50k Subscriber Giveaway! & Chat

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hey what's up guys how are you guys doing hey um so yeah just first thing we're gonna talk about today is the giveaway that we're doing with SR Sun tour and so basically they are giving away a fork and a shock to one of the lucky subscribers here so far it's confirmed that all of North America and all of Europe should be good to go and then I'm gonna finalize and make sure that Asia should be good on Monday too and then we're also gonna try to do some other prizes and hopefully have like five gift cards or something like that to help out you guys too so I'll finalize that on Monday as well but for sure we got a fork and a rear shock of your choice and yeah it should be exciting it should be cool and when when does it end when do we pick the winner um we're gonna actually have this run all week and then we're gonna do another live stream next Sunday and then the winner will get picked there live so the way that we're gonna do this is we're gonna have a fork actually in a box back here and I'm gonna weigh it and film it and then that way I can show you guys next week kind of the actual video what the weight is and it looks legit and everything and then all you guys have to do is email me a guess of your weight or what you think the way it is to ride MTB giveaway at gmail.com and after this we'll do kind of a little community post to with all the details so it should be pretty easy but yeah I just guess the weight and then whoever gets the closest without going over wins and good pro tip is that it's in a cardboard box so you have to on this enter website if you wanna see you at the forward base I'll show you guys what fork it is it's a sr son to her door locks and then just try to kind of guesstimate what you think the cardboard box weighs and it's heavier than you think so with that being said I'm gonna go ahead and weigh this for you guys and take a video of it and then that way we can kind of um yeah get it ready for next week so let's do this how are you measuring at Kyle grams in grams yeah so yeah we're gonna do it in grams all right so I'll show you guys what this is - so this is a fork so brand new Deluxe this will be what you guys have a chance of winning and you can actually pick whatever one you want so that's what's in here right now and let's weigh this thing and see what's that okay got my skill set to zero okay all right so this is this way you guys know it's legit so right here does it have like points like like eighteen point two five um no don't worry about the decimal points you can just basically go to the gram so say it's like you know just for example save it was like 1525 grams and that's what you would guess so that's all and it's a twenty seven five fork and right now I think it's set at 170 melt Ravel and so that is only one spacer on the inside and then it comes with axle all kinds of stuff so all you guys got to do is send me an email to write MTB giveaway at gmail.com and yeah just throw in your guess and whoever's closest without going over wins so also we're gonna do you know some QA or chat with you guys to whatever you have any questions about and so we also have a new thing like the super chat I guess we haven't used it before but if you have something that you really want asked and answered then you can do the super chat and I guess I'll kind of pop it up yeah let's go ahead and start asking or answering some questions hi Marcus he asked for a shout-out Oh someone said you guys look tired basically oh we just got back from the mountain from filming yeah eyes are red from going down the mountain yeah we hauled to get here yeah we were up oh yeah you're guessing the weight of the fork in the box so in that box so just everything at his weight Durell ox fork and in the box so you have to guess that and then yeah we just started filming at 6:30 a.m. and just got home about 25 minutes ago and finished the breaking video so that one should be pretty cool it is the Boost size for anyone asking that and yeah we actually at the end of the breaking video we have a little question for you guys too but we're gonna do jumping or cornering and so whatever you guys vote on whatever you want um then that'll be the next video so what's that so your email oh yeah but I know that you said that you will yeah will post in the community after this too and just have all the details in one place so you guys can figure that out but I'll do the email right here so the email is start answering questions someone asked if I actually like mountain biking or if Kyle puts me at this I do actually like it and I was looking to get into mountain biking before I met Kyle I just had no idea what bike to get and I was dead set on I wanted downhill bike because I ride dirt bikes so downhill seems the closest but I had no idea that we don't have like proper downhill trails here so that would have made a big mistake um someone asked what do you mean by community so like on YouTube there's a section where it's just like a post and so in that post we'll post like a photo with all the details outlined F of that so I think you can just access it by looking at our channel and then going to posts or community and it should be right there yeah it should be like the top top bar yeah that community cool yeah thank you guys for being here too it's super rad it's like I can't believe that turnout this is insane so someone asked oh can I enter if I live in Australia so Tim I'm gonna actually finalize that on Monday originally so I've called s our son tour North America and s our son tour Europe and they both agreed and then I have a call with s our son tour Taiwan and then hopefully we can look at like the Oceania distributor as well so yeah someone asked to feel like ebikes we love ebikes I do especially because then I can keep up with Kyle um let's see how do you start in Deraa racing so Lee's asking how do I start in Deraa racing and honestly the biggest thing is like find some people in the community that already race and then try to maybe carpool with them and have them kind of show you the ropes and that's how I got into it was basically you know just following around the guys in town that I do that raced and then they brought me to the races and helped me out a ton looking says what kind of bike do you guys ride tire size suspension and travel so actually right now we're both on Niners the RIP 9 she has a 27 five Niner which is kind of funny and then I have the 29er both 140 ml travel rear and then 150 ml travel in the front and then and I have a size medium and I'm five six yeah and I'm on the large and then I'm running two point three five tires on the 29er and she's running two point six on the 27 five so call people are asking how this giveaway work for people that just tuned in we're gonna do a community post after two but basically we just wait a fork in the back and whoever guesses the correct weight are closest not going over can have a chance to win a fork and a shock of their choice so let's see have you had any aggressive hard tails yeah actually have in the past I actually have raced one before too and the super fun they're really really cool especially where we live it's really smooth so they're a really great option for that and then I know they build a lot of skill to it's really cool you can answer one I'm gonna pull this out of the way best order to learn skill skills manual before bunnyhop yeah I think manuals and that's what I started with I think manual is the best because I've kind of used it in almost every step like to learn to lean back and get my hips past the axle yeah and I always tell people on that same note learning how to do the pull of the manual is really important and then once you kind of learn that pull and get the wheel up then you can learn how to wheelie and then after that then it really helps your manual balance okay someone asked how much does that fork way that's for you guys to figure out so dural x sr center dura luxe boost twenty seven five one seven email travel it has axle in it and then the cardboard box is heavier than he thinks you got to add a little bit for that so it's kind of a guessing game but whoever gets closest wins how to ride corners fast that's a good one too and I think we'll do a video on that we're gonna do a full cornering video we did a little bit of that today on the breaking about like breaking before a corner and letting off through the turn and so that's been really cool and then I keep seeing Raphael ask can you explain the crank flip and yeah crank flips are really a tricky one so basically what I like to do is as you're coming into the crank flip kind of like you're doing the rear wheel lift where you point your toes I like to do that and then I'll basically lift up spin the cranks and it takes a lot of practice and you kind of use your front foot to pull the cranks backwards so I don't know if that helps what maybe we'll do a video on that too I want to be along with like the five best parking lot tricks for you guys or something these are coming fast too so like I said if anyone has one they won't ask like a meteor answered immediately you can do the Super chat thing I guess that'll help I don't know how that works even done it yet so any tips for getting the front wheel higher in manuals so I see a lot of people that have been sending videos of like them doing manuals and the biggest common mistake that I see is as are going to lift the front wheel for the manual they keep their legs extended instead of squatting and kind of like bringing the front of the bike up so I don't know just try to get in there and actually squat your legs don't have your legs extended because I see a lot of people just lean back with their legs extended let's see okay and for you guys also asking or putting the weight of the fork in this video do you have to send the email to ride MTB giveaway at gmail.com and like I said we'll do a community post and have all the details after this Oh someone asked what are the checks on the wall the top one is my first North American enduro championship and so that one was like a the overall series for that year and then I think the one that looks pretty ratty was my first overall pro win in enduro and then the other one was I got second at one of the big enduros and beat Ritchie Roode on a couple stages in Winter Park Colorado and so those are all just really special ones to me I'll thank Patrick with the super chat that's cool thank you if you have a question just definitely throw it in there to Patrick see April that one's for you random MTV oh did I get better at rolling rocks higher in a mountain bike um I went down a big rock slab today if you guys are from here it's from bogus to Dry Creek that big rock slab so it was my first time but for the Rolling Rock like the progression session that we did this week we film that on Tuesday oh we filmed that on Thursday yes a one-day tour so yeah so I haven't rode thanks Kayla yet Caleb just asked what's the best all-around hardtail under $1500 man that's hard I would say finding honestly hard tales are cool because they're the resale value on them is really good and they they hold their shape really well so like if you can look used and find something around that price point you can get like a killer deal on a use hardtail because you don't have like pivot bearings and suspension issues because basically it's eliminated so like Moran bikes has a lot of really great hard tails at around that price point like the rocky ridge and the I think the San Quentin I've heard a lot of great things about that bike and that's been really really cool for a lot of people oh and then I was gonna answer something else Oh someone said ask to you how does it feel being able to bunnyhop and manual and stuff and is your riding progressing or um the thing I've practiced the most is wheelies because that's just like something I wanted to do the most and she walks a dog around the neighborhood and does wheelies everywhere yeah i-i've gotten like a little bit better but like I might have a day where I'm super tired and I just can't pull up my wheel so like I might have a good day and then like the next time I try I can barely do it Thank You norm yeah oh that that's really cool I have I practiced manuals a little bit and I feel every time I've rode since I feel it like oh we were going down the roads down 8th Street like fire fire roads down the mountain and there's lots of rain ruts and I could pull like little tiny manuals like over the rain ruts and so I could like feel it like on the trail yeah and the thing too that you guys maybe not might not realize right away as April works like 40 hours a week full-time and so all these videos that we've been doing have just been either on a Saturday or Sunday and that's it and then we spend like the whole week kind of editing getting stuff done but she's working full-time for so practice Limited that's why she does all the walk the dog and do wheelies everywhere yeah shadow keeps asking will it get shipped to India the fork so I'm gonna have to double check on that on Monday like I said are you are you guys still there it says unque unstable connection let's see yeah it seems like you guys are still there yeah so people are asking about India and I think that we are gonna have a final answer on Monday let's see Caleb asks all bikes are sold out where can I find one oh man yeah that's what we've been hearing a lot especially with like the Hulk ovid thing and so like I said I think that you know all the stuff used right now I was like you know there's a lot of really great deals and especially in the next couple weeks as people kind of like the whole workout the phase at the beginning of the year when they get over going to the gym and when they start selling their bikes you're gonna have amazing bikes used right now so everything's kind of inflated right now but just hold on and kind of keep an eye out and you'll find some really good deals soon let's D someone said do you have any tips for a newer mountain biker I would say number one tip is bring snacks that's my number one tip always bring snacks good rule of thumb is 200 calories per hour of riding and so that's like a good rule of thumb and that will help you a lot making it through the day Oh Stefan asked what are your favorite lines at bogus we were just up there today but we didn't get to ride any of the trails and it looks a lot better from last year they have proper signs up and the corners look good I kind of want to ride there soon again Carlos is through in the super chat - Thank You Carlos yeah so he just asked what did he miss about the contest so basically the contest really simple is gonna be guess the weight of the fork that we weighed today which is an SR Sun toward dura Lux 27:5 boost and you're gonna have to guess the weight of the fork in the box and you can always replay this video too later on but then send an email to ride MTV giveaway at gmail.com or on the way to get it anyone who's closest without going over wins and so we're gonna give away a fork and a shock of your choice you can pick downhill for you pick whatever you want so Center is like whatever they want make it happen so it's cool they've been a supporter of me for nine years and yeah they're really cool so I hope that answers your question we're also gonna do a post in the community right afterwards and that'll be for you guys too then you have any questions so thanks Justin yeah Justin thank you he said I just bought my let me scroll up a little bit I just bought my sister a trek Mara and five took two weeks to find it and I drove 19 hour round trip to get it no way where do you live Justin because yeah we've been having that like Oliver kind of our area too that all the bikes are gone and everything basically under $3,000 is gone let's see let's see patrick is at bogus it says what are your favorite trails and what's the email for the giveaway so even though for the giveaway is by MTD giveaway at gmail.com and then my favorite trail in the world is maybe this trail in Ashland Oregon called missing links and not trails super fun and we're gonna actually head down there in a couple weeks and do like a little video for you guys but hopefully if COBIT yeah chills and then do you have a favorite trail yet mmm like burn baby burn burn uh bourbon Ernie it's like different type of trails like I like flowy trail like I like fur corners I do like Burma Narnia a jug Mountain and then for the flowy I've been liking those Scots two Corral's two yoga that we've didn't been doing thank you for Norris that's also I like your little sticker - thank you so much that's really cool it's been honestly it's been so cool to see the I don't just the support from you guys like we honestly never knew this was gonna be a thing and like I know is April's idea to start coaching her just cuz she wanted to learn and sometimes it's hard to like spend time practicing those skills and so like it's been amazing to see and support and we love you guys and we appreciate it so much so and Justin thank you - he says I live in the middle of Wisconsin drove Pennsylvania oh man that is long that was the nineteen hour round trip he said but I'm saying you're you're a stud for going and getting that for her let's see someone asked me why do I run a 2.35 with Tire advantage to narrower just trying to get things figured out so for me I like running like a thicker reinforced casing tire and so with that comes extra weight and for me if I run a 2.35 or 2.4 I can get like an 1,100 gram tire that doesn't flat on me when I'm going fast if I run like a to six or to eight something bigger that ends up being like a 13 or 1400 gram tire so that's the biggest reason and then I run 30 millimeter internal with rims with 2.35 so and then Carl said some to you Oh baby pearl yeah I think yeah thank you so much let's see let's see do you see any that you want to take April to a line yeah we actually went to Whistler last two years ago when she first started riding and yeah I didn't ride a line I rolled down it she rode crank it up though and was having fun on that for sure someone asked my worst injury I have lacerated my liver before on my dirt bike that was a scariest because the doctors were really gnarly and they're like just kept repeating like she's too young to die when I was like 16 or something the idiot life flighted too right yeah life flighted and I was a bad weekend cuz like all the life lights were taken and then I finally got to Boise and all the ambulance were taken and but I was fine and then I've I've had like a really bad lower back injury too but the liver was the worst yeah and Jesse don't ever feel like you have to donate to us don't worry about it I was a broke teenager too and we love you guys no matter what and so it's just been cool to see like that these are helping you guys and we don't really have like merch or anything set up yet or anything like that and the way YouTube works is it takes a while to get things rollin so we haven't really made any money off of these but it's just been fun helping you guys we really appreciate you and this has been cool yeah it helps motivate me to to like get better and like try these things like the rock slab let's see we've rode past it for the rock slab that we did today we've rode past it for since I've started yeah couple years yeah and I've never wanted to try it and I was like okay I'm gonna do it for you guys I know it was easy someone asked me what's your opinion on tire inserts like push core and honestly 2014 I tried them and I was so mad because I couldn't get my tire on I cut it all off and was like I'm done and then about last December I think about some of the push corex feel with the lighter ones and I it was way easier to install and like I don't really notice them in the tire but they help keep it on for like burping when you hit a corner hard and so that's been awesome and I run those and all my bikes she has it in her bikes now and I really don't want to ride without it so the EXCI has been really cool but I don't really not a fan of the bigger ones unless you're like full shredder like racing downhill um Rober asks what knee pads I wear um so I wear the its fly racing and the cypher decipher oh the light the light is my favorite the fly racing light just cuz as it's called light I like that it's light and flexible but I do have to we have to stretch like the top band a little bit you break the threads actually if you get new knee pads sometimes you can just pull on the opening and like break the elastic stitching a little bit and it still has elasticity but it doesn't like cut into your legs as bad so I always do that yeah and we both were the flyer II seen freestone helmets sweet and I saw Caleb ask one more thing - where can i buy okay let's say where can I buy a used bike so number one place is to check depending on where you live in the u.s. Craigslist is really good MTV are calm pink bike calm and there's a few other ones out there - pros closet and stuff like that and then also you can look at secondhand stores like played against sports or things like that oh look what someone said their email bounced back when they tried to send it to the email right here oh hey J ji k moto X says he got the email bounced back he forgot to put the e and giveaway so yeah just put giveaway full spell and then you'll be good there super chat Mike thank you so much recommendations for an intermediate trail and Boise Jen and I prefer loops and flowy trails Scott to Crowell yeah Scott's two Corral's really fine uh 8th Street yeah and we we like to shuttle unless you have a bikes but you can't do a bikes there so we have to shuttle the truck or shuttle boy shuttle boy yeah so you can look at shuttle boy too and he does rides up to the top of the mountain and like Scott to corral is like one of our favorite ones you can climb it too and it's just kind of a steeper climb but that's a really great area and then everything kind of military reserve is pretty easy and honestly my favorite place to ride is like I just like going out to Eagle or like your aviemore and stuff like that more jug mountain so hopefully that sounds fun yeah flowy um we did write a flowy trail at some Dulli the Green yes yeah a greenhorn gold greenhorn how I say her oh yeah someone else is asking if I can show the fork we'll do that one second I wanted to get to this one really quick too a new crew Scout or an orange crush Wow let me look that up Ollie quick um hold on one second Paul we'll get to that sorry you want to answer a question I do that maybe looking sorry no that's okay here have you ever done a proper breaking video Oh so this morning we filmed the breaking video and that was part of the rock slab because it was steep and big and I'm like all about breaking so we should have that posted on Friday yeah um Colby said can I come to the wedding yeah you're invited someone asks how long I've been riding um it's I think this will be my third year of writing yeah cuz I bought I bought her her first mountain bike on April 1st which is her birthday uh three years ago okay yeah so this will be my third season yeah see let's see trying to find some thank you guys for all these questions - this is crazy see would you recommend changing to tubeless or wait until the tires wear down and get new ones they're not too loose ready so the biggest thing to think about with that is whether or not you have a wire bead or a Kevlar bead so if your tire is like a folding bead then you can do two lists no problem if you have a wire bead tire and it's like the stiffer one you might have a hard time doing the tubeless conversion and then let's see let's see have you ever done a video on trial skills that's a good one and we actually let me know what you guys think about this idea - but someone asked to do a video on how to practice mountain biking like near your home like on curbs and stairs and things like that so would that be a helpful video for you guys so that if you can't get to the trail you can still go and ride and learn some things so let me know in the let me know in the comments and we'll see if we can do that too and Jesse keeps asking can we both sign the fork so the fork will actually go straight from SR Sun to her - you guys look were you pick and so we don't have the option to sign it but we'll maybe try to send you something cool prom the pmw bars are back in stock my life is complete oh no way that's awesome okay I'm still looking up the UH new proof first Orange Crush okay Schmidt I don't know why you keep asking about my eyebrows but I don't know what you mean by make my eyebrows but they're my eyebrows all right and then let's see another one [Music] another person said fine I'm getting my kW bars on Tuesday so yeah for you guys that don't know this year is my sure I guess last year was the first product that we've ever done like a collaboration with and so pmw came out the signature handlebar with like the bend and sweep that I wanted and so that was really cool and it's been selling really well and people love it and it has like a bunch of five-star reviews so it's been cool to see that I was like the first let's see let's see let's see Orange Crush Wow so for the Orange Crush first the new proof scalp I just looked them up and in my opinion I think that the new proof would be maybe a little bit better depending on which one you can get a deal on honestly the Geo and everything looks very similar and so whatever you can get a better deal on I'll go that way but if you just have both of our same price and everything I'll go with a new proof so hopefully that helps but thank you so much for the support - see ya Oliver you keep saying stuff I haven't seen your questions so let me know if you throw that in again and then you need to make t-shirts with us on it I think we're gonna have March to April design soon so that'll be good yeah we will have some t-shirts all right let's see let's see let's see they're coming so fast are you guys I know I'm sorry this is hard I can't process this fast someone else asked how we try to ebikes yet and yeah and just so you guys know a hot tip maybe next week there will be something coming out from Niner so keep an eye on that so just so you know and I think e bikes are great for like couples especially or like if you're trying to get your wife or girlfriend into writing because it's more encouraging to ride one where I felt like if you feel like if you're holding everybody up if you're in a group or even just like if I'm with Kyle I feel like I'm holding him up because I suck at peddling but I got my confidence up on pedaling on the e-bikes because I could keep up with him better and I personally like the weight of an e bike because it feels more like a dirt bike to me so I like that and then lon asked am I still flying the sky do two and he said you've had a lot of growth it's really cool have you advertised on the channel at all and so question one yeah I still use ask I do too we just used it like today and we use it for the other video and I love that thing and they actually said that if we hit a hundred thousand subs whenever that is in the future they're gonna give away a drone - you guys - that's pretty cool and the other question was how we advertise it all and we haven't so this all been kind of organic and I don't know how it worked or anything and it's just been because of her I think and because of you guys so thank you so much like all the likes and comments and everything helped the algorithm a lot and that builds this bigger for us and we can help more people and reach more people Thank You Nico the gnar seeker he keeps asking what's the best bike for under six hundred euro so I'm gonna look into that and I'll be a little bit more prepared for that next time but I honestly don't look a ton at other bike brands at the moment I focus most the time on just like helping niner grow their stuff and they also have a brand called back bicycles so we're gonna do a video on like found our hard tail and stuff like that but um yeah we'll try to do the best of that and when kovat ends we hope to travel more - and like hit different trails so that we don't like film everything on the same in the same area because we've been going to Eagle a lot and hopefully you guys can give us some recommendations of really cool trails - yeah so I keep seeing Oliver he keeps asking us to answer but I don't see his question so throw in your question again we can't see them because basically it's getting pushed down so fast so let's see let's see have I ever built a trail that's a good one actually and yeah so in my hometown I built a bike park a little to pump tracks like a big pump track and a kid's pump track and then this past summer I worked all summer on building the Boise Bike Park and you might have seen a video on that so yeah it's been really cool trying to look for Oliver's question to see keeps asking for it are you said hi Marty let's see let's see and people keep saying they we're humble - which I don't feel like we're too humble we just honestly like I don't know I remember the struggle growing up and my whole dream was to have a nice bike and like be able to afford things and I just I I relate to you guys so much - a lot of you guys and that's I don't know that's why you gotta stay humble cuz I never felt like pro or I wanted to like get jaded on stuff it's just kind of I don't know yeah I just try to respect what we have and just be nice people and help other people find the same path that we did and Justin said if he wins can he send the fork in to sign it and absolutely yes we'll do that I'll send you lowers that are signed that'll be easier for shipping let's see let's see how did you build your confidence back after a big crash so honestly for me I know I broke my back in 2009 and that took forever for me to get fast again probably a full year of just riding and doing the same trail over and over again and overcoming that fear and it took a long time and honestly I just had to go in and like try to figure out why I crashed and work on that technique and then once I became proficient at that technique then I was not as worried about crashing and it made it easier c-dawg blog asks if we can make gloves and I'm actually one of the product designers at fly racing so there's a chance that if you wear fly you're seeing gloves that I have worked on it so I've worked on a lot of products that fly one of one of the designers in the team so yeah yeah that's another way to support us they're gonna fly and then I design a lot mr. dinelli's thank you so much yeah thank you yeah that's really cool we really appreciate it and like I said we're gonna try to do some fun things like t-shirts and stuff for you guys that'll be like very neutral not yell on your face or like names really it'll be cool yeah like anybody could wear it yeah so that's this kind of being held up and I'm finishing up like stuff with the trademark lawyer next week so oh I've seen this a couple of times when did we start mountain biking and so for me I started mountain biking when I was 16 years old and just got into it after like I quit playing football because we had a bad coach and I wasn't really into it anymore and so I started mountain biking because I could ride all day every day and then start racing about a year later and then turned pro and I was 19 and then yeah ever since then I'm 27 now so how about you three years ago yeah three years ago it's decided all right you don't answer some questions April I'm getting fly everything Thank You Rambo does fly create nation pads we just have the knee pads and they have they have one called the bear is embarrassing l prism prism yes so they have one called the prism that goes down on the shin a little bit but honestly sounds pretty hot so it's not like my favorite to ride in but the cipher and the light patter really adds I don't I don't do the protection so I'm not as familiar with all of the protection sorry so chocolate lion asked is Whistler good on a hardtail mountainbike and yeah and I mean there's a video Sam pilgrim riding it on like a rigid Walmart bike so there's there's lots of resources to look into that but yeah it's a pretty child in there too um yeah yeah the green and blue trails are super nice and then even some of the like more flowy black ones are really good so yeah that's really cool and then yeah someone said I think you should try Bike Park Wales and we would love to get over there and ride April's never been to Europe so that's definitely the goal soon and then Joss keep asking how tall are we I'm five six and I ride a medium bike yeah and then I'm 510 and I ride a large and I'm kind of in between sizes between medium and large let's see who is your mountain bike inspiration honestly all the main big downhill race guys I looked up to like they're you know my idols and still like Greg Minnaar is my favorite rider and Sam Hill and Steve peat back in the day and Jared graves and all those guys like I looked up with him so much and yeah that's kind of I just would watch them so much and try to build my style like a little bit off each of those people let's see thank you here you go yeah Hugo said we should go to Portugal soon so we be super down that place is awesome I rode Madeira wants those amazing let's see yes DP is the man for sure would you suggest dropper upgraded gears first oh that's a hard one I would say if you don't have a clutch derailleur so a trailer with like a little clutch you can add tension on then I would suggest getting that but if you have a trailer with a adjustable clutch then honestly from Dior - like XTR it's not that making difference so I profess LX on the bike tour deal or whatever it's like you don't have to have nice and stuff but droppers make a huge difference let's see let's see any tips oh this is a good one any tips for improving my channel this from Justin's adventures and yeah the biggest tip that I have is think about the audience that's watching you first because when you get a viewer it's not just a number on a screen it's a person that's dedicating time to watch your video and so if you can make it worth their while to watch the video and like if they feel like they're getting a little piece of information or something cool out of it then that builds a good relationship because things in life are always like give-and-take right so they give you a view and they take away some knowledge and you know it helps your channel grow so don't try to do things that are like just time killer try new things that are valuable and that'll help a lot see let's see oh sorry these are coming so fast what bottom bracket and crank set to use so on I use Shimano stuff on all my bikes and she has Shimano and her bikes I have the XT cranks and then just the normal XT bottom bracket and then on my dirt jumper I have SL x cranks and they're sending a D or set for me to test out I'm gonna throw a D or on my bike and see how it is let's see let's see yeah for people saying who's moderating this kick people out we're trying it's like coming so fast so we're trying to figure it out and read these two let's see do you Oh someone asked me do you free ride through urban areas and yeah like where I grew up that's how I learn how to ride a mountain bike was basically jumping off stairs and like I remember you know we're kind of talking about this for that video of like how to ride near your house and build skill um the first time I bunny hopped up a curb I was like stuff stuff and then let me hop a to stair and a three stair and like then you take that onto the trail and so that's how I learned how to ride because we didn't really have trails like we had some trails but I didn't have like trails that were fun to ride it's like rock in Chico so it's hard to get into and that's like how you got gonna Benny hopping and stuff right yeah Manuel and Manuel is like riding to work every morning I just try to manual the sidewalk the whole way to work and that's how I learn so let's see April what are your ambitions for mount biking right now it's just to learn as much as I can um I do really want to learn how to like wheelie like I just want to be able to just like be out riding with the guys and also just be like oh yeah I can we leave like you know how like you're like in transition to a trail that would be sick but I don't want to race because I race moto long enough and I'm kind of over racing and like I just don't want it to be competitive I don't want to see other girls and feel like they're my competition I'd rather be like oh you're rad because you are out riding too rather than looking at them in a competitive way so I just want to ride and have fun I want to like conquer things I'm kind of I think addicted to getting better at things so I kind of do too many sports I think it's like focused on too many things like surfing and riding and in the winter we started rock climbing that was really fun so yeah yeah I just want to get better um sorry it's okay thank you Zayn for the super chat - that was awesome and we're glad that wheelie video is helpful so hopefully that can help you out and I actually have been hearing this question a lot on that video of people saying they pull up and they start leaning side to side and honestly like that's something that you just will struggle with for a while and the biggest thing that'll help that is when you go to pole like pick a point ahead of you that you can keep your head and your torso stable because a lot of times people pull they'll like pull that way or pull that way and it makes you lean um so that's something that I have to constantly like look ahead look ahead so yeah hopefully that helps out a little bit too and when I get tired I find it holes no good arm and then let's see we can freshen Alaska peeking out of the shirts off our backs if if you give us your shipping address maybe let's see I saw another one - Kyle thank you so much it really appreciate the super chat - that's awesome thank you and then I saw another one we're gonna try to find - maybe I already did that same I did they already hey um let's see Frank asked okay so we'll do another little update let me grab the fork - I got this Rose said you video drop was inspiring and you can drop no because of me thank you I'm so glad you learned from that all right so to further contest your guessing how much this fork SR Sumter girl looks how much of this weighs inside this box so whoever gets closest without going over wins and Kyla measured it in the beginning and took a video so next week when we chat an old really really it's the video and show how much it actually weighed so you guys know that we are not like setting this up or anything yeah yeah cuz when we did the tyre giveaway at ten thousand subs it was really hard cuz we got so many good entries and we were like I don't want to have to pick this so I wanted everyone to win and it was really hard and so yeah with this hopefully people can just guess and you have to guess in grams - if that helps so the grams down to the last one don't do decimals or anything but yeah with box yes yeah with the cardboard box and it's heavier than you think just so you know and I'll put a link to the SR Center website too and you can look around it's the dura lux and so you can kind of see generally what its gonna be and then guesstimate the box weighs Caleb asked last question newer used Oh Caleb I think honestly if you know what to look for in a used bike you can get really good deals used and what I always try to think of as bikes is like an investment and so if you buy use mic for $1,200 and you ride it for a year you sell it for $1,200 or $1,100 then it didn't really cost you a whole lot of money except for your running cost and so sometimes when you buy a new bike if you buy something for three grand and you ride it out the store you just lost a few hundred dollars in value so I like buying used if you know what to look for if there's good deals but use our new bikes always feel amazing but I actually had never had a new bike never bought a new bike until I got my first sponsor and so I've never purchased like a new bike and yeah the house crazy feeling get a new one and again Kyle will post all the information for they giveaway in the commune section after this yeah totally so if and you can always like watch this later and kind of recap the first few minutes because we try to do it as soon as we could just so we don't waste your guys time and let's see Oh a good DJ Fork David that is a hard question if you want to spend more money then RockShox has one called the what is it pike DJ balance minimal expense one and then Manitou has one called the circus comp that one's pretty good too SR Center used to make more DJ Forks but they don't have any in the 26 inch size anymore but that's what I run on all my bikes there's like the older 26 inch dirt jump for it from them and your first ever sponsor wasn't it as SR cent or um no my first ever sponsor was my first ever company that ever sent me parts or anything was deity components okay and the first company that ever paid me was SR Suntory and yeah five billion grams it's less than that it's slightly less than that let's see oh sorry I'm trying to look through these are you guys on Instagram yeah we are tell yours sure my nose April's Astro eleven yeah and then mine's is Kyle Warner MTB Thank You Ronald that's awesome we appreciate it and let's see what size is the travel on that Fork is it fluid coil air suspension so on that door locks that you're guessing it's a one hundred and seventy millimeter travel 27/5 boost fork air suspension it has a coil negative spring it has axle all that stuff and all that information that'll get you really close to the right answer is on the website and then you can kind of just guess guesstimate the cardboard box and try to figure it out so yeah it's just for fun too so don't feel stress or anything but if you guys want to win you can do a little bit of research and probably figure it out and yeah let's see how it goes how much this distance should I have leave between me and the rider in front of me oh that really depends on who you're right when Kyle when we first started riding I was I borrow Kyle's bike because I didn't have one yet and I was kind of like one of our first dates like first picture we had together we were at Chuck Mountain and Kyle was right behind me like GoPro I was like foam following me so close like that makes me like nervous and he's like don't worry I can stop on a dime we have a video on my Instagram I can't on mine but like I I think I it was too heavy on the front brake in the corner moto so I was like kind of backwards on braking and like just confused I just like grabbed too much front brake in a corner like out of nowhere eat it I think I like a crash Dover riding around like a really nice mellow berm and all Sun shoes go crashes and I run into her and landowner yes I improved that he couldn't stop on a diet yeah so for your question that is I depends on who you're riding behind yeah but usually I'll try to oh my gosh Wow thank you guys so much for the super chat that's awesome we really appreciate it and yeah but for how far to follow someone I like to give them about three bike lengths that's like a pretty good distance where you can stop and if they come up on the hiker or something you can still react so that's kind of what I did um we haven't visited australia yet yeah yeah I would love to and yeah thank you guys for all the compliments - this is cool so yeah it's been awesome like I'm just really happy for April because like she's been able to see just that response from you guys and it's been really really cool and it's like motivating to her and it's it makes me happy to see her get stoked like reading hats and stuff and that's like I don't know it's been really special yeah I love to inspire everybody it's fun yeah and I'm glad that people a lot of times like in Instagram and these shorter things you don't get to see people's personality and so like she really is just how she is on the videos too like she's really easygoing and funny and sweet and like that's why I'm with her and I don't know it's just it's been really cool so I really appreciate you guys being so kind of hurts awesome and then let's see favorite track like I said Ashland it's my favorite one yeah your first time biking like honestly first first time I was probably five years old trying to ride in front of my house without training wheels or whatever and then um yeah sixteen was my first time like on a mountain bike so that was in high school and then let's see oh um TAF 69 I remember earlier he asked like why I want to overcome the most or something yeah um I've had a goal since last year of a trail at Eagle bike park that I want to do it's called stage fright and it's like a gap jump trail um I've wanted to do it because it like it looks a little bit more moto style in the beginning and so that's been my goal cuz it's like to me the gnarliest trail at Eagle and it just looks really fun cuz I like jumping thanks but it looks scary cuz gaps um I mean Sabo Sabo Mel he said I'm having a hard time with skills and even though I'm really practicing not really getting anywhere if you have any tips and he doesn't have anyone to ride with ya so that's tough and like it's hard to not have someone a ride with but the best thing you can do is like get maybe a little tripod for your phone or have someone like maybe your mom or someone come out and like just film you in slow-mo and when you can see yourself in slow motion and actually realize like oh yeah on the video they said to put their heel down and I'm not doing that or these little things because a lot of times you're like I know I'm doing it right and then it's like no or not like one time I was like April why are you riding like with your right foot forward and she's like that's how I ride I'm like no I watch you all the time you ride left foot forward she's like no I don't show her a video she like oh yeah I do so like I don't know stuff like that helps being you know the film yourself helps a lot Ethan said what are your thoughts on washing your bike with dishsoap honestly I think Donn degreaser is like super rad that stuff's awesome and I I use that forever I stopped using simple green um like if it's too concentrated it kind of like make your rotors no easy depending on what kind of me and then I also use maxima bio wash on all my stuff because it's like super simple it doesn't cause any issues with my rotors and stuff so think yours yeah thanks Rose really appreciate that do a video at GMB n that'll be cool I've actually met those guys quite a few times and shared some beers with them and they're really cool dudes how can you get over a fear doing bigger gaps I think biggest thing you can do is follow someone that you trust and if you don't have anyone that you trust yet try to ride with a few different people and figure out who's kind of your same speed and skill and can do similar things but maybe slightly better and like I know a lot of times she'll be scared to hit something she's like can I follow you yeah I know her skill level and I know not to like bunnyhop off stuff or do these things I just try to go a nice even pace mm-hmm and I know like when I ride dirt bikes a lot of people like to follow me off jumps because I'm a consistent rider I don't like gas at the last thing or do anything crazy like I'm me and I'm easier to follow like I can usually hit it like the most mellow and I'm not like throwing crazy way or anything so a rider that is very consistent is good too yeah not like super pro and Stefan said what's your favorite one to two-hour loop starting from downtown Boise I would say my favorite one is riding out a table rock and just going and playing out there You've Park it the Warm Springs golf course where you can ride the Greenbelt there and then you can just kind of go do laps out there and have a lot of fun in an hour let's see so people keep saying they want to do a video on how to whip we're actually gonna try to go it's like a foam pit and have her do you Park City Woodward and like learn how to whip without as much consequence and so that'll be in a couple weeks hopefully how do I go over back jumps backwards that is maybe an issue maybe don't try that yet doing video with Matt Jones not a super super super cool guy and when I read from her in we we wrote from Marin at the same time and yeah he's like a really really nice dude and it was cool to see him grow and like kind of blow up on the YouTube thing and then yeah just fum thank you so much do you want to say oh this would be good for you what type of protection protection do you recommend for an enduro beginner like full face of kneepads or friend girl yeah if you're racing or you know like I said it gives you more confidence like oh well definitely the most important thing for protection is buy a good helmet because your head is very important and one accident can do a lot of damage if it's really really bad and always replace your helmet if you have a really bad accident yeah and I always wear kneepads like eyes kneepads pretty much every ride and every time I forget my knee pads I fall on my knees this is how it works and like when I'm scared of something like if I feel like I'm like if it's an enduro that you're scared of like I'd I'm not racing I've never raced and drove but like if it had like really fast sections or like parts that you're scared of and even just any time I'm like not confident I like to put on a full face just for that extra a little bit yeah um so even like if I know I'm gonna try something new I like that scares me I'm definitely putting on my full face so like the drop video for the big drop I put on my full face when I finally do say fright I'm going to put on my full face any gap I saw another one that was good someone said what are your thoughts on ebikes at my local trail the e-bikes are gonna kill someone because they ignore our local rules and honestly I'm a huge a bike like fan I like riding them but I do see a lot of issues with the 20 mile an hour speed limit and being on trails like that and so like one thing that I've been pushing for really hard especially here in Boise is like we need Longway directional trails climbing uphill only downhill only bike specific trails and then you eliminate so many of those issues and it sucks because like you just run your head into the wall trying to talk to the local politicians but at the end of the day a lot of the trail conflicts like hikers hate mountain bikers and now mount mike rizzo hating ebike errs and everyone hates like equestrians you know and it's like this big thing so at the end of the day like in New Zealand and places like that they have these amazing one-way trails and it doesn't have as many issues so that's I think there are a lot of issues with ebikes on multi-directional multi-use trails but on one-way trails I I don't see an issue on it but I do understand that some places it doesn't work so hopefully that helps I'm definitely open-minded to the issues with it thoughts on cheap Chinese eat or mountain bikes should I expect it to blow up I don't know it it's so hard to say because a lot of times when you have those like cheaper Chinese evite or bikes whatever it's literally the same bike that you can get with a more expensive with the name brand on it I went to Taiwan last year and like you can get you know a full suspension that just has a different name on it for two grand or you can buy just the raw frame for six hundred dollars so it's hard obviously if you buy from a company that has like a brand name you get brand loyalty and reputation and customer service so that's nice but it's a it's like a case-by-case basis Thank You glider we really appreciate that Caleb asked and hardtails hit big drops yeah for sure yeah yeah you can do all kinds of crazy stuff look a better your technique the softer the landing will be and look up some old videos of like the freeride guys like on banshees and stuff like they would hit massive drops on hard tails and it was no big deal so it's everything can kind of be done but obviously the biggest thing I always worry about and actually have had it happen one time is like breaking a fork off and when I wrote my old dirt jumper it had a RockShox Argyle and I cased like drop and when I landed my fork snapped off and having this massive crash so that's like the biggest thing is I always try to have like integrity with the fork and after that it scared me so bad and honestly like SRS on tour over builds all their stuff a ton and that's why it's a little heavier than the other brands but like they don't want to have issues with that and so I haven't had an issue with them and that's like such a relief for me because it sucks to break a bike let's see Oh Hugo just asked I have an old Santa Cruz XE from 2008 I don't know what to do with it is it worth keeping a 26 inch cross country bike I would say for sure and especially now it seems like tires like 26 inch tires are kind of coming back a little bit because you're seeing a lot of the kids bike around 26 inch the biggest thing I would do is just try to upgrade the drivetrain to like something with a clutch too real and then like a D or a drive train or something and that would be a really great affordable upgrade to keep that running for a long time and I mean you can you can ride any bike for a long time like I literally started on walk by and that's how I started like hitting jumps and practicing getting good so yeah you can do anything Ethan keeps asking about the dog oh the dog is Conan he's a Yorkshire terrier someone asked what you do Vince on maintenance and yeah that's a really good one and April wants me to teach you how to work on a bike too and I think it'd be really fun but it'd be very time-consuming so we're gonna try to figure out how to do that this winter yeah and when we can't lie cried so much that'll be better yeah what things oh don't answer oh there was one up high that was a good one Oh Tory April is it normal to feel sorry day after riding and what helps avoid soreness I was definitely really sore after like learning manuals that day like my shoulders are really sore um for me it usually I'm more sore when I'm out of shape you like or the second day if you second no it is like working out you're always more sort of the second day um I haven't figured out anything good to help me from being sore and less like I were to take ibuprofen or something but I really don't like taking ibuprofen usually I usually just be sore um or like the biggest thing with racing is they'd always have us make sure that we stayed hydrated yeah cuz then that will help flush your system and it'll help flush like all the acid basically through your body easier and it'll make you less sore but I'm sure if I was more hydrated I wouldn't be so but it is definitely normal so don't feel weird if you like our Stafford area especially if you're a beginner like you you maybe haven't built a base yet of the muscles that you're using so it'll probably be sore for a little bit and then as we get stronger and ride more you won't get sore as much yeah um Oh Scott had a good question he says thoughts on convertible helmets and so what he means by that is like the half-shell helmets that can also add like a chin bar and um I I'm actually a fan of them for people that are using as like a true I'll help it but I wouldn't use it as like a replacement for a downhill helmet if that makes sense like if I'm riding Whistler or somewhere down help and I want like the I think it's the 80s M certification for the chin bar but if you're riding like a trail bike you have the extra protection then it's a good thing so I like them I'm a fan of them a little bit and then I can't remember who because it's so long ago I remember somebody asking something about like recommended like yoga or maybe stretching things um but I was just saying today that I'm having a hard time dropping my heel a lot because I noticed that my cats are tight abs are tight so and hamstring and hamstring so I really need to work on that so I'm not a yoga expert but I think any stretch that you can do to loosen that up would be really good and then Justin just asked the question what's a good flat pedal and so I ride for Crankbrothers and like they make the stamp series pedals and the one is like a plastic pedal and it has a very convex shape so the center is raised and that pedal is really only good for like softer like dirt jump style shoes if you're riding but it is good in those cases but if you're riding like stiffer mountain bike shoes then I like the stamp two or three I believe I like great don't want yeah it's like less of a race Center more of a flat profile they're really really grippy or dat components has a really good plastic pedal that just came out I forgot what it's called but the newest plastic pedal they came out with is really sick too and people are always like oh do you think I should do metal or plastic on the pedals and like I've never had an issue with plastic pedals so I still like plastic because I don't like getting my shins hit with the metal yeah Michelle asked what's your worst wipeout probably on a bike what's your worst I found a bike maybe that nose case on a bicycle I didn't case a little tiny gap and like accidentally hit my front brake - after I cased it and went over the bars and crunched my shoulder think that was the worst bicycle and yeah I feel like we should use that bit because we got a video I think we should use that and the jumping for the what not to do and then I saw someone added some info on here they said amino acids in protein are like the for recovery and I totally agree with that - what are your thoughts on 60 helmets I'm a huge fan and that guy Bob Webber that design that he's really nice dude and like I love their technology they make awesome stuff and fly racing came out with similar technology for the Moto side and they've had a lot of great success with it and I know it's just they're a good company for sure yeah how my protection is very important someone asked you own it to coma and laughed and it's true she does you had the dogs running around the background I think we'll probably start wrapping this up here in a minute - it's been an hour which is crazy but thank you guys so much for all this stuff so if you have any last-minute questions start throwing them in and we'll probably try to wrap this up within five or so all right and people are saying what's the what this is a good what's the most annoying thing that kind of rubs you the wrong way about mountain biking I would say the most annoying thing is people that feel like they own the trail hey and I get pissed like if someone if someone doesn't go out of the way and say there's like three of us climbing a hill and they like stay in the trail and they won't move I get pissed and that's not okay so that bugs me a lot but yeah I think that it's a public trail and everyone should treat it equally and just be cool to each other and just be awesome so yeah thanks Kevin yeah thank you that's awesome oh and then I guess since we're kind of wrapping it up - we'll do a quick wrap up on the giveaway so basically if you want to restart this video we Wade a fork in the Box Sr so intruder locks all you have to do is send an email to ride MTB giveaway at gmail.com I'll put a post in just after this with all the details and you have to get weight purses to get person who gets closest about going over wins a fork and a shock of their choice Oh average dad MTB I wrote in the 90s Tech has changed so much what's your biggest change for you I know you're not old I would guess I'd be suspension I would say dropper post oh yeah that's big that's the that's been the biggest thing for me like as soon as I got a dropper post I was like oh my gosh this is amazing because you don't have to stop at every trail the dogs freaking out over here he says hi - he just got a haircut so yeah dropper post is the biggest thing I've noticed it makes a huge huge difference let's see thank you Eric I really appreciate that yeah thank you guys so much just I don't know if we like honestly never expected this to be a thing and like hey I know the goal is really to just help you guys as much as possible and then maybe if we can have April do this full-time next year I'm talking to sponsors and trying to see if they can help us like fund it a little bit better and I know that would be amazing just for like us and to help you guys more and just do cool stuff so we promise we're always gonna try to be legit and not be like spammy look at me youtubers we'll try to be legit and just keep it like high-quality and just helpful yeah I think I'm just shy for that anyway all right so you got a couple minutes left let's see oh cool kids s I recently broke my hand and you know need some advice on how to get my confidence going back up and like I said earlier if you can kind of try to diagnose maybe go back to the section that you crashed in and try to diagnose what happened then maybe work on that specific technique and once you feel comfortable on that technique and you feel like you have it down pat it'll really help you kind of overcome that fear cause like if she were to crash on a drop right and then we just practice drop over and over again and she gets comfortable with it then it'll slowly become less fear and then everything else gets better I found that the longer I stayed away from the thing I was scared of the more likely I was to not do it so um the crash I was talking about earlier of like the crash on a little gap since I didn't get hurt like enough to stop writing I got right up and did it make sure I cleared the gap before I left but if there was the jump that I last night or the track that I lacerated my liver on I didn't go back to you for years and then it became like a almost superstition or on my dirt bike like it became a thing where I became scared of the track for some reason but it was just like I just got cross-threaded over and it was it could have been anywhere but the longer I stayed away from the track the more I was like I can't go back I can't go back and I was just like scared um oh so I want an answer these two really quick two so Warren asked what things are you happy that you have done during your career and what did you wish you would have done differently any tips for improving your rides so things that I'm happy that I've done honestly I used to chase all these results and racing full time like 15 16 weeks a year and it was really really difficult um but then sorry I kind of Brighton here don't know if this will help or not but uh yeah I was chasing results and then a certain point I got frustrated going to all these different places and seeing like public tracks and so I went home and I started dealing with the city of Chico California and basically was like we need a free public pumptrack and we're gonna make it happen and we did it and so that whole process of getting the funding and getting a track built and then seeing all the kids out there smiling and like just enjoying it now it's the most-used park in my hometown that was something I wish I would have done earlier on because that made all the racing feel worthless like I felt like I spent so much time on myself and not spending time to other people and so I was really frustrated at myself for doing that for so many years like just chasing selfish results and you know I think it's kind of going into what we're doing now like helping you guys and I've been lucky to build a life and like meet an awesome girlfriend like all these like I don't know system bikes it brought everything into our lives and I just want to help you guys find that same path so and then oh and then Ethan another one can you do a video on easy tricks to learn yeah I'm gonna do a video on like five fun parking-lot tricks like the easiest ones so some little stuff that I have let's see alright about it yeah I think that's about it so um thank you guys so much for everything like I said too depending on how we grow like maybe it'll be you know six months or a year or five years whatever but for the hundred thousand we have some really really good plans and ideas so that'll be fun and Skaar do is gonna throw in a drone I think we can get Niner to do a frame and some other stuff so that'll be really fun so I'm excited for that but I'm gonna do a community post after this and we're gonna do all the details of that giveaway and then if you have any questions you can send them to that same email right MTB giveaway at gmail.com but oh and then last one I want an answer for Derrick sorry I keep seeing that one yoga stretch tonic yeah so the best site that I think I've seen is on pink bike there's this thing called like yoga with a B or a B something just go to pink bike if you type in yoga at the top there's some really really good articles so pink bike calm and there's some really really good articles about like yoga and then MTV strength training or D tidwell he has a bunch of really really good ones too so at Robert Duncan whatup creeper yeah thank you guys so much for everything and we will yeah definitely some fun stuff and hopefully cute videos coming if you can comment let us know if you want to see jumps or corners for the next video so that'll be what we film next weekend so let us know but alright thank you guys so much yeah thank you
Channel: Kyle & April - Ride MTB
Views: 23,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: x8A4_HsDBy0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 28sec (4048 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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