50 Stolen Skateboard Graphics

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at the shop we just got in the Quasi Barker 3 decks we thought it was pretty funny and so we decided we should do a deep dive into how many of these stolen skate Graphics there are over skate history as we did a deep dive we realized there was hundreds even thousands of these SPO these ripoffs these copycats out there and we couldn't do them all so we decided our 50 favorite [Music] ones [Music] what's up guys my name is Leva this is shed shop connec you to skateboarding and today we're doing 50 stolen skateboard Graphics another thing we realized is that a lot of these Graphics all had different intentions some of them were an Ode to a graphic that the skater loved 100 years ago some of them were straight up disses and real beef came out of it and some of them were just plain funny and even some of them ended up in big lawsuits and crazy stuff happened guys we just hit 70,000 subs and our goal is to hit 100,000 Subs Before Christmas this year I know you guys want to help us so share this video ask your grandma your mom your ex-girlfriend anyone to sub to us and you sub to us too and we'll make amazing content and great community and we can become best friends all right let's get into it in 2022 flip skateboards decided that they were going to release a 20-year anniversary set of boards for all their team writers for flip Sor every single that was a part of flip story got their flip story graphic reissued 20 years later everybody apart from two Jeff relly and Alex traumer for Jeff roelly it didn't happen because they had some outstanding beef that wasn't dealt with and for Alex Charmers the mystery is still out he doesn't know why he didn't get aboard they didn't even call him but luckily for us pylon skateboards took it in their own hands and they released an Alex chers not sorry board for 20-year anniversary the Muska silhouette graphic was one of the most iconic skateboard Graphics that has ever been released there's been a few different versions over over the years some of the Muska was involved with some not there was one with prime where it was Muska being a painter and artist on there but most recently it was ripped off by politic and Taylor nooi AKA friend to shred shop epically tailored it's no secret that the palace fast logo is one of the best logo Graphics of all time so it made sense when Pizza decided to rip it off and call it their Speedy series Pizza skateboards also decided to do a spoof blind deck that was called the death board Blind Skateboards is no stranger to this list as they make multiple appearances one of our favorites is the Jason Lee Cat in the Hat graphic Annie Jenkins talks about this in the girl 30-year anniversary Bob shirt chromeball interview he mentioned that he drew this graphic from scratch and he drew Jason Lee's face behind the hands so it's not cat and Hat's face it's Jason Lee's face around two decades later he borrowed this graphic again and he used it for a Shawn Malto Pro board with girl Jason Lee's American Icon graphic was later recycled with cliche skateboards when Adam McNatt was getting his first pro model drawing on pal perela he wanted to be a drawing of supermodel Claud Schiffer around that time there was the blind pal pelta beef and the artist Sean cliver had just started drawing the graphic but then had jumped shift to go over to Blind when he arrived at blind Steve Rocco decided that they were going to put this graphic out on blind he knew that they could do it faster and quicker because they were small and Nimble and not like a big company that moves slow like pal pelta blind put this board out which pissed off everyone at pal and perela and Adam McNatt had to get his graphic redrawn by the new artist over there at Paul perta John Key someone had these two boards side by side on eBay for like $4,000 recently this graphic has been spoofed and ripped off by many different brands over the years this style was ripped off on birdhouse where they used adult entertainment stars for the models for the series and they were Pro Models for Heath kirchart and Jeremy client as well years later djk did a ripoff of the same idea with Disney child stars where they had Christina agilera Britney Spears Miley Cyrus and Selena Gomez they went back to the roots and they actually had original artist Sean cver to do these Gra graphics for them it was also stolen by hookups and monster children bacon skateboards did an entire Series where they spoofed some of their favorite Brands like zero joy toy machine and creature similar to this cousin skateboard charity did an Ode to a lot of the brands that they like they did a baker one a blind one and a previously mentioned one that was based off the mus of silhouette slip skateboards did a cheich and Chong graphic for Tom Penney it's the bestselling Board of all time for flip and probably the longest running graphic they ever had interesting enough when they launched this board they just went rogue they didn't ask permission and then later on chich and Chong caught wind of this so they reached out to flip and instead of suing them or giving them a cease and assist in making them stop they said we want royalties so flip gave them to them and since then that board has been booming and still selling and more recently Tory pudwell and Dewan song teamed up and did a thank you graphic where they used the chich and Chong graphic who knows if they're getting any royalties off of that though in the 1990s blind released the Henry Sanchez Terminator deck it was a slick bottom deck which was all the rage of the time so they did a slick bottom with the Terminator face on it and then over top of that they screened Arnold Schwarzenegger's face so when you did lip slides or front boards or whatever you scraped away the graphic out came the Terminator more recently fa did a board like this it was a hologram on the bottom so from one angle it was A's face and from another angle it was Terminator it might not be a direct ripoff of this but we think it was fa paying homage when it comes to spoof Graphics there is none more famous than the Blind and pal Peralta beef now this is the story of a little skateboard company like Blind Skateboards ripping off a juggernaut giant company pal pelta now in this time pal perela were the Kings they had all the biggest Pros like Tony Hawks Steve cab per Willer Rodney Mullen Mike McGill even Canadian Kevin Harris and of course so many more now at the same time Blind Skateboards were the little guys and Street skateboarding was just erupting and becoming cool in one of Pal's ads they made a dig at all small skateboard companies blind felt like it was a direct dig at them and so they barked back with an entire line making fun of pow Graphics they did the Ray Rodriguez skull sword which became the markala skull and banana the per wilander Viking helmet became the Rudy Johnson jock helmet and the Tony Hawk chicken skull board became the Jason Lee dodo bird skull which is funny because the dodo bird was known for being such a dumb bird they literally went extinct it's interesting to note that this doto bird graphic was actually intended to be Danny Way's graphic but at the time there was a rivalry between Tony Hawk and Danny Way and so Dany had requested that they not use that graphic with his name on it the crazy thing is that Danny Way's doo bird graphic actually got released a lot of years later on Modern Plan B and then to come full circle years later crooked actually did a spoof series teasing the blind graphics and these ones were all handrawn by Mark Gonzalez which is pretty sick it also happened again blind years later did another ripoff of the vcj series with Powell but this one kind of came off tired and sad like they were trying to milk the sales when it comes to the most ripped off Graphics of all time there's probably none that is more common on this list than pow perela we have the ray Underhill Dune rip off we have the Tommy G Andrew Reynolds ripoff and then when it comes to vcj ripoffs there is none more common than the Tony Hawk chicken skull graphic ripped off it's been ripped off for so many reasons as we mentioned the blind one people beefing with Tony Hawk all the way to Tony Hawk using it for his own graphics on his own brand there's the Eric Andre and Tom Green birdhouse boards a hookups owed to Tony Hawk and even the Tony frog board but obviously there's a lot more Riley Hawk even ripped off his dad's vcj graphic and made a Riley Hawk chicken skull board on Baker and then in response because more people were noticing Tony Hawk in public as Riley's dad he put out a birdhouse board in said Riley's dad in the bottom Almost Skateboards did a series where they ripped off other board Brands Graphics they did a World Industries Board a nus 101 board and a zero Die Trying board the Die Trying graphic got ripped off and made into a die crying graphic and it was a Ryan Sheckler pro model and underneath it said almost a man iian workshop's exalt graphic got ripped off by politic the classic SMA Julian stranger graphic got a nod by Jeff grao and anti-hero girl skateboards and Guy Mariano did a spoof of a skape mafia graphic and then Pizza went ahead and ripped off girl with a girl Pizza graphic talking about ripoffs girl skateboards got their entire brand ripped off you can learn a lot more about that on our 50 band skateboards video cliche did a spoof enjoy graphic at one point and Roger skateboards did an enjoy ripoff where they actually used CYO Foster in the ad which his actual name is Roger this got them a cease and desist from enjoy skateboards who apparently did understand the joke since Josh kis left Alien Workshop he's done many different spoof Pro Models making fun of his old ones on alien Andy toin did Mark Gonzalez first ever pro model graphic for vision skateboards this graphic has followed guns through every single board company that he's been with over the years from ATM to 6040 real skateboards to Crooked along with many other companies ripping off this graphic over the years birdhouse did a zorlac ripoff for the Vinnie Vegas Pro Model when it comes to controversial logos the kamakazi rising sun logo is definitely the most infamous the Rising Sun graphic is viewed by many Koreans as equal to a swasa logo as this graphic was used by the Japanese military during their violent occupation of Korea in the 70s Surfers used lots of offensive imagery to Brand themselves in their Rebel culture and so in the 70s a lot of skaters and Surfers picked up the rising sun logo not as a sign of racism but as a sign of rebellion it was originally used on shogo kubo's Dogtown promodel board which was released in 1976 it later got redone as a kamakazi board and most famously was used as the hooy kamakazi board or the hooy Rising Sun deck this board came out in 1982 and it's one of the top selling skateboards ever made Hy said on a nine Club interview that he wore these t-shirts all through the 80s and 90s in LA and even Korea Town and he was never told once that it was deemed offensive in the 2000s shies revived this graphic with their famous musar Rising Sun boards Muska skated this board using it to film some of his most iconic clips of his career most of these boards have since been discontinued for obvious reasons you can learn a lot more about this comicazi graphic or all about early skate history in the book skateboarding is not a fashion by the skateboarding Museum it's linked on our website below the fa Logo board got ripped off by friendship skateboards and they rejig the lettering to say something fun farting is awesome guys I'm Levi this is stret shop connecting to skateboarding and thanks for coming on the journey as we walk through 50 stolen skateboard Graphics if you're another platform so are we hit us up at shred shop and @ Levi Switzer if you guys love our content like subscribe and comment we'll probably have some special videos at 100K if you're buying boards like these buy them at your local skateboard shop support your local skateboard shop stay out of the malls if you don't have one it's shred shop.com stay tuned for Comm of the week oh we got a spicy one a spicy one of friendship it's from my dog resin 420 he said watching and skating from the US Virgin Islands buddy enjoy it winter is coming for us and snow sucks for skating let us know below where you're watching from we' love to hear where our friends are Community are from peace
Channel: Shredz Shop
Views: 78,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gD2P6gyUOX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 11 2023
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