#6: IBM Head of Design, Phil Gilbert, wields $100M and 1,300 designers to bring design back to IBM
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Channel: High Resolution
Views: 29,576
Rating: 4.8990827 out of 5
Keywords: phil gilbert, ibm, design, design thinking, process, strategy, leadership, ui, ux, business, high resolution, podcast, education, startup, startups, ai, watson, vr, ar, jared erondu, bobby ghoshal
Id: Gb9E60E3duU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 6sec (5166 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 19 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I heard a story from a friend who works for IBM design about how awful Phil is to work for. Apparently he berated her once for her response to "how is your day?". She had replied "not great, but tomorrow will be better", and he instantly becomes very holier-than-thou, saying he could fire and replace her with "100s" of people wanting to take her spot" and to be grateful for her job.
You know, because she wasn't having an awesome day, every day, forever.
Hey, I used to work right outside of his office. He is good to work under, but not directly for from what I understand based on conversations I have had with people that report to him. From the many conversations I have had with him he seems reasonable and open to what I had to say. Hell, I even got him to hire someone because I saw something special in them that no one else did. That said, I am leaving IBM Design very soon due to a plethora of reasons.
IBM employee here. I'll add he's also a smart and cool guy. His extended team did a great job with the IBM SXSW installation this year too. Lots of talent in his part of IBM.
But... What is IBM designing these days anyway?
I'm attending the Adobe Summit in Vegas right now, and I've got to say, IBM has the best looking booth in the whole convention
Fun. /r/hailcorporate
Holy shit. This guy is insufferable.
Not the most eloquent individual, but I hope this gives IBM the boost it needs.
I'm always surprised IBM still even exists. What do they actually design? I realize I sound like a total dick asking this, but I am genuinely curious.