#51 The Third Piece of Pi straight pour

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two one hey y'all it's krista so i know that i said that i wasn't going to do um another video for my four piece commission but um i've done two i record everything so um even if i don't post it i record it um but the first one came out really nice it's this one back here when i bring you down for the close-up on this one i'll show you this one as well in a close-up because it's really pretty so i've already used the copper and this time i'm going to use the antique bronze um this antique bronze is super pretty it's like mocha chocolate it's awesome but when i get eric to get me down to the canvas i'll introduce all the colors again um so i hope you enjoy seeing number three let's get us down to the canvas okay so i introduced the antique bronze and i'm using the same 24 by 24 inch canvas but i'm also using again the berry the decoart americana and i'm using pearl decor americana the sky blue light in amsterdam the amsterdam acrylic inks in grayish blue and then the two pbos the iridescent blue green and the iridescent green yellow so i took notes on how i did my first pour and that's how i've been pouring uh these canvases so that i can keep them all kind of still looking the same um but introducing that different metallic to make them a little different but still a cohesive piece so i've got my little how to pour notes how i poured my first one got my big cup so my first step says that i need to start with the pearl so that's what i'm going to do i'm going to put a little bit of pearl there's a dog hair in my pearl we got her a new toy and she's been going kind of crazy and now dog hair is flying all over my studio so okay we'll add a little bit of pearl and then i'm going to put in the sky blue lights and then i said i did gold so i'm going to do the antique bronze on top of that and then i'm going to lock it in like i would the gold it's my old standby always have white on hand okay set that off to the side and then it says that i use the berry this color is so yummy if colors had a flavor this would be black cherry by far so pretty and then it says i use grayish blue and then the iridescent blue green i'm going to add a heftier dose of that that i did the on the first one and then i'm going to add pearl no i'm going to add the antique copper and then white i don't want to scrape it on the side of my cup because that's like i don't want to get the colors mixed in my big one and then i'm going to do the iridescent green yellow this color is yummy too it's like key lime pie in a cup and then i'm going to do pearl and then the sky blue sky blue's so pretty the sky blue light and then i'm gonna do berry it says i use a lot so i'm going to use lots then antique bronze and then the white again and iridescent green yellow and the iridescent blue green pearl then i'll use the berry and the grayish blue and i'll use this iridescent green yellow and i think i'm just going to end it with that because it's going to be on the outside anyways all right so i'm going to set all my cups aside that i'm not going to use as a flow extender because everything here is going to get added to and made because i still have one more painting to do um set that aside too may use this as my flow extender all right i'm gonna set my cup aside and i'm going to thin down my antique bronze because i won't use antique bronze again so i'm going to make sure i use it up okay all right i'm gonna put that down in the center and i'm gonna put it all down because i don't have a reason to use it again anytime soon anyways okay i've got something chunky on my canvas so i'm gonna pick that out set that aside and i'm gonna torch my middle all right then we're going to go for it and pour this out all right let's go okay i'm gonna twist it around bring it this way pull back my cup and hope i do a good catch nope i didn't that's why i got my sticky stick i can fix it okay gotta love the little stick all right there's some cool stuff going on in here that antique bronze is definitely a pretty color all right i'm going to pour the white around i'm not going to thin it down i'm just going to spread it out thinner okay dog hair is floating in here like crazy all right i'll take my omelette turner and i will shove this up against the paint serious business right so while i'm doing this i'll tell you about bella's new toy we have a new home goods that just opened up in our in my town and they have the cutest pet toys in there and i saw this lion and it was just the cutest so i think it's going to be one of those toys she doesn't chew up because if they're soft and fluffy she won't show them up but if they have like that rough texture she she will chew them up like it's a job so i try to get the ones that are soft and fluffy i think she maintains dominance over them or something she's silly okay so i'm gonna scrape my spatula my omelette turner and set it down and i'm a torch this it's like a million bubbles in here y'all okay get the center now okay we're gonna start spinning this up let's see what it wants to do y'all this this green yellow this iridescent green yellow it's so pretty all right i think i'm going to take it off this corner first because there's less action going on in that corner i'll walk it though because it looks like it's going over there weird okay now i'm gonna bring it back since the weight of my paint is already on that side i'll take it down this way it's moving all uneven today what is it doing you know what i'm gonna stop that and bring it back and i'll come back to that corner because i don't know what the heck it's doing i think i'm going to take it off this corner next come on okay i'm gonna bring it back i'm gonna spin it around so y'all can see and i'm going to go this way transparency in this today is absolutely gorgeous did i make it no i'll make it make it i'm gonna bring it back so that i can get it to get this off the white off the edge all right i'm gonna bring it back i'm gonna pull it back this way to get down to here get that weight of the paint down and i'm gonna take it this way is it going to behave yep i think it is okay i'm doing finger rolls on the side because the sides are being weird okay i'm gonna bring it back a little bit more because i still gotta get this corner over here bring it down and let's see if we can get this corner taken care of i'm doing some super stretching today and i'm over okay all right now where do i want the center to be i think i want to try to keep it as much in the center as i can like i did on the first painting i'm getting that awesome lacing putting that sky blue light next to that pearl again so my center is going to have that beautiful lacing okay i think i want to leave it alone i'm going to catch my corners okay if i have to get the other corners i'll get them with my stick okay you know i've got to bring you down because it is super cool all right let me come get you okay before i before i show you this up close here is the dried result of the first one so pretty so much going on in here let's hope this one does the same thing all right so here's the bottom corner and then i've got all these super cool cells and then we go into this this is it looks way darker on here than it does in real life but look right here look at the transparency in that corner oh my then you come in towards the center got all this cool action going on and look at that lacing that pearl and sky blue together just makes amazing stuff happen transparency alert right here super cool now i know that more cells are going to pop up and this after i shut this video off here's another transparency alert right up here well right there and then right up here this piece is super cool so when this is dry i'll show you a dried result of this one as well i hope you have an amazing day and i will see you all soon bye y'all
Channel: Krista Rasmussen Art
Views: 744
Rating: 4.9139786 out of 5
Id: XvqTe8c4VyQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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