50 Ways to Use the Year At A Glance Pages In Your Planner

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[Music] hey guys it's Heather from Calvin plan and I am so excited about today's video this video has been very much requested and I have worked really hard on coming up with a really good list to share with you guys today's video is all about how to use these year at-a-glance pages that come at the beginning of your planners now so these were added last year into the socialite planner and people fell in love with them and so then when the teacher planners came out this year they were in every single teacher planner so we were all crossing our fingers that it meant this was like a new thing and every planner and sure enough when they released the 2020 planners it is in every single planner and a lot of us were so excited but one of the biggest questions I have seen since the 2020 planner released is how do you use these pages what are these pages for what can I use them for I'm so confused by them what are these pages and y'all there are so many ways to use these pages I am going to warn you that by the time this video is done you are going to want multiples of these you're gonna want to buy all the planners just for these pages I know there is a few Etsy shops who sell these as printables so be sure to check those out if you want just some extras of these because I'm going to give y'all a lot of ideas so today we are going to be chatting about 50 different ways that you can use things so I'm going to suggest that as you're watching this video if a way like if you hear me say away and you're like oh my gosh that could work for me jot it down and then at the end of the video you'll probably have a few ideas that you really like that would work for you and then you can decide which ones you actually want to use because you probably only have a few of these pages most people don't use multiple planners like I do at least not as many as I do so I'm gonna have like six of these but most people are probably only gonna have like one or two so you're gonna want to pick the idea that works the best for you don't feel overwhelmed like you need to use all of these ideas but I wanted to give enough I ideas where people had could find something that worked for them so when I look at these pages I look at what are things that I can track daily because these are like you have a spot for every single day and I have come up with a list of 50 and I have sorted them into a few different categories so the first category that we're going to talk about is just planning what are things that we can plan for on the daily that we could use these pages for the next category we're going to talk about is social media if you're someone who is working on growing a social media presence then there are lots of ways that you can use these pages to help track and grow your social media I also have a section of called just for fun what are some things that you can track in here that are just for fun I have a pretty big section called health what are some things health or wellness really that you could track on the daily for your health or wellness this is these ideas I think are gonna be great for those of us who want to track health and wellness but don't want a whole separate planner to track our health and wellness so these could be pages that you use for that and then the last category we're going to talk about to use these for as finances what are some ways that we can use these pages to track our finances so we are going to start with regular planning okay regular planning so things that just right off the bat are kind of obvious to use these pages for one is to plan for future events this is a great place if you're someone who doesn't want to write on your monthly or your weekly until it's time to decorate these are gonna be great places for you to plan for future events especially I feel like in the mini the mini is really easy to carry around so you can easily carry this around and let's say you're at the dentist and you schedule your next dental appointment you can let's say it's May 6 you can go and you can write it in on here without having to write it in your monthly and your weekly until you're ready to decorate so future planning is a great way to use these another way is a school schedule if you are a teacher or a student or a parent of a student writing out the school schedule here is a great place to put it again if you're not ready to put it in your monthly or weekly yet so you could write in days off you could write in holidays filled trips testing days all those kinds of things could be pre-planned on these pages another idea idea number three is birthdays if you're someone like me I love birthdays I love keeping track of people's birthdays whether it's your family your friends your online friends whoever it is that you want to keep track of you can write just someone's name right next to the date and track birthdays for a whole year and if you do birthdays that's something that you can then use these pages forever because birthdays aren't gonna change so if then you could next year you could just take these pages out and put them in your next planner and already have birthdays like written down for the whole year another thing you could track along with birthdays or separate from birthdays is anniversaries whether it's your anniversary maybe it's other people's anniversaries and it doesn't even have to be like a wedding anniversary it could be a dating anniversary it could be the anniversary of someone losing someone special to them and you want to remember it so that you remember to send them a gift or like a little note to let them know that you're thinking of them things like that so tracking anniversaries is our fourth idea my fifth idea is doing a last time I did something to kind of help you track when you need to do it again so like if I give my oil change on January 4th I would write Jeep oil change and then I would remember this was the last time I did it and then it will help me to plan out when I need to do it again or maybe on the six change the air filter that would remind me the next time I need to change myself air filter or maybe wash sheets maybe I'd put that on the ninth of every month or the ninth and the 20th of every month or whatever scheduling out the last time you did those things that maybe aren't super frequent but there are things that you need to remember to do and but you can't remember the last time you did them tracking that in these pages would also be really really good my sixth idea is a cleaning schedule I personally think I could benefit from this is planning out when I'm gonna clean certain things in my house for each month maybe I know on Saturdays I could do a lot of cleaning or maybe Wednesdays and just planning out I have been trying to do a room a day in my house that way I'm not cleaning a ton every day but I'm cleaning every day and I'm hitting each room pretty often so I could go in here and schedule out a room a day for the whole year and know exactly what I'm gonna clean for the whole year idea numbers number 7 is to schedule out your vacation days for the whole year if you're someone who has so many vacation days you can use this to help you plan out when you're gonna take those days idea number 8 is your work schedule if you're someone who doesn't work you know just a normal 9:00 to 5:00 Monday through Wednesday maybe you work multiple jobs or maybe you work different hours every day or maybe you're a nurse where you're on three days and all three days and it's hard to keep up with when you're gonna be on and off this would be a great way to schedule that out in advance or in as far in advance as you can so that you know right away okay these are the days I'm working through the days I'm not working and then at a glance you can look at this and know when you're available to do other things schedule number or idea number nine I love this one is to schedule to write in major holidays and then silly holidays so I would start with major holiday so that you go in and you write when all of the major holidays are gonna be that year but then silly every day is a different random silly holiday and you could fill in every single day a silly holiday and you don't have to do it all in advance because that may be overwhelming but maybe at the beginning of every month you fill in the rope the real holidays and then you fill in the silly holidays and then you just know the little silly things you could celebrate each day idea number 10 is the books that you have read track it on here this way you're tracking how many days it took you to read that book so what I would do is I would write the title of the book on the first day that I start reading it so I would write it and then I would probably draw a line down to how many days it took me to read it so the first day I would right the title the last day I would come back and draw a line of how many days it took me to read that book and then I would write the title of my next book and then when I'm done I would draw a line of how many days it took me to read that book that way you're kind of tracking you're tracking the books that you read but you're also tracking how long it took you to read that book idea number eleven is meal planning I love this idea I could literally sit down and fill in dinners for a whole month I could fill in what days we're gonna eat out and have a whole month of meal planning for dinner and then do it every single month and then I have it for the next year I may not use the same exact schedule the next year but they're not have a whole year worth of dinners at a glance that I can pull ideas from idea number 12 is a sports schedule if you this could be for your favorite team you could write in their games whether it's baseball or football or soccer or whatever it is sports that you love it could also be a great idea if you are a sports mom you could write in your kids practices and your kids games so that at a glance you have everything right here on these pages idea number 13 is current events if you're someone who's super into current events and you like to keep track of when things happened every day at the end of the day you could write one thing that happened that day in current events just it could just be a word if you're in the mini here you have a little bit more space so you could maybe write it more like a sentence um but that way you're just keeping track of cool things that happen that year my next idea number 14 is a TV show schedule if you're a big TV junkie you could write in what day your favorite shows come on when they come back when they're ending when the finale is you could use I would probably use different colors for each show so that they pop out to me so that if I want to know like what days is this is us gonna be on I can look on here and see personally that would help me because I'm not someone who sits and watch watches live TV we actually don't have cable and so if I want to watch a show I have to watch it once its own whoo but a lot of times I forget to even look on Hulu so something like that would remind me like oh this is s came on on Tuesday and today's Thursday so I could turn on Hulu and see if it's there so a TV show scheduled ID number 15 is a movie release schedule if you are a big movie junkie and you look forward to movies coming out but it's hard for you to keep up with when that movie is coming out you could use these pages to track movie releases as soon as you hear the date of a movie really release you can go in here and you can write the title of the movie so that you know exactly what it's coming out I think that's a really fun idea number 16 is good for students or adults who might be studying for something else this idea was given to me by my husband who just recently finished studying for a certification at work and is about to start studying for another one and that is to use these pages as a study schedule so like my husband was studying for a certification and he needed to do so many chapters at night and he needed to get the the test done in so many days and so what he could have done he did it in July and August was when he was studying so what he could have done is he could have gone in and written in like test date August 31st this wasn't really his test day but this is just an example test date and then he knows how many chapters he has and then he could have back planned for how many chapters he need to needed to study each day in order to prepare for that test it also be good if you're a student you could just write in when exams are and then that gives you like at a glance when you need to study for things and then you could write in your study schedule so that was idea number 16 idea number 17 is a tracker for online shopping if you're someone who loves to online shop but maybe you forget when you order something I had the idea of you could write let's say you order something on the first and I would probably use different colors to help me keep track but I could write like Amazon phone case on the first that's what I ordered it and then maybe it's delivered on the fifth and then I write delivered phone case in the same color that way I know when I ordered it and then I know that it's been delivered just the way to track online purchases if you're someone who shops a lot online idea number 18 is daily outfits if you're someone who wants a lot of people want to make sure that they don't wear the same outfit like too close to the last time you wore it I know some some of us are crazy and not that that's crazy I'm just being silly but if you're someone who likes to track your outfits then you could write what you wore each day like I wore my pink floral dress I wore my black striped shirt with black leggings you can track that every day and then you kind of know when the last time you wore something less and I think that's also helpful because if you're someone who like me hoards clothes and you never get rid of old clothes you could then like look at your last three months and you could be like okay I didn't wear this in the last three months this needs to be gone or maybe even the next year you're trying to clean out your closet you're like oh but I love this piece you could pull out your outfit tracker from the year before when it's like seasonally appropriate again you could be like oh I didn't wear that all last summer I'm probably not gonna wear it this summer I need to get rid of it it's a good way to help track what clothes you're actually wearing and the last idea for just the planning section idea number 19 is to plan out local upcoming events a lot of people love to get involved in their community and the things that are going on in their community so you could go to like your cities website and write in local events that are upcoming so that you know you have them planned out and then that way it helps you to plan your weeks to to reminds you to put those activities in that you wanted to check out so maybe it's like events happening in your town square or maybe it's like a craft show that you want to go to or something like that so planning out upcoming local events it could also be concerts and plays and stuff like that that you just want to be sure you don't miss out on but a lot of times if we if we don't pay attention and we're not intentional with planning for those things we forget about them and we don't actually participate and then we're bummed that we missed a pretty cool event so planning out local upcoming events so those 19 ideas are for the first section of just I felt like regular planning things things you might plan for anyway but these pages will help you to be a little bit more intentional in that planning so the next section that we're gonna talk about is social media planning and I'm gonna show you guys how I have actually been using these pages in my social media planner so this is my a page that I use in my social media and I use this for idea number technically this is idea number 23 I'm skipping ahead a little bit but for my youtube schedule so I try to put out a video a day I know that's insane most youtubers do not do that but this helps me to plan out what videos are gonna go every single day so I know that like every Sunday it's classic plan with me so I can go ahead and fill that out I know every Monday is mini plan with me so I can go ahead and fill that out and then it shows me what days are available and then I can start filling in those days so that I know what days I still need to fill in and then that also helps me to look back and be like when was the last time I did a video over a certain topic so that I'm not being like super repetitive like if I wanted to do another video featuring foam mo I know I haven't done that since August 3rd so if I did it at the end of October that's a pretty big gap and that would be okay but if I did it on August 3rd I probably don't want to do another one on August 10th because that's super close so using this to plan out your YouTube videos is super super helpful that's technically idea number 23 idea number 20 if you're someone who doesn't have youtube you could basically do this same thing but with Instagram post one thing with Instagram is you really need to be consistent and being consistent is at least a post a day if possible so this could help you plan out a post for every single day maybe you know every single Sunday I'm gonna shoot my classic before the pin or so I'm gonna go ahead and fill that in every single Saturday I'm gonna share my classic after the pin so I can go ahead and fill that in every single Wednesday I'm gonna share my mid week spread so I go ahead and fill that in fill in those things that you know you're gonna share and then it shows you what's left over and then that shows you what you need to still plan for so using this to plan one Instagram photo a day is really helpful if you try to do one Instagram photo a day then it will really help to improve your Instagram just because you're being consistent so that's idea number 20 idea number 21 it's if you're someone who's really into tracking your social media numbers you could use these pages to track your social media numbers like and when I say numbers I mean followers you could track how many followers you have on the Instagram you can track how many subscribers you have on YouTube you could track your engagement rate there's different websites that will tell you what your current engagement rate is you could track your engagement rate to see how it's going up and down there's lots of different ways that you can use these pages to track social media numbers so that's ID number 21 idea number 22 it's to use this to track monthly challenges that have been on social media there's always challenges going on maybe it's challenges like I know one time Natalie from blog else did a planar challenge where and the happy planner has said it before where every day of the month you have a different topic to do a photo on and so you could write out the challenge on every day so that you know what the challenge is sometimes there's challenges on how to decorate your planner each week you could fill that in on here maybe it's a lettering challenge where you're doing a different word every day you could write the word on here so that you know what we're to do each day but using these pages to track those monthly challenges idea number 23 is the YouTube schedule which is how you see me using these pages here and idea number 24 is to help you plan out your whole year like at one time so I call that like quarterly theme planning basically each page is a quarter of the year and so you could use these to help you plan out the quarter so maybe maybe you know one quarter you really want to focus on organizing your life maybe another quarter you're gonna focus on wellness and maybe another quarter you're gonna focus on holiday planning and so when you have that theme for your whole quarter you can then use these pages to help you plug in videos that or post that match your quarterly theme so that is idea number 24 for social media cleaning all right our next section that we're gonna be chatting about is the just for fun these are things that you could track just for the fun of tracking them and the first one is a daily inspirational word maybe it's a word to describe your day maybe it's just a word that you like but just writing out a word each day I would probably do it with a word that describes my day this helps build your vocabulary and it just helps you to kind of reflect on your day and one word that's super easy to reflect on your day and one word a lot of times we don't take the time just to stop and reflect on our day but doing that with just one word is super super easy so that's idea number 25 idea number 26 is using this as a grateful log every single day maybe you keep it by your bed or maybe you do it just right before you head to bed you can write one thing you're grateful for from that day again that's causing you to stop and reflect on your day even if it's a bad day something good happen in that day even if you feel like the whole day was terrible if you pause and look back there's something that was good about that day even if it's something small so something that you're grateful for each day helps you to focus on the good even when days are terrible so a grateful log ID number 27 is to do your verse of the day here I know it would be hard to write out the entire verse but you could just write like where the verse was like Matthew three six John 3:16 and just write the scripture location-tracking your verse of the day idea number 28 is to learn a new word every day and write that word here so a new daily word every single day learn a new word and put it on here even as adults there are tons of words that we don't know and imagine if you learned a new word every day at the the year you would know 365 new words that's pretty awesome so a new word every single day idea number 29 is to do your daily lettering on these pages now that would be pretty hard to do in a minute because there's not a lot of room but in the classic there still there's still a good amount of room I probably wouldn't do this with brush lettering but like a lot of people say that they love just might cursive writing and so even just practicing your cursive each day on these lines is a really good way to get better with your letter because you have to practice every day to improve your lettering so doing daily lettering is idea number 29 idea number 30 is to write down one thing you learn every single day um because we can all still keep learning no matter our age no matter how old we are there's always something new we can learn so just writing down a fact today that you learned even if you're about to go to bed and you're like oh I didn't learn anything today Google something like Google teach me something new and write down something that you learned every single day idea number 31 is to write down something you're proud of every single day it's a little bit different from grateful because it's just something you've done to make yourself proud may not even be something that you've done maybe something that your kid did or a friend did or something that you had to be a part of but sitting back and thinking what am i proud of today again really helps you to remember that there was something good in that day something you did that day made you proud and if nothing you did that day made you proud or if nothing that someone else did made you proud then it kind of helps you to kind of resent her and be like well what can I do today that would make me proud or what can I look for in this world that wouldn't make me proud it's again it's just focusing on that good so that's idea number 31 idea number 32 is to write down the title of a song that explains your day I love music music can be very therapeutic and just coming up with a song a day first off you're connecting to music second you're probably learning new songs because that's a lot of songs for every single day and then it's just again reflecting on your day what was my day like today and what is a song that kind of reflects what my day was like so a song a day those are my ideas for fun next we have health ideas health ideas I'm gonna flip this around first off water intake you guys I am so bad at this I need to drink more water so maybe that's a goal for you is to track your water intake how much water did I drink today and you track it each day to see how often you're drinking enough water and how often you're not drinking enough water having it all at one glance really helps you to know your body better and track that water intake another idea ID number 34 is your steps a lot of us wear fitbit's or Apple watches or things that track our steps for the day and a lot of us are like really competitive there's a certain number we want to hit every day we want to beat our number every day so you could track how many steps you took each day to see how many days did I hit my goal I think that's a really good idea a lot of a lot of people like to track their daily weight so if you're someone who weighs yourself every day and you want to track to see how your weight is fluctuating then or how your weight is being lost or how your weight is being gained then you could you could honestly take these pages out and even hang them like in your bathroom and just track your weight every single day another idea idea number 36 is to plan out your workout schedule what days are you gonna do cardio what days you're gonna do weights when you do weights what part of your body are you focusing on and to plan that out for your whole month when you plan it out for your whole month it's a lot easier I feel like to motivate yourself to go to the gym because at least it would for me because then I know like look I don't go today and do my cardio then my whole month schedule is gonna be off so I better go so scheduling out your workout schedule for the whole month another idea idea number seven 37 is just to track your health progress whatever your health goals are tracking your progress um because it doesn't always it isn't always based on weight maybe it's based on inches maybe your and you're keeping track of your inches here just whatever it is that you're tracking just keeping up with you the progress of your health idea number 37 number 38 if you're someone who counts calories you could write in how many calories you ate every single day and again you would have a whole month of calorie counting and you could compare to other months then you can kind of compare it to like how many more colors that I eat during the holidays that I was eating on a regular day and how can I cut back on that and things like that so counting calories idea number 39 if you're someone who is trying to walk or run more you could track your miles walked or run each day I ran two miles today I ran one mile today I ran three miles today maybe you're doing couch to 5k it's a really good program that starts you out like walking and then jogging and walking and then jogging with a little bit of walking and then jogging completely until you go from sitting on the couch to running a 5k it's a really cool program it's an app you should check it out but you could track your couch to 5k progress but tracking that movement is idea number 39 idea number 40 is tracking your moods or emotions a lot of us need to keep track of how we fill each day we need to check in with our mental health it's just as important as our physical health if not more important so each day at the end of the day just writing a word to describe your mood or your emotions for the day is really really helpful ID number 41 you could use this as a period or fertility tracker if you're someone who is tracking your period for whatever reason maybe you're trying to get pregnant maybe you're trying to not get pregnant whatever it is you could track or maybe you're just trying to figure out like is my period on the correct cycle or to help you better predict what your period is going to look like the next month or whatever you can use this to track your period you could use it to track your fertility whatever it is that you're tracking this was these would be great pages to do that because you can easily then compare one month to another month because they're all laid out next to each other another idea idea number 42 is to use this as a headache tracker a lot of us get headaches and you're you and your doctor are trying to figure out what it is that caused your headache so maybe you're looking at food maybe is it a certain type of food that I'm eating so maybe you're you write down your foods that you're eating each day and you put like a star next to the days that you get a headache or maybe you're just maybe you're trying the weather and you track the weather and then you put a star next to the days that you get a headache whatever it is that you're trying to figure out is causing your headaches using these to help you figure that out would be could be helpful um idea number 43 is if you just need to track doctor's appointments maybe for whatever reason you're having to go to a doctor pretty often there's all kinds of reasons that you might be having to schedule a lot of doctor's appointments you could schedule these for that you could use these to schedule the days that you need to be at the doctor idea number 44 is to track how many hours you slept a lot of us don't sleep enough some of us sleep too much and so tracking how many hours you slept each day kind of will help you to figure out a lot of other things as well if you're good if you're not getting enough sleep it can affect a lot of other areas of your life and so just being aware of that and tracking your hours slept can be super helpful idea number 45 and the last idea in the Help section is to track the weather I know that may be a weird thing to put in the Help section but weather can't affect us more than we realize and so just tracking what the weather was like every day can also help you figure out other things that are going on with your body so tracking weather on these pages plus it could just be fun to look back the next year and just be like what was the weather like last year on this day alright so the last section we're going to talk about is finances and these are our last four ideas we're almost to 50 you guys so idea number 46 is to use these pages to track when bills are due each month so you could just go in each month and fill in when bills are due or when you paid your bills whichever makes more sense to you filling that in each month you could also write in how much your bills were so like maybe on the 10th my power bill is due so I write checks and I write how much my power bill was and then the next month on the 10th I write checks and I write how much it was and then I could see for month to month how my power bill is changing because they're gonna be all in a row so tracking your bills like that could be a good idea um idea number 48 or I'm sorry number 47 oh my goodness guys I just realized that I you know I can't see this but it says 46 47 49 please only have 49 ideas that's really sad I think I had more ideas yes I can turn this into I'm gonna had a 48 okay because I had one I do that I kicked off because I thought I had too many so idea number 47 is how much you spent each day if you're trying to get a better handle on your spending you could each day right how much money you spent that day whether you're spending it on food or groceries or gas or clothes or fun stuff tracking tallying up at the end of the day how much you spent and then tracking your daily spending can it really help you to get a better grasp on your finances I did a number 48 is if you're tracking a know spend maybe you are trying to do a whole month of only paying for like the necessities nothing extra and so you could go in here and track like I did it or you could write no spin no spin no spin no spin shoot I spent $10 no spin no spin no spin should have spent twelve dollars and track how good you did did or didn't do with your no spend so that's idea number 48 idea number 49 is to track your income this is really good for people who are like maybe waiters or waitresses and they need to track their tips maybe you're a small business owner and so you're trying to trap to track how much you sold that day how much you made that day you could track that just to see and keep up with how much you're making for the month maybe you're an Etsy owner and so you want to track your daily sales your daily income if you're someone who gets daily income and then the last idea idea number 50 is your daily savings there are some challenges out there that people do that are pretty cool to help them with their savings and what it is what I've seen people do is like on the first of the month they save they move a dollar to savings on the second of the month they double that and they move two dollars to savings on the third of the month they double that and they move four dollars to savings on the next month they double it or the next day they double it to $8 and they move that to savings and each day you're doubling it you're starting out small and then by the end of the month you've saved I think it's like $1500 or something like that maybe even more than that if you do if you double every day and so if you do that for a month and then you could put at the bottom how much you save that month and that maybe may not be something you do every single month but it could be a good way to track what you are moving to savings if you're someone who struggles with saving so I hope you enjoyed this video I know it was a lot of talking and not a lot of actual like planning but I wanted to kind of like walk you through it share some ideas that is 50 different ideas for how you can use these pages I would love to hear in the description which or in the description in the comments which fit which ideas really stuck with you which ideas do you think you're gonna be using these pages for let me know if you're gonna be someone who needs like to find more of these pages because now you want to track a million things cuz that's me and yeah I'd love to hear what you think about this video if you liked this video hit the like button if you want to see more of my videos hit the subscribe button if you want to support my channel be sure to check out my patreon page the link is in the description and happy planning [Music]
Channel: Heather Kell
Views: 59,311
Rating: 4.9397259 out of 5
Keywords: the happy planner, happy planner, year at a glance, year at a glance ideas, how to use year at a glance, happy planner year at a glance, how do i use the year at a glance, what can i put on the year at a glance, kellofaplan, kell of a plan, planner babe, planner life, planner love
Id: nBWY0eiLkkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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