50 Facts You Probably Didn't Want to Know

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the world is full of fun and interesting facts the kinds of things that you learn and look forward to sharing with your friends and in today's video we're absolutely not doing any of that instead we're going to be looking at 50 fascinating bits of information that you're probably going to be a lot happier not knowing starting off with number one dangerous painkillers there are a lot of painkillers that are known to carry with them a certain amount of risk opioids and opiates likely top out this list for most people but there is one much more common drug that poses a potentially undue risk to people and that's acetamin it's been approved for prescription use by the FDA since 1950 and for over the counter use since 1955 but it's been argued that if the drug were discovered today with our stricter standards in place it would not be given FDA approval even for prescription use ACN has the potential to cause serious liver damage especially when combined with alcohol while some level of risk exists with all medications however mild that risk might be one of the key problems with a sea myen aside from its overuse is the small margin between the typical therapeutic dose and the toxic dose these concerns have been discussed for over 50 years including in the 1970s editorial in the prestigious medical journal the Lancet although the drug is considered safe when used as directed and millions of people take it every day there are still tens of thousands of Americans hospitalized every year and about 150 deaths resulting from accidental acetam and toxicity the Fig wasp life cycle the last time you bit into a fig or possibly a fig newton you probably didn't give a lot of consider eration to where that fig came from after all they grow on trees like many other fruits and we all have at least a basic understanding of how this process works however figs aren't actually a fruit what we eat is known as an inflorescent which is essentially just a bloated stem full of flowers that grew inside out while it's neat that they're technically flowers rather than fruit it doesn't seem like it would change very much at least not until you consider how these flowers are pollinated specialized female wasps have to crawl through a tiny opening in the Fig in order to reach the interior this Gap is so small that the female's wings and antenna are torn off in the process trapping her inside once inside the WASP will pollinate the flowers but its main goal is to lay its eggs the WASP then dyes inside the carnivorous fig which breaks it down for nutrients when the eggs hatch the wingless males mate with their sisters before digging an escape tunnel for them these males then die and are eaten by the Fig while the females fly to another fig Del lay their eggs and repeat the process again commercially cultiv ated figs use a special variety of tree that doesn't need to be pollinated to produce its fruit but other figs you eat may contain wasp eggs or bits of wasps inside them depending on where in the life cycle it was when it was picked and I am never eating figs again just before we continue a word from our fantastic sponsor today and that is foro swed skare can sometimes feel like navigating through a galaxy of options but fear not because this is the ultimate solution it's the forio UFO 3 it's a deep facial hydration device that fits right into the palm of your hands and with the foro for youu app you can customize your skincare routine with just a few Taps simply select your preferred treatments and let the UFO 3 work its magic it is designed to deeply hydrate your skin leaving it feeling as fresh as a morning d drop it combines thermotherapy LED light therapy and t-sonic massage to give you the ultimate pampering experience and at this point you might think is s you're not Beauty inlu sir what are you doing promoting some skin care device I like well I don't know having skin that looks nice is nice and foro allow you to do that with minimum effort so whether you're looking to boost hydration reduce the appearance of wrinkles approach your middle age who isn't or simply indulge in some self-care the ufo3 has got you covered and with a forio for you app you're always just a tap away from glowing radiant skin whether it's a gift for you or your significant other I got my wife one of these after she saw me using it it's a great thing to buy so what are you waiting for join me in experiencing the wonders of skincare with the UFO 3 by fario just click the link below and you'll get a 30% discount on the UFO 3 plus for the first 50 people who use the code side 10 you'll get an extra 10% off which is nice so thank you to forio for sponsoring and now back to today's video cheese Addiction in 2015 the internet was shocked when headlines compared cheese to cocaine in light of a new research paper others then went on the offensive attempting to refute the eye-catching claims the 2015 paper used self-reported data about how foods made people feel and their level of craving for the food and it wasn't trying to create any specific scientific claims about the addictive nature of cheese as it related to our brain chemistry however in 2021 a new research paper was published that sought to do just that the study showed that cheese contains a protein called casin which the body breaks down into peptides called quesam Morphin the paper referred to these quesam Morphin as food derived opioids because they latch onto our body's opioid receptors and provide similar effects to other opioids like heroin and morphine Al the effects of cheese are not nearly as intense as dangerous Pharmaceuticals cheese consumption still causes a release of dopamine that could be addictive chlorinated water is odorous the sense of chlorinated water is an unmistakable sign that summer has finally arrived if you've ever been in a pool you could almost certainly recall the unique scense of the water with relative ease unfortunately it turns out you weren't smelling what you thought you were by itself chlorinated water is almost entirely odorless there may be a very faint chemical smell but it's nothing like the pool scent that you're familiar with that scent is not caused by chlorine but by chloramines chloramines are created when the chlorine reacts with ammonia stripping away the ammonia's hydrogen atoms and replacing them with chlorine of course since people aren't dumping ammonia in their chlorinated pools that just raises the question of how it got in the pools in the first place naturally the ammonia came from people it comes from sweat body oils and most abundantly urine yes that means the distinctive pool smell that so many people have fond memory of is actually just the % of people pissing in the pool lovely and if the odor is particularly strong it's best to stay out of the water entirely chlorine is added to pool water to kill germs but when it combines with ammonia to form chloramines it can no longer perform its intended task as such the stronger the pool scent is the less free chlorine is in the water to fight off germs that could cause infection for swimmers and of course it means there's more pee in the pool as well so that's nice eyelash mites it's well known that your body is covered and filled with bacteria the average human body is roughly 50% bacteria cells many of which have a symbiotic relationship with our bodies although this fact can sometimes be mildly unsettling it's easy not to think about microscopic creatures that exist in numbers too large to properly comprehend so instead let's talk about other organisms living on your body that are about 400 times larger than a bacteria or about3 mm and instead of a number so large as to seem abstract there are roughly 1,000 to 2,000 of these things living on you right now they're called Demodex mites and their eight-legged parasites that live on your eyelashes near the follicules these might survive on a diet of dead skin cells and oils and are considered to be mostly beneficial as long as there's only a couple of thousand of these parasites on your eyelashes everything should be fine but if their population grows too much it can cause an infection of the eye known as dermatosis and if the mere presence of these mides wasn't enough to make you uncomfortable you may be happy to know they are officially characterized as arachnids you're never too old to die at the time of writing it's approaching allergy season in the northern hemisphere which is a time of itchy eyes runny noses coughing sneezing and other uncomfortable symptoms allergies are an abnormal immune system response to various substances that are normally harmless to humans these frequently develop in children especially food allergies but it's not uncommon for adults to develop new allergies as well in fact while new allergies are generally less common at Advanced ages there is no age which a person is free from the possibility of developing new allergies including extremely Deadly Ones for adults this often means developing new allergies to medications or insect Venom like beasting however one of the most common allergies for adults to develop is latex the risk of developing a latex allergy increases based on the level of exposure and many hospitals have moved away from using latex gloves because doctors and nurses kept developing allergies from repeated and prolonged use of course gloves aren't the only latex product that people use and it's quite possible that the only reason you were born is because an adult developed a latex allergy from excessive exposure you're never too young to die you're probably familiar with the warning sign that you or someone else is having a stroke the person may have trouble speaking or maybe speaking nonsense even if they think they're talking normally they might have trouble with balance and parts of their body like their face might go numb however despite the common belief there is no evidence that smelling burning toast is a warning sign of a stroke so if that does happen to you please check your toaster anyway a stroke occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is severely reduced or stopped entirely the most common causes of this are either a blood clot or a hemorrhage and strokes are generally associated iated with older people however while age is one of the many risk factors for strokes it's not a requirement any person regardless of how young or healthy they are can have a stroke at any time we're running out of antibiotics antibiotics have been in use for less than a century and we're already in danger of running out of them in the foreseeable future we won't run out of the antibiotics themselves it's just that the ones that exist will stop being as effective as antibiotic resistance continues to grow in bacteria according to the World Health Organization every year nearly 5 million people die as a result of antibiotic resistant infections by 2050 that number is expected to double furthermore experts have warned that we aren't developing new antibiotics fast enough to combat the very real problem this poses it would be one thing if these resilient strains of bacteria were mutations that remained highly localized but they are able to spread out to extreme distances recent Studies have found antibiotic resistant bacteria in clouds allowing them to literally rain down on people thousands of kilometers away from where the resistance originated shockingly the this isn't even a new problem penicillin was discovered in 1928 and first approve a commercial use in 1941 the first penicillin resistance strains of staf carai bacteria were discovered in 1942 but maybe there's an upside to this is said a fearing that the future of humanity will be doomed to die from infection perhaps we can Rejoice that we're alive at what may be the brief window of human history where antibiotics were still effective have your pets spayed or nuted have you ever been so horny that you thought you might die if you didn't get laid well hopefully not because that level of overd dramaticized desperation is generally unattractive to other humans but for female ferrets this is the reality of their Mating Season female ferrets go into heat in early spring and remain in that state until they become pregnant or the breeding season ends towards the end of fall while in heat the ferrets produce large quantities of estrogen the high levels of estrogen can lead to bone marrow suppression a condition where they produce a lower count of red and white blood cells than normal if this continues the females will suffer from aplastic anemia and extremely painful and deadly condition resulting from the lack of blood cell production it's worth noting that the females do not need to successfully get pregnant but they will literally die without sex there is no analog of this condition in male farerets so it is only the females for whom mating is a matter of life and death because of how deadly and painful a plastic anemia is combined with how difficult and malodorous it is to breed ferrets it is recommended that all domesticated female ferrets be spayed so that they will not go into heat what a way to go speaking of excessive horny animals let's now travel to Australia where the antechinus lives antechinus are A genus of marsupials resembling mice and their breeding season is truly something else while those female fets need to have sex or they die the male antig genus will have sex until they die a behavior referred to as suicidal reproduction this type of reproduction has been observed in plants and some insects and invertebrates but it is extremely rare in larger animals males will begin breeding with every female they can find for a period of 1 to 3 weeks repeatedly mating until they drop dead at least one species of aninos will even cannibalize the dead as they need the energy to continue their intense workout deaths result from rising levels of the stress hormone cortisol hormone production increases while the anous of breeding and the increased levels of testosterone inhibit the body's ability to remove the cortisol from the bloodstream as a result the males die of systemic organ failure breeding season has a near 100% mortality rate for males but well at least they died doing what they love is that a banana in your pocket the osus monkey is an endangered monkey endemic to the Southeast Asian island of Borneo the species received its name because at a glance the most notable feature of the monkey is its large extended prosus sword nose at a secondary glance however there's another noteworthy appendage that would also be extended the male prosus monkeys bought a Perpetual erection it's pretty hard to miss as the penis is bright red why these monkeys are always erect remains a mystery and they are the only primate to feature this characteristic interestingly it doesn't seem to be related to their attempts to attract mate female prascus monkeys appear more interested in the size of a male's nose than in the size of their penis cannibalistic medicine before germ Theory became widespread and ushered in the modern era of medicine treatments were a total crapshoot those that proved effective did so for reasons totally unrelated to what was believed but far more common were ineffective treatments that may have only served to make the diseases worse these suppressed remedies were often bizarre in nature and it wasn't uncommon for their ingredients to include human remains ground up mummies were popular among the wealthy and King's drops were popular throughout the 17th century King Charles II was on his deathbed having suffered from either a seizure or stroke a few years earlier had purchased the secret formula for doctor and chemist Jonathan godard's godard's drops the formula included 5 pounds of groundup human's skull preferably from those that had died in combat or been executed if someone died of old age or disease it was believed that their skull could bear the same infection that killed the original host the king took 40 of these drops daily but unsurprisingly they didn't help despite the king's drops as they had been renamed proving ineffective they still became All the Rage among anyone who get their hands on some skulls after all if it was good enough for the king then it was good enough for them even if it hadn't been good enough to actually save the king it wasn't just Bones the use of Ground Up Bones in medicine may seem gross but it could certainly get worse than that brains were also used in medicine because well why wouldn't they be these days we recognize that even if cannibalism was for some reason an option you should never reach a human brain doing so could result in preon diseases like Kuru the human version of mad cow disease but 17th century doctors didn't know any of that one recipe aptly titled essence of a man's brains was published in 1651 by John French as a cure for epilepsy in his book The Art of distillation 4 the recipe read take the brains of a young man that has died a violent death together with the membranes arteries veins nerves all the pth of the back and Bruise these in a stone mortar until they become a kind of Pap then put as much of the spirit of wine as will will cover it three or four fingers breadth then digest it half a year in horse Dun A scruple or two of this Essence taken in some specifical water once a day is most infallible medicine against the falling sickness well there could be some theoretical logic behind brains being used as an ingredient in medicine it is hard to defend the use of fermented horse dong beaver glands if you're a fan of musky leathery colog and perfumes you may be surprised to learn where that scent comes from perfumes frequently use extracted scent oil from Plants fruits and woods but none of those going to get you a rich leathery scent for something like that you need to turn to Animal secretions and in the case of this particular odor one popular source is the cter sack of beavers essentially the beaver's anal glands Castor acts can be removed from a dead beaver and dried out but the more common way to extract korium is to milk the beaver anal glands if that sounds gross to you just remember that secretions like this are you've been frequently spraying on yourself whenever you use perfume or cologne while castorian is almost exclusively used by the perfume industry these days that's not its only use it's been a source of artificial vanilla and fruit flavors in things like ice cream as well as a flavor and odor additive for cigarettes the time required to milk a bunch of beavers makes this cost prohibitive compared to Growing vanilla for mass-produced ice creams but you'll also never know if you wind up eating it castorian falls under the blanket of natural flavorings that don't need to be individually listed on an ingredient label skeletons are fun when Disneyland first opened in California in 1955 it was a big success and it quickly became a popular vacation destination because the park kept drawing larger and larger crowds it had to expand in size and build new rides to attract repeat customers one of the rides first opened in 1967 and that was the Pirates of the Caribbean it was decades before the modern movie franchise and the ride wasn't based on any existing Story the creators at fre Reign create pretty much anything they wanted but there was one thing was absolutely essential to their Vision skeletons Pirates are known for the skull and crossbones of the Jolly Roger and treasure chests are often depicted surrounded by human skeletons the spooky aesthetic was deemed essential to the ride but there was a bit of a problem artificial skeletons of the day looked fake and stupid to work around this problem Disneyland purchased real human remains that had been donated to the University of California over the years the ride underwent renovation multiple times and it's reported that the real skeletons were phased out in favor of new higher quality fi however it's widely claimed including by Park employees that there is still one of the original human skeletons that continues to be used as decoration on the attraction Lake Superior never gives up her debt at over 82,000 Square km Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world as a basis of comparison the lake is slightly larger than the Czech Republic and slightly smaller than Austria the lake has been an extremely important shipping route for well over a century and of present day it's used transport an average of 32 million tons of material every year however it's also a dangerous shipping route Lake Superior is notorious for turning deadly as storms can produce 10 m waves of freezing water many ships have been lost to the bottom of the lake with over 10,000 people having died in those shipwrecks but there's an old saying in Michigan Lake Superior never gives up her debt well that's not accurate 100% of the time there is a lot of truth to it at over 400 m deep with an average surface temperature of 40 to 45° F or 48° C Lake Superior is the coldest and deepest of the Great Lakes and it gets colder real fast as you dive underwater so cold that the bacteria that would normally cause a body to Decay blows and rise to the surface are not able to survive the cold temperatures also preserve the bodies far longer than they otherwise would meaning the floor of Lake Superior is littered with potentially thousands of corpses the oldest known corpse in the lake nicknamed old Whitey can be found pinned under a stair gase in the underwater wreckage of the SS Camp Loops which went down in 1927 zombie woodpeckers as we said earlier brains are not an effective form of medicine nor are human brains a good source of food for other humans however it turns out the woodpeckers aren't so Discerning when it comes to cannibalizing brains woodpeckers are the best known of all the drilling birds and they're common across nearly the entire world except for Australia and Madagascar woodpeckers use their hard beaks to tap along a tree trunk listening to the sound of a hollow spot that would indicate the presence of insects hiding inside the tree they then pound their heads against the tree to drill inside before using their incredibly long harpoon-like tongues to extract any delicious insects their tongues are so long that they have to wrap around the woodpecker's brains this both gives the bird somewhere to store its grotesque tongue as well as providing extra padding for the brain to prevent concussions while drilling but what's a woodpecker to do if they're hungry and can't find insects in a tree you might think they would go look for insects on the ground or in plants like other birds but that's a waste of a perfectly good drilling beak instead they will find other birds and use their beaks to drill through their skulls devouring their brains the victims are usually baby birds in nests who are unable to fight back or fly away and this behavior is common among multiple species of woodpeckers spiders are getting bigger pretty one not living in Australia where spiders the size of a person's head are already common the idea of a sudden increase in the size of spiders may be a bit disconcerting however this is one of many impacts that climate change is having on spiders around the world Rising temperatures have cause spiders to become larger more abundant faster and more aggressive some Outlet have also reported that spiders are becoming more venomous but that's not entirely true how venomous an individual species of spider is hasn't changed But Rising temperatures have allowed many venomous species that live in tropical climates to be able to spread out well beyond the area that they previously called home while they have been numerous studies over the past 15 years that have showed spiders increasing in size it is important to note that each study was focused on a specific species in a relatively localized area although these areas range from the Arctic All the Way South to austral Australian cities we can't yet say as a blanket statement that all spiders have been getting bigger but enough of them absolutely are twoin eye surgery now there have been a lot of bizarre medical procedures throughout history most of which have been pointless and ineffective however in the 1960s Italian Opthalmic surgeon Bonito strampelli had an idea that put these insane ancient remedies to shame not only did he intend to pull out someone's tooth and implant it in their eye to restore Vision but the procedure worked and is still being used today Osteo oronto carater prosthesis colloquially known as tooth and eye surgery was a procedure that strampelli pioneered and it's effective on patients with severe enough corneal scarring that it would prevent a corneal transplant to start the cornea the inner lining of the eyelid and any Scar Tissue are all removed a layer of tissue from the cheek is then transplanted over the eye then a tooth is extracted from the patient or a donor tooth is used and a hole is drilled in the center to hold an artificial lens once properly shaped this artificial tooth lens hybrid is implanted into the patient's cheek for a few months to allow it to grow on its own blood supply the cheek tissue that have been implanted over the eye is then removed and the eye gets hollowed out and the tooth is implanted in the eye yes this is a real modern surgery and yes it is effective at restoring Vision a toothy grin your average child is born with 52 teeth 20 baby teeth and 32 permanent teeth as a general rule there is very little fluctuation in that number however in 2009 there was a case of a child with considerably more teeth than that a 7-year-old boy from India had complained to his parents about jaw pain so he was taken to a dentist for x-rays his parents noticed some swelling in his jaw starting when he was about three but the boy wouldn't sit still for long enough for doctors to examine him so nothing was done once an x-ray was finally taken it was discovered that in the boy's lower jaw was a sack containing 526 extra teeth of various sizes it is an extremely rare condition called compound composite or Toma in which a benign tumor develops in the jaw and begins growing excess teeth it's well known orbe it gross that tumors can grow teeth and hair but the sheer number of teeth in this tumor shattered the record the previous record was held by a 17-year-old boy from India who had 232 teeth removed in 2014 before that the record had only been 37 teeth because the condition is so rare its causes remain completely unknown keep your Ducks entertained now there are a lot of animals that engage in cannibalistic behavior for various reasons usually it's due to a lack of other food substances in tadpoles canabalism also provides a competitive Advantage as tadpoles that eat other tadpoles grow faster and thus become less appealing to prey than their smaller and more defenseless siblings but ducklings will engage in cannibalism for a number of different reasons there's the obvious lack of food and the less obvious but somewhat understandable overcrowding however ducklings will also cannibalize each other just out of sheer boredom this can start at any age though it's more common to occur once the duckins have reached for weeks old despite their adorable appearance and reputation as being generally friendly and sociable it turns out that ducks are actually psychotic little hols and it doesn't stop with murdering each other out of boredom as we'll now see a disappointing evolutionary trait it's relatively common knowledge that ducks have long quk screw shaped penises that's a weird but mly interesting bit of trivia but have you ever wondered why they would evolv this way male ducks developed these appendages so that their penises could navigate The Labyrinth maze that is a female vagina full of twists turns and dead ends unfortunately that's still only part of the answer female ducks develops that odd anatomical trait as a defense mechanism because male ducks are extremely prone to sexual assaults they will do this constantly even mid-flight and so female ducks evolved to try and prevent unwanted pregnancy from forc copulation with males that they did not find to be suitable mates the Ducks penises then evolved to counteract this defense mechanism increasing their chances of being able to successfully breed with the females without their consent happy death day this purported fact actually remains open to debate as there's not a 100% definitive consensus on the matter however many statistical studies show that you are much more likely to die on your birthday than any other day of the year with deaths in the week leading up to or following your birthday also being key candidates the first large scale study used data from 2.7 million Californians who died between 1969 and 1990 and multiple studies of a similar scale have been conducted most of these studies showed clear evidence of the birthday effect though a couple showed no such effect though not definitively proven yet there are a number of explanations for why this might be the case birthdays especially for younger people are associated with going out and drinking this can result in deaths from alcohol poisoning and drunk driving and in the United States the number of people who die on their 21st birthday or the day after is well in excess of the normal distribution birthdays are also stressful and in men there's an increased risk of suicide surrounding a person's birthday there are also terminally or patients who may through sheer force of will manage to hang on until their birthday at which point they're comfortable letting go don't forget to buckle up though they don't rank in the top 10 causes of death globally car crashes are still a major cause of death about 1.3 million people each year die in fatal car accidents though what percentages of total deaths that is varies wildly from country to Country in the US for example with an average of about 40,000 fatal car accidents each year they make up just over 1% of all deaths this means that as an American for every 100 people you've ever known on average one of them will die in a car accidents similar but much less exact figure going around relating to murder as well according to one study on average every person in the world will walk past 36 murderers in their life how accurate that number is varies greatly depending on the country you live in and how often you leave your house and walk past people you've never encountered before but it doesn't change the fact that there are an awful lot of murderers out there no anesthesia needed for a long time it was believed that babies were more susceptible to pain than older children or adults were however in the late 19th century this changed entire possibly due to the misinterpretation of new scientific developments it became considered fact that babies were unable to feel pain these babies especially those born prematurely had nervous systems that were not yet developed enough to perceive pain and even if they did happen to feel a little pain they wouldn't grow up with any conscious memory of it and thus it was deemed impossible for there to be any long-term consequences this was a convenient development as there were Rising concerns that giving babies opioids would result in addiction instead they decided that babies simply didn't need anesthesia this belief persisted until the 1980s when a premature infant Jeffrey Lawson underwent open heart surgery with no anesthesia when his mother Jill found out what had happened she started a campaign to raise awareness of the common practice since then new Studies have shown that people's first instincts were right all along and babies do in fact feel more pain than adults terrifying genetics most people don't like to think about their parents having sex we ackowledge that it's the reason we were born but people prefer to delude themselves into thinking that the conception of them and their siblings are the only time that their parents ever had sex deep down nobody really believes that but like we said it's not something that people want to think about unfortunately there's some potentially unsettling news for fans of dirty casual sex according to recent studies scientists now believe that a number of sexual Kinks may actually be inherited genetically from our parents a study in 2014 even identified the drd4 gene as a likely candidate for the BDSM Gene this Gene is also believed to be linked to ADHD the combination of those two facts May instantly make sense to you or it might make you see somebody you knew in a whole different light koala STDs since 2022 Koalas in eastern Australia have been listed as an endangered species but the biggest threat to koalas isn't Predators poachers or disruption of their natural habitat it's chlamidia it's unclear how the disease was first introduced to the koala population but today roughly 80% of all World koalas are infected with chyia the disease can cause blindness making it harder for them to climb trees for food and to avoid Predators it also leads to kidney failure resulting in death and widespread infertility what makes this disease so problematic is that koala's bodies are exceptionally good at detoxification this is what allows them to eat eucalyptus a plant that nearly all animals find poisonous but it also means that their bodies destroy antibiotics before they can have any meanful impact the antibiotic dosage required to treat a koala is so high that it winds up killing their microbiome making them unable to digest eucalyptus and thus starving them to death chyia is passed from one koala to another through sexual contact as well as contact with contaminated urine or feces of an infected koala but you might be thinking that last method shouldn't be a big factor in the spreading of chyia right well stay tuned for our next fact because koalas eat poop as we said eucalyptus is extremely toxic to pretty much every living thing the koala's unique gut biome is key to their survival but they aren't born with the necessary gut bacteria to survive eating their one staple food Baby Koalas need a different food source until their bodies are able to handle the harsh toxins in eucalyptus and that's where the mothers come in now it's common for the mothers in the animal kingdom to feed their young some do it by providing milk others like birds will partially digest food and then throw it back up into their baby's mouths and if that sounds gross you don't want to know what carers feed their babies although you already know it because it's poo sure for the first few months they'd live in their mother's pouches and drink milk but when they're five or six months old it's time for them to start transitioning to solid food or at least more solid food when it's time to feed a young koala will stimulate its mother's cloa with its mouth this causes the mother to produce a special type of feces known as Pap which is extra watery and full of partially digested eucalyptus not only does it get the children used to the taste of eucalyptus it helps transfer the necessary gut bacteria and chyia from the mother to her Offspring uncanny valley everybody loves robots they're cool they're useful and one day they're eventually going to take over and kill us all but there's a more interesting side to some of people's fears of about robots The Uncanny Valley is an observed hypothesis originating in the field of Robotics related to their appearance as a robot becomes more humanlike people become more empathetic towards them and have a more positive emotional response when interacting with them up until a point anyway a robot that is humanoid but clearly not real can elicit a positive emotional response but if it gets too human then there is a sudden reversal when people find the robots disturbing and off-putting if they become perfect human replicants the response then becomes positive again this area of negative response is referred to as The Uncanny Valley what makes this interesting is that the same innate reaction seems to exist in all humans across the world regardless of cultural differences the Victor's presence of such a trait seems to imply that it developed as part of our early Evolution indicating that there was a specific reason prehistoric humans needed to be afraid of something that looked Almost Human but not quite the leading theory is this reaction evolved to make people fearful of corpses the diseased or other human who were somehow not right and could be a possible source of contagion but the truth behind The Uncanny Valley Still Remains unknown broken arrows the 1996 film Broken Arrow starring John ralter and Christian Slater centers on the theft of nuclear weapons from the US military when being briefed on the situation one of the characters stated I don't know what's scarier losing nuclear weapons or that it happens so often there's actually a term for it for many Americans this summer blockbuster was the first time they'd ever heard the phrase Broken Arrow but it's a very real phrase involving the theft loss or accidental detonation of a nuclear weapon more concerning than the phrase simply existing is that it really does happen often enough for such a phrase to be necessary since 1950 there have been 32 Broken Arrow incidents and those are just the ones that are officially confirmed by the Department of Defense well not every Broken Arrow results in nuclear weapons going missing there are currently six nuclear bombs that are known to have been lost and never recovered courageous brain parasites do you have one for friend who seems far more courageous and less risk averse than most people you know or perhaps you're more open to risk than others especially in the business world if that's the case your courage may be the result of brain parasites Toxoplasma gandi is a parasite that is capable of infecting nearby warm-blooded animals and it has a particular affinity for the brain and central nervous system the main disease Vector for this parasite is cats with the parasite being found in their poop and urine this is particularly useful for cats as it acts as a sort of mind control for mice that become infected the mice that become host to Toxoplasma gandi have their brains quickly and permanently altered removing their sense of fear this is often cited as removing Their Fear of cats but it is an indiscriminate reduction in fear of all manner of things that mice typically avoid as a result they will confront cats rather than flee from them with predictable results but it's not just cats and Toxoplasma gondi is believed to infected 2 billion humans worldwide in the US it's about 11% of the population while in some countries that number is as high as 60% initial research suggests that the parasite affects human brains in a similar way to rodent's brains making people less fearful in general sometimes to their detriment sad rescue dogs when it comes to the terrorist attacks on September the 11th there aren't a lot of cheerful facts to discuss but one depressing aspect from Ground Zero that is often overlooked is the impact that it had on the over 300 search and rescue dogs that were deployed to help find victims among the rubble though the dogs do train for these missions the reality of the situation was was Far different from what they had been prepared for the search and rescue dogs had to work 12 hours a day for weeks on end much longer than they were used to but worst of all for the dogs there weren't many survivors for them to find only 20 survivors were found by the dogs with the last one being discovered only 27 hours after the initial collapse for weeks the dogs searched through the rubble for survivors but all they found was dead bodies it caused them to become so depressed that the dogs handlers had to perform fake rescue missions to cheer them up hiding themselves in the rubble and allowing the dogs to find them ground currents the idea of being struck by lightning is certainly unappealing but for most people it's not a prevalent fear sure it's a thing that could theoretically happen but it's so wildly unlikely as to not be worth thinking about however you don't actually need to be directly struck by lightning to feel its effects when lightning hits an object like a tree the electricity spreads out across the surface of the ground also referred to as ground current the rainfall that often accompanies lightning can increase the conductivity of the ground making this even more dangerous one of the most able examples of this danger occurred in 1939 in the raft River mountains of Utah a flock of 850 sheep were sleeping in a canyon between the mountains when lightning struck the ground a single bolt of lightning killed 835 of the sheep another famous but somewhat dubious instance of this phenomena allegedly occurred in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1998 a soccer match between Bena shady and the visiting team basango was taking place and the score was tied one all lightning struck the pitch and according to local reports 11 people died with another 30 injured later reporting claimed that all 11 players for Benner Shady had died while the visiting team was unharmed the veracity of these claims is difficult to determine as this was taking place during the second Congo War so details were difficult to come by but even if the deaths weren't limited exclusively to one of the teams it was neither the first nor the last report of lightning injuring multiple players during a soccer match just the most bizarre kav orgasms hopefully you've never wondered whether or not it was possible for a dead person to orgasm but we're going to ask that question for you anyway you're welcome and surprisingly the answer is kind of yes the sacral plexus is a collection of nerves that begins at the base of your spine and extends through your lower body these nerves control sensory and motor function for much of your lower body and pelvis which includes your ability to orgasm research found that electrical stimulation of the sacral nerves will trigger an orgasm in over 90% of women for reasons unknown someone then decided it was important to know if it would work even if the person was dead if the person is completely dead then the answer is no because the nerve needs to be receiving oxygen to work however if the person is brain dead and being kept alive with machines something referred to as a beating heart cadaba then it absolutely will work this knowledge has absolutely no practical application to anyone but if we had to learn about it well then you do too body Farms without being given any hints as to what a body Farm is there are a couple of guesses that likely come to mind it could be some sort of Science Fiction setting where human clones are grown or maybe it sounds like a modern research facility where scientists are attempting to produce stem cells in an attempt to successfully create artificial organs and those would both be reasonable guesses but growing bodies is the exact opposite of what a body Farm is used for the first Body Farm was created by American Anthropologist William bass in 1981 and it is used to study the decomposition of humans and other animals today there are now seven such body farms at universities across the United States with more having been established around the world though rather Grim by using body Farms to study the various stages of human decomposition in a variety of different but controlled settings it can help Advanced forensic archaeology and the forensic science used in law enforcement among the many discoveries made by studying human decomposition is the precise environment required for a decomposing human body to explode from a buildup of pressurized gases so that's nice suffer like I did Harry harow was an American psychologist whose work centered around studying maternal bonding many of these experiments were questionable at best such as seeing if a baby monkey would bond with a machine designed to replicate the behavior of a physically abusive mother if that was Harry operating at his most ethical you can only imagine how badly things turned when his wife died of cancer in 1971 Harry became depressed and he abandoned his research on maternal bonding in favor of research into depression and isolation essentially he was torturing animals just so that they would be as miserable as he had become perhaps his magnumopus was the vertical chamber apparatus which Harry insisted on referring to as the pit of despair against the wishes of his colleagues the device was an inverted metal pyramid with steep slippery sides that were possible to climb and there was a cage over the top a baby reesus monkey that had already bonded with its mother was placed at the bottom of the chamber and left alone for 10 weeks unsurprisingly it sent the monkeys into a deep depression according to literary critic Wayne Booth Harry harow and his colleagues go on torturing their non-human primates decade after decade invariably proving what we all knew in advance that social creatures can be destroyed by destroying their social ties hypothermia research hypothermia is extremely dangerous if a person's core body temperature starts to drop they can suffer serious consequences and even death if it can't be raised quickly as such it's very difficult condition to effectively research inducing hypothermia in a test subject would be too dangerous and scientists wouldn't see enough cases to be able to determine the best course of action not only that but people would have to rely on whatever was considered best practice at the time as there was no time for experimentation when presented with a hypothermia victim but in World War II it was determined that many naval officers or Pilots that were shot down were dying of hypothermia after falling into and being pulled out of the cold ocean waters this meant that studying hypothermia could be useful to militaries but there was still no ethical way to do so of course it should come as no surprise that ethics wasn't exactly a top priority for Nazi scientists they conducted numerous experiments on prisoners in which they were deliberately Frozen so that different methods of warming up the body could be experimented with these Nazi experiments were fatal for most of the prisoners involved and were Beyond unethical IAL but they are also the source of most of our knowledge about hypothermia how about a little tongue hiding in the ocean is a parasitic isopod known as simoa exiga these are little Crustaceans with a rather colorful nickname the tongue eating louse this is technically a misnomer as the parasite doesn't actually eat the host tongue the parasite first attaches itself to a fish's gills where it lives until it matures then it crawls through the gills and ends up in the throat of the fish going into its mouth here is where the tongue eating L gets its name not by eating the tongue but by severing the blood vessels so that the tongue becomes necrotic and falls off once it's gone the louse attaches its hind legs to the victim and becomes its new tongue parasites feed on the fish's blood and mucus but their presence doesn't seem to actually be detrimental to the fish sure they no longer have a tongue but the parasite is kindly filling in and Performing the actions of a prosthetic tongue this makes it the only known parasite that functionally replaces a host's organ even if it's also responsible for removing that organ in the first place fortunately these parasites don't affect humans but if you buy fresh trout or Snapper with the head still intact there's a chance you may find one of these parasites where the tongue should have been which would be weird the blue fug Gates deep in the Hills near Hazard Kentucky lives a family known as the blue fug Gates or the blue people of Kentucky the family was formed by Martin Fugate and Elizabeth Smith who settled in the area around 1820 of their seven children four were born with blue skin the blue fugates was so well known to the people of Kentucky that one of their descendants Luna Stacy was known for being the bluest of the blue so what exactly caused the condition Martin and Elizabeth were both carriers of a recessive gene that causes a rare blood disorder known as methemoglobinemia if the amount of methemoglobin in the blood exceeds 20% Then it can cause some serious health problems resulting in death but if it stays between 10 and 20% it results in the characteristic blue skin without any of the negative side effects Luna is known to have 13 children and lived to 84 that explains the origin of the four children born with the condition but if the genetic condition is the result of a rare recessive gene how does it continue to propagate the answer should be obvious but the Appalachian region of Kentucky was very sparsely populated the proliferation of the blue fugates was primarily the result of lots and lots of incest dying for a bathroom break nearly everyone experiences constipation at some point in their life you know the feeling bloating camps abdominal pain and so on this can usually be man Ed easily enough without the need for medical intervention greasing fiber in the diet or taking laxatives can be a quick fix and if the problem doesn't return then that's the end of it but for people with chronic constipation the condition can actually be deadly the two most common problems that result from chronic constipation are rectal prolapse and fecal impaction rectal prolapse is when a part of the colon escapes out through the butt hole it's not fun and it can cause uncontrolled bowel movements but it is very rarely life-threatening feal impaction on the other hand is a very serious condition in which feal matter that's trapped inside becomes hardened and blocks off the passageway this can be deadly in multiple different ways so if you find yourself suffering from severe constipation that doesn't go away with the use of laxatives it may be best to seek medical advice from a professional or don't I mean it's your ass on the line not mine webcam gates in 2009 high school students in the lower Maran School District consisting of two high schools in Pennsyvania each received an Apple MacBook for use at school and home throughout the school year that was 200 306 students that each received a free laptop at a cost of about $2.6 million to the school district students quickly discovered that the webcams were broken so they couldn't take pictures or video chat with each other but hey ho it's a free laptop I mean what could possibly go wrong well it turns out what could go wrong was that the webcams weren't broken they were just disabled for the users the cameras worked just fine and the school of purchased surveillance software that allow them to remotely access all of the laptops they had purchased the laptops would take snapshots with the camera and screenshots of what the computer was being used for then send those images to a server at the school before deleting the files off the original computer preventing the users from ever discovering that was happening all of this was being done without the consent or even knowledge of the students or parents involved this covert surveillance was revealed quickly when a student was called into Administration less than two months into the school year according to the photos taken by the laptop they believed that they'd caught the student using Andor selling drugs which would make him subject to disciplinary action instead of the student being punished by revealing that they were spying on the students the school opened itself up to multiple major lawsuits unfortunately the full extent of the surveillance will never be known as the school wiped its server of all the photos and screenshots that have been taken once they realized that they might be in trouble elephants and you it said that an elephant never forgets and in a moment You'll wish that was the only fact You' ever heard about elephants elephants are massive animals wearing multiple tons as such they need to eat a considerable amount of food to survive in fact they can spend up to 18 hours each day eating consuming as much as 3 to 600 lb of food depending on the type of elephant however one of the main reasons that elephants have to eat so much isn't their massive size it's because their digestive tract kind of sucks their guts are really inefficient at breaking down the plants they survive on resulting in a large percentage of what they eat passing through their system completely undigested what all this means is that an elephant can poop 12 to 15 times per day and that their total bowel movements each day exceed the weight of an adult human gender reveal Mass if there are two things people love to eat it's chicken and eggs admittedly surveys show that people prefer the taste of beef but chicken is far less expensive and is a Lena source of protein regardless of taste preferences the global demand for chicken products is massive in the United States the average person consumes a 100 lb of chicken every year and nearly 300 eggs to be fair those eggs are often used as an ingredient in other dishes rather than being consumed on their own but it's still a lot of eggs it's why every year tens of billions of chickens are raised and Slaughter Ed though some survive a lot longer than others once the chicks are born they're sexed with females being used either for egg production or to become delicious friers and Roasters but what are the male chickens roosters can't lay eggs they don't get as large as hens and they're generally regarded as not tasting as good this means any male chicks are considered redundant and get cold as soon as their sex is determined and by cold we mean that every year seven billion male chicks are tossed into a machine called a murator that grinds them up at high speeds just bring a thermos if you work in an office there's a kitchen area it may be customary to keep your coffee mug in a cabinet however this is actually a terrible idea studies showed that 90% of coffee mugs in office settings contained bacteria and that 20% of them were covered in feal matter since the office is unlikely to have a dishwasher the issue comes from having to hand wash the mugs more specifically it comes from the sponges and Dish Rags that are used while a sensible person would have a sponge for the kitchen sink and a completely separate sponge for the bathroom this doesn't appear to be a universally accepted practice in office settings the same sponges and Rags are often used in both the office bathroom and the office kitchen resulting in a whole lot of nasty stuff ending up on your supposedly clean coffee mug if this is a concern for you then there are fortunately multiple Alternatives such as washing your mug at home or bringing a thermos to work but it may make you question what ja past self was drinking from based on a true story of all the movies you might think were based on a true story and nightore and Elm Street is unlikely to be at the top of that list while the psychotic wise cracking child murderer Freddy Krueger wasn't based on a real person the manner in which his victims died sadly was West Craven's inspiration came from a series of articles in the losangeles times about the hamong refugees who had fled to the United States from Lao Vietnam and Cambodia once the refugees were in the US many began suffering from intense nightmares and refused to sleep on at least three reported occasions a person who had been staying awake to avoid nightmares finally fell asleep from exhaustion the nightmares recommenced and all three of those reported on died in their as sleep while screaming out in Terror newspapers reported on these three incidents individually but they never linked them together the victims were believed to have suffered from Sudden unexplained death syndrome and these inexplicable deaths inspired Craven to create a serial killer who murdered people in their dreams mass-produced crochet crochet has seen a major uptick in popularity in recent Years starting at the beginning of lockdown in 2020 Not only was it a fun DIY activity that people could do it gave them a creative Outlet it's also relatively cheap compared to other Hobbies as the Arn is not very expensive this is especially true if you happen to be a major corporation with the ability to buy things in bulk why not everyone has the time patience or inflation to crochet items themselves the unique nature of these items resonated with people from 2020 through 2022 sales of crocheted items increased by 75% major retailers like Target even started offering items like crochet sweaters to customers who were eager to jump on the trends and at only $35 targets crochet sweaters were very affordable in fact crochet enthusiasts were very quick to point out that they were disconcertingly affordable though people who never researched or took part in the practice themselves were unlikely to be aware machines can't crochet there's no question that someday a machine will be able to crochet properly but that day is not today as such anytime you see a store offering a mass-produced crocheted product that product can only allegedly have been manufactured through the use of slave labor that's where it's actually knit rather than crochet though that wasn't the case with the sweater from Target locked in syndrome traumatic brain injuries are never a good thing and there are a lot of negative outcomes that can result one possibility is for a person to fall into a coma a state in which they're both asleep and unaware of what's going on around them another is a persistent vegetative state in which a person has woken up from a coma but still lacks awareness they may occasionally open their eyes and demonstrate a sleep cycle but they have no conscious understanding of what's going on but there's another option that's far more terrifying known as locked in syndrome this occurs when the lower brain and brain stem are damaged resulting in almost total paralysis a person with locked in syndrome will have no voluntary muscle control except for the ability to Blink and move their eyes they are prisoners in their own bodies unable to speak and only able to communicate through eye movement and that's only if anyone even realizes that they're awake if a person wakes up from a coma to discover themselves in this locked in state it can take months for anyone to notice that they're awake unfortunately there's no treatment and no cure patients who suffer from locked-in syndrome can continue to live in that state for extended periods of time time but it's extraordinarily rare to ever recover and all I can say to that is Holy that's the scariest one so far I don't like it Enter Sandman somnambulism better known as sleepwalking is relatively common amongst children though most people grow out of it except this dude I just occasionally Sleepwalk I don't know why studies estimate that up to 29% of children ages 2 through 13 will Sleepwalk at least once but only 4% of adults Sleepwalk on the surface it seems harmless enough or at least mostly harmless most Sleep Walkers will occasionally suffer minor injuries like Cuts or bruises but serious injuries and death from things like falling down the stairs are incredibly rare for the most part the sleeping person will just get out of bed and walk around a bit however there are more complex activities that can take place the most common of these is sleep eating in which a person will eat and drink while in their sleepwalking State this can involve eating normal food or strange combinations of food but either way they will have no recollection of doing so but it gets much worse than than just eating there's also sexomnia in which the sleeping person engages in sexual acts with themselves or another person when another person is involved consent might not be and of course there's homicidal sleepwalking which is exactly what it sounds like though these parasomnias are extremely rare sleepwalking has been successfully used as a defense for both murder and sexual assault in the last decade and the number of cases in which it is being used as a defense has been increasing misinformation is nearly impossible to avoid the nature of the internet and the instantaneous spread of information have resulted in journalism that rewards outlets for being the first to publish instead of having accurate information how damaging the effects of this are range greatly depending on the type of material that you're reading but there is no corner of the internet that isn't overwhelmed with incorrect data that has been reported as fact more times than it's been corrected for example if you're a fan of cursed and uncomfortable facts who consumes a lot of information like what's appeared in this video there may be a number of terrifying lies that you have seen report reported as facts rather frequently there are claims that the average person eats a credit card's worth of microplastics each day that over 250,000 deaths each year are caused by medical errors that 2500 left-handed people die each year using products intended for right-handed people that the weight of a mattress doubles in the first 10 years of use from dust mites and dust mite droppings Al that 15% of the air in subways is human skin cells those would be some disturbing facts if they were true but the good news is they're not true unfortunately because they are so eye-catching you will find far more sources repeating all of these statements than ones out there trying to debunk them the most dangerous animal in the world and for our final entry today we're going to leave you with something a little more lightheaded than the rest of this video probably anyway there's always the chance it will fill you with the same sort of existential dread as it did when it was first unveiled to the public in 1963 the Bronx u in New York unveiled a startling new exhibit titled the most dangerous animal in the world that title was printed at top a cage inside the great ape house but behind the the Cage's bars stonan mirror the text beneath the cage read you are looking at the most dangerous animal in the world it alone of all the animals that ever lived can exterminate and has entire species of animals now it has the power to wipe out all life on Earth in 1968 the Brookfield Zoo in Chicago created a similar Exhibit while this clever and subversive exhibit from the zoo is a fun piece of trivia it's worth noting that in the over 60 years since the Bronx Zoo opened their controversial new exhibit of the public Humanity apparently hasn't learned a goddamn thing [Music]
Channel: Sideprojects
Views: 417,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: megaprojects, construction, engineering, projects, sideprojects, things you didnt know about the titanic, 50 facts about, 50 facts, titanic theories, educational, facts, education
Id: RyY0Z_U09mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 37sec (3277 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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