$50,000+ Biggest Blackjack Win Yet

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hey guys Matt here welcome to another video of never split ends so uh something new we've got a blackjack strategy card now okay so if you want to support the channel if you are interested in playing perfect strategy playing the math go ahead and grab this card it's only ten bucks just on the eBay store there is a link below okay it becomes useful for some tricky situations okay twelve one and two twelve one two three that kind of stuff and everything else okay so it doesn't guarantee that you're gonna win okay don't go out there don't buy this card and blow a million bucks at the casino because it doesn't guarantee you're gonna win the only thing it guarantees is that you're playing perfect strategy and you're playing the math okay so let's see what happens let's go the link is down below good luck let's get back to the action [Music] I'll take actually give me a fat oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] yes we're in a good spot here we've got nine dealers Shona for as you know four five six good bus card for the dealer we're showing a nine let's go ahead let's double down let's go beauty [Music] [Music] [Music] nine plus seven oh come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] watch [Music] [Music] move - come on good save [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] uh-huh okay we're not having a great session we're gonna go ahead and do a merge reload okay we're gonna reload some chips you guys click on the link below reload some merch there's sweatshirts there's t-shirts there's hats there's everything you can think of let's go [Music] come on watch there it is Wow [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay we're in a good spot here we've got eleven dealers got a six amazing amazing bus card this is exactly what we're looking for when the dealer's got a six and we've got eleven you can't ask for better than that so you go ahead you double down let's go stay [Music] [ __ ] sighs [Music] [Music] okay - - on a dealer for we love deuces on a dealer for okay the strategy card tells us that we need to split okay so we referred to that we went ahead and we used it let's see what happens let's get back to the action let's go [Music] come on come on if we pick your each other [Music] [Music] come on all right [Music] [Music] there's both levels [Music] come on too many stats for your follow-up oh wow [Music] [Music] now I just can't stop those down [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] fifteen dealers got a five we've got h3 and we've got ace four this is a great position to be in you're gonna go ahead and you're gonna double that every time the dealer's got a five or six okay ace and a soft card when the dealer's got a five and six unless you've got like 18 or 19 you're gonna double that let's go [Music] come on Tim two seconds [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank You mr. gene nice [Music] [Music] huh yes no 22 that's why this 12 okay [Music] [Music] [Music] come on come on Wow 3/7 is crazy [Music] Oh [Music] come on [Music] yeah beauties thank one [Music] oh yeah [Music] [Music] right my tray noodles gonna pay yeah you should have to split okay we've got deuces again the dealer's got another bus card okay so we've referred back to the strategy guard obviously told us to split obviously we're gonna split these let's go let's see what happens go ahead [Music] Wow [Music] beauty let's get Curtin [Music] Oh beauty 20 huh yeah here we go Wow [Music] [Music] be nice good [Music] [Music] [Music] come on come on - oh wow [Music] for the fun this one can be a bit tricky you've got eight two fours and the dealer's got a five okay it's a very good bus card okay five or six very good bus cards obviously so you could either hit or you could split and hopefully double if you get a favorable card that comes after so in this instance I suggest that you split these cards hopefully double let's get back to the action let's go [Music] let's go this is it this man 13 state [Music] [Music] come on that's huge [Music] oh my god okay okay let's go [Music] [Music] funny oh nice [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we've got a ten dealers got a to twos can be tricky for the dealer okay there's as many good cards or more good cards than bad cards for the dealer when he's sitting on a 2 or 12 so it's tricky but you've got ten okay ten or eleven one of the best hands you can get in the game so you're gonna go ahead and double that pretty much every single time let's double let's go [Music] Oh beauty [Music] [Music] [Music] beauty [Music]
Channel: Never Split 10s
Views: 716,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackjack, live blackjack stream, casino blackjack, blackjack cash, live blackjack cash, blackjack casino win, casino games, casino win, blackjack stream, big blackjack loss, big blackjack win, blackjack lesson, blackjack strategy, gambling strategy, blackjack billy, blackjack tournament, blackjack basic strategy, blackjack guide, blackjack card counting, card counting, blackjack apprenticeship, blackjack tips, youtube, slotlady
Id: 39A5C79aXhk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 1sec (1741 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 11 2019
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