6 Easy Ways To Find Your Perfect Riding Position

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long ride tough day and you're suffering from that nagging pain that just won't go away well do not worry because in this video we're going to talk about a few pictures to make you more comfortable on your bike pain-free [Music] first up you want to try to avoid riding for long periods with your arms super locked out like this what that does it means you're going to feel every single impact of the road all those vibrations that's going to travel up to your shoulders and you're naturally going to start to tense up a bit more which over time is going to cause a bit of pain in your upper back and your arms so what I'd recommend is trying to bend your arms when you're riding relax that upper back and the fact that you have your arms bent means you can absorb the road a little bit more by bending your arms do bring your body down a bit so you might want to think about raising your handlebars just to relax into that position so you're not increasing that angle at your hips and uh allow yourself to be a bit more comfortable over longer periods around so the saddle is designed to make sure that your sit bones are supported and one of the biggest tips we give for saddle discomfort is making sure that your weight is taken by your sit bones and what tends to happen when people ride with their Saddles a little bit too far back is you tend to get this shift forward and you end up sitting on the nose of the saddle where essentially there isn't enough saddle to support your weight so try not to rely on this position long term same goes for your saddle being too high your hips will start to rock back and forth as you start to reach for those pedal strokes and it might be okay for short ride but as you get onto those long rides it is going to be quite uncomfortable you're going to have an increase in Saddle saws and it can be really hard to keep those revs up [Music] Sal angle is an interesting one and it plays a crucial role in how comfortable you feel on the bike and if you do change sandals I find personally I do spend a good bit of time on the bike setting up and making sure it's all running correctly personally I like to keep my saddle level but I measure that from this point so I keep the nose of the saddle flat if it is a curved one if I measure it from the back I find that it kind of angles the nose up a little too much and that closes my hips off and over time I find it quite hard to put the power down so my kind of balance point my trade-off is to keep the nose flat and I find that keeps me in a comfortable position whilst also giving me the support needed on the saddle because I find if you tilt tilt it down too much what happens is you begin to just kind of slide forward and so it doesn't provide that support needed and over time you're using your core a bit more those muscles in your lower back to keep yourself where you need to be and that then leads to fatigue and a bit of discomfort in your lower back and your hips so yeah for me personally go for the nose level seems to work [Music] [Applause] [Music] your hood position is super important to your comfort on the bike and it is where you're going to spend the majority of your time on Long rides I like to keep quite a neutral Hood positions to have them pretty level but you do see some people riding with them slightly angled down and this is going to make your arms a lot more stretched out and essentially give you that locked out arm and it's going to be really hard to get a nice relaxed upper body with your hoods in that position and it can also lead to discomfort in your shoulders and your upper back then on the flip side if you have your hood angled up slightly that is going to take a lot of pressure off your hands and your wrists and make you more comfortable and it's going to get rid of that kind of tingling numb Sensation that you'd have in your hands if you had them angled down slightly but it's all about finding a position that you are comfortable and relaxing [Music] explain yourself feel comfortable on the bike is raising your handlebars to be fine that that dropped the bars is too much you're overreaching you just can't feel comfortable maybe you're not using the drops enough easy fix raise the handlebars I myself I'm a bit of a sucker for slamming my stem because I prefer the handling of the bike and the way it feels to feel a bit more aerodynamic feels faster but if that is sacrificing your comfort on the bike it might not be worth it saying that flexibility changes throughout the year when I was racing I found it in the summer warmer months I feel more flexible and I was also riding more trading more so I was able to to ride with that quite aggressive drop but then in the winter months he's wearing more clothes I was colder I wasn't quite as fit and I struggled to keep riding so I'd raise the handlebars and if you're like me what I'd recommend is keeping a good bit of steering tube so you can manipulate your position a bit throughout the year and not go crazy like I did last year and just chop the steering tube straight off it can be quite an expensive fix [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sounds simple but a good warm-up can be one of the best ways to stay comfortable on the bike yeah going out hard from the gun without a warm up can kind of cause your muscles to tense up and not give yourself a chance to relax into the ride and that means you kind of carry that discomfort and tension with you throughout the rest of the spin you have to manage it the rest of the right which can can be quite annoying I guess yeah nice to get your body and your muscles ready ready and keep you complaint free so there you go a few easy fixes which we hope will keep you more comfortable on the bike and enjoy those rides in the Sun but let us know in the comment section below what you struggle with on the bike and how you like to stay comfortable as well and want to sit down there make sure to give this video a big thumbs up if you did enjoy and we'll see you in the next one thanks everyone
Channel: Global Cycling Network
Views: 856,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bike fit, Bike riding tips, saddle hight, bike position, numb hands, how to, bike comfort, slammed stem, warm up, bike saddle, handle bar hight, saddle pain, saddle position, bike adjustment, stem adjustment, saddle comfort, GCN, Global Cycling Network, Sports, Cycling, Bike, Bikes, Bicycle (Product Category), Road Bike, Road Cycling, Cyclist, GCN Cycling, bike skills, cycling skills, Manon GCN, Conor GCN, sec-how-to, gc21s, ិ, ꗧ, ꔈ, ꗶ, Ղ, n1, ሙ, ଙ, ホ, ᠫ, ළ, Ꮽ, Ա, Ժ, Լ, Ծ, ፕ17, ጞ, ጎ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 27 2023
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