50th Presidential Inauguration Ball for Ronald Reagan (1/19/1985) - Part 3: Micheal Davis (Juggler)

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[Applause] washington dc was like a second home to me i've been going to college here for a long time now studying french philosophy and comparative religion you know i think the dean must be a republican though because every time i ask you mr president when am i going to graduate he says four more years bro four more years well i hope your four more years turn out to be as happy as rewarding as the last four mr agnes the country the country really needs you now i'd like to present a wonderful performer who also fits right in here he's a juggler please welcome mr michael [Applause] davis thank you hello i'm michael davis thank you you know when i was first asked to come here i was a little bit afraid i kind of felt like a cpa when he first heard about the simplified tax plan see i do a juggling act and i had to wonder why would a president want a juggler at his inauguration then i began to think about the similarities of the job he has to juggle his cabinet members while trying to balance the budget i have to think about controlling my arms he has to worry about arms control but let's not talk politics i'm not a politician i'm making honest living doing little tricks now there are two ways to do these tricks with applause and the way that we're doing them no i don't need your pity you see there's a choices that a man has to make whether he performs simply for the applause or because things need to be done one more time since you liked it that much i think that was a mandate okay but this is the last time actually that would require a constitutional amendment for the third term now it's okay when balancing the shorter the object is the more difficult it becomes to balance the less there is to work with i think you can see how much shorter this ball is than this hat like you to imagine i could toss the ball in the air catch it on my nose and balance it while you're imagining that if i could do this you would remember me [Music] [Applause] i think you remember me now it's a trick the gimmick done with airplane glue very dangerous osha's going to make me quit doing that that was a gimmick but juggling is an art and the art of the juggler is to be innovative to try new things strange and unusual that was unusual if one were to swallow this ball it would hurt twice let me explain the rest of the trick what i've learned to do is to spit this ball high into the air and catch it with my mouth now you may wonder [Music] why would a man learn to spit a ball hide the air who cut it with his mouth i don't know but why would anyone want to watch [Applause] uh [Applause] i will attempt something even more [Laughter] unusual oh kind of windy in here well that was unusual but what could be more unusual than spitting tiny balls high in the air and catching them with your mouth no way a bowling ball which i will attempt to combine with an egg the natural enemy of a bowling ball the third object an apple a bowling ball an apple and an egg the trick being while juggling to take bites out of the apple and not the bowling ball i'd like someone to examine the apple sir use her would you catch the apple for me please look at it quickly i'd like you to throw it back to me i'll tell you when maybe you'd like to examine the bowling ball here am i getting warm shall we try it again did i mention sir that i'm going to eat the apple i could throw it away and get a new one but that would be a waste of food and people juggling in india you must throw it at the right time because your throw is the first throw of the juggle i have the second throw go ahead make my day i'd like you to loft the apple sir watch the apple [Applause] oh what a gag thank you very much ladies and gentlemen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: Random Stuff I Find on VHS
Views: 51,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: NYl3jupuEw0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 32sec (632 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
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