15 BEST LEGO Fortnite Tips & Tricks you need to Know!

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from overpowered super simple easy to make milkshakes that will literally keep you alive forever to sleeping through the night here are 15 Advanced tips and tricks about Lego fortnite tip number one how to reset your weapons durability now yes this one is a little bit of an exploit but it is a tip if you guys want to use it simply start by crafting a empty chest and then throw all of your weapons inside of the chest and then break it this will reset the durability tip number two snowberry shakes are everything snowberry shakes in Lego fortnite are overpowered and you can get them very early on in the game and they are super simple to make first off you will need a juicer which is super simple to make all you need is marble slabs alongside not rout rods and finally planks if you haven't got any snowberries yet I recommend quickly running into the snow biome and then grabbing some and quickly running out and to get the seeds simply throw them into a Grain Mill which is very easy to make here is the recipe finally all you need to do is wait for the snowberries to grow and while this is happening simply pet a few cows and get some cartons of milk and then you have the recipe to make snowberry shakes and it only takes two snowberries and one carton of milk how overpowered are these tip number three is probably the most important one and I really wish I did this early on please place your village on the border of a desert and if you already have a village I highly recommend moving early on and I even did this when my Village was level 10 because seriously the desert is the most important bi him in the game the amount of time I wasted traveling back and forth to the desert was ridiculous so I highly recommend doing it tip number four how to get wool and milk carton super quickly to begin with all you simply need is some Vines and you can get Vines by destroying bushes in the open world and then once you've got them just simply head towards a cattle of cows or a herd of sheep then simply go into your inventory and drop the vines on the floor and this will lure the cow or sheep towards it and once they eventually eat the vine they will pretty much just combust out a load of wool or cartons of milk tip number five make Health charms and protection charms very early on to get yourself started literally all you need is one marble one shell and some silk thread which you get by putting webs inside of a spinning wheel and there you go you have now just created a very simple Health charm increasing your max amount of Hearts but the most important one you need is the cool headed charm because like I said earlier the desert is the most vital biome in the game because if you pair the cool headed charm with the snowberry shake you will not have a problem at all in the lava cave and lava caves are the best because you can find Copper in their bright Co obsidian Ruby so to make a cool head charm it is almost identical to the regular Health charm except from you need to get sand shells if you did follow tip number two you will not have a problem in the desert at all now all you need to do is look out for some of the Sand Shell creatures and simply kill them and there you go you now have some sand shells tip number six how to get Frost pine wood and flexwood super early alongside saving your weapons durability now I did this when I first started the game and all you simply need to do is head into the desert or the ice biome and simply find a brot and if you feel you are good at dodging their attack simply just use them to farm all of the materials this will save your weapon durability and it will grant you flexwood and frost Pine very early on in the game just obviously do not mess up like I did tip number seven always utilize beds beds in Lego fortnite really do not make any sense because when you sleep in them they do not pass time at all but what they are great for is creating respawn points now whenever you go out on a risky Journey or you're just about to enter a cave please place down a bed just outside of the cave as this will be your brand new respawn point and if you do end up dying in the cave you are just on the doorstep so you can simply run back in and grab your backpack very quickly without wasting time traveling tip number eight bright core and blast core are everything now when you get into the late game the snow biome is the final biome and there isn't all too much in the snow biome that is very useful or great except from epic tools which you cannot make without bright core or blast cores and these are s important so while you are in the desert and you can now finally withstand the lva caves Farm as much bright core as you can and to find a blast core all you need to do is look for one of these explosive volcanic shell creatures and just simply let them explode and then pick it up and if you really want to farm blast cores quickly simply walk away from where the volcanic shell creature spawned and then simply walk back and it might respawn I did this a few times to farm them up very quickly now if you are still in the mid game at the desert you might be wondering what is so important with brightco and blast Coes while blast Co and stuff can help you create metal smelters and bright core is pretty much fuel and you cannot make copper bars or iron bar without bright core and when I said Farm as much as possible it is because you need two bright cores to make one bar tip number nine always collect heavy wool when you find it I am not joking this resource is kind of extremely rare at the minute because there is a little bit of a bug or a glitch in the game Heavy wool is meant to drop from the Sheep you find up in the snow by him but it doesn't it just drops regular wool which makes heavy wool very hard hard to get so whenever you find it please pick it up now if you are wondering where do I find it you can find it in chests anywhere in the map tip number 10 take advantage of villager jobs when you get a maxed out Village villager jobs are literally overpowered especially when you send them out to get food because they can get you pizzas and all sorts of very rare extremely good food because they can easily make these broken foods which are kind of difficult to create you can see the recipes here but you do need an oven and like I said earlier please get bright Coors and blast cors because that's how you make an oven tip number 11 set up a glider as soon as you can Amber is found within the desert biome and it can be seen on these really tall rocks which are very difficult to get to but if you have a glider you can simply hit the geysers and glide onto the cliffs making it a hell of a lot easier and you can use the geysers to Traverse the desert and when you get into the snowy biome a lot of the cliffs are absolutely massive so the glider comes in very handy so to get the glider all you need to do is simply create a loom which is super easy to make here is the recipe and then simply go out and farm some wool off some sheep put it into the spinning wheel make some wool thread and then put it into the loom and there you go you now have wool fabric and to get the other fabric you just need to do this exact same process but with spider webs using the the tip I mentioned earlier on you should already have Flex wood and Bam you now have a glider tip number 12 do not craft the grappler it is an absolute waste of resources because you only get 10 uses I know it may be tempting but do not craft the grappler tip number 13 how to actually go to sleep in Lego fortnite so what you will need to obviously craft is a bed and simply just sleep in the bed and then exit the bed and return to lobby and then Lord back in and this will automatically put it back at daytime and it also speeds up villager jobs but do be aware that it only works with one person in the world you cannot do this with your friends tip number 14 if you are starting out in the early game I really highly recommend jumping into the desert biome and the snow biome just quickly run in and grab yourself some peppers and some snowberries then break it down into seeds at the Grain Mill and then start planting and growing peppers and snowberries and you can use the bed tactic if you do want to run into those biomes super early on just to set your spawn point and just before we get onto the final tip I totally forgot hello hello hello there guys I am Ruger eagle and thank you so much for watching up to this point of the video I really do hope you enjoyed it anyway let's get on to tip number 15 when you begin hunting and killing brutes I really recommend taking villagers with you and give them a weapon and if you do not want to craft them a brand new shiny weapon all you need to do is simply raid an outpost and give them some enemies weapons and Bam they can help you defeat brutes oh and just before you go check out the pinned comment down below because I will list all of the rare resources and where to find them such as Malachi and stuff like that
Channel: RuggedEagle
Views: 1,086,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego fortnite, fortnite lego, lego, lego fortnite tips, lego fortnite how to, lego fortnite how to sleep, lego fortnite gameplay, lego fortnite where to, lego fortnite guide, ruggedeagle, lego fortnite tips and tricks, lego fortnite ultimate guide, lego fortnite secrets
Id: 4aADwmapKMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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