6 ARC capable over 1 Mile? | 1800 yards with 115gr DTac's

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[Music] what's up folks welcome back to the eagles nest so we haven't been out here in a while doing some elr shots today we are going to be shooting the six millimeter versus the six arc now these two rounds are both loaded up with 115 grain detox obviously the six arc is going to be hindering some velocity these ones are shooting at 2640 fps and then the six krigmore is at 3043 but the little engine that could can a six millimeter arc do pass a mile we'll find out we'll be shooting this thing at 1800 yards at first see how well it does and then we'll try out the six creedmoor and see how well that compares so let's get to it thanks for watching stick around you might like this one [Music] protection yep got yours yeah all right okay so what we have here today is my savage 110 this is a custom barrel 26.5 inch one in 7.7 3r rifling excalibur barrel and what we have in front of us is a tripod from death x squad this is the ace tripod check out the review on the top right this is an awesome system for elr and it's really going to help us out today so first of all we're going to fix our canting and i also do have a tattoo cam rolling and stray lock is calling for [Music] 32.7 mrad [Music] so i don't have that much on adjustment but we are going to do some holdovers [Music] 24 25 oh so we'll go back to 25. so we are gonna have to hold over at least i'm gonna say i'm gonna go for uh at least six [Music] we'll single feed these got the new bat mf ammo carrier from x ring customs all right look below okay all right [Music] i see it high top of the hill yep all right so i was way over that was i'd say roughly that's five seven tenths high and about i swear i saw the bullet all right yeah seven tenths high and four right so let's bring down [Music] 0.7 let's come over left four all right we are on target now [Music] shot number five all right ready [Music] hi impact look at the balloons oh [Music] i think one of them killed because the vibration no two balloons popped yeah they got that on tata cam yes sir [Music] shot number five 115 grain detox let's follow that up see if there's a two get two hits in a row ready yeah [Music] i think that's impact huh i think that's an impact [Music] do one more yeah that's an impact [Music] ah top right right okay oh that was my canting a little bit let's do one more let's let's do 10 shots total each all right just shot number eight that impact [Music] number nine [Music] so these are loaded up with twenty eight and a half grains of cp-223 and uh they are zero bump at full length size zero pump cci 450 primers seated at 2.260 so they are ar magazine length [Music] it see impact yep okay that's number nine do one more shot this is 10 right here this is number 10. [Music] oh just to the left just to the left okay i saw that okay six arc 1800 yards i think i got four impacts we'll have to confirm that on the target but pretty happy so we got that on tap to cam hope you guys enjoyed that we'll try to six creedmoor next let's first let's head out to the target so we got two confirmed hits one down here one up here so one of these pop the balloons so i'm not sure which one um did first but not bad so the six arc is holding up at 1800 yards it took five shots basically uh four shots to figure out where our dope was and i was shooting way over the hill so uh we'll try to six creep more next and see how well we gonna be do okay so same thing 115 d tacks these ones are traveling 3046 fps they are loaded up with actually shooters world long rifles kind of similar to 4350 uh they're putting out about a point four point three inch group uh with this rifle and it's saying that we're going to be at 18.4 um elevation so oh almost hit the camera yeah so okay it looks like you are you got to hold half mill high and you are roughly [Music] one mil left so [Music] that was just bottom left i think aim at the top right corner i don't know i didn't see that one go again okay you're low low bottom did you put the half mil on that top right corner yeah okay come up one mil and hold right dead center okay you know it's just bottom right come up one and a half and hold the top left plate bottom you skipped it uh what you skipped the bullet in is that the camera i think you just hit the camera we'll find out [Laughter] i saw the tripod move too all right one more shot huh one of the balloons is gone yeah they were both guys you skipped it in there well you hit one well tc compass isn't doing too good with this powder i think 100 yards though is doing phenomenal but at elr uh needs a little bit more low development however we'll see if we've got an impact so check it out okay so one of the things we noticed is uh well yeah yeah that barrel is pretty pretty warm feels good because it's cold out here but the six arc i mean we both did 15 shots on both rifles and the ark was barely even warm i mean you could barely feel the barrel and this one uh definitely warmed up quite a bit in 15 shots and we shot about the same same speed so like i said both these bolts are loaded up with the oh bubbles [Laughter] but anyways uh they're both loaded up with 115 d tacks um obviously this is with cfe 223 on the six arc and then we have uh shooter's world a long rifle which was doing well at 100 yards but at long range it just wasn't holding up so let's get to the target let's check it out okay so here is the final results for the six creedmoor um the balloons did pop but i believe it was a skip and if you can see right here it's a little ding mark right there so uh i saw the impact on the dust here and then obviously i popped the balloons right afterward and that should be on tap to cam footage so the six creedmoor is definitely a capable cartridge just that rifle isn't 100 tuned in yet i'm still working on it um but shooting elr today was a lot of fun my son did a great job i'm not sure if that was you or me i'm gonna call it you i think he hit it yeah so the six arc versus the six creedmoor both of these were loaded up with 115d tax and a lot of folks say the six arc isn't a capable prs cartridge or it lacks velocity it does but however it's consistency that you need versus velocity now obviously we had a little bit of wind today nothing to justify um that the six arc will hold a better in the wind however i do know that the six arc does have a lot of wind drift comparable to the 308 but just like any other dope once you figure it out you know your consistency dial it in and you'll be on target and that's what i've been noticing with the 115 detox there's a reason why i load these up on the six arc so i've been taking this cartridge out past a thousand yards quite often and uh shooting some local matches prs the six arc is holding up to those guys that's shooting six dashers six gt six creedmoor and um a lot less recoil easy to load for cfe 223 28.5 grains 2.260 115 d-tac seems to be the ticket for my rifle well folks thanks for watching hope you guys enjoyed this we'll come back out here when we have more daylight we'll push this cartridge out a little further and see how far we can actually push this thing to where it starts just to not hold up anymore but now that we have a good dope at 1800 yards the first time taking it out that long i can figure out basically 2 000 yards and see if the six ark will hold up well thanks for watching stay tuned stick around stay safe god bless i'll see you on the next video oh
Channel: Eagle Eye Shooting
Views: 8,291
Rating: 4.9498749 out of 5
Keywords: 6 arc loads, 6 arc, 6 arc 115gr, 6 arc bolt action, 6 arc vs 6mm creedmoor
Id: sBzmx2KHEA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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