RAINBOW DIY IDEAS for When You're Bored

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Sam I would never leave you hungry and she looks like it it's just sometimes you're too annoying so today we'll make you an automated Lego candy dispenser so you don't have to call me to get candies here we are going to need a Lego kit with a lots of bricks double-sided tape and skittles of course alright let's get started we're gonna stick these guys on this big grey brick and now these one more and another one well well oh there it is ah okay let's keep going this green one here a square and two yellow rectangles alright now it's time for these little guys how cute are these little triangles okay wow I have a very interesting job for you skittle need to be divided by color I'll need this empty pack later moving on we're gonna stack these Legos like this and stick them on each side and a bridge okay I can hear you you bad what a slime all right let's keep going let's stick this here and another there another here found out why you haven't subscribed yet but it's watching my video [Music] all right let's keep going we're so close to finishing we'll stick these guys right here and up on top we're just putting the finishing touches now up and see that part can move back and forth perfect for dispensing candy and this right on top our finishing touch wanna junk sure knock knock who's there impatient cow impatient kinda like you control myself I'm confident I'm strong almost ready ah just one little detail and here to morrow we'll grab a camp and put some in to strengthen your willpower Sammy just that Sam look how cool it's even better than I imagined [Music] well watch this I'll put a coin in here [Music] I was going to make ordinary cheese toast but since Sam needs my help I'll make it colorful let's add some food coloring to the cheese red yellow green and blue don't be scared of food coloring they're added to candies cakes and soda [Music] Sam experiment number one away to you you won't believe it it's cheese day and you decide that cheese to it train hard fight easy you should learn colors with the help of rainbow recipes it's unusual and delicious what do I need to do well while I'm cooking colorful dishes you should write down all the colors I'm using and then we'll check Wow let's give it a try I'm off to get a notepad [Music] [Music] and I'll brown the toast on both sides first we'll add some butter and put our toast on top one and then the other one [Music] done now let's see what we've got [Music] hmm so beautiful [Music] hey everyone today we're enrolling poopsie toilet rolls and making slime from unicorn food let's get started right here you have a hinged lid I think I need to twist it Oh got it look how many surprises we've got here these baggies are so pretty and shiny this looks like it's an instruction at a catalog let's remove the lid and unroll here let's do what they want us to do Wow look at all this awesome stuff I love love love these colors what do we have here unicorn food such a cute curly bag we've also got some unicorn magic here we've got a surprise scent we don't know how it smells yet and the last item is a magic spoon let's see its newly got doesn't tear so easily come out little spoon I was silvery spoon with a very cute unicorn look it's so adorable now we finally reach these ponies run back these incredible disco style gifts but first toilet paper and move aside your turn will come let's see what we have here Wow something that looks like Pepsi and it's C with a straw so cute what do we have in the second bag what do you think a blue cap I think it's a measuring cup where we're going to pour the water later and now that their daddy let's open it quickly and here we actually ask let's see which one we got oh what a cute little pug mustard color let's make slime for our little pug first I need to fill this measuring cup with water up to the line the line is labeled 15 milliliters one time plop we need to add sent to the water tickets in this bag at least it feels this way oh it looks like a unicorn horn come out come out it's sitting tight in there Oh yellow liquid inside sure it smells lovely let's hurry up and open it hmm smells like Pepsi one two three four five just five drops now let's add some unicorn food too oh I would too early we need to add unicorn food into the cup need to add all of it Oh dust clouds think that's it hmm doesn't look like much at the moment let's cover it with a lid very tightly come on and shake it up shake it up for exactly one minute and now we need to leave it for 10 minutes while it's firming up we'll take the next package let's open it like this items in here oh look at this giant ball here we have another surprise and another and an instruction though it's not as interesting let's unroll our toilet paper piece by piece that's how they tear off like real toilet paper and the first piece holds unicorn food like usual now the second piece ah what a nice sound it's unicorn magic the next one is surprise scent I wonder which one will be here and the last one is a magic spoon let's tear this piece off as well here's our large Cup so round I wonder what it looks like AHA just so long hope it's not a bowling ball inside oh wow that's really something welcome to Hawaii oh there this is probably our measuring cup let's see very interesting so transparent and blue and let's open the poop seat come on open up open up oh it looks like a fruit it's a little pineapple set it over here for now I'm absolutely delighted with this tropical set 30 milliliters of water coming right up one and to huh a little bit more than needed no worries now let's add some Hawaiian Center pada looks just like the previous one remember that you need to add five drops so how can this amazing sent me too much mmm smells like pineapple wonderful you're like I'm working at a children cafe and making shrapnel milkshakes only it's not a milkshake but slime and you can't eat it now let's give our cocktail a really good shake and shake shake shake shake shake shake for one minute and one minute's up but I've completely forgotten about our little spoon it's a unicorn spoon how could I have forgotten to check what's inside it won't open but there it's open now completely the same as last time let's leave it for a while and now the last roll Oh guys what do you see you've got this star from the cover awesome let oh by the way each set has ten surprises in it well the instruction doesn't count it doesn't make a very good surprise the biggest bag usually holds a cup oh wow it looks very tutti fruity number two so bright we can open it right away and make the slime and this requires a special measuring cup but here oh we have a poop see it's not just a poop see it's an urchin it's so cheerful bright orange it makes me smile when I look at it awesome but where is the measuring cup I can't do without it oh come on come on baggie open up will you oh I see something bright and pink what a beautiful color I like it so much I'll set that aside now and it's time to mix up some slime I think you remember what those went but I'll repeat just in case water scent and unicorn food these are the ingredients for magical slime toilet paper it's time to use you let's unroll it quickly let's get away and I need to get the scent where is it aha here it is I wonder which scent comes in this set probably something in between fish and fruit let's open it quickly hmm it was almost right it's pretty scent pretty bubblegum to be exact but not fish and another piece of toilet paper this time with unicorns food oops pour it off with the paper by the way unicorn food is always white but when it's mixed with water it changes color have you noticed that huh I wonder what color it will become this time I need to empty it to the last little speck so it looks more like flour than sand oh it's changing changing changing look beautiful teal color it's amazing losing it by the way we've got a happy poopsie in here and let's start shake it done let's leave it for ten minutes there what time is a time to open fly-ins let's start with Pepsi poopsie pin up little lid oh wow it looks so cool I need to get it out quick oh yeah so soft can't show you all the softness guys I've never touched slim like this before has this lovely lilac color oh wow right now let's add some unicorn magic the slime will either change color or become shiny hmm we'll see oh it's spilling out no let's put it where it's supposed to go ah so pretty looks like pearl dust okay are you ready for some magical kneading ah it's so pleasant it's so pretty it resembles donating a bit magical dough for the most magical creatures right the slime is getting lighter in color and so shiny I can feel magic happening right there let's collect all the magic dust from the table ah look at my hands I'm a unicorn fairy huh I don't think the colour will change any further it'll remain this delicate pink shape pearly pink very beautiful you can put magical slime into the keychain charm and always carry it with you I need to put it in there tightly but it won't fit in there completely oh well I'll tear off of it and close it with the lid you can keep the remaining sign in the cup and cover it tightly with the lid or the slime can dry out next line I wonder what color came out Oh cherry red come on out come on out we want to play with you so much ah dole height it's also very very soft so relaxing it's already become shiny from my hands I need to add a proper dose of magic and need this magical substance let's open the package with scissors it's easier that way and now I'll pour the contents out on the sign what do you think this magical dust is made out of right in the comments I think this magic dust has the same properties as the previous one see look the slime becomes lighter in color and very shiny oh so pretty Wow this round of magic meeting was fantastic and the final slide oh wow what a beautiful blue color it looks like looks like it's just like the real see I've got a magical wave in my hands huh how about some magic huh my magic scissors let's open the package carefully let's flatten it out of it to spread the magic dust more evenly whoa this best isn't shiny at all right let's knead out our magic dough carefully actually some sets also have unicorn sparkles to add this line but you didn't get any oh now it looks like our magic wave has seafoam what an unusual magical effect hmm right you need to try to get all of this dust off of the table it turns out to be sea slime with fruity scent strange don't you think by the way in these sets bottles for mixing slime opened differently some open on top some open on the side and some open on the bottom bunny and done curl be my guest a pup C pug with great pink slime an exotic pineapple with cherry pink slime a fruity urgent with C blue slime which poopsie is the coolest it's up to you to decide
Views: 1,403,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Slick Slime Sam, Slick Slime Sam Live, crafts, DIY, crafts ideas, DIY ideas, ideas for kids, Crafts for kids, diy for kids, family diy, family crafts, decor ideas, hacks, school hacks, school tips and tricks, tips and tricks for kids, learning video, tutorial, tutorial for kids, know how, how to, best crafts for kids, easy crafts, smart ideas for kids, diy ideas for kids, kids videos, kids diy, diy projects, diy family projects, diy kids projects, 5-minute crafts kids
Id: PUTWQfSnyy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 11sec (1091 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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