50 Ways You Can Invest & Earn Money Passively (How I Earn Passive Income EVERY DAY)

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- Hey, everyone. So, as my longtime subscribers know, there there are two things in life that I am obsessed with. The first thing is making sure that I do not forget to thank everybody who takes a moment out of their very busy day to give my videos a like and to subscribe, because seriously, every time you do that, it genuinely supports me. So thank you so much to everyone who takes a moment to do so. But the second thing, of course, that I'm obsessed with is earning any money each and every day without having to work by building passive income sources. And recently, my obsession with passive income came in very handy, because New Zealand just opened a travel bubble with the Cook Islands. I was very blessed to be able to take my family to one of the most beautiful places in the world. But, you see, here's the thing. The Cook Islands are very remote, and so I had very little internet on the trip, and yet, despite this, I was still able to earn thousands of dollars in passive income, hanging out at the beach and not touching my computer. And so, in this video, I thought I'd show you the different ways in which I earn passive income, but that's not all. In addition, I'm also gonna be showing you 50 different ways that you can start building passive money sources as well. And yes, I am well aware that 50 different ways to make passive money is a lot of different ways, but I wanted to try to accommodate everybody with this video because I'm well-aware that the phrases "passive income" and "passive money" are a little bit controversial, since when it comes to passive money and passive income, everybody has their own definitions of what constitutes as passive, and everyone also has their own goals as well. So for some, they want a set-and-forget method where they can just put their money into investments and then let it grow. For them, this is passive money, whereas others, they are instead looking to set up online businesses like mine, that while yes, do require upfront work to build and require work if you want to scale and grow them, can at any time be placed in to an extended passive mode where they work on autopilot for you while you hang out at the beach for a week with little to no internet connection. So yes, I'm hoping that this video should have something for everyone, whether you're looking for creative new ways to add additional passive income sources into your life, such as registering for Wrapify and having advertising placed on your car as you drive it around in your usual daily life in exchange for a hundreds of dollars each month, or you need a passive income and are looking for more traditional, safe ways to invest, to passively grow your money such as investing your money into bonds, which are loans that governments and companies take out, pulling money from individuals like you and I in exchange for an interest payment at the end of the loan term, or you're a bit more experienced and you want some more adventurous ways to invest your money such as LexShares, which lets you contribute money to a group money pool that funds lawsuits and distributes out the winnings for investors. LexShares has an over 70% lawsuit win rate currently, so that's pretty cool. So yes, if you're looking for investment strategies to passively earn money, there will be things like that in this video for you. And, of course, if you're like me, and you're interested in building businesses that can be turned on autopilot to earn passive money while you go on vacation, I'll also be sharing different examples of that, such as selling stock photos you take on websites like Shutterstock or by selling digital downloads on online marketplaces like Etsy. For example, this here is an Etsy store that specializes in digital downloadable templates for weddings, selling things like invitations, signs, and programs. They've been open for just two years, and they've made 8,498 sales, while on average, a download here costs around 18 US dollars. So if you do the maths, 8,498 sales times $8 is over $67,000 in sales in two years, selling downloadable text templates. And the cool thing, outside of the high profit margins, of course, is that the entire store is automated. As they explain in their listings, thanks to Etsy's downloadable file feature, once you purchase one of these templates from the store, it's automatically emailed to you and available inside your Etsy account, all on autopilot, all without the store having to do anything. So as you can see, there's something for everyone on this list, so I highly recommend that you keep watching, because even if one money source doesn't interest you, chances are, another one will. But yes, I feel like we can't begin this video with one of the oldest, most proven ways to passively grow your money, the stock market. Yep, of course, one of the ways that you can earn money is you can invest your money into purchasing individual stocks and share holdings of specific companies and just hold them. So, for example, look at Etsy's stock price. Over five years, it has rapidly increased in value. If you'd bought 100 shares of Etsy five years ago, it would have cost you around $1,000, and if you sold it right now, it'd be worth between $16,000 and $20,000, depending on the day. So literally, all you've effectively done was come here and spent 30 seconds purchasing 100 shares online for $1,000, and that's it. Then it'll just been set and forget, and then boom, five years later, you'd have an extra 15 to $20,000 without you having to do anything. But, of course, everyone thought that cruise lines were a safe bet, too, and then COVID-19 hit. And so if, like me, you don't enjoy trying to predict the future, you can instead invest your money into index funds and exchange-traded funds, which are quite similar. For example, this is a popular, safe one, the Vanguard 500 S&P. When you invest your money into this instead of buying individual shares from companies, your money is split across 500 of the top-performing companies in the USA, such as Amazon, Microsoft, and Apple. And so this way, you don't have to guess. Statistically, while some companies may decrease in value, most likely to increase, and so overall, statistically, if you buy and hold, your money should increase overall, even accounting for dips like COVID-19. So for me, I invest in New Zealand's versions of these, and it's completely passive. I have a direct deposit, which just invests money into my chosen funds on autopilot, so I literally do nothing, and in the long term, get richer and richer. I also get richer from this, dividends. Some companies will try and incentivize you into buying their stocks, and to do that, they reward you with what is called a dividend. A dividend is when they take some of the company profits and pay it out as a cash gift to shareholders. There are funds like this that specialize in identifying companies with high-dividend payouts so that you don't have to do the research and find them yourself. Again, it's entirely hands-off. You just buy the stocks, and then get sent cash payments every few months. You know, set and forget. And so what a lot of people do is they'll diversify what types of stock funds they buy. They'll invest some of their money into the very safe, predictable index and ETF funds like the S&P 500 to grow their net worth and just leave the investment alone to keep getting bigger and bigger, and they'll also invest some of their money into high-dividend companies and live off of the cash dividend payments as their regular income. But while the stock market might be one of the oldest, most proven ways to make money, there is another way to make money that's even older, and that is the futures market. Yep. So let's take the commodity market. And let's also say that you're a dairy farmer, and next month, you know you'll have lots of milk to sell. Now, let's come and say that you're also Ben and Jerry's. Next month, you know that you will need a lot of milk to make a batch of ice cream to sell. So what you both decide to do is create a contract where you both agree that next month in the future, Ben and Jerry's will buy all of the farmer's milk for a set price per gallon that they agree on now, based on the price of milk now. That's what futures are, future financial contracts. If you invest in a futures contract for milk, and the price of milk goes up, then your contract will be worth more money. And the good news is that you can actually invest these contracts through a broker that specializes in them without having to buy or sell milk yourself. Just like stocks, you can buy and hold. It's a more advanced way to invest, but a lot of people enjoy how the volatility can result in some big returns if you pick right. And, of course, another traditional investment that you can make is this, property. But trust me when I say that there are many ways to make passive income from property, ways in which most of you watching have probably never heard about. So, obviously, if you prefer, you can go for the standard, usual way to earn passive money with property, to purchase the house and rent it out. You can then use a portion of the rent to pay for a property manager to take care of the day-to-day tasks of being a landlord for you, turning a time-consuming way to earn money into a passive way to earn money. On Roofstock, you can find properties that already have existing tenants to buy, so you can start making money from day one of your purchase. You can also turn your property into an Airbnb and let an Airbnb management company run your listing for you and earn passive money that way. But I can imagine a lot of you are saying, "Well, gee, Sarah, I'd love to buy an investment property. There's just one problem. They're really expensive. I can't afford that." And look, I hear you. Buying a house is expensive, but don't worry. There are still ways that you can invest in real estate to earn passive money and income. One option is to invest in a real estate fund, such as the ones offered by RealtyMogul. You set up an automatic investment each month, and they will add your money into their real estate fund and combine it with others to purchase the property. They have multiple types of funds. For example, one fund is designed to maximize regular cash payments for profits... great if you want to live off of this as passive income... while others are designed to focus on safely growing your portfolio's value, which is great if you want to focus on growing your net worth. You could also opt to join a fractional housing investment website and purchase a portion of ownership and equity in an upcoming housing project. These will often pay out returns from investors once the project is completed in the form of cash payments from profits made from tenants. Or you could opt to buy a cheaper property investment, a car park space in a busy city center and list it on Spacer and earn money renting it out each month to people commuting into work. And actually, you don't even need to buy a car parking space. You could just rent out your driveway each month and earn $200 passively on the side if you don't want to have to purchase a separate park for this. Or you could even offer your parking spaces and driveways, as long-term storage for vehicles like RVs and caravans with websites and apps like Stow It. And you know what? Even if you don't have a parking space or a driveway at your house to rent out, don't worry. I've still got you covered, because with websites and apps like storeatmyhouse.com, you can even offer extra rooms and closets in your house as longterm storage places for people in exchange for passive cash payments each month. Well, I can imagine that a lot of you are thinking, well, gee, Sarah, earning $200 from renting out my driveway each month sounds pretty good, but here's the thing, right? I'm shy. I don't want a stranger parking their car in my driveway. Is there another way that I can earn passive income anonymously from behind my computer screen? And yes, friend. Yes, you can. And one way that you can do that is by building your own versions of my online affiliate marketing businesses. So one business that I've built is this, my blog. One of the ways my blog makes money is through affiliate links. So this here is a blog post featuring an in-depth tutorial on how to set up an online store with arguably the biggest e-commerce platform in the world, Shopify, that I am a certified coach for. Well, inside this tutorial, there are affiliate links to Shopify. Now, for those of you that don't know what an affiliate link is, let me show you. If you click on one of these links, you are taken to a page where you can register for Shopify on. And if you look at the URL, you'll see that it contains a tracking code. This tracking code tracks each time someone clicks on my link and purchases a subscription to Shopify. If they do, I earn a commission on the sale. Every day, I earn money passively with affiliate marketing in this way. I also have another way that I earn commissions with Shopify, and that is through creating YouTube tutorial videos, such as this one here, and adding my affiliate link into the video description that people can use if they want to say thank you for me creating the free tutorial and posting it on YouTube. So yes, creating YouTube tutorials around cool products that have affiliate links can be a great source of passive income. Now, I know, I know someone is gonna come into the comments and protest, "But Sarah, a YouTube channel and YouTube videos. They're not passive income because to make money, you have to keep uploading videos." But you know what, Negative Nancys? This is simply not true. And to show you that, let me also show you another way that I earn money passively online, and that is with YouTube ads. If you post a YouTube video, once you get 1,000 subscribers, you can get your videos monetized with ads, and then each month, YouTube will send you a paycheck. And check this out. In this past week, I was in the Cook Islands. I didn't post a single video and did my income plummet? No, no, it did not. I still made thousands of dollars. Why? Because I make videos on evergreen topics that people are always searching for and wanting to watch rather than trendy topics. And so even if I don't post a new video, people are finding my YouTube channel and watching it each and every day, and so even when I stop posting videos, I still earn money passively from people finding my older videos and watching them. And so if you want to earn passive money on YouTube, focus on making evergreen videos on helpful, educational topics instead of trendy videos. "But Sarah," I can imagine a bunch of you are saying. "But what if I don't want to start my own business like a blog or a YouTube channel? What if I just want to take my money and invest into someone else's business and make money from the profits that they make instead?" Well, my friend, why don't you instead look into this passive money source then? Angel investing. Angel investing is when new companies seek funding in exchange for capital and potentially even dividends. Historically, to be an angel investor, you had to join an exclusive angel investing group like this one here in New Zealand and pledge that you would invest at least $50,000 a year into these companies. And if you had $50,000 a year, this is a pretty good idea, but I can imagine a lot of you are saying, "Well, gee, Sarah. $50,000? That's a lot of dollars," and you'd be right. I understand not everybody has $50,000, and so luckily, crowdfunding angel investment websites like this now exist, so instead of $50,000, you can now pledge $100. If the business is a success, your $100 could potentially passively be turned into $10,000 without you having to do anything. No making blog posts or YouTube videos here, folks. You know what? Alternative ways to invest to make passive money from portfolio gains are on the rise. For example, did you know that one unusual and creative way that you can passively grow your money is through buying shares in sports memorabilia, such as uniforms worn by famous athletes? This IPO, Collectible, lets people turn their sports memorabilia into shares. So, for example, let's say that somebody has a collectible jersey that's worth $1,000, and it gets split into 1,000 shares, and you buy 100 shares for $100, and then next month, the value of that jersey goes up to $2,000. Well, now suddenly, your $100 is now worth $200 without you having to do anything. Alternative investments like this are on the rise, as while they may not have the same stability as stocks and shares, they're experiencing much higher returns. So it's high-risk, high-reward. Otis is another app that makes this easy. This is a fractional investing app. Assets are turned into shares, and investors can purchase fractional amounts of it. So people register their Pokemon and Magic: The Gathering trading card collections on here, the app turns them into shares, and investors can invest into a slice of their collection. Crypto, of course, continues to be a fantastical alternative investment, especially for a second reason that we will talk about later. And another form of alternative fractional investment is investing into rare cars, which Rally Rd. makes it easy to do. And Masterworks makes it very easy to make frictional investments and purchase shares in rare historical pieces of artwork, if you're into that sort of thing, and Vinovest makes it super easy to make investments into fine wine. Their sommeliers will help you craft a portfolio of fine wines that you can hold and sell when you wish as your portfolio passively increases in value and grows. And they all store it for you, so you don't actually have to have a wine cellar of your own to make money with fine wine. But what if instead of passive money in the form of your assets increasing in value, you would instead prefer regular cash payments in the form of income? Well, one way that you can do that is so you can start your own autopilot e-commerce store, which as my subscribers know, is one way that I earn passive income each and every day, thanks to something called print-on-demand, which is one of the main side hustles that I teach on this channel. And yes, this, as well as all my businesses, some people will say doesn't count as passive income because it takes time to grow and scale it, but that I personally consider passive, because if built correctly, these sorts of stores can be turned at any time into passive or autopilot mode to make you money while you're off the grid on vacation. And so to keep this video a reasonable length, I can't go into how I do it super in-depth but I highly recommend checking out this video I have here, which shows how I run my e-commerce business on autopilot if you do want an in-depth tutorial, but to briefly explain why it's so passive, what I've done for this video is I've set up an example print-on-demand store to show you how this method makes money on autopilot without me having to do anything. So you see all this merch that I've listed in the store here. Well, I can sell all of this, without having to manufacture or create any of it myself, and that's because of this app that I've connected to my store, Printful. Using this app, you can go through the catalog of items and choose blank products that you'd like to sell your own custom version of. My favorite items to sell right now are T-shirts, mugs, and stickers, which have been a huge seller for me. But those are just my top sellers. There are tons of different items in here that you can sell, but either way, once you've gone in here and chosen which item you want to sell, you then just upload either a trendy slogan or a piece of artwork onto it and pick which color T-shirts you want to sell or modify the product that you've chosen. So for me here, I've uploaded a piece of artwork onto it, and you can move it around and place it where you want. Printful will then store a digital copy of this T-shirt that I've created here on their computers. You can then list that item for sale in your store, and then when a customer comes and buys a T-shirt, Printful's app will automatically see and process the sale for you. Their merchandise factory will then print the design onto a T-shirt, package the T-shirt up, and then ship it out to the customer, and they'll notify the customer that the package is on its way and send them a tracking link. And they will do this automatically without you having to do anything. And so thanks to that, my e-commerce business practically ran itself last week on autopilot while I was on vacation. And so if you'd like to learn more about how to do this, you should be sure to download my free ebook, "The 6 Steps That 6-Figure Online Stores Follow to Make Over $10,000 a Month." And you'll find a link to download my free ebook in the video description below. But yes, this is just one way to earn passive money with print-on-demand. Another way is to open a store on Etsy and run your autopilot print-on-demand business on there. This is an example of a successful Etsy print-on-demand store. It's super easy to run an automated merch store on here because of Etsy's integrations with all of the major print-on-demand apps, such as Printful and this other print-on-demand app and service that I use here, Printify. I also have a free tutorial video you can watch that shows how you can set a store up like this for free if you'd like to check it out. But you see, here's the thing. I know that for some people, this will not work for them. Why? Because if you didn't notice, Printful charges me the cost of the T-shirt and shipping upfront, and that's a bit of a snag for a lot of people, because Shopify and Etsy have to spend at least one to two business days processing the payment and sending it to your bank account. Due to general bank logistics, you can't get the money immediately. So how do I pay for the upfront production and shipping cost? Well, my friends I use this, credit cards. Yep, I immediately pay for my print-on-demand production and shipping costs on my credit cards, and then when Shopify sends me my payments two days later, I pay off my credit card bill well before I accrue any interest. And it's great because credit cards can be an additional source of passive money, if you, like me, use them wisely and only buy things you can afford to buy with them, because many credit cards offer free cash bonuses as a thank you for using them. For example, in the USA, this card gives you 6% cashback, just for buying groceries. Lots of countries have their own versions of cashback credit cards. And you know what? You already have to buy groceries anyway, so why not passively make back extra cash while doing so? If you can be responsible with credit cards, they're an absolute no-brainer. But my friends, if you hate credit cards, then don't worry, because there is a another, different way to start a print-on-demand business that requires no upfront costs or fees, and many of my subscribers are using this method to earn passive money every month, and that is through Redbubble. Now, obviously, if you're a long-term subscriber, you know what Redbubble is, but I'll quickly explain it to those of you that are new around here. So Redbubble is a free website where designers can upload pictures and slogans and sell them onto merchandise. Last year, Redbubble sold over $400 million worth of merchandise on behalf of the artists and designers. They're super popular, visited by about 20 to 40 million people each month, looking to buy cool gifts on here. And so here's how it works. You just come in and upload either a picture or a trendy slogan, and you give it a title, keywords, and description if you want. A lot of the top-selling products in Redbubble are simple, word-based designs like this, and so if you can think of a funny, witty slogan, you can still have a top-selling product even if you aren't an artist. Once you've done that, you then just choose which of Redbubble's products you think it will look best on, and you enable those products for sale, and you disable the products that you think it looks ugly on, and then that's it. You just save your product. Redbubble will then store a digital copy of your picture or slogan on their computers and generate a product page for it. Within 15 minutes, customers of Redbubble will be able to come and buy it, and then when customers do come and buy, say, a T-shirt that you've created, one of Redbubble's print shops will see your order, and go, yep, let's make it. They'll then print your design onto a T-shirt, package the T-shirt up, and ship that to the customer. And they won't charge any fees. Instead, they collect the money and pay a portion of the profit to you as a commission on the sale, usually around 15 to 20%, direct to your bank account or PayPal account. For most Redbubble stores, they just upload the designs or slogans, and that's it. They let Redbubble take care of everything else for them, including marketing, and they earn money passively. But what if designing your own merchandise and selling it doesn't interest you? Well, don't worry my friends, because there are tons of things that you can sell online to make passive money. For example, if you're a budding writer, why not take advantage of this next passive income source? Kindle. Yes. Self-publishing ebooks is huge. Write your own ebook, place it on Kindle, and earn up to 70% commissions when people purchase your ebook. Amazon markets Kindle for you, so people will naturally find your ebook when searching through their catalog. And if you want to make even more money, turn it into an audio book and put it on Audible. Lots of people are willing to write ebooks, but few of them are willing to turn them into audio books, and so if you want, you can take advantage of a market that right now has enormous demand, but not a lot of supply, and passively earn commissions on here. But, of course, as I've said, there are lots of different things that you can sell. For example, if you're right now at college and you're taking notes for your classes and making study materials for yourself, why not sell them, too? Websites like Nexus Notes let you list your study notes and study materials, such as book summaries, on here and sell them. You get 50% commissions each time someone buys them. You already have to make them for yourself. Why not sell them to others? And if you're a videographer, especially if you're great with drones, why not sell 4K stock videos on places like Shutterstock and earn passive commissions each time someone downloads and uses them? And if you're a developer, you can create passive income by creating and selling website things for platforms like Shopify and earn passive commissions from people buying these. And speaking of Shopify, it's extremely lucrative to make and sell Shopify apps because Shopify reviews and vets the apps in their app store, and so if you get selected, you'll be in a curated market, and get a much bigger share of the downloads. And if you're a 3D modeler, you can sell the objects you've created on Envato. And if you're talented at creating typography art, you could create and sell your own font. And if you're great at making videos, you could create video effects and templates, such as video intros and outros and sell those. And if you're instead audibly inclined, you could create and sell sound effects. Each time someone downloads your effect, you'll earn a commission on the sale, usually around 60%. And you can also sell music on here, although if you're a musician, you can also make additional money by listening to music on all of the major streaming platforms, such as Spotify, thanks to apps like Lander. You will retain full rights to your music and passive royalties each time someone downloads it and listen to it. But you know what? Even if you aren't a musician, you can still earn passive money from selling music. How? Well, it's through this, the Royalty Exchange. Here, you can purchase the royalty rights to music. This is music that's already been used in commercial projects that people are regularly purchasing the license to. You can purchase the rights to earn the royalties from people licensing the songs. Now, this is definitely a more advanced way to earn passive income and requires a significant upfront investment, but it can also be a very, very significant amount of passive money in the long term for the right person. And you can also sell education. You can create your own set of tutorial videos and sell them as a course on Udemy. I know someone who earns $25,000 a year passively on Udemy from people buying his course on setting up a marketing website, and he doesn't have to do any advertising for it. People just find it passively on Udemy and purchase it, and he earns money passively each and every month. And if selling your course doesn't interest you, you could instead opt to place it on Skillshare. Skillshare lets you upload video courses and then their paying members can watch them. You get paid between five to 10 cents for each minute somebody watches your videos. Your top teachers on Skillshare earn over $100,000 a year passively from the classes that they've uploaded in the past that they are still to this day reaping the rewards from. The cash rewards aren't the only type of currency rewards that you can earn. Nope. Remember when I said earlier that by buying cryptocurrency, there is another way to make passive money from it, other than the gains that you make from its value rising? Well, this is how. Through lending. Thanks to Ledger, you can lend out your crypto to users on a peer-to-peer loan system and earn interest from the loans. But if you don't like crypto and prefer to deal in cash, then Prosper is an awesome way to earn very passive income. Prosper is a cash-based peer-to-peer loan site. Prosper only lends loans out to users with high credit scores. In addition, you don't actually need to choose who you'll lend to. Instead, Prosper takes care of that for you if you select their auto-invest feature. You simply deposit your money into them each month and Prosper will distribute your money automatically to loans, which you passively earn interest on. And do you know somewhere else that you can passively earn interest? The bank. Bank deposits are definitely not a great way to earn passive income, but if you do need to keep your money in a bank account, you might as well select one with the highest interest rate possible. But actually, there's another way that you can earn passive money with the help of banks, and that is with ATM machines. Yes. Did you know that you can buy an ATM machine? If you keep it topped up with cash, then you can passively earn money from the fees that users pay to withdraw the cash from it. ATM machines are definitely not the cheapest to buy upfront but they require very little maintenance, which makes them very passive. But if you would instead prefer a digital way to make cash, rather than dealing with bank notes, then be sure to check out this site here. This is a coupon website where users can come and find coupons to use before they purchase products online to, of course, get discounts. One of the ways that the site finds coupons is by paying users to submit them. If you submit a coupon and you're the first person to do so, you'll earn 2% of each sale whenever your coupon is used, up to $25 per coupon per month. I checked it out on Reddit, and someone there is earning up to $140 a month passively from the coupons that he has submitted to the site previously. Pretty nifty. So then, whew. Wow, team. That was a pretty long video, but that's it. We are done. As I've said, the goal of this video was to try to list as many passive income and money sources as possible, so that everyone could find the right ones for them, so you should let me know which ones are the right ones for you in the comment section. And if you liked this video and would like to learn more about building passive income sources online, you should be sure to subscribe and hit that little notification bell, so you don't miss out on any of my videos, and if you'd like to learn more about how I make passive income each and every day, you should be sure to watch my video, "Five Income Sources I Built in My Twenties that Makes Me Over $1,000 a Day." So go ahead, watch my next video, and I'll see you over there.
Channel: Wholesale Ted
Views: 103,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WeLAVuI98Wk
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Length: 28min 11sec (1691 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 09 2021
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