6 Golden Rules EVERY Designer Should Know! (Clever Techniques)

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so today you're going to learn some techniques that won't only just make a graphic design a lot easier but also a whole lot more profitable now coming from someone with 15 years experience in the graphic design industry i've picked up some tricks along the way when it comes to handling graphic design projects and that starts with something i've decided to call a time cushion now you might be thinking to yourself what on earth is a time cushion it's really a simple concept but it's so valuable to your success in the long term from client to clients now if you're talking to a potential client and you're in the final stages of agreeing on a budget a deadline always leave yourself two to three extra days to complete the project so if you're pretty certain it's going to take you for example seven days to finish a logo you can quote them with 10 days this is valuable because it will leave you room for any unforeseen problems in your work or personal life also if everything runs smoothly then you'll have the design ready before the deadline and this will look really strong and efficient in the client's mind that can help you with the next golden rule in today's video and the next golden rule is to make sure to try and build a post-project relationship with your clients so yeah great you've landed a new client and a new project however graphic design is often a recurring task as each business will need the skills of a designer from time to time you should aim to finish your projects on good terms with their clients where you leave a positive impression with your skills and your etiquette drop them an email from time to time and just create a genuine friendship with your clients this match with good design skills ensures that the next time they need something designing they're more than likely going to come to you with their projects the third golden rule for your graphic design projects is that you need to remember that presentation of your designs is equally as important as the designs themselves i've spoken about this before and shown you how to use mock-ups for your presentations but please don't forget how important the presentation is you are literally selling your designs and your ideas to the clients even though you have clinched a deal for the project you still need to close the deal by selling them your concepts and your artwork you need to be confident with your designs and the choices that you've made for these designs make their client aware why they work and why they're going to work for their business you need to become a smart sales person at this point in the project and if you can do that then you're surely going to make more money and complete more projects now you can download mock-ups pretty much anywhere online but one resource that i personally use that has literally millions of downloadables is envato elements for example here i'm looking at this business card template that i think will be great for my financial logo project when sending your design concepts to a client make sure the color and the style does fit the brand as example here blue and sleek for a financial logo project it doesn't really need to be overly complicated at all guys just make sure it sells your concept ideas golden rule number four again is something regular viewers to this channel should know about but it's something i must add into a golden rules video and that is to know the target audience of your designs as if they were your best friend so we're talking about the targeted group of people that your design is meant to be for it's the kind of people who are going to interact with your design solutions you need to know their average age their status and society their hobbies their likes and dislikes language gender and so on if your design fails to resonate and appeal to this group of people then your job as a graphic designer has not been done correctly it's that simple and how do you know who the target audience of the design is that is golden rule number five ask questions in the early stages of your project you should ask your client basic questions and i personally like to send them a questionnaire with the questions on there that kind of rhymes anyway as a graphic designer you want to know key aspects of your client their goals in business their brand and as we've mentioned their target audience also known as the target market and the best way to do this is to ask questions you need to get this out of the way early on in the project so you're not sending them emails constantly throughout the project if you do keep asking questions throughout the whole project this likely is eventually going to annoy them and it does show signs of weakness so yeah ask questions and succeed the sixth golden rule is another no-brainer to me but that's because i learned this the hard way after going through some nightmare situations with past clients absolutely 100 always use a contract and secure a deposit prior to starting any work the contract is going to prevent you from being taken advantage of and it would explain everything that is expected of you as a designer securing a deposit means that you won't work for free even if the client ends up rejecting your work you'll still at least have a deposit up front to fall back on freelance websites often use escrow wallets which can be a safety net however you're still going to need to negotiate your funds from there if things do turn sour so it does make sense to still use a contract even in that situation and in that contract you will need to stipulate that deposit is required but yeah thanks to inviter elements for sponsoring today's video if you follow the link in description box below you can get yourself a 50 discount when selecting the annual subscription which basically gives you access to over 55 million resources for under 20 a month and like i said before investor reached out to me to sponsor today's video i've been using it myself on a regular basis for youtube content and also for working on graphic design projects but yeah give that link a click down description box below and take a look at that offer of 50 off the annual plan now if you want to watch more graphic design content by myself do click the video on screen and until next time guys design your future today peace [Music] you
Channel: Satori Graphics
Views: 10,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golden rules graphic design, golden rules of graphic design, 6 golden rules graphic design, golden rules graphic design project, rules graphic design project, graphic design project, graphic design projects, graphic design projects for beginners, satori graphics, graphic design, graphic design 2022, graphic design career 2022
Id: VO1FTj4chao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 16sec (376 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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