SECRET TOOL BUBBLE ACRYLIC POUR PAINTING inspirational tutorial #acrylicpouring #painting #fluidart

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Hello everybody, thank you that you chose my video  to watch. I'm Veronika Mii from Mii paintings   and i'd like to show you this colorful painting  tutorial. I'll be creating acrylic pour with   beautiful twists and I'll be using all these  amazing colors. I use these colors from lucas   cryl studio. You come from all over the world,  so i don't know where you could buy them. You   will have to search them online. I can buy them  in my local art shop, but i come from the czech   republic so i don't know where you could buy  them, but you'll have to search online or you   can use different brands. Your favorite ones which  you use. And I'll be using this viridian green,   this one is yellowish green, then i  will show you how to make this yellow   so you can do that too. Then i've  got this indian orange, cadmium red,   this one is a mixture of carmine and a little bit  of titanium white, this one is mauve, lavender,   this one is beautiful turquoise color and the  last one is cyan blue. And i'll be using my   white mix as a base. This is mixture of  titanium white and pouring medium in ratio   one to one. and now i would like to show you how i  mixed my colors. So let's move this aside so here   i've got my little cup and i will put a little  bit of this cadmium yellow on the bottom of my cup   like this and i like using these colors because  it's like how much is it it's it's half liter   so it's for a good price quite a lot of  colors and for acrylic pouring you always need   quite a lot of colors so that's just  a little bit on the bottom of my cup   and then i add my pouring medium and i make my  own pouring medium from glue and water i use pva   glue in my country i use this brand hercules but  it's in in usa elmer's glue or different brands it   needs to be pva glue or craft pva glue and then  i mixed 60 of this glue and 40 percent of water   that created my pouring medium and i put it  in this bottle it's bottled from different   pouring medium but i run out so i always make  my own pouring medium and i store it for about   two three months and then i make new one i never  had a problem with it but of course if you like   using ready-made pouring medium it's totally  fine but from my experience the pouring mediums   ready-made pouring mediums which i used were not  good they didn't create many cells but they were   nice and fluid so for different kind of fluid  art you can use ready-made pouring medium but   i prefer creating my own pouring medium because  it helps me to get beautiful cells so i cover   this acrylic color with my pouring medium like  this in ratio usually one to one or a little bit   more pouring medium than the color i'd say it's 60  of pouring medium and 40 percent of acrylic color   the same mixture like my pouring medium then i mix  it up very well you don't want any lumps in there   and of course you can skip this part if you've  seen my previous videos you know i mix them   usually i mix use the same mixture every time i  make pour so yeah you can skip to the painting   part but if you don't know how to mix your  colors then you can watch me cr make this mixture yeah that's perfect and i also add  one drop of silicone oil in each color   so that one and or two it doesn't matter one  or two is fine and then mix it up a little bit   and that's prepared for my so first thing  which i'm gonna do i'm gonna cover my canvas   which is size 38 times 30 centimeters  i'm gonna cover that with my white   base which as i said it's a mixture  of boring medium and titanium white   this one same brand as my colors titanium white  i'm gonna spread it everywhere on my canvas like this and make sure you  cover the corners as well   everything needs to be  covered with this white base perfect so everything is covered now i'm gonna  pour a little bit more white here in the middle   because i would like my colors to spread nicely  so i'm gonna i want some more color in the middle   because i'll be creating double swipe acrylic pour  it's my favorite technique which helps me to mix   all the colors nicely together and i know for some  of you who are starting with acrylic pour it's   hard to imagine that you will ruin your pore  but it's actually not ruined you will create   something amazing i'm going to start with my  green and i'm going to pour this green line here   on the top and then i continue with  the other colors so light green yellow as a swiping tool i will be  using this piece of plastic   which works well and if you don't have a  piece of plastic then you could also use this   plastic foil which could also  be a good swiping tool so let's show you a little magic now i'm gonna use my heat gun to pop all these  cells i'm using cheap heat gun from lidl it's   it has got just on and off it's very hot  it helps to pop these beautiful cells some of them started to show but this is  not it i know beautiful cells are growing   but i'm gonna create that second swipe  which will help me to get all these colors   mixed together and create a  nice mixture so ready steady go and i know lots of you think  now that i've ruined it   completely but i'm gonna show you a little magic i need to move these colors everywhere because  i've got enough colors there i poured that   white there and it helped me to get  enough colors for this amazing abstraction wow look at that look at the beautiful cells   i just absolutely love this  technique because it always   helps me to create this amazing cell explosion i  love this mixture of colors look at the details so many cells so now i'm going to let these dry i know well  they will stretch a little bit and i'm going to   show you what to do next i always wait a week till  this gets dry and then i can start painting on it   so see you soon welcome back after week my pore  is dry and as you can see the cells changed   their shape and i think it's because in my art  studio it was very hot it was over 25 celsius   which is kind of hot and from  my experience when it's too hot   the cells just form into something different so  sometimes if you feel unsuccessful it could be   because of the temperature because of the high  temperature in your room so it might be a tip for   someone wait till it's not too hot if you want  nice round cells but in my case it's completely   fine that my cells are kind of weird because  i'll be turning this piece into beautiful 3d   acrylic pour and for that today i will use my very  secret new tool which i just received from its   company called makers cabinet and they make these  beautiful design pieces for drawing or painting   and look at it i wanted to show you how it looks  because it's so cool and it will be perfect for   my bubbles look how beautiful it is it's this  special round tool which helps you to create   different sizes of bubbles which is amazing look  at that you can decide on the size of your circle   which is amazing for me because i used these  plastic yogurt cups and i couldn't decide   on the size of my bubble but with this tool i  can decide if i want small bubble that's okay   if i want slightly bigger bubble i can still  do that and if i want big bubble then here you   go so i'll be using this secret special tool  today for my bubbles it has got this stand   and you can put it like this so it stands  it's beautiful design piece and this is not   a paid advert i just fall in love with this tool  it's quite pricey but i think it's very helpful   if you like painting bubbles because you can  choose what size you want it it goes from size   0 to 7 centimeters so that's amazing for me and of  course you can still use yogurt cups if you don't   have fans but today i will show you how to create  these beautiful bubbles with this amazing tool   so i'm gonna start with big ones the ones which  will be on the top of my pores so let's choose   these nice spots for my top bubbles i'm gonna  start here and i've got my whiteboard marker   cheap one and it just helps me to see where  my bubbles will be so i'm going to draw this round circle which will be a perfect  spot for my bubble so another one here it's quite heavy so you don't have  to worry that it moves or anything okay so it seems like my top bubbles are done i'm gonna create a slightly smaller bubble and easy just paint the underneath bubble   here and there and then i'm  going to show you what to do next now i'm going to fill this this background  with colors which match my bubbles so   this part will be dark purple this part will  be dark green and some dark pink red orange   and green and so on and the dark background will  help my bubbles to pop out of the beautiful space okay so my background is done  i covered it with colorful   colors and now it's time to turn these bubbles  into 3d pieces i'm going to show you a little   detail let's start with this one and for that  i'll just use a little bit of black acrylic color   and this type of brush blending brush size 10  which is a good size for this bubble but maybe for   the bigger one i'll use bigger brush and  for smaller one i use smaller brush and   usually i paint the top part black and  the bottom part white but this time i'll   paint the black all around my bubble because  it will go well with this kind of background so   i always put my brush in water tap it on a tissue  and then put a little bit of black on my brush and go like this go over this and this surface it  behaves differently than usual acrylic painting   because this is a pore you will have to  blend it a little bit differently than   than normally so i always put my brush in  water and then blend that black color like this so the top part is black and i'm  creating that 3d effect right now by putting my brush in water  and blending this black you have to work quite quickly otherwise your  color gets dry and you won't be able to blend it let's put a little bit more on  the bottom bottom of my bubble the end it already started to look more 3d now you can see this looks much more 3d than  this the black color helps it look helps it pop   so now i'm going to finish the rest of them with  black and then i'm going to show you next step now all the bubbles are painted so it's  time for my shades and i will paint   shades underneath each top bubble so here here  some shades here it helps with that 3d effect so all the shades and bubbles are painted and  the last step is painting reflection on the   top of my bubbles and it will add that beautiful  shine let's say the light source is coming from   this way so i will be painting my reflections here   on this part of my bubbles and for that i will  be using my acrylic marker from artistro i will   put the link down in the description box for you  if you'll be interested and this is just easy for   me to paint with this because it has got this  fine tip and of course you could also use white   acrylic color but this is a faster way for me so  let's show you a little detail you have to pump it   and then you can paint with it or draw with  it so here we go here's my first reflection on the top and also here on the  bottom just a very thin little line like this and here you've  got your beautiful bubble   i'm gonna finish the rest of them  and show you the finished result And this is the result of my bubble acrylic  pour and if you've seen my previous videos,   you know bubbles are quite a signature piece for  my artwork, because I just love how they look and   what they represent. the circle circle of life and  circle of love. And I hope these bubbles inspired   you to create your own beautiful art. I hope you  enjoyed this tutorial. If you did please give it   thumbs up or share it with your friends, because  that helps a lot. You can also join my facebook   group which is called Create with mii and show  us your beautiful art. You don't even know how   happy you make me by watching this video.  I'm so grateful that you watch my videos and   that I can inspire you. Thank you for everything  and I can't wait to see you again bye.
Channel: Mii Paintings
Views: 28,330
Rating: 4.9666338 out of 5
Keywords: acrylicpouring, painting, bubbles, accrylicpour, acrylicpainting, fluidart, veronikamikalova, miipaintings, art, modernart, contemporaryart, paintingtutorial, fluidartist, artist, howtobeanartist, howtopaint, create, inspire, love, famous, artideas
Id: BSrGBsgxd_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 30sec (1230 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 17 2021
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