50 Things EVERY Lego Fortnite Player Should Know

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50 tips and tricks in Lego fortnite no matter what height you're falling from don't worry about taking any damage simply do a jump attack and you'll land without a scratch one of the scariest Ways to Die is from a brood these guys are massive but don't worry because you can secretly defeat them without any weapons just lead these guys into the nearest river or lake and they'll straight up drown let's talk about that jump attack though not only does it all fall damage it also stops you from drowning when swimming you lose stamina insanely fast but if you jump and attack constantly it uses way less stamina allowing you to swim way further and if you're like me always running out of arrows here's what I started doing there's plenty of enemy camps around and one guy always has a crossbow take out the other NPCs build some walls around you but just avoid getting shot they fire on limitted arrows so you can just pick up as many as you want at the end of the day this is mainly a survival game and not surprisingly your bed is the greatest tool just by going to sleep you could out heal harsh weather conditions or just go AFK in the toughest areas even better your hunger bar isn't affected in the bed and no matter what speaking of hunger you might be tempted to start a farm sure recommended but there's a farm right in front of you at the start of the game these raspberry bushes could be a lifesaver as long as you don't fully break them over time they grow back the fruit for you to infinitely take hunger could be distracting but rollers are even more annoying when they roll at you it's the worst they just don't know when to quit but here's where I tell you to get a shield with this you can block their attack and stun them and that's not all your next hits will deal double damage saving durability and time if you don't have a sword to fight them with just use the bones throw one down rollers will be distracted by the bone leaving you to make an escape one of the most powered heals in the game is a snowberry shake once you build a juicer collect some snowberries throw them in with some milk and boom you've got the best healing item out there but also if you put the snow berries in a grain Mill they turn into seeds allowing you to have a farm in your village that endlessly creates these heels for you it gets even crazier if you combine the shake with a cool-headed charm it'll let you explore lava caves with ease these are the best places for high level ores and materials and with these healing items you can walk in there without a care in the world one of the strangest things about Lego fortnite is the Sleep System in Minecraft you can just get into bed and skip night time but not here you just got to lay there and nothing happens pretty weird but there is a way to sleep through the night just get into bed and go back to lobby and rejoin there you have it daytime another underrated mechanic is crouching and this goes completely over some people's heads it's a simple button but effective if you crouch you'll stop alerting enemies and can just walk right past them and did you know there's a glider in this game it's pretty late into your progress but here's how to get it as early as possible make sure your crafting bench is rare quality and build a loom then once you gather wool fabric silk Fabric and flexwood rods you can make the glider even better if you use this in the desert biome you can combine it with the geysers to get around really quickly okay make sure you don't die from the glider though it can kill you in seconds if you use it wrong a lot of people didn't know this actually takes up your stamina and once you run out you'll fall to your death even while running stamina is just annoying but here's how to take advantage of it if you stop sprinting at the last second your bar will recharge way faster than if you run it out this allows you to start running again at any time during the recharge which is super useful for escaping danger with this in mind here's how to get tons of Epic materials with without using any tools head into the desert and find a brood then make them charge at you and they will break anything they run into including Rare Minerals alternatively if you're looking for flexwood craft some boom barrels these will blow up a ton of cacti in the desert and dropping dozens of wood for you instantly while we're on the topic of brutes though farming isn't the only way to take advantage of them take High Ground against these guys and just pound them full of arrows it's a Sure Fire way to defeat them without any risk one of my favorite tricks in this video involves chest pretty annoying when you run out of room to place these down but what if I told you they can be stacked on top of each other just put down a 4x8 shelf piece and boom you have double the storage space in fact you don't even have to use chests there are Furniture items like counters dressers and cabinets that also work as storage not to mention they look a lot better in your house also make sure to use the smaller counter over the large one a large has eight slots instead of six but the small one can fit two in the same space giving you 12 total slots and trust me if you're just starting out please make sure your village plays near a desert biome it has the best materials items and Encounters in the game and having to walk all the way to the desert and Lake game will ruin you move your village closer as early as possible to save so much time now you're probably wondering what's the actual benefit of having villagers well sure you can give them a job but what about those that just walk around like sunflower actually they're super useful helping you fight even the toughest enemies with no problem if you get attacked at your village just walk back home and let your residents fight instead it's not like they could die and this might sound weird but if you want to upgrade your village fast build a ton of grills this will Skyrocket your rating letting you hit that requirement for the next upgrade level quickly but if if you want to unlock some exclusive items you'll have to keep upgrading your village all the way to level seven not only does it allow you to have more NPCs but some of these perks are seriously underrated especially gifts once you unlock this talking to NPCs regularly can give you free recipes for decorations building pieces and a ton more the crafting instructions are actually exclusive to these gifts and even depend on what biome you're settled is I talk to everyone daily to unlock everything if you're exploring to find resources to upgrade make sure you follow rule number one before you set out on an adventure always take enough wood with you to craft a bed on the go make sure to set a respawn point before entering caves fighting tough enemies or looting resources that are far away any way if anything goes wrong you spawn to your backpack so you can continue where you left off now if you don't want to travel 100 miles to get into a desert before you create a world search up popular seeds every world is randomly generated using these numbers and if someone found a good one you can type in the exact same code another great trick is with the grappler yeah you can make this thing out of Lego and just like in BR it has no fall damage so make sure to use it to your advantage and if you're used to carrying a torch in your off hand this tip will make exploring caves even easier instead throw down the Torches or place a campfire to light the cave now you can swap it out for a shield to fight way better underground once you're heading back home if you find yourself getting lost take advantage of the campfire trick next time you're at base place a bunch of them down and the more smoke Trails you have the easier it'll be to see from far away just be sure it's your campfire not a group of enemies scall rols could randomly spawn and I got to say the loop it's not the best but don't leave behind their broken swords instead give them to all your NPCs who will actually use them if you're wondering how to gift them simply take them out an adventure and the option appears but this isn't the only time to use it whenever you go out exploring you should always take a villager on the journey with you they help fight off creatures mine resources and the best part if they die they'll just respawn and teleport straight back to you and you also shouldn't underestimate the secret storage of plants GED plots have one space for you to put the seed in but once you do it's taken away and left empty it's a great way to store any valuable items that you don't want your friends getting a hold of but you will want to talk to your villagers because once your BAS is high enough level you can send them on jobs all they need is the right workbench and they'll come back with tons of resources if you pay attention to what they have to say some of them are better at certain jobs than others for example any farming related villagers will usually tell you they're better at gardening than other NPCs so basically just make sure you chat with them and assign them to the best job for more resources and that's not the only thing to talk about because they also provide huge tips for your game chat with any Explorer type villagers and there's a chance we give hints on where to find a sand or snow biome in your world especially useful if there's none for miles if you thought crossbows are good for combat wait until you use the double bow just like the double pump you can hold two and switch between them with fireing for some rapid damage some enemies only take two hits so it's really easy if you prefer taking care of animals you might be wondering how to get them into pens all you got to do is build half of the enclosure and drop food inside to attract them most of them like fruit and Vines so it's easy to get them inside but just know that animals despawn when you leave the world so you can only Farm the resources during your session and if you ever get a full inventory and wish you could carry just one more thing there's a trick it actually works simply spam the pickup Button as you walk towards your home and it keeps swapping them out until you get there one thing you should never carry though is raw meat sure it doesn't have any negative effects but it's a 100 times better to cook it first some foods don't just restore Health but also give an additional boost foods like pies and pizza give over 20 health and five extra Hearts so make sure to pay attention to the pink icons with cooking these are the ones that give you a bonus just make sure you don't drop it in lava because it'll be pretty hard to reach unless you use the stealth feature pressing Crouch actually gives you a further reach distance so you can can pick up items that fell into lava without getting the hot feet if you're exploring a cave it can't reach a ceiling you got to remember to take wood with you you can easily build some quick stairs to get up and once you're done just break it into three punches to get the materials back so if you're run into creatures down there taking them on with your teammate is the best option you can completely overpower almost any enemy with more than one person stunning them constantly so you don't even get attacked maybe you don't have a friend or well your villagers could do the exact same thing one of the most difficult things to beat in Lego fortnite isn't the enemies it's water for some reason you could only swim a few meters before you drown leaving you with the option of going around spamming attack or building a bridge across my favorite though is by far both you can create one with platforms and thrusters making it insanely easy to cross large bodies of water you're crossing the mountains instead keep an eye out for bushes they'll stop fall damage so they're perfect to save your high jump just make sure it's the large ones because the smaller bushes will not help you but any of them can help with enemies if you're running from one and about to lose your last hard jump in a bush and they'll simply lose interest it gives you time to eat some food regain health before going on the run again if you spot a giant rainbow on your travels make sure you sprint towards it if you build up to the cloud at the end and dance with the characters you'll receive a bunch of loot as a reward his rainbows only stay out during the day so make sure you visit them fast not the only random occurrence supply drops could also Rift in and let me tell you they drop some really good loot another free gift could be found by following rip butterflies these guys spawn randomly and will lead you through the world to a reward it might be a chest even a llama so it's always worth checking out that's 50 tips hope you guys enjoyed it's been Tommy and keep it here on top five gaming [Music]
Channel: Top5Gaming
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Keywords: lego fortnite, 50 Tips & Tricks In LEGO Fortnite!, fortnite, fortnite secrets, lego fortnite tips, lego fortnite tips and tricks, lego fortnite tips & tricks, lego fortnite tricks, fortnite lego, fortnite lego secrets, fortnite lego tips, fortnite lego tips and tricks, fortnite lego new, new fortnite, fortnite new, fortnite easter eggs, secrets fortnite, fortnite chapter 5, fortnite update, lego fortnite update, fortnite updates, fort, nite, battle royale, new, update, video
Id: JDkx4fQdCVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 32sec (572 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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