50+ Smallest Animals, Plants, Houses In The World Compared

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the world's fastest roller coaster is in the Ferrari World theme park in Abu Dhabi UAE the thing takes just five seconds to reach its top speed of 150 miles per hour you complete the one-mile track in just over a minute and a half and then you barf the slowest roller coaster in the world is in Germany and it's a walkable one yep your speed depends on how fast you can climb the steps of the sixty nine foot tall structure hey there's a loop and everything the largest jigsaw puzzle not by size but by the number of pieces was completed by 1,600 students of the Ho Chi Minh City's University of Economics in Vietnam in 2011 this monster of a puzzle consisted of over 550,000 pieces which helped to get it to the Guinness Book of Records it took the students 17 hours to complete the puzzle a mansion versus a shed a mansion eats your money in a shed you can eat drink and do all your business yourself to find something in a mansion you'll have to search every room with no guarantee of a positive result in a shed everything is in one tiny place on that note to clean up a mansion you'll need a whole regiment of service personnel in a shed you'll only need a broom and about five minutes 75% of all spices on the international market are produced in India it makes the country the world's leader in spice production it exports 180 kinds of spices to over 160 countries Mongolia is the place to live if you need a lot of personal space it's one of the least populated countries on the planet to be precise its population density is just 5 people per square mile this is mostly because of its mountain ranges and the Gobi Desert the world's largest crocodile in captivity was called Lolong it got to the Guinness World Records for reaching a length of more than 20 feet the animal was almost as long as a London bus you can also compare its length with three dolphins or a giraffe the biggest plane in the world by wingspan is Strato launched designed as a flying launch platform for space rockets the aircraft is wider than a football field it's a wingspan is twice wider than that of a Boeing 747 you can also line up 47 polar bears on its wings hey let's try it the largest organ in your body is your skin it makes up almost 16 percent of your body mass the average adult carries some 8 pounds of it that's just a bit less than a well-fed domestic cat the biggest planet in our solar system is Jupiter this gas giants diameter is 11 times that of earth and its mass is two and a half times the mass of all the other planets in the solar system combined around eighty three years ago the world saw this famous landmark in all its glory for the first time connecting the city of San Francisco and Marin County the bridge is painted international orange the entire construction is huge it weighs as much as two million midsize bison or 127 thousand African elephants the world's largest animals hey imagine cleaning up after that don't forget your shovel the biggest sports stadium in the world is in North Korea it can seat 114 thousand people which is the entire population of Springfield Illinois to see the world's smallest stadium just look at your typical foosball table yeah okay fine if we're going by capacity there are plenty that tie with 40,000 max Russia's fisht Olympic Stadium Rentschler Field in the US Japan's a white a bank dome just to name a few the fastest installed elevator is in the Shanghai Tower China it moves at a dizzying speed of 67 feet per second just a bit slower than an accelerating cheetah and the slowest elevator in the world is apparently in my apartment building well not officially but it sure feels like that a laptop versus a calculator writing hello with numbers on a calculator is easy just flip it upside down a laptop is bore and won't bring you this pure joy a laptop might have thousands of times more calculating power but to count your numbers you need to turn it on wait for it to load and then open a special app with a calculator you have all its counting glory in your palm right away a laptop is heavy and you need a special bag to carry it with you a calculator fits most pockets rafflesia arnoldii found in indonesian rainforests has the largest flowers in the world when this plant is blooming its flowers can reach 3 feet across and weigh more than 15 pounds which is as heavy as a bowling ball water meal also known as wolf iya has the tiniest flowers on earth imagine how small they are if the plant itself resembles a candy sprinkle and weighs like 2 grains of table saw if you needed to fill a thimble with these plants you would need 5000 of them the capital city of the Philippines Manila and its 16 surrounding cities make up Metro Manila this metropolitan area has a population of almost 13 million people during the daytime this number gets way higher since many people come here to work Nepal is a record holder of a country it has the world's tallest mountain the great and mighty Mount Everest and the world's deepest gorge Kali Gandaki Nepal also has a super high concentration of World Heritage Sites within a ten-mile radius there are seven of them Symphony of the Seas is the greatest cruise ship on the planet now it could easily transport eight and a half statues of Liberty fifteen and a half Brooklyn bridges or twenty and a half I felt ours the ship is also as long as twelve blue whales the largest dump truck in the world Bhalla 75710 is produced in Belarus these enormous vehicles work at mining sites the truck can easily carry more than four space shuttles 55 elephants or 150 hippos the thing is also higher than a two-story house the smallest organ is the pineal gland near the center of your brain this tiny endocrine gland is shaped like a pinecone it's the name and weighs less than a raindrop it produces melatonin a hormone that controls your wake and sleep cycles the teeniest frog on the planet lives in Papua New Guinea the 0.3 inch long animal is also considered the world's smallest known vertebrate some sections of this monumental construction appeared already in the seventh century BCE if you stretched out the entire wall it would probably fall apart but it would extend more than halfway around the globe imagine this if you decided to measure the Landmarks length and the longest snakes in the world it would take more than two million pythons placed one after another hey they just want to hug you porcelain Palace the largest public restroom in the world is in Chongqing China it's not a single bathroom but a gigantic four-story 32 thousand square foot complex with 1,000 toilets hey if you're there mention my name and you'll get a good seat the most compact loo in the world has to be Britain's futuristic-looking vertebrae vertical bathroom it consists of seven units or modules that can be rotated with a push there's one commode a sink the toilets tank two showers went a bit higher than the other and two storage drawers a flashlight versus a torch a flashlight only serves one purpose utilitarian with a torch you can pretend to be an Olympic torch bearer or even prometheus bringing fire to humankind whew if there's a dark and gloomy Castle nearby in which as you suspect something evil lives you won't go to fight it with a flashlight it's not serious with a torch you can immediately light up any party singapore changi airport has been winning the world's best airport title for seven years in a row what's so special about this transportation hub it might be the butterfly orchid sunflower cactus and water lily Gardens there or perhaps it's the airport's rooftop pool the xbox360 station or the movie theater six dining halls all specializing in different cuisines countless gourmet restaurants and the Hello Kitty orchid Garden Cafe might also have contributed to the victory the world's biggest living shark is the whale shark slow-moving and filter-feeding this calm giant can grow as long as 10 adult people four bottlenose dolphins or 36 domestic cats the longest passenger train in the world is the God it helps people to get from Adelaide to Darwin in Australia the Train consists of 44 cars and is as long as 212 adult crocodiles or three Empire State building's the giant pandas babies are the tiniest mammal newborns but only if you compare them to their mother's size panda moms are usually nine hundred times larger than their Cubs a baby weighs no more than three and a half ounces tornadoes maximum wind speed was recorded in 1999 in the southern Oklahoma City metropolitan area the bridge Creek Moore tornado reached an incredible wind speed of more than 300 miles per hour as one and a half times as fast as a sports car it was also the highest wind speed ever observed on our planet Ferdinand is a moon of Uranus and it's only twelve point four miles in diameter it's a bit over to Mount Everest spud together and for an even more vivid comparison lacrimosa is an asteroid that's twice the size of Ferdinand it's 26 miles across which makes it dwarf even the olympus mons on mars the fastest train in the world is the Shanghai maglev it runs along a high-speed magnetic levitation line at a maximum speed of 268 miles per hour the world's slowest Express train runs in Switzerland during the trip the Glacier Express averages just 24 miles per hour built as an entrance arch for the 1889 World's Fair the famous tower was supposed to stand for only 20 years luckily it became a hit and wasn't dismantled the Eiffel Tower is a heavy thing it weighs as much as two million well-fed domestic cats or a fourteen and a half thousand adult cows well cats love milk so that works a sports car versus a firetruck in a sports car all eyes are on you in a firetruck not only eyes but ears are on you too a sports car can drive you fast and furious wherever you like but can it make the whole street make way for you no but a firetruck can with a sports car you need a perfect Road because otherwise you'll feel every single bump with your behind a firetruck can take you to the top of a volcano and back without breaking a sweat the Netherlands is the country with the largest number of bikes per capita the population of 17 million people has twenty two point five million bicycles the total length of the Dutch cycle network is about twenty-two thousand miles as almost all the way across the planet 36 percent of people used bikes as their main mode of transportation high-speed trains anime/manga sumo-wrestling elaborate tea ceremonies what do you think Japan is number one in it excels at many things but it also has the most three-star Michelin restaurants in the world with 34 of them in total the Goliath beetle is often called the largest on earth its length is bigger than that of 20 black ants or as big as a house mouses the beetle is also twice as heavy as a golf ball and four times as heavy as a double-a battery Mars the Red Planet despite its color is very cold and quite small compared to us it's only about 4200 miles across ah the blue and green planet our home the earth its diameter is a bit less than 8,000 miles the cosy little world isn't it since 2014 the biggest Ferris wheel on the planet has been the high roller in Las Vegas the thing is 550 feet tall just twice smaller than the Chrysler Building in New York it's as tall as 32 giraffes or a pyramid of almost 100 adult people the height roller is also 9 feet higher than the world's second tallest Singapore Flyer and 107 feet higher than the London Eye most science has agreed that the world's oldest active volcano might be Mount Etna on Sicily the first volcanic activity started in that region half a million years ago Mount Etna is also one of the biggest volcanoes on earth it took just one year and 45 days to construct the famous skyscraper after it had been completed the building remained the world's tallest for another 40 years no wonder the thing is three times as tall as the Great Pyramid of Giza if you measured its weight in Tigers it would make 1 million and a half adult males it would be even more in giant pandas two and a half million of acute cuddly critters the biggest dog in the world if we talk about its weight was Chloe a mastiff that weighed 365 pounds as much as a full-grown reindeer Chloe lived in Tibet back in the 80s the smallest living dog is Milly a chihuahua from dorado puerto rico when the tiny thing was born she didn't even weigh one ounce and could fit in a teaspoon now this itsy-bitsy pooches height is just under four inches the world's largest living bird by maximum wingspan is the wandering albatross also called white winged or snowy albatross it has the greatest wingspan known to people it can reach 12 feet measure four steps and you'll see how large this wingspan is the smallest bird on our planet is the bee hummingbird the tiny creature is as heavy as a paperclip and measures just a bit more than 2 inches in length a set of keys versus a gas cutter everyone can open doors with keys that's boring enter the house by disintegrating front door hinges with a gas cutter though and you're sure to be noticed keys usually opened a certain number of doors with a gas cutter almost all doors in the world are open for you yeah keys are faster but if you're tired of cutting a stubborn door with a gas cutter you can bring some firewood and have a barbecue getting a key into a lock at night can't be tricky a gas cutter is a source of light in itself there are ten times more camels than koalas in Australia and as paradoxically as it may sound this country is also the main camel supplier for most middle-east countries Japan has more than 5 million vending machines mostly because they save time for people who work late hours which is a pretty common thing there Japanese vending machines aren't just for snacks and soda you can buy basically anything from live lobsters to umbrellas in these machines well a lobster vending machine the biggest known tree on earth by volume is a giant sequoia named General Sherman you would need 150 concrete mixer trucks if you decided to fill up the trees volume it's also as much as 2,000 hot tubs the largest human-made thing in space is the International Space Station it's as heavy as five space shuttles and as large as a football field the station is also as heavy as 220 cars or forty cruise ship anchors Saturn is a gas giant that absolutely deserves this title this ringed enormity is over seventy two thousand miles in diameter Jupiter is the largest planet of our solar system also a gas giant it's almost 87 thousand miles across it also has a storm that's been around for at least four centuries no one has ever weighed the ivory weight marble mausoleum which is considered to be one of the seven new wonders the world but you can imagine how monumental it is if just one marble block from the Taj Mahal weighs as much as 120 adult male wolves the construction is also as high as 13 giraffes put one on top of another who wait it's the Cirque des giraffe the loudest city in the world is Mumbai India it's noise level is more than 100 decibels which is almost as loud as its chainsaw the world's quietest place is a room in a Microsoft research lab in Redmond Washington State ooh it's so eerily quiet that no one can stay there for more than 45 minutes at a time supposedly you can hear your own heartbeat the fastest air breathing takeoff capable plane in the world used to be the Lockheed sr-71 blackbird this incredible machine could reach the maximum speed of 2,200 miles per hour almost three times the speed of sound the aircraft was so fast that the air in front of it didn't have enough time to glide this friction made the planes outsides boiling hot the Sun our shining star the center of our small world it's also over eight hundred sixty-three thousand miles in diameter and to get from one pole of it to the other by airplane you'd need more than two months and some serious heat protection but compared with other stars the Sun is tiny take a look at VV sefie beam it's one of the moderate sized stars in Cepheus constellation and it's about 13 to 25 times the size of our star by different accounts winless Sagrada família is finally completed and it's already been under construction for well over a century it will have taken more than seven times longer to build than the Great Pyramid of Giza when the tallest spire is finished the Basilica will be as tall as six blue whales the largest living animals on earth or nine large whale sharks so that means laws whale that ends well the tallest bridge in the world is the Malou viaduct in southern france its maximum point soars at 1125 feet above the ground which is really high for a bridge the smallest drawbridge in the world is in Bermuda there Somerset bridge connects Somerset Island with the mainland the length of the bridge is a little over two and a half feet one of the most famous buildings in the world the Sydney Opera House cost almost sixty eight million dollars to build that's much more than its initially estimated cost the breathtaking construction weighs as much as three hundred forty thousand large adult polar bears or almost 50 thousand grizzly bears Wow I can hardly bear it peony star is the brightest star in the whole Milky Way galaxy and now try to imagine that it's 92 times larger than the Sun - it's not the largest by far though see Deneb for instance it's more than twice as big as peony star with a diameter of two hundred three times that of the Sun no wonder it's the brightest in its constellation the hottest thing on earth is the planets core itself scientists have recently discovered that it's even hotter than they thought before ten thousand eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit it's almost a thousand degrees hotter than the Sun surface but several years ago physicists managed to break this record they heated a piece of aluminum up to 3.6 million degrees Fahrenheit it was the hottest thing on earth for a brief moment the word
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Keywords: Bright side, bright side comparisons, funny comparisons, interesting facts, facts about the planet, facts about the earth, facts about nature, amazing facts, facts of life, interesting comparisons, most extreme comparisons, crazy game, fun game, smallest creatures ever, small creatures, what to do at home for fun, absurd games, absurd things, how to develop imagination power
Id: 9uPoxEdby8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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