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I am really excited for this one Hello everybody welcome back to the channel I am Jillian Berry and today we have a legend in the house somebody you guys literally asked me for every day on all my social media accounts we have Lou Corona he is almost 72 years old he's been living the raw living Foods lifestyle for 51 years he's literally the healthiest person I know he is my mentor the creator of the infamous lemon ginger blast inspires and changes people's lives worldwide every day just with that and many other things he is incredible and we also have a very exciting very big announcement for you guys today so let's get right into it hello Lou thank you so much for gracing us with your presence we are ever so grateful that goes for me too I'm honored yeah you're amazing you look incredible Lou you are just outstanding and I want to ask you so I know for me anybody who watches my channel they know I eat a raw living Foods lifestyle as well I have for nearly seven years and nothing has changed my life more but I want to ask you why do you choose raw living Foods over cooked food even cooked vegan food or cooked steamed vegetables or things like that why the raw living Foods 100 well first of all when I was 21 in 1973 I was dying in bed and I felt like I was on my last breath so I I turned and surrendered to God asking for his help and guidance and I I really want to know what was causing my issues because I had a big tumor I had acne really bad and chronic asthma I had pain in my joints I was going to bathroom every three weeks so I had really poor digestion going on and so when I asked I want to know what causes I want to know Solutions and I want to know how to live from now on and but in that experience I as I went through this near-death experience and has this total reflection of my whole life I I was covered by this bright light around me and the Lord was next to me and I was given instructions that was shown some things I woke up the next day with these four principles these four principles are simple but powerful and life-changing and I took them on I applied them and within six months everything dissolved the tumor dissolves and everything went away I've been I've been well ever since and it's been like an amazing 51 years like I've been so grateful but but you asked a good question about why do I eat raw living Foods plant-based organic foods and all that in cultured Foods almond coconut yogurt and the lemon ginger blast and the gorilla milk and the liver detox drink that I make but why do I do that well when I learned that that when you cook food it's dead so when I stopped eating dead animals and cook food dead food and I put life in within six months I recovered that was that was a remarkable experience for me and when I tried to pass out to family and friends after that for a couple years no one listened to me they thought I was half crazy back then yeah because it was so different right but after two years I was led to go silent so I went silent for 12 years imagine me being silent for 12 years oh my gosh but I I love it and I have to stop you for one sec I have to tell everybody I'm gonna be traveling to La this summer to interview Lou and we're going to expand on all of this so make sure you guys subscribe and stay tuned for that and sorry go ahead well anyhow I but for me to recover it was so powerful and and so I knew then that I'm just gonna keep doing it it just it just makes sense I promised God that I would and and I would just do what he taught me and that's what that so really out of love and respect and honor and appreciation for my life I I kept doing it because God taught me to do this and and then I did it I got well and then but out of 11 respect out of appreciation for my life and and I I really experienced it that when you put life into your body the the enzymes the the activity that like the life force in your food the enzyme activity is vital it's more vital than we know and understand but but as I learned to put life in and learn how to soak seeds and germinate seeds and even culturize them and turn it into yogurt and learn how to make all kinds of different dishes but but the the life Foods they gave me life gave my life back got my life back but it kept it and it kept it well so I just kept doing it and I just kept feeling great and I just wanted to keep doing that you know and I didn't want to go back where I came from because I learned my lesson right yeah and you were walking the walk talking the talk you are literally I just so you guys know the viewers I spend hours and hours on the phone with Lou and I've never met anyone in my life so passionate about health it is incredible and I'm wondering like where do you think you would be right now at almost 72 had you not taken this path like what do you think your life would be right now if you didn't take the raw living Foods path oh I would have been in heaven you know serving God in in spirit form because I I was right there on my last breath or two I was having a chronic asthma attack at the moment when when I learned all this so yeah I don't think I would have been here yeah that's right yeah I guess you would have no physically but but the the real driving force that kept me here was when I was 16 I was given uh I was given these dreams for a year every night and it was about seven wellness centers and and I I A year later I got that that was a projection that was God's way of showing me a projection of my future where he sees me going and I so I took I made a vow and it's by 17 I made a vow that that's what I would do with my life is to create the seven wellness centers that can help people and uh they were out in the country they had their own Gardens and Orchards they were really beautiful places and people came from everywhere in the world to these places so they're very special and and even though they still haven't happened yet I've been working towards them all this time so when I was at my deathbed at 21 I now that was my driving force to live and to stay alive and get well so I wanted to get well and stay well so I could fulfill what I'm here to do and so I still see it coming and it's a it's around the corner to fulfill the you know that that vision and and that aspiration in my life but but anyway that that was my driving force that made me want to live and and get well and stay well so I could fulfill that for the sake of humanity and it's clearly worked I see videos of you doing the planks and you I don't know anyone with the strength you have it's just it's unbelievable well like I said the four principles so when you when you learn how to visualize powerfully and when you learn how to speak things into existence and when you put your heart into doing something whatever that is and when you put the good fuel into the body believe me I've learned that we can actually go plant-based relatively foods and live it successfully through life because I've been doing it for you know 51 years so I know it's truth and I know it's real it's just that most people don't know but but I'll tell you this whoever comes to that event on was it is it July 6 I believe yeah let's tell them right now because we haven't told them we didn't share the announcement yet so yeah do you want to tell them we're hosting an event together I'm going to be introducing Lou sharing a little bit about my story and then Lou is going to be putting on a talk which is very exciting on Thursday July 6th and yeah if you want to expand let them know we are so excited everybody so go ahead Lou uh well I I assure you you will see and experience things there that you probably never have experienced but it'll be it'll be worth your your time and effort to make it a point to be there for yourself that's why we're doing the event for those for the certain few people that are actually looking for ways to enhance the integrity and the quality of their health and wellness it's for those people that are looking to live up to their potential to be as healthy and as strong as vibrant as they can and enjoy that quality life that we all deserve to have right yeah mm-hmm yeah absolutely and just hearing you speak Lou I can tell you guys I spent a lot of time on the phone with Lou and he makes me want to be a better person and want to be a healthier person and every time I get off the phone with him I feel so inspired and encouraged and just think how can I live my life better so I know the talk will be so powerful and it's nice it'll be very intimate so it's only going to be about 500 people so I'll put the link down below so you can register and hopefully get a seat it's we're doing it small with deliberate intention to make it a really nice environment and we will be doing some mingling after and some Q A's so it'll be just nice to talk to everybody talk to all you guys and just it will add so much value and it's going to be free which is incredible so we're very proud of that and very excited and I will link all the details down below one thing I love about you the most is you've lived a life so connected to God and it's just even when you're hit with hard times you see the positive and you just see that it's meant to be which can be very hard for a lot of us out there when we're facing hard times to see like maybe this is happening for does not to us so I want to ask you how can those of us who live a super busy life even if whether we eat healthy or not how can we connect more like you do you've lived such a life of purpose and for a lot of us it can be hard to connect to God and get those answers so do you have any tips for us or any advice on how we can do that well actually it's really simple it's um forget about you and just and stay present to the Lord you know my mama taught me when I was a little boy you know when I was 10 she said son do you remember that time when when you know just a few months ago when when I was in an auto accident the car flipped three times in the air and they put me in a castle in the neck down you came to visit at the hospital with the family I go of course I do she goes well what you don't know because the doctor told me that after after I healed my my bones for a few months um they take the cast off I'll be in a wheelchair I won't be walking anymore for life and so the doctor said that and then he left and then she said but son what you don't know is that that's what they told me but in that moment when the doctor left the room I somehow was able to surrender and connect with God himself directly and I was able to request for him to to heal me and make me home complete immediately so I can go home and take care of my six kids because I was one of them and so she said that she completed that in Jesus name because he's the master and the king of all Kings master of all Masters and so that's what she said and then the moment she said that she had this tingling warm cessation run through her body and and her body was healed instantly and all her pain was gone so she called the doctor back in and said you need to get this cast off at me I need to go home now my Pain's all gone I'm good test me if you want so he tested her took the cast off and she walked out of there and went back to a normal life she took care of the kids and went back to work and went back to normal function and so she wanted me to know this because she wanted me to know that from here on out in my life I I can go directly to God and I can ask and request for whatever I need in Jesus name and I'm going to get it I'm gonna receive whatever I ask in his name wow because it's that powerful so what she didn't note at the time but at school I was being beaten by 10 guys classmates out in the field for about five years and that was they were telling me that they're going to take me out if they're going to kill me and take me out if I tell anybody so I was terrified for five years so when my mom left to the store to make a dinner I I went in the closet and the first time I prayed and I asked God to to help protect me from any harm forever and um in Jesus name and the moment I said that I had a kingly more Association around my body I want to experience that wow and my fear my fear was all gone and and I haven't suffered with that fear issue anymore and and then nobody ever hurt me ever since from that moment on I've been protected so when I was dying in bed at 21 and I had the big tumor and I had this chronic asthma and I was suffocating and you know I had all these things going on I I asked God to help me and teach me and guide me and everything and what to do and and then I had this experience and I was showing these four principles and I followed them and I didn't and then everything went away it never came back in 51 years so you can see I'm pretty excited about it right and look at your energy Lou look at your energy at almost 72 I should just say 72 because it's right around the corner but look at your energy look at your happiness you know and look at just when I talk to you even your voice everything I feel like I'm talking to somebody that's literally like between 35 and 40. you literally and you look 30 years younger you look around my age group right I'm 40 and you look like you're around my age group it's mind-blowing so it the proof is in the pudding and I just want to ask you can you give us a rough overview or if you you want to extend your thought to just of what you currently eat in a day well I just wanted to cap off the statement of the real secret behind it really what this thing about being connected is is mastering the art of being grateful if you if you can do that one thing breathe slow and deep and and be as present as possible being grateful for every experience you go through in this life take full responsibility full complete responsibility for everything you attract into your life knowing that it's it's in order for you to learn from it to grow and to evolve it become stronger and wiser better because of it so it's it's really to your benefit so by being grateful for everything you experience in this life and and see the benefits see the opportunity see the lessons and every experience you have you have a chance to keep learning evolving and growing and Mastering the Art of Living and and you cannot help but to be happy and excited about every day every moment that you're in you see what I'm saying see I do you make me want to be a better person and I I swear you do that's just what I think of you you do you're so inspiring you're such an amazing person and you're so inspiring and so amazing Lou I mean that from the bottom of my heart well thank you for saying that yeah it's true look at you you know it's such a light just the raw foods and it reminds me of that photography you and I were speaking about that on the phone yesterday the photography all throw it up on the screen right now where you see the apple and how full of life it is and then you see the piece of meat beside it and it does not have nearly the life for that the apple does or even the cooked food versus the raw food which I'll put on the screen right now as well and it's just that photography is so accurate because look what I speak to you too on the living foods for all these years it's so incredible and I have to ask what are you currently eating in a day if you don't mind sharing oh God I you know I I love I love drinking that lemon ginger blast I not only helped me to get well but it helped me to stay well so so I do enjoy a quart of the lemon ginger blast I like to do that daily so when I get up in the morning I mean obviously I count my blessings and I I give God thank you for so many different things in my life you know I appreciate so much but but I do I do drink a little bit of good clean water you know it's like it's a good clean pure alkaline structured energized water but thereafter I'll drink a quart of the lemon ginger blast because when you drink it it not just oxygen nature and hydrates you but it also alkalinizes your body and it detoxifies the body it energizes it but also neutralizes free radicals from damaging your cells so it's a it's like a very powerful drink to have every day so I do that but afterwards I mean several hours later when I feel hungry uh I I like to have I I'd like to make this really powerful smoothie I make almond coconut yogurt and I'll put some in there with some berries a handful of some greens and a piece of fruit like maybe a mango or a pineapple or whatever and I'll whip it up into a smoothie it's like it's like a quart and it's like a meal replacement and but it's so full of life and so much energy and power in it and it's incredible so I have that and then later I like to have Gorilla milk I I I love that drink it's a really powerful drink so I interchange it with Gorilla milk or the liver detox drink which I can tell you about that later yeah but later I enjoy these beautiful hearty salads that I make and and my dressings are usually either a nutsy yogurt of some sort in avocados and you know in the veggies and the greens and sprouts and make a nice hearty salad and I'm telling you it's very Hardy and it's very powerful and it makes me feel great and it's very it's very filling but but it doesn't give it doesn't have that heavy feeling afterwards you know I mean like or but um yeah I mean I keep it pretty simple I do drink uh probably a couple quarts of good clean water a day and I I definitely have the limited glass and the gorilla milk and I alternate I do stretching throughout the day you know I do breath work and I'll tell you all the rest of it later yeah when I come we'll have to expand on that and show and do like a day in a life and show all your strength moves and everything which I'll try put in this video maybe at the beginning why do you think so many people have health problems today like what do you think is the root of most of the problems that we're having well you know sometimes people ask me questions like what what is really the cause of all sickness and illness and premature aging or whatever and I go well it's a combination of things if I if I was to say one word it would be toxemia toxemia I'm talking about toxic thinking toxic emotions toxic environment that you get exposed to a toxic body so and one of the common denominators that people suffer with across the world is poor digestion so when you're not properly digesting in property absorbing and property and metabolizing and converting your fuel your food into Energy Muscle Hair Skin and Bones and everything else and also if you're not properly eliminating the waste from the body and running efficiently that has been linked to why people suffer today so those are that that's what I would say if that's why people suffer because they just don't know they don't know how to combine whose property or prepare Foods properly and they definitely don't know much about the enzyme potential inside the food and how we're we're using up so much of our enzyme potential as we go through life we just don't know that food yeah when they go to the talk they're going to understand in depth more about that it's going to be very revealing and very powerful yeah it's going to be absolutely amazing yeah so I'll link everything down below and it's been such an honor to have you on and to share about our talk that's coming up it's going to be so powerful and so amazing to do that in person there's just so much power to doing that in person if there's anything else you want to share about the event if someone was to comment what can I expect if there's anything else you think we're missing then absolutely share that or anything you want to end off with and then everybody I will link everything below and you can stay tuned for more videos when we're in LA and I hope to meet you guys there when I'm there in at the event I I would say well you know it's one thing to meet someone like myself that has gone through so much and in so much experience I have witnessed and have learned so much from the whole experience of life and all that you know you're also going to see likely other people there that have had some other experiences that are incredible and to be in their presence and to hear what they have to say and their outcomes and so on it's pretty powerful and it just you you just you end up experiencing because I've had so many people from all over the world you know come to these events and and they they basically say things like that it was so inspiring it was very motivational very informative and life-changing I my life will never be the same after going to that event I I know now why I need to do what I need to do and go where I need to go I have a better idea where I'm going with my life now now I have an idea how I can live up to my potential or I didn't have that hope before a lot of people lose hope and so we're to give people back their hope and possibility they can't they that we actually can cleanse heal regenerate ourselves if we could just learn how to do that and be willing to step up to you know step up and be responsible about it you know what I mean yeah absolutely absolutely so for those of you that want to live and live well get well stay well and have a great life I think you want to be there yeah for sure and it'll be fun it'll be great it'll be fun oh absolutely well I've enjoyed this I've had so much fun talking to you I always do and I just always feel like it's so inspiring and it just encourages me to live a better life and just triggers me with inspiration when we speak so thank you so much Lou oh you're welcome that was the intention to begin with we were and to be healthy and have a happy life and never be sick when I got cued in on that that's when I really was asking okay if that's the case then why am I like this so I want to know what's causing it I want to know Solutions and I want to know how to get well and stay well show me how to live you do that I'm in yeah we need to find out so much more about you and what you're doing and we will do that at the event and in the other videos but I just want to ask one quick last thing have you been sick at all over these last 51 years of raw foods have you faced any health struggles or health challenges let me just say it this way nothing ever came back I've been feeling great everything works in my body uh successfully and everything but I think that there's some times in my life in my travels or overextended myself or over exerted myself and got myself like pushing the envelope too much you know what I mean and go and putting just trying to help this person and that person and handle that call and just balance and I got myself out of balance and there's there's there was a few times here and there where where I got exhausted enough or I couldn't even drive my car anymore yeah and one time it kind of scared me a little bit but at the same time I felt like I was being protected I I got back from a tour and I was completely spent and I laid down I closed my eyes and I was gonna probably crash for 12 hours and I got a phone call an emergency phone call and I I and and to to do what I did I had to drive about an hour and a half to get there to help these people and then drive back and and then drive back afterwards and the rain was coming down really really hard and but I made it back about halfway back yeah and and and when I woke up at uh at my destination I wondered how I got there because I don't remember driving to the destination wow yeah I'm just telling you that my weight my my steering wheel was being somehow handled you know yeah and so I I realized and then I need to find that balance and try to keep that balance for I always make sure to get enough rest and take care of myself too you know so so sometimes we can uh eat really well but sometimes we need to consider getting rest when the body wants rest and when it needs it you know what I mean and so yeah but there's times where um I've hit moments of exhaustion because of overdoing myself yeah just service more people than sometimes I can keep up with so that makes sense and I think that can happen a lot with us these days with all the technology too not enough balance between technology and nature and all these things and that's where your four principles come in and everything and I just think it's incredible so I look forward to the talk I can't wait and I look forward to seeing you in the summer and to the viewers to all of you I look forward to possibly seeing you at the event as well I can't wait I think it's going to be absolutely incredible mind-blowing and amazing well my last thing that I would say to everyone that may be hearing this recording is just know that and I can speak on your behalf on this just know that we love you and appreciate you and and want only the best life you could ever acquire and have in this life so thank you for listening yeah amazing beautiful and thank you for coming on Lou and we will have you on again soon and to the viewers I hope you enjoyed this I hope it added some value we do love you give it a big thumbs up make sure to subscribe if you don't already and we'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Gillian Berry
Views: 40,115
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raw vegan, vegan, long term raw vegan, 50 years vegan, 50 years raw vegan, lou corona, raw vegan lou corona, lou corona lemon ginger blast, lou corona 2023, lou corona yogurt, what i eat in a day raw vegan, raw vegan before and after, what i eat in a day vegan, long term vegans, how to go raw vegan, how to eat raw vegan, gillian berry, fully raw, raw food diet, raw vegan diet, raw vegan youtubers, how to feel happy, how to be grateful, spiritual stories, lou corona 72
Id: NYyYozk0CDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 40sec (1540 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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