50 THINGS I STOPPED BUYING | Spend Less + De-Stress + Beat Comparison

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hello welcome back to my Chanel I wouldn't say that I'm a full-blown minimalist but every single day I'm working towards becoming more minimal because I've seen the effects the positive effects that it's had in my life today I'm giving you 50 things that I don't buy anymore to be honest I started and it was like at 45 and I wanted it to get to 50 because I felt like the title of cooler [Music] shoes excess shoes if you really think about it shoes take up and obnoxious amount of space in her closet in your laundry room in your kitchen and your foyer I was also one of those kids who would pack 10 pairs of shoes on our family vacation just in case oh sorry mom and dad but right now I just have five pairs of shoes that I wear reoccurring ly it has made my life so much easier it makes my outfits easier and they're all comfy I don't buy uncomfortable shoes anymore because that is a waste of money cute my nails I don't get them done anymore and let me tell you I was someone who got them done religiously it's just a lot of money it's also incredibly toxic and I'm all about that non-toxic light so it was a really easy thing to cut out and also your nails tell you so much about your health whether you have enough protein b12 if you're super stressed those can all tell you something in your nails so I really like to look at my nails for like health reasons hair products I don't buy hair products mostly because I don't really know how to use them nor do I feel like I need them I have a very simple beauty counter shampoo a simple Beauty counter conditioner Oh a thing that I do have it's like powdered dry shampoo because it makes me use less shampoo so we're saving money their haircuts I don't buy to Brick's months of haircuts I went through a stage where I thought maybe too expensive haircuts because I decided to dye my hair and it was a disaster so I actually needed to do it I also think it's just excess toxins and something that I really don't need these days and I do like the natural look so I'll just keep it that way makeup remover I don't buy makeup remover ever I use coconut oil or any type of oil that I have like olive oil coconut oil avocado oil anything you can find in a pantry pretty much you can use lotion body lotion again I don't really need it because I use quality olive oils or coconut oils and this is especially nice when you're at somebody else's house and you feel really dry let's go through the cupboard find a nice oil air fresheners again these are incredibly toxic I don't need them I use essential oils actually benefit your health air fresheners are just an atomic bomb of toxins so I try to stay as far away from that as possible not in my car not in my home not in my bathroom okay home decor I don't buy a lot of home decor first year of marriage I did and it was the biggest waste because it just like sat on a shelf and I never touched it again that to me just doesn't make sense I'd rather have plants dried plants hats things that I wear everyday there's just something nice about having blank beautiful white walls I just think it helps with distressing life it just makes me feel like there's so much less clutter everywhere trendy clothing where once clothing I'll just say this it's so much easier to just have basics and to go with that your mornings are easier your closet it's easier to maintain your laundry room is easier same with shoes like I said earlier the simpler it is the more I like it and the more I want to stay as simple as possible especially my clothing candy I don't buy candy is bad for you it's bad for your teeth Kenny is a waste of time energy money sells any other word you can come up with yeah you're wasting it when you buy candy a purse really I have one black purse and one black backpack that I switched between and it forces me to stay simple like I can only have a handful of things to transfer back and forth I don't even know where I would put my purses bottled water it's just super easy to not spend on bottled water if you are proactive and you think about just bringing your water bottle or bringing a glass of water with you wherever you go once you get in that habit it is so nice and you stay a lot more hydrated to be honest gum I don't buy them I don't need them I don't like what's in gum that was pretty easy for me I just never buy gum does it make sense brush your teeth frozen meals this is coming from the health side of me as well I'd rather cook fresh and if I need something quick I'll just make pasta and like a homemade red sauce for super cheap my husband kind of likes them because they're so easy but I'm like look at all the stuff they have to pack in there to preserve it excess kitchen utensils there are so many little gadgets out there like an avocado slicer and state of the art veggie slicer to mine all I need is really a knife my cutting board that's pretty much it honestly it's way easier to clean those things anyway tampons I don't buy tampons anymore I use a Diva Cup if needed I'm pregnant right now so I don't even need it but they're also packed with crazy amount of toxins so you have to be super careful if you do buy them anyway I could go on and on for that one but I'm just gonna keep it there mm-hmm latest and greatest technology like that robotic vacuum Alexa pretty much anything that comes out you're like oh that's super cool I just don't need that it's clutter its excess EMFs in my home and life is just simpler without it excess toys my son kind of has a limit of two boxes of toys and when we reach the top we throw them out there's even studies out there that say too many toys prohibits them from being able to focus really well so the second I read that I was like okay easy we're not doing a lot of toys athletic clothes I went through a stage where all I wanted was the best the coolest athletic clothes but I've narrowed it down to about three black leggings that I like do tank tops that are both black maybe a couple of white shirts but just a simpler I keep it the easier it is and I can rewire them all the time less laundry plus plus lots of pluses there plastic food containers instead of using and buying excess food containers I just reused pasta jars or almond butter jars coconut oil jars like I literally have probably about 20 of them stacked to my cupboard it's so easy for soups extra carrots rice quinoa dressings really makes you life a lot easier and you're like I've been buying stuff this whole time when I could just read with my peanut butter jar took me so long to figure it out but I'm really good I know it now Kable a lot of families are actually doing this because you don't really need it when you have everything on Netflix or your Smart TV we don't have cable right now and I don't miss it Plus any reason for us to have less TV on I'm all for it two cooler pillows I just remember spending so much time in the pillow aisle my first year of marriage thinking that I needed these amazing pillows on my bed when they just took up so much space and they got dirty and they're really hard to clean yeah just kind of not worth it I like simplicity smoothie bowls and juices this was a hard one that I had to transition because I love going to this movie place all the cool amazing smoothie recipes that they had we're so tempting it got to a point when I was like 10 bucks for this doesn't really make much sense for me and I'd rather just make it at home and it's cool when you become a pro at smoothie bowl making not saying that I'm a pro but I've gotten really good coffee I don't drink coffee I never have and it saved me a lot of money and time I don't really need coffee I wake up feeling like this most days I'm about to have a newborn so that'll be altered a little bit actually a lot if you do have coffee every morning though I will just say make it at home instead of buying specialty drinks all the time there are so many cool things out there Christmas is right around the corner not really but I would just say make it at home I love making hot chocolates at home it's so much easier you have cleaner ingredients and it's way less money dryer sheets I use dryer balls instead and I've been using the same dryer balls for about three years saved a lot of money there and a lot of toxins if I had more time in this video I could go through all the toxins but it would really blow your mind how dangerous and hazardous those things are home cleaners I don't really like the specific use this for the shower use this for the sink uses for the toilet you kind of just eat one or two non-toxic options and you can use that and cover almost every single room yoga classes group classes if I'm completely honest I wish that I had room in my finances for this but it's just not a season of life where we can and it saved me so much money and I do get mornings to myself because my morning routines are so sacred so if I do want to do a yoga class you do it for free there are so many amazing classes on YouTube right now you can get an incredible all of yoga YouTube yoga class for free it's fantastic you should try it shaving cream I don't buy shaving cream anymore I just use the shampoo soap or conditioner super easy grocery store meats I actually buy my meats from a local farmer and I buy it in bulk saves me a lot of money and I put it in my freezer and I just bring it out dethaw it whenever I need it it dramatically has reduced my grocery - yes you're buying it in Bowl but it really is nice to have a lower grocery bill every time I show up I touched on this before when I said candy but I don't really buy desserts I don't keep ice cream in the home I don't keep boxes of cookies one it saves me from my mostly eating tons of sugar at night and I also would rather make something make something fresh with clean ingredients books I will say this I'm kind of biased because I'm not the hugest reader but books I'll take up a ton of space if I want to read something I usually just buy an e-book or borrow a friend's book instead of buying a bunch of books souvenirs I've been to tons of different states tons of different cities and I've gone through phases where I'm like man should I be buying like a sweatshirt for each city or a mug now it just adds clutter it just adds stress it's more stuff that doesn't really match or that doesn't fit they're all different sizes just take a picture it'll last longer XS skincare and makeup products this is a huge one for me especially because I'm in that business I'm a beauty counter consultant so at the beginning all I wanted to do was buy everything because I was like I need all these different products but really simplicity is key for your skincare and for your makeup it makes life so much easier you have so much more space in your bathroom trust me you don't need everything that they're telling you you need just figure out what works best for you and only buy something else when you finish what you already have I have a lot of clients who have that rule and it's a respect that's so much kids clothes I've just experienced watching my teary love grow and he grows out of clothes so quickly he also stains clothes so quickly so when I do buy clothes it's like from the second-hand store from Target on sale it's just not really worth it to buy a ton of little kids clothes when they're all gonna get ruined anyway whatever I can do to avoid excess laundry I will do and minimizing clothes for every single member of my family has been a life saver facials yes it's a luxury but it just is a big money pit and not something you necessarily need it's just really not something that I need to be money on right now and if my face is totally fine I just protect it well and use quality ingredients in my skincare products I really am totally fine don't really need facials eyelashes nothing against people who get eyelashes it just seems like a huge money pit and I like the natural look I like what people look like in their real skin sunglasses that's how my baby says it huge money pit and a lot of times they just fall break gets scratched so if I need a pair of sunglasses you bet I'm buying like the five dollar sunglasses on sale at Target car accessories this is kind of a connote brainer if you want an accessory for your car gonna take more money more space probably more toxins because it might be like an air freshener or something I just love jumping into a clean simple car net Mill's I make my own almond milk I make about two jars this big with one cup of almonds raw organic almonds saves me a ton of money saves me a bunch of natural flavors and gums that I don't really want to put in my digestive tract I love making my homemade almond milk I will definitely be doing that probably for the rest of my life taking my clothes to the cleaners the recently heard and found out about how incredibly toxic the cleaners is so all the more reason for me to avoid them especially now we have steamers and super easy handheld things to straighten up your tucks or anything that you really need Boober and transportation I don't really use it were very much I like phoning a friend or phoning my mom or my dad even for nights out I'd rather ask a sibling to drive me or someone to DV instead of spend extra money on an uber right at dinner I understand if you need to have a glass of wine for a celebratory reason but every single night or every time you go out to dinner if you're buying wine or a specialty cocktail it really racks up your expense so I would just say if you're wanting to be minimal or save money have a glass of wine before or save it for after your dinner pill magical pills like advil tylenol this is more of like the holistic side of things in my beside every pain injury headache cold your body is signaling something to you and when you use pills you're dimming the signal that your body's trying to send that's like the whole vlogs worth of info just packed into a couple sentences that's obviously my own opinion based on the research that I've done but I just think it's such a big waste of money and ultimately isn't even better for your body fancy undergarments I've been using the same pairs of underwear for years and they still work great they get the job done I see like a ton of advertisements for really cute bra and undies and I'm like Oh that'd be nice but like I have what I need doesn't make sense for me to buy more if I have what I need anniversary sale I come so it's back to school right now we just went through the huge Nordstrom anniversary sale and I get it it's so hard when you're constantly being sold at all times like the thing that I put in my mind every time I've attempted to buy something from a sale is am i okay living without it right now like do I even think about that on the regular or did I just develop this need in this desire for it because it's on sale so just ask yourself those questions before you fall into the money pit of sales extra avocados some restaurants this racks up like 2 bucks on your bill just bring your off Akkad oh if you want like a full avocado at Trader Joe's maybe like a dollar 25 so if you really want ova kado that badly just pack it up and bring it yourself exterminator and pest control again totally up to you on what you can handle but I will say it is possible to get rid of mice spiders stink bugs ladybugs and ants on your own I've done it this girl's done it we live in a barn above a garage it's a super old building so we've experienced all this kind of stuff and the last thing I wanted to do was buy an exterminator who is just gonna tell me yep you have a mouse problem though before I did that I tried all the natural remedies for getting rid of these things and they worked hit your girl up if you have a mouse problem I can fix that last one name-brand items this has occurred to me recently because I was so tempted to buy a really expensive stroller or diaper bag and I was just like what is the difference between this one and this one except for the fact that it looked a little bit different that's a huge money trap and once you kind of train your mind to say it just because it's more expensive doesn't mean I need it at least for me in doing that I've saved so much money and so much like unhealthy desire so that equals 50 thing I cannot tell you how much thinking this way and changing my mindset has changed my entire life it just takes tiny little steps to get to a place where you're just not in need all the time and I will tell you getting rid of that desire of just needing and wanting has been the most eye-opening thing for me you can be content with little I hope this inspires you and maybe gives you some ideas for how to save money time space stress in your life and I wish you the best of luck on your minimalism adventure oh and don't forget if you enjoyed this video like and subscribe below because I upload every Tuesday and Thursday I just love making videos it's so much fun for me it's a creative outlet so if you enjoyed it come back and I will see you in my next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Margaret Matheny | Simple & Mindful Living
Views: 53,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 50 Things I stopped buying, minimalism shopping, how to live minimal, how to be a minimalist, how to be minimal, minimalism series, saving money and waste, how to make home less stressful, what should I stop buying, healthy momma, healthy mom tips, things i don't buy, home declutter, declutter your life, destress your home, de-stress your life, 50 things I don't buy, margaret matheny
Id: HWlgH19M9Ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 24 2019
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