood waters progressed from the fountains of the great deep and finally up onto the hills and the mountains so first of all we'd find fossilized stromatolite reefs because they are offshore and then the lagoon blocked off by this reef contained the jellyfish and worms and as the sediment was brought in as the waves swept over from the ocean basins towards the land we get the fossil jellyfish and the fossil flatworms formed in other words because the flood began in the ocean basins the fountains of the great deep broken up we'd expect the marine creatures to be the ones buried first and so the the horizontal sequence of the sediments being brought from the ocean-based basins up onto the continents would produce the vertical sequence of burial of fossils as depicted in this diagram which we have here in the flood geology room of the creation museum so as we progress through the fossil record we find marine creatures like trilobites brachiopods crinoids and corals in fact the interesting thing is that we can observe that 95 percent by volume and number of the creatures buried as fossils are shallow-water marine creatures invertebrates mostly shellfish that's right 95 of the fossil record is marine creatures buried up on the land not in the ocean but up on the land the flood waters had to come up onto the land do you realize that the all the coal beds are a fossilized vegetation that's less than five percent of the fossil record and yet there's trillions of tons of coal and the vertebrates make up less than five percent of the wreck of the fossil record less than one percent of the fossil record and what do we find we find marine fossils right through the fossil record yes many of them became extinct but many of them are still living we also find evidence of this floating forest biome or biological community which we depict here in the creation museum in the flood geology room plants or trees that had hollow stems and hollow roots that lived together floating as a biological community on the pre-flood oceans that was then broken up by the turbulence of the flood waters and that explains why we find these fossilized tree stumps with the coal beds made up of the part the bark and the twig broken off from the logs uh tree stumps with roots broken off and fossil leaves all associated with the coal beds as we move up in the fossil record and so we moved from hot water reefs to shallow ocean floor to the floating forest to the coastal dunes and then inland as we as the waters rose up onto the land and buried the hills and then the mountains then creatures that lived at different elevations were gradually not gradually but but suddenly and progressively overwhelmed and buried as the flood waters advanced so the vertebrates the land dwelling air-breathing creatures that were extinguished by the flood eventually were buried and fossilized men and still became extinct many are still living today interestingly we find that dinosaur bones are only ever buried with gymnospas gymnosperms or naked seed plants suggesting that the two live together during the flood yes there's only a few varieties of dinosaurs by the way maybe 60 maybe 90 different kinds of dinosaurs it's confusing because sometimes juveniles and adults have been given different names until they realize that the mistake was made and so as we go higher and higher in the elevation and therefore higher in the fossil record we find eventually mammals buried with flowering plants or angiosperms and so we see dragonflies blossoms and bats buried together maybe a distinct biological community in the pre-flood world at different elevations and so the order in the fossil record on the grand scale we've seen is the burial order of the flood well what about a last few comments here we've seen features like this in the in the rock record we call them trace fossils traces of where the living creatures have been moving around while the sediments are being deposited like these worm escape burrows you know the worm was digging down here and suddenly realized it was going to be buried so it did a u-turn to escape and fossilized worm trails and we even find we even find the trails left behind by trilobites but the interesting thing is we always find the trails at a lower level in the rock record than we find the creature that's right the tracks are usually found before we find the bodies of the creatures sometimes in the evolutionary time scale they're talking about 5 10 15 or more million years between the tracks and the fossil of the creature that made the tracks that doesn't make any sense it makes more sense during the flood that the creature left its tracks and then hours days later it was buried we find for example these fossilized amphibian footprints in the in the grand canyon but nowhere nearby do we find their bodies you have to go to layers higher up dinosaur footprints are the same by the way here's some dinosaur footprints in in just outside of jerusalem and they're made in a limestone a limestone is supposed to form under the ocean waters what was a dinosaur doing leaving its footprints in the ocean when the dinosaurs lived on land well of course in the flood waters where the ocean waters have come up carrying the diamond carrying the dinosaurs away they would leave footprints in the muddy lime underneath if the waters were shallow and eggs how to explain fossilized dinosaur eggs doesn't that require lots of time no no no first of all we need to remember that the fossil waters progressively rose from the ocean basins to cover the land during the flood the water level continued to fluctuate daily because there were still tides and they increased in magnitude as more land was covered you get higher and higher tides but there was also regular intense earthquakes that would generate enormous tsunamis so as well as the fluctuating tides you'd have the fluctuating water levels from these tsunamis animals that would be picked up by surges would swim they'd try to swim like elephants can swim dinosaurs could probably swim there's lots of evidence even the evolutionists admit the dinosaurs could swim and so they were picked up and and they tried to swim and then the water level dropped as the tide dropped although the tsunami dropped and guess what there was a temporary exposure of sediment that they could rest on leave their footprints on and even lay their eggs you know mother dinosaurs holding onto her eggs she wants to lay them but she can't and then suddenly she's dropped onto the ground she dumps her eggs some of these eggs might almost be ready to hatch and then the next surge of water sweeps her away but brings in sediment to bury those footprints and those eggs and by the way no one's ever seen a dinosaur make a nest so we don't know that they made nests but we do find their eggs and here we can explain how they would have been buried catastrophically during the flood between fluctuating water levels exposing temporary surfaces for them to leave their footprints and lay their eggs well the flood ended and this is my last comments how did animals like kangaroos and migrate kangaroos and koalas migrate all the way from out from the mountains of ararat where the ark landed to australia good question we often get asked that question well guess what how could animals cross those oceans two ways first of all we make the observation the fossil and living can kangaroos are only found in australia hmm so does that does that mean that they had to hop all the way to the ark before the flood and then hop all the way back again after the flood no the living are where the fossils are found because the fossils are the are the ancestors of the living ones after they arrived there in australia after the flood so how did they get there well after the flood there was a an ice age you've heard of that well the warm waters after the flood generated all that moisture fell as snow developed these ice caps and what happened sea level dropped there were land bridges that's right we can trace land bridges all the way from uh western asia all the way down to almost continuous down through the indonesian islands to australia but there's also were floating mats of vegetation on the ocean surface after the flood when there's a flood for example a local flood in the amazon river you get vegetation that gets ripped up and animals get carried on these floating islands out to the oceans even the evolutionists admit that the animals on madagascar got there as a result of vegetation rafting them from africa and so many animals would have been dispersed after the flood as a result of these floating maps of vegetation well let's sum up the burial order of the flood is what we see there in the fossil record so is the fossil sequence real we've learned today yes is it simply contrived to make it support evolution in millions of years no actually not although of course they ignore some of the fossils it's actually our depiction of the real sequence of fossils does it show an evolutionary development of life in the geologic column no it doesn't creatures reproduced after their kind they stay the kind they stay the same they've appeared fully formed and fully functioning and do the fossils date the rocks as millions of years old according to the geologic time scale absolutely not when we start what we've learned today is when we start with god's word as our authority of eyewitness account of the earth's history the fossil record is consistent with the global cataclysmic flood genesis flood explaining what the sudden appearance of fossil creatures their design complexity and their varieties their death and extinction the burial order of the pre-flood biomes or biological communities and creatures during the progressive inundation of the flood and the survival of creatures into the post-flood world we when we sum that up fossils remind us of the consequences of man's sin and god's judgment but at the same time fossils are fun to study because studying the fossils we're exploring god's world in the light of god's world well thank you for your attention before we go we have resources that you can obtain from our on online bookstore there's this video evidence of rapid fossilization where i explain how fossils form rapidly there's this presentation on rock strata rock layers fossils in the flood talking about six easy to understand evidences for the global flood which have all been summarized in writing in this pocket guide on the global flood i also have a dvd here on recent rapid formation of coal and oil and here's another one the flood the mechanism the mechanism for the flood how the flood was occurred and if you're interested in the grand canyon that's a whole lecture just talking about all the different layers and evidences in the grand canyon some of which i've alluded to today in fact that video is part of a series uh there's five five videos that are in this box set and you can get them at a discount rate by buying the whole set and there's my textbook on earth's catastrophic past geology creation and the flood that's a sequel to the classic book the genesis flood written by doctors whitcomb and morris and so this is a biblical and scientific defense of the the the biblical history of the of creation and the flood looking at the geological evidence and it's a two volume set 1100 pages it's quite some reading but well worth it then of course there's our answers magazine it's two issues in one because there's a kids magazine it comes out six times a year and you can actually get the digital edition as well with that and then there's our answers research journal that's an online technical journal it's freely available with downloadable pdf files 24 7 free of charge you can send anywhere in the world now we're near the end of the closure period for the ark and the museum we open again this coming monday june 8 so right now today still you can get free shipping on orders of 50 or more but that offers about to close so hurry up there's also our creation apologetics courses and don't forget we need your help to sustain the answers in genesis ministry every donation is valued and we're still continuing even today but finishing soon this this sequence of programs we've got other programs coming up when the museum and the ark open but here's our live program and don't programs and don't forget our answers.tv our video live streaming platform in where everything all of our content is in one place and by the way it's anywhere in the world you can do this you can have a free one week trial and it's downloadable as i said anywhere in the world at 39.99 39.99 a year it's a steal like i said you have a seven week trial a seven day trial period before you sign up and let me encourage you to do that because you can view this content anywhere anytime and multiply multiply do so and coming soon answers.tv will be available on many other mobile devices we'll encourage you to get those resources thank you for attention and don't forget god's word is true from the beginning have a good day you
Channel: Answers in Genesis
Views: 165,130
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Keywords: Biblical authority, Creation Museum, Answers in Genesis, truth, Dr. Andrew Snelling, geology, global flood, rock strata, age of Earth, fossils
Id: iCIX3YD_drk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 16sec (4276 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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