Can Lewis Charm His Way into the Affections of Megan? | Full Episode | First Dates

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[Laughter] hello how are you today you okay every week this restaurant is full of hopeful singles all looking for love how are you here to see Charlie after going on his first ever date last week Daniel's return to the restaurant he's back for date number two after ladies across the land applied to date him hi can I have an orange juice please explain it is quite scary that somebody's picked me it's also very flattering they've gone out of their way to say I want to meet that guy like Daniel all the first datas have to go on is their partner's name job title and a photo I'm looking for someone perfect and maybe they're not out there I don't know better so I'm low and be pleasantly surprised I name High you can't go Tesco's and go and buy Tesco value love it doesn't work like that [Music] that's ever Ramen cookies I'm looking for in a ladies someone who's bubbly is always up for a laugh in terms of physical appearance I like a big bum I prefer something you can kind of grab you know I mean first state nervous is the worst it's like your heart is just pumping yeah it goes a little bit faster 27 year old care worker Lewis is on a first date with 32 year old Michelle from Croydon he applied to data after he spotted her on the First Dates website I'm here to see Lewis and your name is Michelle do you want to leave anything in the clock profile so hot how you feeling all right a bit nervous a bit nervous oh excuse me can I get a glass large Rosie please babe with a little ass so are you from I'm from Watford where are you from so right we've got to thank Maxine I'm so glad you know what I'm saying kind of non-posh I won't understand no I was I was thinking the exact same thing I was like you know what this is a bit fancy you know I mean to be honest when I do go out white guys don't really check me out ever ever ever it's always that way did you look good though I really told you give me a little twirl you want me to 12. yeah give me a little time I do like my chocolate guys it's all dark and handsome and I say darker they're very sweet of the juice have a look would you like to wear my battery Riders which are shorts that rise up the Betty so their Betty cheeks it out a little bit just a little baby cheeks yeah as long as I feel sexy and I've done myself the confidence shines Joe I must say you know 10 minutes you've just been here oh you've calmed me down really my heart was beaten [Applause] [Music] are you bisexual no no [Music] just for attack are you gonna spring anything I'm in maybe a bit bombing [Music] good evening hello there do you know about currently we can do that yeah I never like her in Black currants thank you 24 year old office assistant Lee is down from Yorkshire for his date tonight well I went to Mountain Towers on Sunday and it was me and three couples I'd just like to have a plus one I'm sick of getting invites let's say Tilly I'd like Tilly and partner [Music] Lee's meeting Marky who owns a beauty salon in Middlesex hi there I've got a reservation I'm fine how are you yeah good what's your name my name's mark [Music] um hi there hi how are you I'm fine how are you nice to meet you oh what do we do I don't know [Laughter] I don't know what's the correct I was like what do you want to see what we're gonna do they're like stand up for me it would have been nice I'm quite a horny person so literally if I see a nice man I'm like a tent pole on the tube I have to put my bag in front of a crunch what do you normally drink Strongbow and black is that all you ever drink some that's a bit of a normal is that an awesome thing are you from the north I am yeah like when I used to wear paper you used to work yeah I used to be like one of their entertainers I used to be an Entertainer for Thompson shut up oh my god did you dress up in the characters oh no I used to love getting in Greedy the gorilla laughs [Music] I will make friends with girls I'll just talk to them let's talk to everybody they wear my boobies aren't real girls always want to have a feel oh they're not real really yeah I have to describe to inspect it manifest date Miss Me Pants over there yeah we have not sweet really they're not Tesco's alone it's four grand three months later I was done this made me sound a bit personal but you can still can you still breastfeed from there to be honest they're more sensitive than they was before how was it oh really sensitive that's a good thing then for you Dylan yeah that's a good thing that's a bonus City [Music] got pretty high standard so hey Piggy no just one minute yeah [Music] so what do you think you want eventually like a long-term relationship eventually yeah I won't like kids and I want like a nice house the white Cricket pen and yeah I think that's sweet that's what I would like really it's just really hard to get it in Gayland yeah it is you're right A lot of people are just after like a one-night stand yeah I'm never gonna meet the man that I'm gonna settle down with and like have kids with a one night stand yeah no you're right yeah I would like kids I just want one but I want a boy these girls I want to buy yeah because we could we pick our baby we can like get the catalog out yeah I feel like I love that one does it come in a different color it doesn't matter it's the furniture exactly that's the good thing about us guys we can pick a kid I've already got my ideal wedding picture happier like every detail can't believe that but it's so weird so have I I think it must be a gay thing come on right well basically I want the vicar to come up from under the floor on like a revolving platform what didn't say anything and I want there to be a disco ball and as I walk down the aisle I want Whitney Houston How Will I Know playing [Music] does that sound like ours would match [Music] no that's really Jackie but [Applause] place them on it everyone in this restaurant is single and looking for love so when was that the last time using like a proper like relationship uh five months ago what about you probably about three four months three months yeah yeah nearly on the Shelf yeah kind of newly on this shelf if you want to call it that you know what I mean to be honest I have mostly tracked my boys I've had two experience of guys that have been moved actually went to prison so then it's ended from then onwards how old are you actually I didn't even know 27th oh you're a baby oh my God here we go again do you get that with that yeah get this all the time I'm not a baby I'm too old now to be going to jail on visits and if I do have children and then I'm not taking my children there and it's like you know what that's it now no more bad lace you're like a toy boy I'll be the main man that's what I'll be hey little I'll be the main one you're funny man say I like your bubbly I knew you'll be bubbly yeah but you are as well I like bubbly funny now but that's what they say if you can make a woman laugh then that's that's half your job done I love it you're the sore person I could tell with it just like you're just a nice person in general forget all this like sexual chemistry of course the sexual chemistry between me and you I can tell you want me it's okay it's no problem here it's no problem yeah it's no problem you're like you're like what's this guy talking about I didn't say that don't get me wrong sexual chemistry is one big part of anything anyway but there is sexual chemistry is that what you're saying yeah [Music] my diet is probably big rugby player skinhead but I need to get away from that I'm definitely open to meeting someone now for who they are not just for what they look like [Music] your name is Charlie thank you hello hi nice to meet you oh it's one hi Daniel had his first ever date last week now he's back in the restaurant hoping it's his turn to find love I have a sister a youngest sister she got married a couple years ago so she's got herself a man it helps that she's the tall really good looking blonde woman yeah she's not like me so what's your favorite film of all time Star Wars you're like a what do they call you a techie trackie yeah let's start track oh it's very different what's your favorite film you've seen the never-ending story that was like a child too it's like a childhood favorite I think that scared the [ __ ] out of him table is ready yay yeah thank you [Music] oh enjoy your lunch thank you I'm really hot if you want no not like that I'm hot do you want to swap places here not by the uh I don't think that's the problem I don't think the heat from the kitchen is what's maybe nerves yeah you're making me nervous I'm very sorry there's nothing wrong with that should we go for that yeah [Music] it's still quite well Jesus you should walk talk quicker than a [ __ ] Whip It came out properly to the world even though I don't think I actually needed to tell them and like when I was 17 and I said some and I said I was bisexual because I think that's what a lot of gays do like they always say a bisexual because it sounds a bit better [Laughter] my mum's a bit funny for about a year I think she's worried about like getting gay bashed and like getting like abuse and stuff if you're always being gay always big game now I just decided last week no I mean like did you come back have you come out in school in that um I probably know it's about 17. oh did you okay well I came out to my friends at school when I was 13 and then I got really bullied did you get bullied at school oh I did I got quite bullied at school like once like these boys like held me down on the school field and like wrote [ __ ] on my forehead in like marker pen and then I got dragged to the um Mark head Masters office and had to go out for having pen on my forehead but that was in the 90s so they were still a bit like thought [ __ ] should be burnt at the stage I wasn't really bulleted that old person had like said like I've named them but we'll give a [ __ ] I'd like never had anybody write [ __ ] on me yeah that is bad isn't it I've had like but I've always been quick coming back Lee are you gay you're like why are you [ __ ] fancy me yeah see I wasn't very confident I was quite I was confident but I wasn't like now I'm really quick weird and I'm like right [ __ ] whatever and I said oh no no I've gone back with something yeah but back then I used to just take it I want to understand a long time ago now 20 12 years ago [Music] someone's on the canal and we went to see a live set show new experiences I guess yeah live section was really really weird I mean it's just weird are you fussy with food or like you'll try most things uh I'm quite fussy oh yeah they're bananas in the wrong holes and there was a guy in a Batman suit well part of the Batman suit you're not going to tell me you're a vegetarian as well are you maybe stay away from Amsterdam maybe a second date that's second date Story how have you found it do you find date in um are you enjoying it or are you finding it weird it was a bit weird last week yeah but um I think I'm more relaxed yeah yeah no no oh good I think dating in general is nerve-wracking whether it's your first date yeah or your 100th day would your mum be picky on the type of woman that she thought you should I don't know I don't know I think at this stage she might just be grateful if there's anyone that sounds like my mother he's a nice guy he's lovely he wasn't as nervous as I thought he was going to be I think I was a little bit more nervous than him maybe but he's a lovely gent he's actually more of a gent than probably most of them and I've gone out with So yeah thank you for a lovely evening thank you thank you as a friend if he asked me to swap numbers with him I would thank you thank you for a lovely evening did you enjoy your day yeah second time around going well yeah well you're almost a professional now well it was yeah at 10. oh 10 oh 10 of course obviously thanks say Chama he's a he's a gentleman all round you're gonna make a girl very happy thank you thank you maybe not me but definitely you will make a girl very very happy fair enough [Music] I believe it's not my crystal wall she kissed the wall so so let's say in the next two years where'd you see yourself then Mr Meg where'd you see yourself two years hopefully maybe in a new job yeah and a nice chocolate guy are you looking at me yeah okay go on we need to make some babies yeah are you ready to make babies Louis I might yeah I'm ready I'm ready to settled down my best friend he got married like last year in Gambia yeah and I thought it was so so nice and the girl was white you know they dressed up in an African clothes and everything I put myself wow my family really are quite welcoming with doesn't matter what color you are where you're from what your religion is yeah she's got himself like a really really good girl whereas you know some girls are like no I'm not going there I'm not doing this you know what I mean my sisters guys from Pakistan and my two nieces are like mixed race so to be honest this I mean my dad is 73 this year so a lot of people that come with the old school stuff sometimes is so fine he accepts as long as we're happy he's happy he doesn't matter where they're from as long as they treat us nice he's really really good I think I would enjoy [Music] yeah most definitely [Music] in a restaurant full of singles Lee and Mark are over an hour into their date oh sorry thank you thank you very much wonderful we're about to get married yeah I would like to get married I would like to get married because I've had quite a lot of religious upbringing so what do you mean like I go into church every week and I still do now I'm not religious at all I want yeah you're like the whole Gate's getting married in the church you wouldn't want that I wouldn't want to get married in July because I think if you didn't want me before why do you want me down see I don't want to get married in church [Music] so have you never been to church at all I look for like questions and weddings and when I've got to but you've just not being brought religious and I'm a God parent how can you be a good parent if you're not religious anybody can make a poem I know that but I mean it's not about really it's not about religion anymore though is it it's about the deal it's not my religion is quite important to me like it's not something that dominates my life but it's something that my mom's brought me up to be like going to church taking communion like saying my prayers it's something that I want someone to respect if I get with them so you wouldn't care every Sunday if I was popping off to church yeah I'd leave me in bed I'll leave you in bed and I'll just go off take my communion is that where you have to eat up the wine and you have the bread and the wine The Ransom Old vinegar down my throat that is Jesus's blood sorry sorry what are you laughing at it's really not dudes the blood that was it it's symbolic right oh my God I can't believe you just tried to this Jesus is the bread it's the body and blood of Jesus Christ save ourselves I really offended you yeah if your fans develop and then you lust a bit of weight and he wanted you after you but in one when you were fat you won't go away him then I feel like that we're God isn't it looking like in the old days of the Bible it says like homosexuality is a sin is it still saying the Bible though but I can't just change it can't be like changing Harry Potter obviously not a bit louder over bigger box yeah he was a bit of a piss taker when it came to the religion there was a few comments that you made that I was a bit like oh that's a bit like close to me maybe we shouldn't have a religious discussion can we have some more wine please oh yes please number one each yeah one each please thank you thanks darling like it's not Ding Dong Merrily on High which is normally like ding dong get the tempo up but I think tonight if there was the option I'd probably go home to bed with him Jesus pull out the running right hang on I'm going to put some on cards [Music] I think you're really nice but like I think you're really nice as a friend and I could be a friend and we could go out we could have a really a really good laugh but I'm just not there's not that like there's not that pink there thank you thank you thank you I think we've both got nice eyebrows and I think we both got no skin and I think we've both got a nice hair and we're both very alike personality wise yes but then again I would never go out with me it would be like shagging myself if I shagged you just a better looking version [Music] [Laughter] I have tried being straight but I just didn't found out but I'm a little bit scared of penises how are you I'm good how are you yeah good what's your name uh Kate I'm here to see Maria um did you want to leave anything in the cut room um 30 year old Kate is here to meet 22 year old Maria a barber from Crawley I'm not looking for someone who takes himself you know too seriously it doesn't matter if they're a boy or girl or what color whatever as long as I get on with my finger that's someone than you could potentially be with [Music] hi thank you hi Hi how are you I'm good thank you how are you really good thank you good uh do you want to drink or anything yeah yeah what did you get um I got an arch so never know but then I can't really taste any arches in it so I'm like oh God so did you want to start up or did you just one I mean I don't mind it's up to you if there's anything new well are there any starters that you like to look up [Music] not really so straight to the me at is there something you like though because I could like something no I'm having a shape for me I'm gonna have this steak yeah me too yeah yeah how would you take your steak uh well done I think medium well done however you like yeah only for me for inspiration oh no yeah no so I think me again is well done yeah yeah are you sure yeah the international yeah I'm pretty sure [Music] I didn't really I didn't think you'll be like this I thought maybe but you made me feel relaxed literally as soon as you walked in you made me feel relaxed that's that's that was that's good that's good that is really good yeah are you ready yeah swallow it the Drake the drink let's keep this clean yeah everybody let's see you again would you yeah oh that's unfortunate doesn't it [Music] is going to put your Swagger on all right yeah let's do this let's put this so I go on that's the question isn't it do you want to yeah let me see you again too good that's good there is a mess in there Asia thank you thank you thanks a little bit [Music] no tongues not here anyway [Music] you got a girlfriend I'm married good luck kids no no soon probably good lads 27 year old club promoter Lewis has spent the last 18 months playing the field the young lady arrives then we're going to sit down now he's looking for something more got myself into doing sort of four dates spell I've got for a drink uh go bowling go to the cinema smash your back doors then that's the sort of scenario I've got myself into it takes any longer I'm going for the bird behind until it'd be nice if a girl said no and you know because that's a proper girlfriend not a slapper what country are you I was born in Russia Russia Roman Abramovich that's the one yeah Chelsea fan so Lewis's date his 23 year old Megan and Heir stewardess from Surrey [Music] hi I'm here for the date this evening what's your name Megan thanks [Music] [Music] have you got started already um yes yeah we're trying to drink um can I have a Prosecco please yeah one of them I should have given you my little right ready give me a pound oh my God break my pickle you are brilliant why do you want boyfriend I don't know Jesus yeah why haven't you got times I'm getting on I'm 27 now um no but my sister's got a baby oh it has made me extremely Broody family is real and I mean one day I want that you know to be me sorry I'm so over the top about it I've got a niece called Ruby you give it back when you want to oh my God she's beautiful my parents are the cutest couple in the world they've been together since they were 16 and 17 years old oh boy to do with love to this day sounds cheesy but it's so cute I actually I adore it and I I would love that definitely to be fair you've got a very good personality yeah I was thinking if she turns up this is good I'm [ __ ] so thank you so um so I guess I've got like a lot to ask you really have you got any questions for me uh what do you do I work for Financial Times oh wow we're quite an big important job I like to think so yeah my boss will tell you otherwise I'm only joking [Music] we're talking different languages we're in different planets and you know and I would like I wouldn't I wouldn't like to say if I was bored because I think that would be really cool did you want a pudding yes [Music] what's that I honestly don't have a do you know who that is or were you ask him what that yeah I mean I was asking if you knew no I honestly don't have a clue so I have this thing in in life I like to see how people respond under pressure or with like the slightest challenge I want to see how they'll kind of react so you'll ask for me then yeah yeah no I lost and people have said to me like why do you do that why do you constantly push boundaries I don't know I don't know but I know that I enjoy it so maybe it's like borderline sadistic right should you make a move yeah I think she's a very lovely girl really nice but I didn't come into it thinking she was gonna like fall in love with me or anything so um you know if she wanted to see me again that's a flipping bonus right there so yeah just have to yeah I see [Music] thank you bye [Music] oh can you go left it's mental I I thought that you're really sweet and really honest I thought it was really endearing I think I'm probably on different levels but it was still fun it's good to meet you yeah agree ouch I'm looking for intelligent smart and sexy guy and he must love me as well [Music] when I was 12 years old and I was still in China I watched the TV series which translated from England but it was played by pure Sportsman I was thinking oh that's too much I want I was only 12 years old but I was like oh that's he's amazing I love him so I came to the UK it's Julia's second visit to the First Dates restaurant and she's hoping her look will change tonight she's chosen to meet marine biologist Stephen I'm here to meet Julia one of the many men who applied to data online [Music] hello very nice to meet you nice to meet you too you okay okay thank you it's very hot today huh it is very hot yeah I applied today Juliet because she seemed fun um I don't think there's gonna be any awkward silences because she'll fill the conversation um and she was pretty and where are you from I'm from China yeah yeah I live in London you live in London oh I see this is the first time I've been to London really the boys I'm from Liverpool and you you were born there and you grew up here yeah and you lived there forever and you never moved I've just never got around to it [Music] I think the main to offend you but I've heard from other English friends what I'm going to say will do from my other friends they said it's quite boring but to be honest well I was just wondering but why is it even with music is really good is it because the city it's so boring so people have nothing else to do so they have to produce fantastic music maybe that could be so what you do for work I'm I'm a writer I'm a Chinese writer yeah you're a biologist right a marine biologist yeah sorry to the story guys you can say where he's ready okay great thank you thank you thank you very much oh great I love this chair thank you very much thank you [Music] thank you what's wrong with my eyes I feel it's like a one eye lash in my eyes or something if you could excuse me one minute yeah thank you thank you very much [Music] he told me from he the day he was born until now he always living out to Liverpool and even University here yeah and he'd never been to London this is his first time to come over to London I don't know exactly I said so why did you apply to date me oh gosh foreign Robbie Williams yesterday kinda I don't see that no Lewis and Megan are halfway through their first date we keep in good shape to go to the gym and stuff no [ __ ] you know no the only gym I know is my major that's it I'm so [ __ ] lucky I got you for a date really so lucky yeah standard [ __ ] to try and talk to a bird early on style smooth talk look great nice eyes your eyebrows look great makeup looks wonderful don't get me wrong I saw your picture you're a good looking girl don't you're making my cheats you know you're up for conversation you've got banner I like that [Music] just took bollocks and then it works weird question very strange do you like football yeah who do you support I am a charity girl I know what guys are thinking and I I play to it you're joking well you can't believe you're a Chelsea girl as well I know what their next move is before they even know I do have you ever been to Chelsea for a match yeah we should go we should go you asked me for a second day already of course do you want to go it'd be fun foreign you got really good teeth thanks you've had enough compliments at me actually [ __ ] you know I've given about 15. look you're great [Music] I'm quite good at reading people so buy them too good touche touche [Music] this is just totally against what I'd usually do but I just want to do anything and everything just try that would not stand like you because you were living in Liverpool for the whole life um I've got a daughter so that's one reason have you got married before I haven't got married no but so wait I've got a 14 year old daughter I was 21. so the daughter is with you or with her and she stays with the mother uh most of the time and I see her two or three times a week we split up when Chloe was one year old or 18 months you didn't even get married no no then wait they're the babies that will be not fair to show his name yes still that's a mistake I think the daughter's the most important thing in the world to me and it's it's been been amazing um yeah I was very young when I had it though do you want children eventually definitely probably two or three I think biggest thing in China child apologies second baby because she was a school teacher and in China if you want to be a teacher you have to obey all the government rules so she had to do a portion my mother told me it's a boy so I would have a brother little brother if there's no such policy and I feel quite lonely when I was a child when I was a child yeah I wouldn't prefer I would I had a sister or a brother when I was growing up yeah I would be more happier I think for lover probably I can easily get a lot of men fall in love with me but that's not what I'm looking for I'm looking for serious partner so I have to be very careful and I have to be a little bit demand I didn't say it but you look beautiful thank you thank you very much like quite fancy I think he's attractive she's not afraid to to yeah say what she thinks and stuff but it's not in a nasty way she's not nasty yeah good looking as well actually I think this part and also the face as well I think you need glasses Maybe I really appreciate that he enjoyed his life he enjoyed his daughter he enjoyed his um work and the Sea and all the fish animals I think that's all very funky part uh he's a lovely guy very very lovely yeah speak with the bill please don't seriously don't because I've really enjoyed myself so oh please no no seriously Julia thank you very much when you come to Liverpool you buy me a drink oh thank you very much I seriously if so I really feel guilty no no no it didn't happen nope it didn't happen I really enjoyable yeah very enjoyable and uh just um you know too much difference but I really really think he's a very nice guy so I'm going to say to all the Liverpool girls touch him if you can seriously he's a very very good nice guy trying to get a bottle of wine or should we just whatever you want what do you want grapes in it with a bit of graping please you've got any wines with grapes in if you want it to taste nice put a bit of growth in it just fine just get anything everything's made out of grapes in it yeah and we're doing something else I think fun adventure like you're so much fun no see this is why I want to be texting oh let's go I'll Club it no not any go out trouble I don't know what to say because I don't want to scare the life at you but all right should we be honest with each other you are [ __ ] gorgeous you're beautiful you're a lovely girl you've got bent and beyond belief which means you can be serious but you can also be fun like a best mate as well if you want to be in the friend zone is that what you want no way don't make me get the microphone out would you like to be in the friend zone no do you you will never know excuse me I didn't hear that I didn't hear what do you say phone off so I've just oh that's not fair I'll sits I hang you didn't that's fair yeah whatever I want to come and sit with you [Music] I'm coming to sit with you are you serious [Music] do you want me to Syria yeah okay so okay I want to marry you now [ __ ] it can we get married somewhere should we go to Vegas to get married it's cool [Music] oh my God now completely among the sofa oh it's been nice thanks thank you I'm used to good looking girls and whatever I like dating them but she's different I just can't do that you in a few minutes start I was Billy big bollocks I was me I'm still me but I've spent someone who's actually really nice really [ __ ] hi hi Daniel yeah good um it's done oh you're so sweet oh so sweet I don't think it's potential for what I'm looking for in the future that's right that's right but I had a really really really good time you made me laugh as well it was obviously different to what I was looking for as well so it's cool first bye thanks I just don't think I could see you as a boyfriend it's fun then I agree mutual and that is what I was looking on this show for it's fine it's mutual agreement it's fine yeah maybe we could be friends one day we could be friends yeah maybe one day in the friend zone cool maybe one day maybe one day okay it's cool okay we're ready was that being filmed [Music]
Channel: First Dates
Views: 21,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: First Dates, First Dates UK, First Dates USA, Channel 4, NBC First Dates, Blind Date, Dating Show, Love, Romance, Awkward Dates, Dating Advice, Dating Tips, LGBT Dating, Dating Hacks, Dinner Date, First Kiss, Kissing, Single, Relationships, Cici, Cece, Fred, First, Dates, Sam, first dates hotel, first dates hotel series, first dates hotel channel 4
Id: lCw4Ag4iN3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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