51 Legendary Single Player Story Games You Absolutely Can't Miss

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[Music] life is strange I love this game it's a story-rich experience that will make even the coldest of Hearts feel emotional don't nod did an amazing job creating a beautiful and heartfelt game life is strange is an episodic Adventure game where your choices affect the outcome making subtle or significant changes throughout you feel empathy for the characters and the game tackles mature themes like depression it's similar to Telltale Series games but with its own unique flare I've experienced nothing like it before the soundtrack is gorgeous with emotional and touching scenes that handle surprisingly heavy topics the scenery is beautiful making the game visually stunning there isn't much ongoing action but it's a highly story Focus game that's incredibly engaging I highly recommend life is strange it's a masterpiece that offers a unique and immersive experience all Max I have to focus on making sure this drone doesn't crash I'm almost sure Warren has the same back it looks a bit nerdy though a rockstar classic Len War this is a detective story where you need to search for Clues interrogate suspects victims and Witnesses and decide if what telling you is the truth doubtful or a lie if you choose that it is a lie you need to use the clues that you found to confront them with the truth you do this for 21 cases spread across a variety of police investigations the era is set in the late 40s post World War II you are Cole Phelps a veteran who has come home and join the LAPD the game is an open world very similar to GTA with a beautifully rendered Los Angeles of that era there are a variety of cars for you to drive as well as trucks you can follow the main storyline or drive around searching for film reels badges Street crimes and collecting every single car available in the game if you haven't played this game yet I would definitely pick it up as into a classic in the list of games that Rockstar has created I brought a radio from there that's [Music] all Last of Us One remake not exactly an open world but a very big game I'm insanely glad that I got the chance to play this masterpiece Last of Us is a game that has everything in it it's an allout package I don't think there's anyone here who haven't played the game however let me tell you something if you were skipping these games just because they introduce zombies and post-apocalyptic setting then you're really missing out on a lot the overall game is more than what you see on the surface the graphics and visuals are immersive that captivates the players attentions and the storyline is amazing which shows the relationship development between the two main characters you will see many different areas and not just the usual destroyed buildings and suburbs you can also try the second part but as for me it will never provide the same experience as the first one the graphics and the introduction of new characters makes the second part worth playing there's a fair amount of combat in the first part which also provides a sense of realism multiple weapons and different ways to kill enemies makes the game engaging you can switch between complete stealth mode or straight up guns blazing all the traveling gives a beautiful immersive feeling and the relation between Joel and Ellie is a cherry on on top I honestly admired everything after completing the game however I do agree that if you were in a mood for some light action-packed fun games then this one is not a great choice I suggest considering other games from this list K Bridge of spirits one of the most visually beautiful double a game of recent times the game is wonderful considering it was the Studio's first game ever the blend of animation and art is just perfect I still remember when I first saw the trailer of this game I was completely mesmerized by the beauty of it I also fell in love with it after playing the full game the traversal combat and environment are genre defined but add a soothing Touch of Pixar Vibe also the enemies are quite difficult even on normal difficulty setting the combat requires you to be always on edge of your seed as you can literally die several times in this game exploration is great and you are rewarded for every puzzle solved or area explored which in turn either contributes to you learning new skills or purchasing different types of Cosmetics the story line is nothing short of impressive it's always stunning to see the seamless transitions from cut scenes to gameplay the concept of this game is about Kenna a young spirit guide who is trying to help the spirits in a corrupt land all this becomes the next level as the game is also available to play on PS5 I know that on the surface the game feels like an indie kind of like Legend of Zelda type where the environment and enemies feel peaceful and easy but in truth Kenna is a really polished game and came as a surprise for the players if you want something that's visually beautiful and has a decent story line then this game is for you I can see that you both look very strong do you know who that Spirit was with the horned mask we don't know but when he shows up the girls poison grows stronger bisher's ghost of new Eden the whistle thick skin gave you oh [ __ ] the concept of this game is pretty cool that players can play as both human and ghost but the problem was the entire combat system the game felt extremely easy and kind of like a ripoff god of war combat the best thing about bishers is its exploration and a fair share also goes to the storyline even though some areas were kind of boring and felt deserted somehow the game still manages to engage you with its characters and choices if only the developers had improved the gameplay mechanics then this game would have gotten more positive reviews combat is the main issue as it seems highly basic with not much room for improvement despite having an efficient skill tree just to give you guys a quick overview bishers is a game that's about a husband and wife who happens to be bishers the guys who remove curses and Spirits one day they receive a message that they must visit a town and solve the mystery of what's going on there so the whole story makes you unravel Mysteries and find links or Secrets which ultimately result in solving the entire conspiracy about the town the game also lets you make several choices which will either bring your wife back to life or release her spirit from the living world there are some cool side quests as well I personally like the visuals and areas in this game as the developers make you explore certain areas for full completion overall I would just say that the game needs an improvement in combat for a more fun and exciting experience now you're ours plague tail innocence plague tail is a game that is only for story loving and immersive environment fans the Highlight is the relationship between the two main characters and how realistic killing feels in the game The Not So turn-based feature deserves a lot of appreciation as the game forces you to switch between the sister and the brother to complete puzzles and unlock certain areas the game seems highly realistic in terms of gameplay in combat unlike other games you can't just go straight ahead and Bash enemy's head in plague tail you must rely on stealth and sling shots or even Stones the game kind of tells you that you're a normal human and you don't have superpowers it's not for everyone but it's something you will highly appreciate after playing it there is not much intense action but the game is rather slow paced and more stealth focused if you are someone who can adjust yourself and make peace with the pacing and story buildup of this game then don't look further as plague tail innocence will be a nice choice there's also a recently released sequel titled plague tail requium which improves on the gameplay and visuals of the previous game nevertheless the story relationship development character and World building are some of the peak aspects of this game the world is also kind of medieval where you will see Knights and a bunch of dead bodies as well it's also not for players who easily get traumatized as the game features several scenes which can be an eyesore and uncomfortable for some players in the end I just want to appreciate the developers as I never would have expected such an amazing AA game oh my God are they all dead we can't carry on Amia we have to follow the aqueduct evil West this is a game that some might say is a crossover of Red Dead and God of War now don't get your hopes up I admit you may feel some Red Dead nostalgia in the first few cut scenes but the overall game is nothing like that evil West mostly provides the players with distinct area designs such as wild west dark M shafts and Dusty Frontier towns each location is thoughtfully designed to provide a unique and memorable experience I'd say that the game is mostly about just obliterating your enemies with some cool weapon attacks including punches and electricity Tesla the story is highly basic but still manages to make a complete Double AA game blending with graphics and gameplay mechanics whether battling through hordes of the undead or unraveling the mysteries of the game's Dark World players are sure to find plenty to Love in This thrilling adventure I just kind of felt that the entire game was slightly slow paced except for the combat don't get me wrong combat is thrilling and you feel like an absolute Beast while stomping and destroying enemies however the traveling feels really slow and the dialogues are not helpful every time I started a mission I was just waiting to get to the combat phase and just skip the entire walk or find different passages enemy difficulty in evil West is finally balanced to offer a challenging yet Fair gameplay experience players will face off against a variety of foes ranging from hordes of Undead creatures to powerful bosses with unique abilities one good thing is the awesome gadgets that you can acquire throughout your playthrough in the Wild West theme which kind of reminds you of Red Dead Redemption Titanfall 2 Titanfall 2 has one of the best stories I've ever experienced in an FPS the relationship between the player's character and his Titan is fun to witness with occasional dialogue choices that amplify their personalities Titanfall 2 story mode often gets overlooked but deserves big rocks released when many shooters focused on multiplayer Titanfall 2 offered a solid singleplayer Adventure that dives deep into the TitanFall World spec Ops the Line as a third person cover-based shooter the game alternates between desert environments and crumbling Urban ruins you command two squadmates who follow orders well and don't constantly get in the way enemies are clever using tactics to flush you out and force you into danger said in a post-apocalyptic Dubai you play as Captain Martin Walker leading a Delta Force Team to find Colonel John Conrad and his missing Battalion as Walker you face moral dilemmas question your mission and confront the horrors of Conrad's actions and your own choices released 13 years ago this game remains a masterpiece its solid gameplay and decent mechanics are overshadowed by its powerful story which delves into the horrors of war in a way no other game does the narrative is relentlessly depressing and Incredibly well told forcing you to make tough choices spec ops left a lasting impact on me it's a game that sticks with you long after you finish it man had these words to say sleeping dogs sleeping dogs might seem like a GTA clone at first glance but it's so much more the gamep playay is incredibly fun with a combat system similar to the Arkham formula but more flexible you can Button Mash through fights or pull off stylish moves if you prefer while Gunplay isn't the focus and isn't particularly impressive it's still fun this game shines in its melee combat and open world exploration Sleeping Dogs is well executed with a great story [Music] in an immersive world that replicates Hong Kong beautifully Mafia 2 the developers did a great job recreating the time period with cars radios and weapons handling and sounding authentic the story and Gunplay are well done and if you're a fan of Mafia stories like The Godfather Mafia 2 is worth a shot the game offers plenty of action an amazing story in a fantastic 1940s and 1950s setting with a great soundtrack the characters are even better than in Mafia 1 with excellent voice acting and memorable personalities Mafia 2 shows the foundations of a quality game the story and World building are fantastic with elements from both good FAS and The Godfather Mafia 2 is criminally underappreciated and easily the best game in the franchise out to the fence guys got a com now Yakuza zero Yakuza zero is one of my favorite games of all time if you enjoy anime and crme dramas this game is for you the game offers a dense World filled with activities despite a small map it's packed with things to do with the Yakuza Series hdden game Game Pass Sega is finally getting the recognition it deserves the small Map size is offset by the variety of activities [Music] available Mafia Definitive Edition Mafia Definitive Edition is an amazing game it's a pretty linear experience divided into chapters that you can complete in under 10 hours while it's not entirely open world since each Mission starts automatically after the previous one you still get to explore much of the world there's also a free Ro mode where you can explore the stunning City at your leisure although there aren't many activities or side missions to engage in offers a straightforward 8 to 10hour linear experience that's well worth your time DA's gone day's gone is like the last of us but with a bigger world to explore the story is long but well presented I love post-apocalyptic games and this one is unique with its biker gang theme some tailing missions can be boring but the story is satisfying blending the main character search for his wife with the truth about the zombie virus you'll feel like an absolute Beast riding your bike through the open world if you enjoy open world games and zombie apocalypse setting give day is going to try way out is a 2018 action adventure game developed by Haz Light Studios it's a Cooperative two-player Adventure where you play as two inmates who become friends and plan and escape to find and kill their Mutual enemy the game offers an amazing experience with the interactions between characters their development and the overall storyline being its standout features the game play itself may not be phenomenal but the narrative shines brightly throughout the game you'll find random activities for two two players like playing darts baseball basketball Connect 4 and more these activities provide a break from the main story line and help build the relationship between the characters making their bond feel real and authentic the story and dialogue are exceptionally well written drawing you into the character's Journey if you haven't played a way out yet it's an absolute must [Music] playay someone's at the door highi Rush [Music] let's rock big boy the action and soundtracks are the only two things that will make your overall experience exhilarating high-fi Rush is such a different approach as it's a rhythmic based game where you take on the role of the main character and explore the comic book style World personally what made my gaming experience engaging was the combat and soundtracks you will get literal chills while playing this game as every now and then you will hear a banger soundtrack in the background the word boredom will never pop up in your mind in my opinion the game is underrated as not many players have played this game the developers did a great job providing eye-catching visuals and Innovative gameplay mechanics if you like anime style games then this will be your Prime Choice as it was released just recently in 2023 the story is entertaining with some twists and turns uhoh the power now let's talk about some other major highlights of this game the first one is that the characters are well written the dialogue and voice acting are the finest I have ever seen the second one is the ability to immerse the players in constant motion much like the beats in a rock song Some of the combo attacks and Hi-Fi Rush is at the level of games like Devil May Cry and Bayonetta the animation is perfect that complement the overall gameplay look all I'm trying to say is that unlike other third person games out there high-fi Rush is not boring at all and the fast-paced action Takes the Cake I also forgot to talk about the customizations which is a great addition as players can change the character's outfits some of the moments feels like an absolute blast as every beat and song fits perfectly the boss fights are welld designed and even have multiple phases overall I would say high-fi Rush is an experience you don't want to miss out on anyone see the guy that did this that's the defect what no no no no no no no I was just Infamous Second Son don't be a dick huh not bad o I'm so going to be a dick the powers in this game are nothing like I have seen so far for me this game can go toe-to-toe with Spider-Man series in terms of open world and Powers Infamous is a game that you only need to play if you love parkour and free running combining with some of the coolest powers in gaming history this is a game where your only game is to just run around and have fun with your powers while showcasing some cool parkour moves you only need to worry about your choices in this game as your choices will decide whether you have good karma or Bad Karma all this will change certain cutcenes and some missions or gameplay mechanics Infamous is a game that is fantastic if you were in mood for some Freer roaming with awesome looking Powers it's like another Spider-Man game but with different powers fluttery and let me get a shot oh I'm going to burn in hell for [Music] this I may be over exaggerating here but truthfully the four different powers are enough to make you purchase this game the protagonist also looks super awesome while using these Powers especially video and smoke you don't need to play the first installment as everything is easy to understand in the newest part also Infamous Second Sun is more visually improved along with some new gameplay mechanics the gamees core mechanics are its free running parkour powers and the option to free roll you can spend many hours into the game just focusing on the side content and messing with the NPCs sadly the game is only available for PS4 also infamous two was made by Sucker Punch which happens to be the team behind ghost of [Music] [Music] tsushima hey dson I'm in the lantern District [Music] Vamp whenever we talk about the best vampire theme game games the only two names that comes on top are vampir and Bloodlines it's amazing that we are getting a sequel of Bloodlines in the next half of 2024 however I believe that some of us are still sleeping on this game vampir also deserves a sequel for sure even though the game is lacking in terms of combat some players may feel that the combat is sort of basic and lacks some skills or distinct attacks truth to be told the overall combat of the game still Blends in with the other features providing a seamless suspenseful thrilling experience vampir tells the story of a doctor who suddenly gets superpowers and then kind of gets into the mess between saving Humanity by making good decisions and fulfilling his own blood thirst the game is set in a dark London after the events of Spanish flu epidemic so your job is to do a bunch of side quests by talking to other NPCs and solving Mysteries while making sure that all the people in the city are safe and the hospitals or shelters have enough medical supplies the game provides difficulties as you will be facing several other creatures or fellow vampires while battling with your own new found powers vampir perfectly combines all its features such as gameplay Graphics storyline soundtracks and missions to provide an immersive gaming experience the entire game still surprises me as how a mid-level studio made such an amazing game the best thing about vampir is that your ethics and decisions will always get tested as the game gives you choices between staying faithful to your doctor's oath and the thirst for blood every life saved or taken has Ripple effects throughout the city altering its balance of power and potentially unlocking new narrative branches and endings rise of the Tomb Raider just as last stretch to the top all right let's see what's up there now I could have included the first Tomb Raider but the second installment is the best one from the series I agree that this one will take a few hours extra but the overall experience will be Splendid to this day my ranking of best Tomb Raider always goes with number one being rise of Tomb Raider and number two the 2013's version and finally shadow of Tomb Raider lowkey if you have played the 2013 Tomb Raider and is confused whether you should give rise a try than my friend I highly recommend that you should there is so much more awesome stuff to do in this game exploration and cuts scenes with overall Graphics are much better in the second part my personal favorite is the combat from this game which felt super satisfying and highly improved in its prequel rise of the Tomb Raider will take you guys on a journey filled with snow filed mountains caves temples ruins refugee camps and even civilized places it's easily the best Tomb Raider game ever I don't know what happened but this was when the series was at its peak in the newest sequels make sure to comment down your thoughts about Shadow of Tomb Raider but happeny I was right Jonah Dad was right the Divine source is real I wish he was here to see this nevertheless despite all the pros and cons the second installment is easily the best choice for every Tomb Raider fan now about how you play these games and in which order to be honest I know that most of you will only play the recent three games from the franchise so you can start with the original order by playing 2013 first and then rise and finally shatter this way you will be able to appreciate the improved features and will feel more immersive and connected with the game story go back Jonah get the shter Prince of Persia series honestly I have no words to describe this series I am talking about all the Prince of Persia games this is a series that started it all for Ubisoft I have so many amazing childhood memories with Prince of Persia tell me what's your favorite game from the series in the comments mine is Two Thrones all the games have their own pros and cons but I love the Dark Prince transformation in Two Thrones so this is why it's my all-time favorite Prince of Persia game I really believe that within all these amazing games out there some of us still haven't played this OG Series so this will be a great time to play Prince of Persia for the first time or even replaying it for the Nostalgia never nevertheless it's great to see that Ubisoft is making a new Sans of time remake but I am not sure if it's going to happen I wish that we get to see more updates regarding the Remake Prince of Persia is a series that introduced the wall running and parkour moves which captivated us throughout our playthrough it was awesome to kill enemies with different combo attacks [Music] foron to this day the bosses of all pop games are still considered as welld designed the series had it all with its area designs enemies storyline weapons puzzles and move sets I know that I will always regret Ubisoft going with the Assassin's Creed and forgetting about the OG Prince of Persia at least after all this time we should get a new full-blown game and not a remake although by seeing all the hate and negative reviews regarding Ubisoft cause of the recent changes I believe that the company needs to do something else than just Star Wars and new AC games to win back the trust of the players anyways who knows what will happen in the future let's hope we at least get the remake of sands of time in next year for Bon max pain the Fantastic action-packed series of old times I still remember seeing this game on my friend's PC max pain is one of the greatest games of all time I don't think there's anyone who can call this a bad game sure now that we are older and have more experience we can play point out the pros and cons but it's the memories that count we can all agree that we had the best time playing this game the slow motion feature still looks astonishing I don't remember much about the game because it's been many years since I have played Max paint original there are literally so many good things about this game and I think it's pointless to prove how amazing it is so maybe this is not much of a recommendation but rather a mention I don't know if any of you guys will try this game out in 2024 anyways it's still awesome news that we are getting a remake of both max pain 1 and 2 remedy has confirmed confirmed that production will start sometime in the next few months so it's likely that we will be seeing a new remake in late 2025 nevertheless these are the remakes that I get hyped for companies make so many new sequels and most of them does terribly I wish that the developers would focus more on making remakes or sequels of these kinds of Masterpiece games but make sure not to ruin everything max pain is a series full of intense action that quickly goes from gritty to horrifying with its story and images in fact while we are on the subject the storyline of Max pay also deserves its appreciation as it fits perfectly with the overall Gams design not to mention that there's a movie about it starring Mark Walberg this alone proves how much impact the game had on the shooting games Horizon zero Dawn I have talked about Horizon in several other videos as well the game comes up in almost every top 10 list whether it be good graphics best visuals or gameplay and overall the story line I remember when the game first came out I never thought that it will be able to gain such recognition Horizon also managed to get a sequel faster than other games and even the sequel titled as forbidden West is well made if you want something more of a big stunning open world with breathtaking visuals and a touch of sci-fi enemies then Horizon will be your Prime Choice I'm not a very big fan of futuristic sci-fi genre but this game combined all the features and made me feel like that I'm in a fantasy open world the main story is wellmade and there are no major plot twists it's much rather that you gradually understand in the story and pick up the pieces in your playthrough the only downside is that it's way too big 100% completion of horizon will take a lot of your time not to mention the DLC such attention to detail is second only to Red Dead 2 in a few other games Marvel Spider-Man all the three games are awesome Spider-Man 2018 was the reboot of Spider-Man games in the modern consoles I think that most of you have already played this game so I won't go too deep into the story description now in terms of a good storyline first part is better than the second I believe that the second installment only has more improved Graphics or visuals in the Venom thing is also the cause of all the hype gameplay wise Spider-Man 2 is better but the story I feel is better in Spider-Man 2018 though it's just an opinion also there are already a lot of Spider-Man games in the last few decades so I guess this one could have been a nice choice as a final tribute to the [Music] series un Ed 4 my first introduction to the Uncharted Series without a doubt I can say that if you haven't played this one then you're missing out on a lot of cool stuff Uncharted 4 gives a true sense of adventure the game perfectly depicts what it means to find hidden treasures and what kind of problems The Seekers May encounter I'm not going to say much about the graphics because I have already talked about them in another video in my opinion unlike other games or companies Uncharted 4 was the best ending or tribute to Nathan Drake's Journey I'm glad that Naughty Dog ended Nate's story with the fourth installment but I don't want the Uncharted series to end as a whole but anyways the multiple areas such as Islands jungles towns Mansions all these made the gamers feel like adventurers and gave them a feeling that they're looking for Hidden Treasures while going from one clue to another there are also some well-written characters in the game Uncharted games will always be my favorite this is one of those rare game series where every game is just perfect now I just want na dog to release the Nathan Dre collection on PC 2 it was weird to just directly Port the last part instead of going in a chronological order God of War now how many of you remember the hype around this game tell me about your favorite memories from God of War series the 2018 installment acted as a reboot for the original God of War series I really like the idea that New Gen fans will also be able to enjoy the game on Modern consoles the story was perfect as it takes the players through distinct Landscapes while showing the relation between Father and Son it was also great to see atreus's reactions after seeing how famous his father actually is the best way to describe the importance of God of War 2018 is that fans have gotten a new game in the series after a long time this majorly affected the sales along with all the new content and insane graphics that the game provided just give the word hellblade sinuous sacrifice truthfully this was the game that I played on my low-end laptop many years ago and hey the game looked amazing from the outside but ended up quite slow paced boring and disappointing this was my review while playing this game as a 15-year-old however times have changed now hellblade is a badass game and quite linear it will only take you Max 10 hours to finish the story however despite all the pros and cons I want to say that hellblade is not for everyone trust me I'm saying it again it's not for occasional fun-loving Gamers hellblade clearly shows traumatic events Cults psychotic Horrors and dismembered body parts so unless you don't want a good traumatizing horror experience don't decide to play this game otherwise you may feel bored and will instantly drop it Final Fantasy 7 the OG fans will say that I'm wrong to choose the seventh installment from the series for the best story ever but I only played a few final f Fantasy games so I may not have a perfect idea about which one has the best story line though in my opinion Final Fantasy 7 has all the classic characters such as Cloud Tifa and sephra also the overall gameplay action and semi-open world is better in this game the newest remake increases the importance of the seventh part in the series it shows how great Final Fantasy 7 was the main story is more of an uproar against the villains let's just say a battle to reclaim Freedom Sethro also acts as an iconic villain I believe that the seventh installment will be a great choice to get into the series the newest remakes enhanced all the visuals details and Graphics New Gen fans will also be able to experience the classic series and the modern consoles even on PS5 lowkey you can also try the 15th part as it also features a mesmerizing open world if only the developers start to publish remakes of all the best Final Fantasy games it would be life-changing I'm good at it Batman Arkham Knight I still remember when I tried to run this game on my my old laptop and was shocked to see the file size Arkham City and Arkham Knight are the only two best games in the series both games Mark a specific era for the Batman games Arkham Knight acted as a well-made final ending to the iconic series besides having a cool story the game is significantly improved in terms of graphics and World design having a Batmobile is a dream for players like me summary of the story will be that after the events of Arkham City Gotham finds itself under the grip of a vengeful scarecrow as he tries to dismantle Batman's image the overall combat stealth and gliding mechanics have helped Elevate the series throughout its run Batman Arkham Knight is a dramatic finale and an explosive finish to a beloved series there could be a chance that the developers will decide to make a new Batman game but it will only be possible if they are running out of money because these days a lot of new DC superheroes are coming up Resident Evil 4 this one is much better than Resident Evil 2 the fourth installment was a complete change for the franchise several new mechanics were introduced in the game up until the fourth part the Resident Evil series was mostly about Stealth horror and puzzles but this time the developers focused more on the action combat part and truthfully it did remarkably well the game provided the fans with a balanced experience of combat and spooky environments Resident Evil 4 is my favorite game from the franchise Leon is a well-written protagonist and that's the only reason you need to consider playing Resident Evil series The Eighth part may be graphically wellmade but it's the original fan favorite main character that counts the allout action in this game felt really satisfying the blend of horror and spooky environments along with the thrill of blasting zombies heads was an intense experience Detroit become human it is perfect in every aspect the story the graphics and gameplay too as it's an interactive choices matter game Detroit provided the fans with a futuristic experience and a hearttouching storyline I couldn't have expected a robot to have human feelings towards the end of this game I guess the Detroit changes your perspective on the whole AI robotic stuff I am not going to give any spoilers but I am sure that you will thank me after playing this game the short story of Detroit is that you play as an Android and throughout your entire playthrough you make several choices and decisions all these actions or Choices put the faith of both Androids and Mankind in your hands the game shows the story of three Androids who each have their own goals and all these Android stories are interlined now Detroit is a game that anyone can play no Matter What genre do you like you must make peace with the whole sci-fi futuristic open world and the game will provide you with a touching storyline almost every review of this game is five stars from characters to voiceovers and Graphics to gameplay every feature of this game is worthy of appreciation multiple endings also deserve a mention and there are literally a lot of them the amount of choices you can make in this game is Just insane what remains of Edith Finch what remains of Edith Finch is a walking simulator and an emotional Masterpiece that many haven't experienced yet despite its short length the game offers an original and highly interactive experience full of small details the storytelling is a master class making it a must playay you play as Edith Finch exploring her childhood home with a key that unlocks its Secrets as Edith you discover the poetic yet tragic deaths of her family members narrated by the victims themselves the game is beautiful yet disturbing requiring you to act out how each family member died through their eyes this game is more about exploring at your own pace rather than high-paced action the game isn't just an average Indie title it's an unforgetable experience the table was still a wreck from the night we left firewatch firewatch is a unique walking simulator that keeps you hooked with its captivating story lovable characters and cool art style firewatch is a narrative driven game set in the Wyoming forests you play as Henry a middle-aged man dealing with his wife's dementia who takes a job as a fire watcher the game combines beautiful scenery amazing sound design an incredible score and great character development the warm and cozy color scheme along with the beautiful for setting creates a relaxing atmosphere in conclusion firewatch is a game I highly recommend it's a wonderful experience that leaves a lasting impression and I'd love to see more games like it The Wolf Among Us if you like Mysteries violent and War fiction and detectives The Wolf Among Us is for you while it's a simple point and click detective game at its core the visual design is stunning with beautiful comic style cell shading the pacing riding atmosphere and Mythos are top-notch and the characters are fascinating each originating from various folklore The Wolf Among Us tells a mature gritty story set in a war world where fairy tale characters secretly live among us you play as bigy Wolf The Big Bad Wolf solving a murder mystery that hints at a larger conspiracy fans of Detroit become human life is strange or The Telltale Walking Dead series will find this game a must playay the captivating story and characters will leave you on a cliffhanger eager for more thanks couple thousand more of these will be even on that house you owe me this has got to stop you can't keep sneaking off the farm like this the chory the chy offers a solid experience blending cinematic storytelling with player input if you like the idea of a 10 to 15-hour interactive movie this game is for you the character models voice acting and writing create an atmosphere reminiscent of a well-crafted summer camp horror movie set in a summer camp the chory features several teenage counselors as playable protagonists your objective is to stay alive as many choices can lead to Deaths the story and choices are compelling making you think carefully before deciding the game also offers couch Co-op and online co-op options adding to its replay value if you're a fan of the genre the chy is worth a try it's an awesome single player game with an engaging story and impactful choices until dawn it's still one of the best horror games of 2015 unlike Resident Evil it's a choice-based game where your decisions have immediate impacts this makes it a flawed but fun experience the story is a mix but it keeps you on your toes because any character can die without warning I enjoyed this game far more than I expected it's very addictive and once I started I couldn't put it down until I finished my first play through for a relatively early PS4 game it looks great especially the character models the gameplay is light but fun and the acting is solid the game shines in its choice-based story progression where your choices have real and immediate impacts this element makes you empathize more with the characters until dawn is one of the best horror games ever I can play it and watch it multiple times and it's always fun entertaining and still scary I wish more games had this level of quality length and plot [Music] damn it Hannah where are you Red Dead Redemption 2 everyone Raves about rdr2 and it's easy to see why this Rockstar gym is mind-blowing and stands as an all-time best Story game I usually don't get emotional during games but rdr2 broke all the doors by the end you'll miss the characters and moments it's a one-time experience where even a second playthrough won't capture the same magic riding with the gang provided some of my favorite Memories the game offers detailed content and stunning visuals the absence of modern vehicles made traveling more fun and engaging making you feel like a true Wild West Beast it's the best Rockstar game of all time Witcher 3 it's simply my favorite game the story is amazing and every feature complements it making the gaming experience intense the number of side quests is insane making you interact with NPCs and explore various areas unlike other games Wier three forces you to engage with its World exploring every corner the impact of Wier on the entertainment industry is huge evident from the books and live action series The Heart of Stone and blood and wine dlc's also deserve a lot of appreciation Star Wars Jedi fall in order I love this game to Biz even if you're not a Star Wars fan it's a fantastic adventure and combat game similar to Dark Souls the story line is fantastic and leaves room for further exploration like a Disney plus series about C's Master it shows you the path of the Jedi and helps you feel more connected to like Kenobi this game has restored my faith in Star Wars games from EA this game is a must buy for any Star Wars fan overall it's brilliant a solid 10 out of 10 you'll really enjoy it Metro Exodus is one of the best narrative driven Shooters I've ever played departing from the linear style of 33 in last Light it introduces far crylike Freedom with huge sandbox stages despite this you never feel lost thanks to the clear goals throughout the game the storyline and cast of characters are truly impressive initially you feel helpless but as you progress you master the tools and adapt weapons for different situations deciding between allout gunfights or stealth the varied missions numerous modifications for weapons and you extensive exploration brilliant story superb voice cast and great pacing make this one of the best games I've ever played each new installment in this series improves upon on the last and Metro Exodus is no exception the character development is wonderful with depth and meaningful interactions random conversations and moments on the train ride add to the immersive experience I honestly cannot get enough of this series he up there look as dusk Falls as dusk Falls is a unique interactive Story game centered around choices your decisions heavily impact how each scene plays out with even small choices sometimes having significant consequences the game's main story line offers plenty of player influence making each playthrough feel personal the story revolves around two families who cross paths on a fateful day in 1998 the first half of the game covers the events of that day while the second half set many years later shows the long-term effects on those involved the game excels in creating an emotional connection with the main characters and even some of the side characters the graphics blend beautifully static drawn characters with 3D environments creating a unique visual experience the art style is distinctive using a motion comic approach that combines top motion and comic book elements this paired with incredible voice acting makes the presentation Stand Out overall as dusk Falls is a game where your choices truly matter offering a captivating and emotional experience get rid of the cop hey there evening hey Sam The Walking Dead Telltale telltale's The Walking Dead isn't just one game but a collection spanning four main seasons and a couple of spin-offs the series primarily focuses on young Clementine who must navigate a zombie apocalypse making tough decisions that impact her and those around her while the gameplay is minimal mostly involving walking talking and making time choices The Narrative is deeply engaging it feels more like an interactive story than a traditional game similar to The Wolf Among Us despite the limited gameplay it hooks you from the start with its compelling story and memorable characters some argue that your choices don't truly matter in the grand scheme but they significantly shape how the story unfolds your decisions influence Clementine's relationships and how she is perceived whether she becomes a respected figure or a more controversial character is entirely up to you overall The Walking Dead Telltale series offers a unique and emotional Journey Through The Eyes of Clementine making it a must playay for fans of narrative driven [Music] games say hi to your dad yeah I'm sorry Sean jet was a good dude one of the best even in 2024 11 years after its initial release Beyond Two Souls remains a must playay this game keeps you glued to the screen from start to finish with its truly original story that combines elements of suspense drama and emotions the game offers a great portrayal of the main character and her struggles the story is suspenseful and keeps the player curious about what will happen next with many possible endings and beautiful touching music the game ensures that not all choices are obvious you have to be careful not to miss something important or prevent someone from dying overall Beyond Two Souls is one of the best story-driven games out there offering a captivating and emotional experience Guardians of the Galaxy unlike many superhero games that prefer open World gameplay Guardians of the Galaxy is a refreshing level-based Adventure you play as Star-Lord and control other Guardians too immersing yourself in the quirky Marvel Comics Universe with all its foolish but enchanting Cosmic aspects this fun third person shooter takes you through different planets introducing you to various strange happenings beneath all the action is a strong storyline while it shares some similarities with James gun's films the game Dives deeper into character development explaining their personalities and relationships in meaningful ways with engaging boss battles in a fulfilling climax guardians of a galaxy exceeds expectations if you are hesitant about this game when it was announced don't underestimate it give it a try to see how awesome it truly is because unlike you I have a very keen sense of direction Quantum break quantum break released in 2016 is a highly underrated gym with stunning Graphics that's still impressed today the time manipulation scenes alone are breathtaking it's surprising that this game didn't make a bigger Splash upon its release remedy crafted an engaging time travel story with tragic characters unexpected twists in the narrative that kept me hooked the gameplay is simple yet immensely satisfying making you feel like you're in a movie the accompanying TV show is surprisingly well done and well acted although the integration of TV episodes between levels was a bit unconventional on the downside the the game suffers from a lack of enemy variety and pacing issues but still Quantum break is a solid game filled with passion and polish unlike much of the games the service content we see today it tried something unique by blending a TV show with the game and while not perfect it deserves credit for the effort smell one of your long-winded presentations on the horizon cyberpunk 2077 needs no introduction when it comes to Graphics initially it had the potential to be a next gen game but fell flat at release due to numerous bugs and glitches however by 2024 almost all of these issues have been fixed and the game now shines in terms of quality though it still lacks some physics and detail many players including myself dropped the game when it first came out due to high expectations and disappointing performance but now is a great time to revisit and complete the game if you haven't already if you're into sci-fi and missed out initially cyberpunk 2077 is worth giving another shot here's hoping for an even better sci-fi game in the future Dying Light Dying Light is a zombie game that focuses on atmosphere and player movement if you have played Dead Island you already know the basic mechanics craft melee weapons and Bash zombies while collecting supplies but Dying Light employs numerous changes that improve on this atmosphere is perhaps its best asset the day night cycle is a crucial component as there are major changes to mood and gameplay as the sun sets behind the Horizon at night the tension elevates as you experience reduced visibility and face zombies that are Nimble fast and deadly you will be tempted to venture out at night for extra rewards during the day you battle hordes of shambling zombies that are fun to eviscerate with a broad selection of Weaponry the difference between night and day provides a genuine roller coaster ride parkour movement makes navigating the world immensely enjoyable you are able to run jump and climb over buildings with ease you just look at a ledge and hold the jump button to climb the single player is surprisingly entertaining and lengthy with side quests that are often better than those in the story characters are well defined and memorable with more effort given to justify The Game World you run between areas clear safe zones rescue people and collect items story missions might even feature shootouts and indoor levels overall Dying Light is a terrific zombie game that greatly improves the core mechanics from Dead Island it emphasizes the world and how you move around in it the changes between day and night are refreshing and memorable there is a healthy amount of content that will provide dozens of hours of entertainment in Solo or cooperative play [Applause] Watch Dogs one I think most of the people who dislike this game are those who were disappointed about how the marketing didn't match the final product but I went into it blind and it's easily one of the better games I've played there's just something about it that makes it so good in my opinion the second one couldn't top it though and definitely not Legion if you like watching crime movies or shows you will love Watch Dog one story M bosses gangs assassins hackers guns as well as the main character and his family it's a somewhat generic Revenge Tale But the execution is perfect extremely varied Mission design and realistic plot not contrived at all the gameplay is actually simple but that is its strength Drive shoot sneak or hack playing this in 2024 and the world seems more real than ever with the implementation of facial scanning and cameras on every corner very dystopian but close to home more and more in current years Vibes are 10 out of 10 on a rainy night in Chicago being the Vigilante every person having a conversation on the street is actually speak and you can listen to them crimes are occurring down random back alleys that you can stop and stuff like that all in all I couldn't recommend enough as a solid single player story driven Experience ghost of [Music] tsushima finally after all this time players will get a chance to play the game for the first time on their PC there are only two goats of all-time best Samurai ninja games and ghost of tsushima is one of them along with Sakira to this day players still admire the beauty of the open world of this game tsushima is highly capable of rivaling Red Dead Redemption 2 Japan has always been considered as a land of beautiful environments filled with designs and distinct Seasons the combination of several graphical features creates an atmosphere like no other water physics character details gameplay combat open world design in the breathtaking visuals and movements make ghost of tsushima one of the finest Samurai games of all time if I were to choose between sakiro and tsushima then I would choose tsushima for graphics and visuals and sakiro for its overall gameplay Allan Wake 2 tell me if you also had trouble running this game on your PC I own a 1650 and well it made me cry Allan Wake 2 is long awaited sequel of the best horror mystery game to be honest I played the first Allen wake this year and after finishing the game I was patiently waiting for the sequel Graphics that give the players an immersive mysterious experience in the detailed combat capable of blending both horror and action are the only two things that made the game Super popular also we can never forget about the story in the introduction of flashlight combat I mean who would have thought that a flashlight could be used like that I guess always take a flashlight people whenever you go to the toilet at night traumatic experiences mystery solving dismembered body parts and the nightmares are some of the key points in Allan Wake series that gives the players literal chills also which mission was your favorite from the series let me know
Channel: Pixel Dragon
Views: 164,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pixel dragon, dragon, pc games, games, 51 Legendary Story Games You Must Play, best story games, story games, 51 best story games
Id: QTxJrgVciAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 53sec (2933 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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