6-month Pregnant Mom Goes on Date 😳 | Full Episode | First Dates

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if you don't mind me asking ask did I notice you got a little p yeah 6 months pregnant oh my god wow so how what's the situation so it's a donor baby so I've got pregnant on my own this is a big deal for you then yeah why wait for the right partner to come along he'll be bloody 40 by then so I went out and I just done it myself wow that is incredible and brave friends all love being in relationships and I'm kind of the single friend I do want to be in a relationship but it's going to take someone who really gets me they have to have like a twinkle in their eye for me should I take your your Cod yeah thank you should I take your you okay no I'm than thank you very much thank you very good here we are he's got the same name as me Freddy hi should be easy to remember Rebecca Hello nice to nice to meet you you good thank you uh would you like a drink uh yeah I will can I have an appal Spritz please app Spritz me how old are you s a bit far away 27 how old are you 22 22 ah you for older yeah because I feel like they're a little bit immature and they've done some growing up like yeah maybe we're about the right level then good luck to you yeah cuz I'm pretty pretty mature okay cool yeah so good luck with that one I'll mature you under this table any day yeah so what do you do for fun um I'm going stop leaning I keep leaning tell me to stop leaning if you see me leaning tell me to stop I'm going to stop leaning my face um I like going to the gym oh I I love going to the gym I do like I have to get into it though I go and actually when I'm not going you're leaning you're leaning you're leaning oh thank you yeah there we go good one I'm trying to give off like the aloof thing what's aloof aloof is all kind of laid back and calm and tressed no yeah why well cuz you know the it's the first date meeting someone meeting a stranger you're a stranger yeah stranger is just a friend you don't know yet I had the fortune to go to a really nice public school but I hit puberty much later than everyone else at 15 I was looking 12 you know I was very interested in girls pretty much as young as I can remember none of them were interested in me I just for a crazy moment I was like you're leaning again okay upright it's okay you're being I appreciate that you like to follow me yes can I follow you yes of course yes sweet all right thank you and the sauce bones red one gravy and peppercorn peorn please believe we ordered porn star [Music] martinis so Al together of got 17 years service in the regular army I'm a emergency medical technician in the Medical Corp how are you good sir you look amazing so do you you look good as well dressed in a civies 36-year-old Army medic Lynn has got more to her than meets the eye he's got to have quite a few Shockers coming enjoy okay thank you he needs to understand what I've got happening in my life and if he is and open minds are bloke then it'll show through those Shockers hello you all right how are you thanks you can I have you a drink or anything CU I get a Coke please yeah of course if you don't mind me asking ask did I notice you what a little yeah 6 months pregnant oh my god wow so how what's the situation so it's is a donor baby so I've got pregnant on my own this is a big deal for you then yeah I wait for the right partner to come along could be bloody 4y by then so I went out and I just done it myself wow that is incredible and brave so you get to pick the gentleman and is in the father so you read off his eye color um skin color background I wanted like a Italian Hispanic kind of looking donor light olive skin dark hair dark eyes the kind of guy I would go [Music] for good day Lynn's date is 38-year-old former Royal engineer Steve everybody has a nickname in the Army I I was called Thunders cuz apparently I had a fat ass and that's stuck so you got to deal with that how are you very well good what's your name Steve Steve nice to meet you good end Shake come with me the Army is your family and the camaraderie you get is second and on I'd like that in a future partner someone that'll have my back and I'll have their back hi there how you do Steve L love you to meet you to meet you yeah you have you come from York oh York I'm not a very good with geography you look lovely thank you nice tattoos cheers have you got any uh I do have one so what's a theme of it it's like an army theme Army half the back is like a a poppy field with like a path going through it and then there's an angel on top of stairs yeah and then a couple of the poppies of like initials of friends and all right in the Army so are you not in it no more no what was you in roll J yeah I'm currently in the Army you're in the Army so I'm medal really wow wow okay so long you've been out I've been out 5 years nice so you're in the Medics yeah yeah my sister was really yeah she might know you I know where's too small in it sometimes yeah cheers yeah cheers [Music] quite interesting my lady is 6 months pregnant she's always one of kids hasn't found the right person so she's decided to do it by herself wow I like guys how are you hi good than you have you had a chance to look at the menu at all do you want oysters do you like oysters I've had them once yeah do you like oysters oysters yeah they're lovely fres they're coester oysters here what does that mean um they from coester okay see that's the information I need to know I can get them started for you if you'd like thank you cheers thank you say could you turn your head to the side for me just go like this keep going right there's a hair clip right there yeah yeah girls who wear hair clips that's what I [Music] like oh my god did you mean like with fun no no no only nice girls use hairstyles with hair clips I like I like nice girls are you nice girl I'm nice I think I'm nice okay sorry Rebecca I chat a lot it's okay I have spoken a lot so uh did you did you go to UNI no I didn't go to UNI I only went to UNI cuz I went to the kind of school where everyone goes to un I didn't even know it was like an option yeah exactly I know you do get pushed into it a bit but I studied at Oxford Brooks why Oxford Brooks because you can tell me when to Oxford you name at Oxford I was quite happy to get out education when I [Music] did everybody says that the school days are the best days of your life they really weren't not for me I'm dyslexic so I wasn't really favored at school and because I found it difficult I just messed around I thought I was stupid because I couldn't do exams I didn't have any confidence and I left and then I came into my own it was nice here we are lovely classic aphrodesiac see that looks like a big turnoff to me man absolutely [Music] gorgeous what was that I fan it as well did you choke are you okay I can I can heick you right now I'm fine it went down the wrong [Music] hole oh it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be to be honest yeah it was [Music] tasty oers how did they go down I'm not feeling that [Music] horny love your flowers like thank you you have a choice there of a breast or a leg let's go the breast that seems less [Music] fiddly come on back here feel this with me you can tell surely my sense of humor could get out of hand could be a bit weird no I think you guys should be fine have I yeah I'll stop it you [Music] flirt okay guys after initially sitting down I was like we didn't say an I know only when I he the guy then Steve Lyn how B is that no I can't believe you're in the a yeah okay then so how long have you been out I've been out five years nice what you do now I do uh unexploded ordinance for a private company do you oh yeah so did you do your full term or no I only did 14 15 15 years you want miss it you missed the mes that's what that's what I missed yeah got a couple of mat who have been out like 5 years and they're now getting back in because they just miss a teach is not the same the Army is your family they like your brother or your sister you're basically eat each other's shoes for 24 hours a day 7 days a week people die you know with the with the work you do so you've got to try and be supportive for each other everybody's got a part to play it's difficult to try and reattach to that once you've left I found it difficult uh work-wise I went through about five six different jobs over a 2 threee period I didn't have the right mentality at the time Army mentality is different to civilians anyway we're a different breed I got to a point where I woke up and I thought I need to speak to somebody cuz I'm struggling really really badly men don't obviously communicate cuz we think we're we're tough and all match up you know there's a lot of um suicides from from the Armed Forces after they've left the Army I've gone from not talking about it I've G the complete can't shut up I can't shut up best way though yeah Best Way part of the reason I left the Army is cuz I wanted to start a family and settle down obviously that's not happened but if children were to come along I'm 100% for it cuz I do think I'd be a great father I've never been happier than I so still live up at York I am geographically challenged you can't be are we yeah but a good job I don't have to lead anyone anywhere isn't it I just rely on the boys follow [Music] them how's the lobster so good are there any foods you don't massively like I'm trying to flow soon miss into conversation again I don't like scales I've got phobia FSH actually are you allergic to anything I'm not allergic to anything though I'm allergic to one thing what latex what's that it's a type of plastic it started the exact same time I started singing this girl so I was I was like am I allergic to her and then about a year later I had a new girlfriend started reacting to something again I finally figured out I figured it was a latex allergy what your girlfriend's dressing cond you into that cond [Music] oh I don't think she particularly saw my my best side I think I was a little bit too wrapped up in my nerves and thinking about what to say she didn't really see a normal Freddy hi afternoon evening evening let's not mess around with the bill I've got it you don't worry about it are you sure yeah thank you so would you like to see each other for another date yeah I don't even know if we get on like I don't think we have the same interest at all I think that's accurate yeah not for a date I think socially as as buddies but I don't think for a date yeah it was very interesting it was quite the experience I did think you were a lovely guy and I do think a lot of girls would be lucky to go on date with you but I do think you need to calm your nerves a bit yeah and I think they'll find you much more attractive if you do just chill I could have lived without the latex but yeah I basically shouted condoms at you I know you you I wish you all the best I wish you all the best too I think you are lovely too I think you just need to lose the nerves and you'll be fine I think that's fair bring it in bring it in bring it in bless you thank you very much have a have a good uh life you too safe journey home and have fun with your [Music] friends 52-year-old Jazz Singer Gina may be Dressed to Kill but her love life has been coming apart at the scenes me frock fell off once on stage from top to bottom nothing on underneath not a stitch just shuffled off with me frck on my ankle [Laughter] [Music] hello you should be on stage well you know I usually am what you doing yeah I'm a ja singer yeah oh you got a nice song to sing me H just give me vibration in their heart for a woman seeing a man on the stage it's quite you know like you get groupies and but I think the other way around it's quite different you know you don't get any fellas coming to ask you out after you've done a show lovely thank you put it this way I've never been in love for about 20 years I've had boyfriends and dated but nobody's kind of blown me scared up you know what I mean I'm ready for the Thunderbolt how you feel I heard you singing your friend he said give us a son it doesn't do much for me how long have you been doing that for oh since I was about uh 28 not long oh you're a charm it would be lovely to meet somebody than me mother oh thought I was absolutely magnificent and who liked um Smiley red ends okay here we go Big Fish Little Fish carbo box Big Fish Little Fish carbo box Big Fish Little Fish carbo box we're already mad a it is all right Gina's date is 56-year-old singer and songwriter Nick that's the song that I wrote a few years ago and Bob the Builder he actually um sang it as well it was tipped to be Christmas number one with either the ex factor or Gary barow it didn't quite happen unfortunately but it was a great time we had loads of fun with that yeah hello how are you good evening sir how are you what's your name my name's Nick Nick I perform in a lot of hotels now and some nights it can be absolutely buzzing and then you get another night where you could be singing to three people should I think you jacket yeah where you from from scarra oh very good nor I've been single for about 8 or 9 years I think I have been maybe keeping myself busy to distract myself from getting out there finding somebody I would like to meet somebody that understands what I do I want someone a little bit similar to me that isn't scared to have a bit of a laugh here we are hi hello how are you nice to meet you Nick what's your name g he nice to meet you nice to meet you have you come far scarra scarra you sound like you might bethle heartly F me wow okay so what do you do in heartley pool now are you well I'm a jazz singer actually really okay well you're looking very sparkly oh well I thought I kind of thought there's something about maybe a singer or some kind I sitting there yeah are you still you still gigging there yeah I'm still gigging yeah I'm a singer I am a singer Che to meet love to meet you too yeah absolutely right are you ready we are up I'm the same well not me frck of course got a the N that the one I'm saying [Music] nothing you got any kids uh no okay um i' liked him yeah I've got to the age where I'm thinking it's not going to happen to you sort of think am I getting too old now I think it's more of a movie the time think yeah but I think I'll be a great father oh I'd adop if I had to if I was with somebody and and they come have children you know it'd be it' be an option good for you so [Music] children never married um I was married when I was younger okay uh divorced at 26 and I've got a baby on the way [Music] now notic I'm 6 months pregnant now okay it's a dona baby so I've got no crazy X anding around street corners fighting for cust or like that so [Music] so yeah good for you good for [Music] [Music] you so no drink for you no I was going to have a p you might need to the shock as you had [Laughter] today you could have got up and left and then what would I have done cuz I thought well whatever blat comes in sees that I'm pregnant just thinks oh she just after a father for that [Music] baby they always so oh you know I'm not going to meet anyone but I'm not going to have that mindset I'm not going to sit and think to myself oh I'm just going to forget about it but I want the right person to come along and join me on the journey not just anyone whatever's going to be there then I'll embrace it all because I embrace life generally anyway it speaks a lot about you for doing it anyway oh thank you no it does yeah thanks have you got Nam so I like Jackson James for a boy and I like Remy for a girl Remy yeah I've heard that off the fil what film it'd be wrong to say now I go one I'm interested now Ratatouille the cartoon and I've not seen it the rat is reming is it oh no it's a rat oh have to think of another girl that's what I want to [Music] say you want start like black pudding that's something we should have from up North black pudding black pudding ver do you remember that song the goodies the goodies yeah no I can't remember it's before your time oh I don't think so I don't straight in SHO SC okay so then so you still sing then I do about six nights a week I traveled the world and I'm guessing you've done with your Jazz sing stuff yeah yeah I've worked a lot in America actually still no no it's a bit of a tale but oh well what happened is is um I I sang since I was like 20 27 28 doing really well in my career then I'd we a car Crush that was driving along and this drunk driver just undercut me what I should have done was let him hit me but I didn't tried to avoid course when you swerve it just started snaking but yeah I ended up going over the 60t cliff in the car so the guy that see this he was just having a [ __ ] said and he seen this car just you know spin in the air and then fall about 60 feet and then he like scrambled over and it was him that that waited with me I punked along I brought nine ribs BR me leg in 25 places Jesus the ambulance got there I had him say to his paramedic friend if we don't do this operation now we're going to lose her and I thought cuz I think they thought I was unconscious and I wasn't and I could hear and I thought oh my god do it now do it now when you go through the wind apparently it's like your throat Jazz and me throat just I lost my voice completely really yeah and then it was devastating that was worse than like the accident you know I sang every day till it came back and four year later it came back after a lot of training and a lot of coaching it came back I feel as that I'm the luckiest woman in the world I like to think that I I lead a positive optimistic life yeah large Merlo oh thank you so what do you guys do for work we're both singers would you set the carry up you go have you ever wrote songs no yeah are you are you do you know the song Big Fish Little Fish cboard Box you did not write that okay here we go big fish fish cardboard box yes is it your voice on it yeah I bet you know the dance routine as well don't we're all great okay doing anything else loads of stuff but we talk about later anything else with now I'm trying to impress the bird here give me a break here kid you know me cheers young lady cheers this olive skin bomshell is 27-year-old food buyer [Music] Cindy hi you Chuck how are you good thank you how are you very good thank you very much you Le Le Oh I thought you were from some kind of That's Country you know I usually end up getting called Northern cindia people like when I meet on hold like you're the most Norman person I have ever met I'm like yes take a seat don't even look after you thank you hello I call my mom choke like I always T like a choke like how are you feeling today you're all right so what's been going on with the guys that you meet there I don't get no that acent didn't go down too well people have got like disappointment but all love the faces yeah idiot I guess they probably just think Yorkshire girls we've got a bit of a reputation for drinking a lot and going out a lot and living in the pub which we do do quite a lot of that but it's that all we do I suppose I've like gone long before I've gone like too much for looks not enough substance right I'm really close to my mom she has super high standards I've never brought anyone home that my mom's really approved of to be honest she's pickier than me which like that's saying some things hoping to capture Cindy's heart is 27-year-old sales rep Elan when girls see me sometimes they might expect a foreign accent I guess I don't look typically English good afternoon nice to meet you I'm good how are you what's your name Elan so where you from uh from Manchester are you y you very exotic uh half Israeli oh is in Hebrew if you wanted to tell a girl she has nice hair nice eyes nice smile you would say [Music] we' got another exotic flower there for you an exotic guy from the north meet you what's your name Cindy El nice to meet you nice to meet you I'm good I'm good thank you gorgeous look at that you got the same color shirt wow oh my God this is it I am doing a little Art thank you very much I'm going to need a drink really how are you CU I have a Jack Daniels and Diet Coke please Jack Daniels and diet coming up DIC yeah yeah so the I just like fall fat everything yeah I mean I'm with you on that but with JD cuz it's quite sweet fall fat coat too much go well together cheers cheers [Music] to I was going to take you to the table but we've got to go and get some glasses to distribute to all the other datas because they're going to be blinded by your beauty guys oh nights come on thank [Music] you blessing my mom like when I was leaving today she's like you're looking St in love and you're so intelligent I know you're going to knock him dead I'm like thanks Mom yeah she really wants me to find what do you do now I basically work for a big American Technology Company so when I sell um microchips so going on how about you um I am a a food buyer and I look at ready meals yeah a lot of chav and a lot of eating two of my favorite things to be exactly so I can't complain Happy Days yeah so how long have you been single three years U yourself uh so coming up to a year really yeah which is when I started the B for okay fertility and was that like did that make your mind up that when you split up we talked about we going through it together yeah and it just wasn't working out it would it would have been quite a toxic relationship if we just stayed together was he forces if it was female oh [Music] yeah got quite a couple of shockers today [Music] you take some beer [Music] trying to get my head around everything yeah but you so I've been married with a guy and I've dated women after that so we last relationship is it that bad to marriage I'm curious now have you thought I want to be with a man I think being with a guy is simpler is really it is that's a surprise he was a gentleman I picked that up in in in his conversations and the way he embraced um me and my story and what I've came with CU women generally get more attached as friends anyway in the beginning I thought it was easier and it was really nice cuz women bond together really quickly and it's quite intense and all that's lovely but the breakup side of it it's worse yeah it is worse you're kind of losing a best friend and a partner at the same time time there's a lot of connections there just by our backgrounds Army family and my my experiences we're going to be able to talk about that together I'm Tru for you oh thanks massively yeah yeah even so would you guys like to see each other romantically again I I would like to see you again thank you very much thanks all right see you instantly yes for me if I want to see you again it goes without saying that it's both of you yeah and for me does that scare me away not in the slightest I'd embrace it I'd be willing to take it as slow as you like because just by the date that we've just been on for me there's connections there and I want to see where that goes I mean for you to accept the things that I've said today about myself and where I've come from says a lot about your character and it was exactly the kind of person I was hoping to [Music] meet I can't believe wearing the same color back this is that how weird is that that is my favorite color I mean looks stunning honestly I think it I think it does our skin tone well think it's good match you've got the whole Spanish thing going though yeah like my mom like half Indian half Jamaican and my dad's wife so what's your type of guy then what do you usually go for looks wise um don't look at me khy shirt I like some like olive skin like Mediterranean looking like teeth really important TI what about yourself if I said the same we would just be copying each other honestly okay you copied my outfit you copied my main course starting with the looks because it's the least important she I like what you did there like what you did there brunette nice eyes good figure SW looks after themselves they have to go to the gym more than once a week no they don't no [Music] honestly team norn team khi that's what it is the Ki The [Music] Vi it's te okay no worries so have you got kids no unfortunately no I didn't have any I wanted them it just never happened we got the twins uh F I love them to Pieces I'm lucky because me and the ex we separated quite a while ago uh we're still very amicable there's no taking sights we just we we share them it's really weird cuz we share the dog as well I have many friends that have have had divorces they've split up and they've just ripped their wheels apart we didn't do that so that's probably part of my problem because I've got into a bit of a comfort zone easy access to the kids and the dog and maybe I need to move on maybe you've been in a little bit of a a little bit of a rush yeah very much so take that pause button off and something's going to happen I'm enjoying being with you tonight I know we've had a lovely time we how long you been uh single for 2 and a half years 2 and a half years that's quite a long time you been on any dates or anything I could prob like count on like w hands yeah really just not been interested kind of a bit complicated um my life like changed just so quickly like I was like on a oneway ticket to Switzerland like ready to like lead a new life like the next chapter of like my career and my life and stuff and then completely out of the blue my mom got diagnosed with an incurable brain tumor um so yeah packed in the job packed in the job came back up and a few weeks later the shock of the diagnosis my my dad had a stroke Jesus yeah how's your dad now he's got his speech back which has been amazing so like I took a few months off my career to look after my parents oh but listen family comes first yeah when you get news like that yeah we literally lost everything overnight you cherish the little moments really going and making my mom a cup of tea in the morning or her making me one and just having that five minutes in the morning before I go to work like I cherish those minutes is it just a matter of living every day yeah so we're on holiday all the time we do loads of stuff together my mom's my hero the treatment was so tough radiotherapy and chemotherapy every day she was like I will be here you know as long as I can for you so yeah she's done done incredibly well to see my mom like lose a career that she's worked so hard for her independence her sight her memory like yeah it's been incredibly difficult to watch someone sorry to hear that I have had to come conf front the fact that at some point my mom won't be there anymore and tell my mom like I I will be okay like you brought me up to be so strong and so independent and I look after my little brother I look after Dad and yeah sorry it's been the worst year of my life to be honest and I guess it's not been a time for dating for me yeah that's the last thing on your mind but I I guess it give my mom like some sort of piece to know like that i' met someone yeah no of course glad I'm glad you shared that no I'm glad you shared that with cheers to you like no honestly that's amazing honestly you should be proud of [Music] yourself Austin what you can do is open your umbrellas to to put yeah so you got to sort of pluck them oh it [Music] are you a shower singer no are you are you a shower singer no I'm sorry to tribal you but all my staff are telling me that you wrote this song oh yeah about fish and white shark or I don't know dolphin something big shark white shark dolphin the big p little song yeah I did yeah what is it it's a just a party dance a silly silly party dance that children do at at holiday parks where does he go where he how does he go Fish Little Fish CBO box we're all having fun I've had one of the best nights I've had for years she's had some real stuff in her life that could have really messed her up and that impressed me the fact that she was a strong wonderful person is it a choreography oh yeah there's a dance routine do you want to show me no bust for a we if I stand up now I W be able to do anything would you like to go on a second date would you like to go on a second date um right I'll be truthful she's going to be truthful we're in trouble there I had a I had a wonderful time I had a great date I think you're so charming and I think you're a gentleman keep going I think it's more of a friendship Vibe Nick do you do you know what I think we had like a matey Vibe didn't we there wasn't a spark yeah I'm glad you said that and it was it was just fantastic thank you absolutely absolutely to me if I was going to have a male friend would be the qualities I'd look for in Nick cuz I thought he was an absolute gentleman unfortunately you just didn't want to sleep with good to meet you we teach you the party dance next time great I look forward to it see you later bye the was like a tiny little red flag and it's only because when somebody shares that much with their ex and then kids and the dog you feel as though you're invading on somebody's family a little bit do you know what I mean somebody might find hold on what's going on there you might find it to be intimidating yeah see you later bye bye bye now [Music] bye check that out it is oh my God I think I just put a stone on just looking at that are you quite close to like your mom or like I'm close to both once time my momy's boor but I'm sort of a Mommy's boy she's also had a bit of a tough time past couple of years she was like chronically depressed so she spent time in like a mental health hospital just a buildup of various things like she's got a divorce and the best friend passed away from cancer to see themom like not speaking at all hardly eating or drinking just B you H doesn't it if anyone knows how it feels you know so well I would literally do anything for her like I would literally like whatever it is like you I would I would do for [Music] her I know this sounds so cring I've got chocolate everywhere but I can't remember let me get this straight I can't remember the last naturally beautiful person I saw as much as you I know that sounds cringe but I'm going to give you the compliment no you blow me away a bit like I'm not going to [Music] lie she doesn't just settle for any sort of guy so hopefully I made the right impression that maybe something could happen who knows wow thanks just saying you good how you doing yeah good right yeah fine good team Kaki team Ki still can't believe it thank you very much Fred thank you very see you take [Music] care see each other again after you I mean for me it's a a definite yes yeah yes for me as well it's like my heart stopped beating for about5 a second there it was always a yes for me that chocolate wow it was Desi chocolate literally obviously a gorgeous girl naturally beautiful which is a massive tick for me just really easy to talk to really friendly and like just yeah like you could just tell genuinely very nice girl so should we go for a drink yeah y should [Music] br
Channel: First Dates
Views: 24,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First Dates, First Dates UK, First Dates USA, Channel 4, NBC First Dates, Blind Date, Dating Show, Love, Romance, Awkward Dates, Dating Advice, Dating Tips, LGBT Dating, Dating Hacks, Dinner Date, First Kiss, Kissing, Single, Relationships, Cici, Cece, Fred, First, Dates, Sam, first dates hotel, first dates hotel series, first dates hotel channel 4
Id: FQ_Z2tz3mJM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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