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sometimes I forget how much even those little doodads create stress and just this feeling of Chaos in my space the goal of today's video is to get you excited and inspired to go out and declutter your home there are a number of great examples several at the end so I'd encourage you to stick around for it the first thing you can declutter today is shoes that give you blisters believe me you'll either never end up wearing them or you'll regret wearing them sometimes it's hard because maybe they're the prettiest shoes you have in your closet but it's just not worth it I've learned that the hard way a second thing you can declutter is artwork you've never hung if you haven't hung it yet either take that time to actually hang it up or give it to someone who will actually use it also because artwork takes up a weirdly large amount of space a third thing to declutter is materials from your last move things like boxes moving blankets or packing paper give them to a friend who's moving sometime soon another thing you can declutter is super old frozen meals in the back of your freezer and one way to declutter these might just be eating them a fifth thing to get rid of is those condiments in the back of your fridge that you never use because they feel way too old but you keep because you feel guilty getting rid of them I've totally been there but realistically if you're just not going to consume them it's time to let them go because having a streamlined clear fridge is one of the the best feelings along with that feel free to declutter super expired food another thing to declutter is stained t-shirts you can even rip them up into rags and use them for cleaning around the house it's also maybe time to declutter that backup underwear that you never use until you're really low on laundry we've all been there but do you really need those extra drawer stuffers plus come on we always hate those backup underwear they're usually uncomfortable and don't fit us right so it's just time a ninth thing to declutter is old cookbooks that you just never use realistically the internet is your oyster you can find practically any recipe you might need online unless there's a book that you regularly use as a resource maybe it's time to let some of those cookbooks go another one is hair ties or clamps that you never use how many times have you looked in the back of your bathroom cupboard and you find all these different hair accessories that you just never get around to using figure out the ones that you use regularly and keep those easily accessible get rid of the rest an 11th thing to declutter is gifts that you don't use so often I've kept gifts out of guilt feeling like those objects are a representation of that relationship but realistically the person who gave it to you probably wouldn't want you to keep it purely based out of guilt so maybe rethink keeping those gifts that you keep just because you feel like you have to another category to consider decluttering is plants and I say that as someone who has a lot of plants but I do think there's something to be said for the fact that plants can just become excessive and add chaos to your space if you're not using them correctly if there are just too many of them and you don't have time to water them and care for them maybe it's time to give some of them to a friend they serve as great gifts too you can also let go of hair products you never use even if they're not fully gone if you literally never use them don't keep them around I feel like I've historically purchased a lot of hair products that don't really end up working for me but then I keep them because I feel like I'm wasteful if I get rid of them but in some of these cases you can give it to someone who's close to you like in my case sometimes I've pawned some off on my sister if she's interested that is or eventually if nobody seems to want them and I don't want them I'll just declutter them of course always be careful if you're giving things to people you don't want to add a burden to their lives I always try to make sure sure that it's super clear if somebody doesn't want the item I'm offering they can freely say no likewise feel free to get rid of that makeup that's fully expired that you never get around to using sometimes it's painful especially if it was a pricey product but if it's expired and you really never use it maybe it's time to get rid of it you can also declutter broken items that you know you'll never fix if you've had them for a while and you haven't gotten around to it it's probably good to Let It Go a sixteenth one is burned out candles and I have a soft spot for candles I don't know about you but I always seem to keep them for way too long I'll keep the container even after it's all used up and sometimes I'll repurpose the containers it's not like I've never made use of it but if it's really not usable anymore it's probably good to declutter thank you another one is empty bottles I often have this tendency to keep bottles that I think are pretty that I might be able to use for a vase or something else but quite often I never end up using them and also these are things that can usually be recycled so if you have that tendency to keep that in mind another thing to declutter is unworn sweaters in the back of your closet if they're way back there and you never use them it might be time to let them go another category to consider decluttering are old VHS tapes or DVDs if you just don't use them but you're keeping them for sentimental reasons I just don't think it's worth it another one and this one is a soft spot for me is excessive mugs I've actually talked about this numerous times on my channel before so clearly it's a trend for me but mugs have always been a headache they're a weird shape and they take up a lot of space uncovered so you end up having to stack them and they're difficult so it's probably a category where minimizing can make ribbling effects on how clean your kitchen feels another one is old phones or other Tech figure out the right way to dispose these items and just eliminate them it will be a weight off your shoulders similarly get rid of the boxes and the containers that those pieces of Technology came in so often I keep my iPhone and my Mac case for like years after I've opened the box somehow because they're aesthetically pleasing and I feel like I'm supposed to keep them because they're nice that's just not true I don't know how I started doing that but just remember to get rid of the wrapping on things even if that wrapping feels nice hopefully I'm not the only one let me know if you've done that too another category of things to get rid of are excessive pillows sometimes you can end up having piles and piles of throw pillows on your couch have any of you seen that recent Progressive commercial and there's this person with way too many throw pillows on her couch well I've historically had a lot of pillows and not just on the couch also on my bed sometimes I'll have two of the main pillows per side and then on top of that have decorative pillows and it just gets to be eat too much so I've tried to minimize that category a bit related to that make sure you get rid of excessive throw blankets or just blankets in general around your home they're bulky and I also feel like sometimes blankets become this nostalgic thing like oh I've had this for so many years or whatever but blankets are just blankets another one is excessive bath mats now it's sometimes nice to have a replacement if you need to wash one I get it I'm with you but just be honest with yourself if you have a whole pile of them or too many maybe you could let some go [Music] a 26th thing to declutter are old crusty towels you know how when towels get really old they get really dried out and brittle well if there's a towel you always seem to pass on maybe it's time to let it go or turn it into Rags of some sort to use around the house another one is old wallets I have a tendency personally to keep old wallets but if you have several of them you could probably minimize the 28th one is outdated phone cases you never use if it's an old case that's used and gross or not your style anymore it might be a good idea to declutter it another one is that fourth or fifth nail clipper that's just hiding around your house now these are small they don't take up much space but if they're old and kind of dull and you have numerous of them getting rid of them will just reduce that extra bit of clutter in your drawers sometimes I forget how much even those little doodads create stress and just this feeling of Chaos in my space especially with those like junk drawer where there are a ton of little things that can really get to me you know like it affects you almost emotionally so I think nail clippers is one example but also think about other little things that you have many of that you just don't need that many of also you gotta declutter your Tupperware I still struggle with this because sometimes you like recollect it because I often will use the same containers that maybe take out meals come in so that I'm using those containers more than once but then I suddenly have more Tupperware again and so often there's like so much unused Tupperware in our homes and it takes up a lot of space so just go through your Tupperware one thing I like to do is to keep them with the cover on because then I don't have to go looking for a lid and it just keeps it organized and it keeps me with fewer Tupperware pieces so I don't know just rethink your Tupperware system or at least revisit it it's always a good idea another outdated technology to get rid of is CDS just look around digitize them if you need to you can get music elsewhere you don't need to keep those likewise get rid of old video games another area to consider minimizing is just those old knickknacks that are collecting dust quite often we have all these little trinkets on services to create a vibe in this space but realistically they just add subliminal stress to the space I do think that when there's stuff everywhere it's harder to concentrate and focus so just look around what knickknacks don't look good to you that just seem to be dust carriers and get rid of them a 34th thing is picture frames you don't use now if you have artwork that fits into them and you want to hang it great but if not don't just keep extra picture frames around especially if you don't have a specific plan for them another one is duplicate tools like extra screwdrivers that you never really use somehow I recently went through my toolbox and I had like three or four of the same kind of screwdriver and I was like how did I even get all of these I don't know how this happened and so revisit the toolbox just see if you have what you need if you have too much because again those can be kind of bulky another area is appliances that are small that stay on your kitchen counter especially those that you don't use often I swear when a kitchen counter is cluttered it just makes cooking and cleaning in the kitchen way more difficult and so often we think we're going to use some kind of specialized Appliance but then we never do so either find a way to take it off the counter or maybe even eliminate it from your home I know one thing I did was keeping my toaster inside of a drawer in my kitchen and that one change made me feel more minimalist than like any other aspect of decluttering putting it away keeps my kitchen way more clear which is also nice because I have a somewhat small kitchen so it's easier to move around in the space and really use the space if the countertop is mostly clear [Music] you know how I said I need to declutter plants well clearly that's something I need to work on anyway another thing to eliminate is fancy outfits that you'll never use either because you don't like them or because you've used them so often they're fully wearing out I remember I kept this old favorite little black dress way longer than I could ever wear it out just for sentimental reasons and with the idea that oh maybe I'll revive it somehow one day but realistically even if I had it fixed in some ways it just wasn't wearable so I had to have an honest conversation with myself and just let it go you can also eliminate guide books for trips that maybe you'll never take or trips that you took long ago plus a lot of this information can be found on the internet it also might be time to get rid of your backup suitcases you know the ones with holes in them or that you used to love but don't really work anymore yes maybe having a carry-on and a big suitcase option is reasonable but if you have many different versions of the same type of suitcase maybe it's time to minimize another one is extra vases and I say this as someone who hasn't decluttered her vases recently and I'm thinking about the corner cupboard in my kitchen and how I have too many vases so I'm just going to be honest this one I need to address because every time I get flowers which I'm grateful for they seem to come with a vase and then I just keep the vase and I don't let it go so it's time for me to do that I think I'm gonna do that right after I finish this video another thing to declutter is extra sets of sheets maybe one spare I get it but personally I only have one set of sheets for each bed just because it keeps things easy I'm not like losing sheets in a back closet I just take them off wash them and put them back on another one is old scarves you never use somehow as someone living in Minnesota and as someone who used to wear decorative scarves regularly I had a huge collection of scarves so I've worked really hard to minimize it and only have those that I actually use another thing to consider decluttering or at least minimizing our clothes that you never use because of the climate you live in now granted if you live in California maybe it is nice to have one winter coat if you do travel to cold places regularly like if you have family there or something but if you just have a bunch of clothes that don't fit in with the climate that you live in take a second to really think about how much you need those items another one is excessive hangers while it's maybe nice to have a couple extra having too many just encourages me to collect more clothing which is never a good thing also think about getting rid of those belts that you just never use that are not in style anymore but you're just keeping for the sake of keeping another category to declutter are very specific kitchen gadgets or duplicate kitchen gadgets I'm all for keeping the ones you actually use like I use my lemon squeezer probably daily because I love my citrus fruits but there are other gadgets that I really just don't use very often and I need to be real with myself about another thing you can declutter is jewelry that just doesn't fit your style sometimes I've either gotten gifts of jewelry that don't really match my style or I've purchased things liking them in the ad that I see but realistically it just doesn't fit in with the rest of my outfits or style so sometimes I have to just take a second I really think about will I use these pieces how frequently have I used them in the past and maybe it's time to move on and let them go foreign today are clothes that you've just kept for the memories and I actually have kind of touched on this already in this video but I feel like often I put memory and meaning and emotion into objects and especially clothing items and maybe if I can get more use out of those items that's great but if they don't fit or they don't fit in with my style or I'm just not going to use them I need to remember to declutter them another one is old calendars or planners sometimes I like to keep them because again it's a Memory thing like I'll remember the work I did or I can look back on that year and see what was going on but realistically I don't end up looking at those calendars and they just take up space in my closet the 50th and final thing to declutter is undo guilt and negative self-talk now this one is a little bit more mental and theoretical but I swear if you take a moment to notice when you're getting down on yourself especially around the decluttering process but also in life in general if you notice when you're just putting yourself down unnecessarily take a second and just say I'm going to declutter that I don't need to listen to that thought just because I have a thought doesn't mean it's true and let go of those thoughts you have the power to boost your confidence to boost your motivation to reach your goals and part of that is decluttering those excessive thoughts that just bring you down now I'm not saying don't reflect on how you could grow and improve yourself but what I'm talking about is those truly negative thoughts that aren't really doing anything for you especially if they're repetitive and they're getting in your way so sit down and be real with yourself are you being too hard on yourself because I think a lot of us are anyway those were my 50 ideas for things to declutter I'm still working at this hopefully this will help boost my motivation too but mostly I wanted to share these as a reminder that anytime any day you can just declutter a few things around your home and make a really big change in your life I guess honestly when you have have less stuff you have less to worry about and you have more space to pursue your dreams and your goals and spend time with people you love and just build the life that you really see for yourself if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up it's a great way to support the channel and if you want to see more videos on simple living minimalism and building an empowering mindset then hit the Subscribe button below also if you like my content feel free to follow me on Instagram I don't have that many followers there but it's a space I want to use as a way to connect to more of you and to get feedback and ideas for the channel anyway that's all I've got for you thank you so much for spending this little bit of time with me and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day bye [Music] thank you thank you [Music]
Channel: Slice of Light
Views: 203,159
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QGl6f1bNHMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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