4 Out-Of-Place Artefacts that Shouldn't Have Existed

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the topic of alabbas objects is a highly contentious one these supposed impossible discoveries are often used by ancient astronaut theorists and others an area fringe science to support their beliefs sometimes it is an obvious hoax like the 2012 art piece babilonia a clay tablet shaped like an old Nokia phone with Babylonian numerals although the artist didn't intend it to be a hoax others later used photographs of the sculpture to claim the discovery of an ancient cell phone however many out ofpl artifacts are genuine in nature even if not in interpretation and today we're going to look at four artifacts that many believe should not have existed as well as the alternative explanations from mainstream scientists and [Music] historians it was the fall of 1956 an amateur archaeologist guy melren had traveled to the coastal city of Brooklyn Maine his goal was to locate and excavate a shell miden essentially a Native American Dumping Ground for shells and bones that can be used to study dietary habits of past settlements instead guy came across a Stranger by the name of Godard and Godard offered to let guy excavate on his Shoreline property every summer guy would return to godard's site to excavate with over 30,000 artifacts being discovered in total the majority of these were Stone artifacts but there was a single corroded coin discovered amongst the other items g wasn't particularly interested in coin so he didn't think a lot of it eventually he had a new Mis his friend of his examine it it was declared that the coin was a British Penny from the 12th century now this should have already been a major Discovery as a medieval coin from England appearing in the United States would certainly require a little bit of explaining but like we said guy wasn't particularly interested in coins he basically saw it as a neat trinket that he could show off to friends or school children however an article was written in 1978 regarding the coin and its Providence that brought it to the Public's attention people began discussing the possibility that the British had visited America before Christopher Columbus and debated the implications of such Discovery hello every I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about a virtual hero of the internet world and that is today's fantastic sponsor surf shark imagine this here at a cafe you're sipping on some much needed coffee and suddenly You Got a notification about a great deal on a site that's been blocked in the country you're in oh no well don't worry with surf shark you could just click a button and hop on over to a country where you can take advantage of that deal and speaking of hopping over to other countries surf shark transforms your device into a passport maybe you're in Spain you're on holiday but you want to watch Canadian Netflix easy connect to a Canadian server and voila it's sorted plus the security surf shark is like a mask for your internet life it encrypts your data making it unreadable to any prying 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was a huge development as all other claims of Viking artifacts being found within the United States have been proven to be hoaxes or forgeries the main Penny on the other hand has been confirmed to be an authentic Norse coin from the 11th century there is no debate over the authenticity of the coin which could have major implications it's well established that the Vikings traveled to what they called Vinland an area encompassing Northern New Finland and Labrador Canada however Leaf Ericson landed there around a th000 ad and the settlements were shortlived it's believed that Vikings only settled on the North American continent for about a decade Max likely due to disagreements with the indigenous people it's also believed that these settlements never extended nearly as far south as the United States so how exactly did this coin appear in Maine is it possible that these settlements lasted much longer than previously believed and they extended further down the American Coast theoretically yeah it's possible but historians believe that there's a more likely explanation just because the coin was found at the Godard site doesn't mean that the Norse ever set foot there evidence shows that the site was a hub of a large Native American Trade Network meaning that the coin could have been brought there from New Finland this is supported by the fact that of the 30,000 artifacts excavated from the Godard site the main penny is the only one of Norse origin the godart site was dated to between 1180 and 1235 during which time the Olaf K silver coins would have still been in circulation that period is also while the Norse control Greenland so it's possible that they made trading void to North America when the mainy was found it also had a perforation showing that it likely was being worn as app pendant while that area of the coin has since fallen off due to corrosion the coin being fashioned as a pendant increases the likelihood that it would have been of interest to Traders despite the fact that the coin is indisputably authentic whether or not this is proof that Vikings travel to the United States is a much larger source of debate there is even discussion as to whether or not the main Penny was actually found at the godart site at all as an amateur archaeologist guy didn't do an amazing job of recording these specific circumstances of the majority of his finds at the Godard site it's reported that he simply wrote the letter c on a map showing the approximate area where the coin was found with no other notes as he wasn't particularly interested in coins but assuming guy story was true it does leave a lot of unanswered questions that have been the subject of debate even if the Vikings never traveled to Maine the existence of this coin at the Godard site indicates that they were continuing to travel to North America much later than was previously [Music] believed the London Hammer is one of many outter Place artifacts that have had similar origin stories whether it's the London Hammer the dorest depart or the Costco artifact these clearly man-made items have all been discovered encased in stone that allegedly formed hundreds of thousands if not millions of years ago according to the story The London Hammer was first discovered by Emma and Max Han while they were walking along red Creek in London Texas in 1936 as they strolled down the river the couple saw a wooden handle sticking out of a loose rock the rock formation dated to the lower Cretaceous Period over a 100 million years ago so the couple brought the unusual Rock back home with them they had been curious enough to take the mysterious Rock home but not curious enough to do anything with it the rock sat at their house undisturbed for the next decade until their son broke it open to find out what Secrets it was hiding inside the rock attached to the wooden handle was an iron Hammerhead the hammer was roughly 6 in Long 1 in wide and clearly man-made so how could stone that was over a 100 million years old have formed around this man made tool was this evidence not only that humans and human technology are much older than previously believed but the humans once coexisted with Dinosaurs uh well no probably not because it took nearly 40 more years for the London Hammer to gain any real notoriety it wasn't until 1983 when young Earth creationist Carl Bal purchased the hammer for his creation evidence Museum that it really started Gathering attention according to Bal the London Hammer was an important pre- flood artifact and its presence embedded in Cretaceous Rock was proof that Evolution was wrong and the cret ious period was not nearly as long ago as mainstream scientists wanted everyone to believe that's certainly one interpretation of what was going on though geologists have a much different explanation according to them a concretion had formed around the hammer it's a common process similar to what occurs in a petrifying well this would mean that highly soluble minerals in the ancient Limestone where the hammer was found had formed around the objects a relatively quick process that can take place in only a few decades or sometimes even only a few years this would certainly Explain how modern the hammer appeared looking nearly identical to hammers used by Nate 19th century miners in that part of the us this explanation becomes even more likely when we examine similar objects such as the COO artifact the Caso artifact was a spark plug reportedly discovered inside a 500,000 year old geote however when the supposed geote actually just a concretion was cut open the spark plug was identified as being a 1920s Champion brand device rather than the work of prehistoric Engineers or alien intervention though probably not as famous as the Sakara Birds the Kim artifacts also referred to as the Kima jets are a series of gold figurin shaped like birds insects or possibly airplanes made by the kimaya civilization the kimaya were a pre-colombian civilization in modern day Columbia it's believed that their civilization began in the 1st Century ad though the lack of a written language makes this difficult to know for certain the Kim artifacts dated to around a th000 ad and they intricate figures made of an alloy of gold and copper known as tumbaga this alloy has a lower melting point than either gold or copper alone making it more malleable but it is also harder than either metal these properties make it ideal for the sort of highly detailed metal work that exists in these artifacts unfortunately the origin of the comire artifact forces a great deal of speculation not only did the people leave behind no written records but we aren't even sure where these figures came from rather than being discovered through traditional archaeological means they were the subject of looting in the 1800s there is is only known now because somebody turned in 123 of these figures to the Colombian authorities the prevailing opinion among archaeologists is that they were all looted from two specific tombs but we can't know that for sure this uncertainty removed some of the valuable contexts that could be used to help determine their exact purpose as for the artifacts themselves they depict highly stylized versions of an array of different creatures there are birds and insects as we mentioned as well as frogs lizards and anthropomorphized characters but for fans of outof place artifacts these figurines look far too much like airplanes to ignore many of these golden trinkets which were 2 to 5 in in length contain triangular wings and vertical Tails highly reminiscent of modern flying machines or perhaps ancient flying machines convinced that the kimire artifacts couldn't be anything other than model airplanes do German men Peter belting and Conrad lubers created scale models of the same figures in 1994 they fixed engines to their models to turn them into radio controlled airplanes and their flight tests were successful for many this was proed positive that the com had Advanced knowledge of fing machines however mainstream archaeologists those spoil sports are less convinced those that want to believe these were depictions of airplanes tend to ignore the existence of the full breadth of figurines that were found while it's true that those depicting birds and insects appeared capable of flight those depicting frogs and turtles absolutely weren't acknowledging the existence of these other artifacts weakens the argument that they had to be ancient airplanes as the presence of other stylized animals would make it much more likely that they are just stylized birds and of course it's no coincidence that the golden figurines of these creatures would have aerodynamic properties birds and flying insects are in fact aerodynamic shocking we know that's why they could fly it's no surprise that an artistic Recreation of such creatures would exhibit those very same properties and because these figurines were made with a highly malleable gold alloy the sculptors were able to more accurately capture the features of flying creatures that made them aerodynamic it's also not a coincidence that Karas about of modern day planes would look similar some people just have it backwards the bird sculptures don't look like airplanes airplanes look like birds which is by Design when humans were trying to build the first flying machines they spent a lot of time studying Birds after all birds have been flying around for ages so I mean it was natural we'd want to copy what they were doing the seum is a member of the giraffe family though with its antlers and short neck it looks a lot more like a moose than a giraffe it also went extinct about a million years ago at least that's what we always believed it's certainly what the fossil record seems to show as no fossils of the creature have been found that could be dated to more recent than that however this assumption was thrown into question in 1928 when the remains of a war Chariot were discovered during an archaeological excavation of ancient Kish in modern day Iraq alongside the broken Chariot and skeletal horse was a rather unusual and distinct piece of bronze work a rain ring that had been once part of the Chariot these Rings serve to protect the rains from getting tangled though they were frequently topped with sculptures similar to a cast hood ornament in this case the sculpture in question was of a four-legged horned mammal the bronze animal had a ring through its nose and a rope was connected from The Ring to its leg initially it was reported that the animal in question was likely a Persian fellow deer and the the longer multi Bron antlers had simply broken off the figurine leaving the impression that it still had horns instead of antlers but after being examined by Edwin cber in 1936 he described it as a late surviving and at least partially domesticated seum the piece of bronze dated to around 2800 BC is obviously much more recent than the 1 million years ago when this species is believed to have gone extinct Edwin agreed that the statue was obviously broken but he drew attention to two knobs on the animal's head that were present on the cium but not on the Persian fallow deer this wasn't the only potential evidence of late surviving civium either cave painting around 8,000 years ago found in India and the Sahara seemed to depict an animal that resembled this ancient giraffe despite the lack of fossil evidence and the existence of artistic license the possibility couldn't be entirely ruled out in both the paintings and the rain ring the proportions of the depicted animals resembled a sea of ethereum more closely than anything else for 50 years it seemed like nothing would put this debate to rest but then in 1977 a discovery was made entirely by chance German archaeologist Michael mu carp was visiting The Field Museum of Natural History where the AR effect was located Michael was in a museum storeo when his eyes were drawn to a small box of dried mud Inside the Box encrusted in mud he discovered two Branch fragments resembling green Coral these fragments fit perfectly onto the rain ring ornament revealing themselves to be the broken off antlers yet this still wasn't the end of the debate the fact that the animal had antlers rather than horns made it unlikely to be a seum but it didn't perfectly resemble a Persian fow deer either after the figure was restored in 1985 it was newly identified as being a Caspian Red Deer while it is far more likely for the figure to be a depiction of a deer rather than a seum particularly because it is known that they have been domesticated at least to some extent it still isn't conclusive it also doesn't help determine whether the cave paintings were depicting seum or some other animal unless fossils are discovered that prove the ancient giraffes actually survived until 5,000 years ago we may never be able to come to a complete consensus on exactly when they went extinct all we can say for certain is that well it's definitely extinct now [Music]
Channel: Sideprojects
Views: 1,228,668
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Keywords: megaprojects, construction, engineering, projects, sideprojects, artifacts, discoveries
Id: GfcPpae9J-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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